



1、第 PAGE3 頁 共 NUMPAGES3 頁2022年6月英語六級總分值作文范文講解:你喜歡安康還是財富-2022高考總分值作文范文Health and Wealth, Which Do You Prefer?“Health is wealth!”.This is an old saying which the majority applaud.As a rule, the wealthieryou are, the weaker is your health, but this cannot be applied to all.To begin with, a person that ha

2、s health can afford to challenge all hardships.For e_le, manual workers are usually stout and energetic.With their energy, they earn their living.Although such an occupation brings little reward as pared with the energy they havee_erted, they enjoy life whatever things may be.Moreover, business is b

3、ased on health.Students in good health can absorb knowledge morereadily.In good health, scientists can tackle ple_ technical problems and achieve moresuccess.Frequently we find millionaires cling close to their doctors for they seldom have enoughe_ercises to bring forth better health.Their lack of e

4、_ercises slackens the readiness of growth ofthe antibodies to resist the at tack of diseases.So, my argue is that health is more importantthan wealth for if we do not have health, what can we benefit from wealth?CET6六級作文構(gòu)造分析p :Health is wealth_More wealth, weaker healthGood health can afford to chal

5、lenge all hardships, e.g._Manual workers_Businessmen_Students_Scientists_Millionaires lack healthConclusionNo health, no wealthCET6六級作文內(nèi)容分析p :本文是一篇議論文, 文中作者的觀點鮮明, 全文均圍繞這一觀點展開, 每段的第一都是主題句, 結(jié)論句與第一句照應(yīng), 這種首尾照應(yīng)的寫作技巧很值得學(xué)習(xí)。CET6六級作文萬能句型:cannot be applied to all 并不適用于所有人manual worker 體力勞動者stout and energetic 強(qiáng)健而精力充分earn their living 謀生the energy they have e_erted 所出的力tackle v.解決, 處理cling close to


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