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1、Firemen, put out, a big forest fire in CaliforniaSince then, have been trying, find outoften caused by, broken glasses, cigarette ends, examined the ground carefully, were quite sure that. however, accidentally discovered, snake, was wound around electric fires,Bird, snatched up, dropped it on the w

2、ires, sent sparks, started a fireHot snake1教育課 Lesson 54Sticky fingers 2教育課3教育課4教育課5教育課6教育課As easy as pie易如反掌7教育課mix v. 混合,拌和 Mix me a cocktail, please. 請給我調(diào)一杯雞尾酒。Please mix sugar and cream fifty-fifty.n. The park is a mix of fun and excitement.mixed adj. 混合的mixture n. 混合物 8教育課9教育課annoying adj. 令人煩惱

3、的annoyed adj. 感到煩惱的annoy v. 使煩惱Her main purpose was toannoyGilbert.她主要是想氣氣基爾伯特。You shouldntannoyhim. Hes a real hard case.你不該去惹他生氣,他真是個難對付的家伙。(a hard case-難對付的人)10教育課receiver n. 電話的話筒, 收款員, 接待者pick up the receiver 接電話put down the receiver hang up the receiver receive vt.收到;受到receivea letter/ hear fr

4、om sb.?receivea gift/ accept the gift?11教育課be dismayed at . 對感到失望We were alldismayedat his refusal to cooperate.他不肯合作使我們感到失望。 disappoint V. disappointment12教育課recognize v. 認出,聽出recognize an old friend recognize your voicerecognitionn.認出13教育課Persuade sb. to do sth/into doing sth14教育課messn. 亂七八糟The ki

5、tchen is a mess!at sixes and sevens亂七八糟15教育課doorknob n. 門把手knob 把手Handle 16教育課signv. 簽字Shesignedher name to the document. 她在文件上簽了名。n. 標記,標志a traffic sign17教育課register v. 掛號郵寄a registered letter v. 登記、注冊register at a hotel 登記入住旅館register the birth of a childregister at a school18教育課1. He has s_ finge

6、rs. That means he is a thief.2. Would you like an apple _(餡餅)?3. Youm_flour, yeast(發(fā)酵粉) and water to make bread.4. How _( 惱人的)!I left my wallet at home .5. If you _the answer, tell me about it. tickypieixannoyingreceive19教育課1.Can youp_ her out of her foolish plans? 2.He wore a mask so that no one co

7、uld_(認出)him. 3.My life is a real_(一團糟) !4.Please _(簽字) here . 5.She was d _ at the bad news.6. The car was_(登記)in my name. ismayedrecognizeersuademesssignregistered20教育課What was the writer busy doing ?What two interruptions did the writer have?First by_Then by_Listen to the recording and answer the

8、questions:a phone callthe postman21教育課Rearrange the events in time order!Went to shopsPicked up the receiverAnswered the phoneHang up the receiverSent the children to schoolHad breakfastMix butter and flour to make meat piesRecognized the voiceTried to persuade Helen Bates to ring back laterGot back

9、 to the kitchenThe doorbell rangSign for a registered letterThe telephone rangReturned homeWhat a mess!22教育課What was the house like when she came back home?What did I do after breakfast?What did I decide to do to kill the time?What happened exactly when my hands were sticky ?How did I pick up the re

10、ceiver ?23教育課What was I doing on the phone?When did the door bell rang?Who was it at the door? What for?24教育課After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops.send sb to do sth派某人去做某事I sent my brother to get some milk. 25教育課It was still early when I returned home. The child

11、ren were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet.在上學在上班26教育課So I decided to make some meat pies. In a short time, I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands was soon covered with sticky pastry.in a short time 不久,一會兒 in a short while 27教育課So I decided to make some meat pies. In

12、 a short time, I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands was soon covered with sticky pastry.be busy (in) doing sth be busy with sth Heis busyin writing his letters. They arebusy with study day and night.28教育課At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying.exa

13、ctly用于加強語氣,表示“正”、“恰恰”: Thats exactly what I wanted to tell you. 那正是我想要告訴你的。 29教育課At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying.省略than this(The telephone rings when you are in the middle of something.)30教育課I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and I w

14、as dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.31教育課I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and I was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.be dismayed atHe was dismayed at the price of the shoes when his wife came back.32教育課It took me ten minutes to persuade her to

15、 ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess!It took sb. some time to do 花時間做某事It took her 3 hours to finish the homework .33教育課It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess!persuade sb to do sth說服某人做某事No one can persuade her

16、to change her mind.34教育課It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess!persuade sb. to do sth.=persuade sb. into doing sth.Dont let yourself be persuaded into buying things you dont really want. persuade sb out of doing說服某人不要做某事35教育課It took me

17、ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess!hang-hung-hunghang: 懸、掛、吊死hang up掛起 There are many old photos hanging up in the room.屋里掛著許多舊照片。36教育課It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess!be in

18、 a mess The kitchen is in a mess!37教育課There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone and on the doorknobs.38教育課I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.no soonerthan一就主句用過去完成時,than后面的從句用一般過去時。他一回來就買了一套房子。He had no sooner returned than he bought a

19、house. 39教育課I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.the dead= the dead people40教育課This time it was the post man and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!sign 簽字、簽名sign for 簽收41教育課說服某人不要做某事in a short timebe busy (in) doing sth 、with sth be d

20、ismayed atpersuade sb. to do sth.=persuade sb. into doing sth.persuade sb not to do=persuade sb out of doingbe in a mess no soonerthan.簽收說服某人做某事不久,一會兒一就sign for亂七八糟對感到沮喪忙于接電話、掛電話pick up、hang up the phone在上學、在上班be at school、be at work正在那個時候at exactly that moment、just at that moment做某事花費某人多長時間It took

21、sb time to do sth42教育課他還太小,不能去上學。(enough)我試圖說服他不要做傻事。(persuade)不久,他簽收了一封掛號信。(register)房子亂七八糟的,花了我一個半小時才收拾干凈整潔。(in a mess)在我還沒來得及接電話之前,電話就掛了。(pick up,hang up)聽到這個消息,我感到很失望沮喪。(dismay)盡管他戴了個口罩,但是我還是認出了他。(recognize)我剛剛回到廚房,門鈴就響了。(no sooner than)He is not old enough to go to school./He is too young to go

22、 to school.I am/was trying to persuade him not to do/out of doing some foolish things.In a short time/Soon afterwards, he signed for a registered letter.The house was in a mess and it took me an hour and a half/one and a half hours to tidy it up.Before I had time to pick up the receiver, the telepho

23、ne was hung up.I was dismayed at the news./hearing the news, I . Although he wore a mask, I still recognized him.I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door bell rang. 43教育課Summary writingAs soon as, returned home from, began to makeSoon afterward , were covered with sticky pasty, when=at exactly that time, telephonepicked up the receiver with, and , was dismayed when, recognizedIt took . to persuade.hung up, looked at the mess, no s


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