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1、人教PEP版六年級英語上冊第一單元知識點復習Unit 1How do you go there ? shipcartrainsubwayplanebusbiketaxiboatHow do you go to school?by bikeby carby busI go to schoolon footby taxiby shipby planeby subwayby trainby boat “by +交通工具”表示出行方式 by bike的意思是“騎自行車”, by在這里是“乘坐.”的意思。 by +交通工具”表示“乘坐.”。 by boat 乘船 by car 乘小汽車 by taxi

2、乘出租車 by +交通工具是 介詞短語 take +交通工具”是動詞短語,通常以take a的形式出現(xiàn),例如: We by bus to school. ( ) We go to school by bus. ( ) We take a bus to school. ( ) I go to某地+交通工具.the USAthe parkHangzhouNanchangHow do you go to.?你如何去? the Great Wall the theme park the zooHow do you go to ? I go to by . Then I go to by Kunming

3、KunmingplaneFirst ,ChangshabusHow do you go to school?I go to school .go to school的前面絕對不能加the,這里是固定搭配。go to the park前面一定要加the頻率副詞(表示次數(shù)的多少)never nev 從不sometimes smtaimz 有時候often fn 經(jīng)常usually ju:uli 通常always :lweiz 總是,一直少多Sometimes I go to school by bus.I never go to school by car.I always go to schoo

4、l on foot fut.知識點 1. How do you go to.? 你怎么到.?E.How do you go to the zoo? 2. How can I get to .? 我該怎么到? E.How can I get to the post office ? How do you go to ? 詢問交通方式 如果要問的是第三人稱單數(shù),則要用: How does he/shego to ?例如: How do you go to work? 你怎樣去上班? How does your brother go to school? 你弟弟怎樣去上學? 詢問交通方式的句型 Ho

5、w do you get to ? 你怎樣到達? 如果要問的是第三人稱單數(shù),則要用:How does he/sheget to ?How do you get to Changchun? 你怎樣到達長春?Lets readZ: Sarah, lets go to the park this afternoon.S: Great! But how do we go to the park?Z:Its easy. Come to my home by bike. We can go to the bus stop on foot. Then we go to the park by bus.S:

6、Ok. But where is your home?Z: My home is near the post office.S: Which floor?Z: The fifth floor, Room 5A.S: OK! This afternoon .See you at 2oclock.Z: See you then! traffic lightsred lightyellow lightgreen lightRed light means stop.Green light means go .Yellow light means wait .Remember the traffic r

7、ules.Look at the traffic lights. traffic rules交通規(guī)則Traffic rulesLets chantStop, stop. Stop at a red light.Wait, wait. Wait at a yellow light.Go, go . Go at a green light.red lightyellow lightgreen lightGo at a green light.Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow light.traffic rules/rulz/ Can I go ?No, yo

8、u must Yes, you can go.How can I get to+地點? 我怎樣可以到達?You can go by No.數(shù)字 bus. 你能乘坐路車。 No.=numberCan I go ?我能去嗎?Yes, you can ./No, you cant.Sure, if you like.(如果你喜歡)Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow light.Go at a green light.If you go by bike, by bus or on foot,You must know the traffic rules.Red m

9、eans “Stop”.Yellow means “Wait”.Green means “Go”.traffic lightsThe traffic lights are the same in every country.There are always three lights:red,yellow and green.China England US CanadaFrance Japan Australia India (相同的) (每個) (國家) the same 相同 not the same the different 不同- driver(駕駛員)- drive 駕駛Drive

10、rs can drive cars./ drav / / drav / roadthe side of the roadleftthe side of the roadrightleftrightChina 中國 US 美國(USA)England 英國 Australia澳大利亞right sideleft side If you go by car , by bike or on foot,you must know the traffic rules.The traffic lights are the same in every country.They are In China an

11、d US , drivers drive on the right side.In England and Australia , drivers drive on the left side.知道相同的left side , left sideOn the left side of the road Drivers drive on the left side of the roadright side , right sideOn the right side of the road Drivers drive on the right side of the roadLets readT

12、he traffic lights are the same in every country.There are always three lights: red,yellow and green. Red means “Stop”. Yellow means “Wait”. Green means “Go”.In China,drivers drive on the right side of the road.In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too.In England and Australia, however, drivers

13、 drive on the left side of the road.If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.反義詞: get on(上車)-get off(下車) near(近的)far(遠的) fast(快的)slow(慢的) because(因為)why(為什么) same(相同的)different(不同的)近義詞: see you-goodbye sure-certainly-of course人行道禁止通行一條道一、選出畫線部分發(fā)音與其他三個不同的單詞( )1.A. train B

14、. plane C. way D. Canada( )2.A. plane B. bide C. get D. take( )3.A. ship B. bike C. window D. picture( )4.A. bus B. subway C. USA D. but二、造詞填空 by on because usually_ I go to the park on Sundays.I go to school _ bike.We can get to the zoo_foot, _ its very near.三、按順序排列各句,組成短文( )I usually go to school

15、on foot.( )Im Amy. Im a school girl.( )But yesterday I went to school by bus.( )Because my home is near( )Because it was a snowy day.1. do you go to school ? I go to school foot.2. your mother go to work? She by bus.3. How your brother go to school? My home is . he goes to school on foot, he by bike

16、.4. We must know the . at a red light. at a yellow light. Go a light.5. I get to the hospital ? can get there bus.6. There are always three lights in every country: , and . 四、選擇句子補全對話W: Tomorrow is Saturday. Lets go to the cinema.C: All right! _W: I want to see Sun Wukong. What about you?C: Me, too.

17、 _W: We can take the No. 5 bus.C: OK. _W: Its near our school.C: _W: _see you at 9 oclock in the morning.C: See you tomorrow.Where and when shall we meet?What do you want to see?But how do we go to the cinema?At the school gate.Where is the bus stop?五、看圖,選出對應的圖標1. No bikes. ( ) 2. Stop. ( ) 3. Cross

18、walk.( ) 4. No right turn.( )STOP六、讀一讀,選出正確的答案( )1. _ do you go home every day after school? A. What B. Who C. How( )2. My mother usually goes to work _ bus. A. by B. at C. on( )3. We must _ at a yellow light. A. go B. wait C. stop七、看圖填寫單詞No. 8 _ is near our school.Can I go on _? Its not far.Look at the


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