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1、 Welcome to my class! Effectiveness in English Classroom 小學(xué)英語教學(xué)有效性模塊1修訂版教材:【話題與功能】問好和道別:簡單的自我介紹?!驹~匯】10個二級詞匯 修訂說明:基本同原教材 Module 1原教材:【話題與功能】問好和道別:簡單的自我介紹?!驹~匯】 I, am (Im=I am), hello (hi), goodbye (bye-bye), how, are, you, good, morning, fine, thank激勵學(xué)生,推動教學(xué)課堂上,活動和游戲中不可缺少的小獎品貼紙集 40張一包,更加精致、美觀,突出獎勵或贊揚(yáng)的

2、級別 年齡牌的設(shè)計 flower whose seafood pencil-ay / ai ei may gay say hay bay lay way day pay stay ray tray fray gray pray pail hail mail sail rail rain fain lain pain brain become, see, teacher, model (Helen Keller)Miss Li is my English teacher. She is a good teacher and a model teacher. She likes us and sh

3、e likes to tell us stories. We all love her. One day, she told us a story about space travel. She let us see a picture of a spaceship, because China sent a man into space in this spaceship. I became more and more interested in it. (66words)What kind of dog never can bite and bark?What has teeth but

4、cant eat?孩子們在成長。在這成長的過程中有一個學(xué)習(xí)的活動。作為老師,我們參與了他們的學(xué)習(xí)活動和成長過程。讓我們珍惜這個機(jī)會,做好一個學(xué)生中的特殊學(xué)生,為他們的成長伸出友誼的雙手。通過我們的努力,讓他們真切地感受到教育是溫暖的,互動的,促動的,長遠(yuǎn)的。3. Sentence MakingA: flowerB: 花 A rose is a flower. bookA: 書 The book is interesting. girlB: seafood I like eating fried fresh delicious seafood. I like eating fresh delic

5、ious seafood. I like eating delicious seafood. I like eating seafood. I like seafood. seafoodWhat do you understand of “effectiveness”?I. 四個誤區(qū):1.教學(xué)流暢代表教學(xué)效果好。2.教師語言素質(zhì)代表有效水準(zhǔn)。3.優(yōu)秀生的表現(xiàn)代表了整體水平。4.完成了教學(xué)計劃就認(rèn)為有了效果。 II.評價方式 三個角度五個方面三個角度教師學(xué)生教材 teachers (主導(dǎo)) textbooks students (輔助) (主體) classroom teachers teach

6、ing by using students learning by using English textbooks 學(xué)會與學(xué)生溝通。教育應(yīng)該是溫暖的,促動的,互動的,目標(biāo)長遠(yuǎn)的。學(xué)會管理, 管人理事, 管人管心, 把事理順。(他罵我,我就打他)(扔鉛筆盒效應(yīng))(不背書就別睡覺)(做timekeeper的結(jié)果)(抱一抱的效果)Teachers StudentsTeachersStudents3.注重學(xué)生的長足發(fā)展 例1:wedding ceremony 例2:聽寫的方式4. 注重教學(xué)中的教育問題 例:Do you like carrot?Teachers Text Books整體把握教材的水平對

7、教材 “增,刪,減”的水平對知識實行調(diào)整,整合的水平分析教材通讀整個教材:確定教材知識,人文和文化一條龍主線;確定知識重、難點的支撐作用;確定各知識點的獨立性與內(nèi)在銜接;確定陳述性和程序性知識要點和支撐作用;本課內(nèi)容在整個知識鏈上的地位和作用。確定補(bǔ)充材料的內(nèi)容和量確定檢測時間及方法整體把握教材通讀整套教材:1-6 , 至少通讀本年級上、下兩冊教材。2.了解知識,文化等方面的一條龍主線。3.確定本學(xué)期重難點的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系與銜接。4.合理分配課時。5.確定檢測方式。對教材 “增,刪,減”的水平和過程對知識實行調(diào)整,整合的水平和過程適度Students Textbooks當(dāng)做藍(lán)本把握重點自主設(shè)計五個方

