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1、It deserves repeating because it is the single most public difference between academia and industry. 這一特征之所以被反復(fù)談及,是因?yàn)檫@一特征是學(xué)術(shù)界和商業(yè)界最明顯的差別。 The business environment is less lone-wolf and competitive, so signs of being collaborative and selfless stand out. 在商界,我們不那么需要單打獨(dú)斗、爭強(qiáng)好勝,所以表現(xiàn)出合作無私精神的員工就會脫穎而出。 The

2、business environment is less lone-wolf and competitive, so signs of being collaborative and selfless stand out. The employers pays little attention to independence and competition.so employees with collaborative and selfless spirit will spotlight. Many postdocs and grad students have a tough time sh

3、owing that they can make this transition because so much of their life has involved playing the independent-researcher role and outshining other young stars.許多博士后和研究生在進(jìn)行這種過渡的過程中表現(xiàn)得相當(dāng)費(fèi)力。因?yàn)樯杏心敲撮L一段時(shí)間他們都在扮演一個獨(dú)立研究者的角色,并且要表現(xiàn)得比其他年輕的優(yōu)秀人才更出色。 Many postdocs and grad students have a hard time showing that th

4、ey can change because so much of their life has been used to play the independent-researcher role and better other excellent person.You can make yourself more attractive to companies by working together with scientists from other laboratories and disciplines in pursuit of a common goal-and documenti

5、ng the results on your resume.你可以藉此提高在公司的吸引力:為追求一個共同的目標(biāo)和來自其他實(shí)驗(yàn)室和學(xué)科的科學(xué)家們合作并且為你的個人履歷上的內(nèi)容提供事跡證明。 This approach, combined with a liberal use of the pronoun “we” and not just “I” when describing your plishments, can change the companys perception of you from a lone wolf to a selfless collaborator.這個方法,加上你在描述業(yè)績時(shí)慷慨地使用代詞“我們”,而不是“我”,能使公司對你的看法從 “單干戶”轉(zhuǎn)變成“合作者”。 This approach, combined with a liberal use of the pronoun “we” and not just “I” when describing y


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