8、面:1. 合理的教學(xué)設(shè)計2. 全員的參與互動 3. 自然的拓展生成 4. 真實的學(xué)習(xí)過程5. 科學(xué)的教學(xué)方法1. 合理的教學(xué)設(shè)計完整性Lead-inPresentationPracticeProductionSummaryHomework 2)準(zhǔn)確性找準(zhǔn)重點、難點例1:任務(wù)型教學(xué)與語言難點 do-does例2:“說出can表水平和表請求的不 同?!睂嵤┬〔浇虒W(xué)“ 目標(biāo)適度”定律 “ 最近發(fā)展區(qū)” “ 追公交車效應(yīng)” “ 合理地搭梯子”3)邏輯性例1: point to Whats this?例2: Olympic Games sports & history2. 全員的參與互動把盡可能多的機(jī)會

9、交給盡可能多的學(xué)生。通過小組活動,雙人互動,個人參與,取得充分調(diào)動學(xué)生積極性,使其主動參與,積極思考,認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí)的效果。43(人) 38(人次)(5人)38 2x6=12 20 2x4=8 2+2+2+3=9(人) 2x3=6 12 12+8+6+6=32(人次) 3x2=6 38 -(20+12)= 6 43 -(6+9)= 43-15=28(人) 積極互動: 4人(9%) 一般互動:11人(25%) 未參與互動:28人 (65%) 3.自然的預(yù)設(shè)與生成任務(wù):描述自己的偶像課本:介紹楊利偉補(bǔ)充閱讀:三篇一)介紹另一位宇航員Nie Haisheng二)介紹一位特殊人才Helen Keller三)

10、介紹一位大家熟悉的歌手 Zhou Jielun教師給范例:小組討論:Create a day of your own教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Festivals Dark DayHelen KellerWhat should we learn from Helen Keller?What can we do to help the disabled?3.真實的學(xué)習(xí)過程教與教會: 講解與理解 學(xué)生增長知識的過程。學(xué)與學(xué)會:互動與參與 學(xué)習(xí)與使用 學(xué)生內(nèi)化知識的過程。演示與體驗:演示與體驗 A mediocre teacher talks.A good teacher explains.A superior te

11、acher demonstrates.A best (great) teacher inspires.5. 科學(xué)的教學(xué)方法實用性,適用性,啟迪性,便捷性,從學(xué)生的角度看對課堂活動參與的積極性和主動性對知識理解的準(zhǔn)確性和內(nèi)化水準(zhǔn)用語言做事水平的提升度對教學(xué)方法的適合性和自如度理解水平和思維水平的提升度從教師的角度看教材把握的合理性和準(zhǔn)確性教材使用的充分性和條理性教學(xué)設(shè)計的完整性和邏輯性教學(xué)方法的科學(xué)性和適合性教學(xué)過程的順暢性和應(yīng)變狀況師生情感態(tài)度的融洽度從教材角度看教材的科學(xué)性,合理性,準(zhǔn)確性,知識性,啟迪性,適時性。補(bǔ)充材料的必要性和適度性。 III.從小學(xué)英語整體目標(biāo)上看 小學(xué)英語教學(xué)的有效

12、性小學(xué)階段的教學(xué)重點是培養(yǎng)學(xué)生用英語實行交流的水平和興趣。 水平 重點 興趣提示:請關(guān)注教學(xué)中的教育問題開發(fā)智力拓展思維培養(yǎng)能力提高興趣開發(fā)智力從“狼孩兒事件”和“飛行員事件”中得到的啟示。Can you find the same?Can you find the difference?找出兩幅圖中的不同A B找出兩幅圖中的不同A B A B A BA B A BWhere is it? monkey panda tiger拓展思維用語言做事用語言思考從“ Dark Day ” 中看到學(xué)生思維的深度。從“1, a _, a female _” 中看到學(xué)生的智慧。從 “I dont like

13、carrot, either.” 看到教師的責(zé)任。培養(yǎng)能力簡單的用英語交際的能力。(能用正確的朗讀課文)(能表演)*從“ How are you?” 想到的職業(yè)體驗配音演員神筆馬良學(xué)生配音表演monkey panda lion tiger I am the king.The monkey is playing happily. He is jumping up and down, here and there. Pandas want to join him, but they are big and fat. The lion is coming. “ What happened? I am

14、 Lion. I am the king.” The tiger is angry. “ I am Tiger. I am the king.”A fox is coming. He said to the tiger: “ Brother Tiger, you are wrong. I am Fox. I am the king. Hei, hei, hei, hei.”提高興趣,培養(yǎng)能力基本策略:簡單的變復(fù)雜點復(fù)雜的變簡單點枯燥的變有趣點基本方法:說著、唱著、表演著學(xué)玩著、樂著、游戲中學(xué)互動、促進(jìn)、自主地學(xué)說著、唱著、表演著學(xué)簡單的事變得復(fù)雜。復(fù)雜的事變得簡單??菰锏氖伦兊糜腥?。A 1 B

15、 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 H 8 I 9 J 10 K 11 L 12 M 13 N 14 O 15 P 16 Q 17 R 18 S 19 T 20 U 21 V 22 W 23 X 24 Y 25 Z 26A B C D E F GSunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, the last day is Saturday, Sunday is the first day. Amy, Amy, whats that?Its a schoolbag, Tom, Tom.Whats this? Its a pe

16、ncil.Whats that? Its a ball.Whats this? Its a book.Oh, oh, oh, oh, whats that?Its a cat! Its a cat!Its a cat! Ha, ha (P41) January, February, March, April,May, June, July,August, September,October, November,The last month is December.Do you want to go to the sea, do you want to go? Do you want to go

17、 to the sea?Yes, we want to go. We want to go to the sea.When you want to go to the sea, come with me, come with me.When you want to go, when you want to go to the sea, come with me, come and come with me. (P37)*Do you want to go to the sea, sea, sea, sea, do you want to go, go, go, go? Do you want

18、to go to the sea, sea, sea, sea?Yes, we want to go, go, go, go. We want to go to the sea, sea, sea, sea.When you want to go to the sea, come with me, come with me.When you want to go, when you want to go to the sea, sea, sea, sea, come with me, come and come with me, me, me (37)*Bob, Bob, Bob is an

19、orange dog.Im a cat in a bag. Im a cat, cat, cat in a bag, bag, bag. Pen and pencil.Pencil and pen.Pen and pencil.Say it again.Two little birds are sitting in the tree.One is Jack, the other is Joe.Flies away Jack, flies away Joe.Comes back Jack, comes back Joe.Spring is gay with flower and song.Sum

20、mer is hot and days are long.Autumn is rich with fruit and grain.Winter is snow and a new year again.I have two hands. I have two hands.Where are they? Where are they?Here is the right hand.Here is the left hand.Here they are. Here they are.I have two eyes.I have two eyes.Where are they? Where are t

21、hey?Here is the right eye. Here is the left eye.I can see. I can see.I have two ears. I have two ears.Where are they? Where are they?Here is the right ear.Here is the left ear.I can hear. I can hear.I have two legs. I have two legs. Where are they? Where are they?Here is the right leg. Here is the l

22、eft leg. We can walk. We can walk.Hello, Lingling, what are you doing?Are you reading or writing?Im reading a novel now.Its very interesting. Its very, very interesting.Hello, Sam, what are you doing? Are you reading or writing? Im writing a letter now to my mother in London. Im a little bit homesic

23、k now.I have finished doing my homework. I can go and play now . What about you?Ive done my writing. Ive done my reading twice by now. We can go and play now. Lets go and play basketball. Hei, how happy!I have finished doing my homework. What about you? Can you go and play?Ive done my reading. Ive d

24、one my writing.We can go and play ball games.We can go and play basketball.Hooray!What were you doing this time last week?We were having a party.We were singing and dancing. We were happy. We were happy.Whose book is this? Its mine. Its mine.Whose work is this? This beautiful work.Its mine. Its mine

25、. Its mine. Its mine.Whose work is this ? This awful work.Its his. Its his. Its his. Its his.Are you sure its not yours? No, no. its not mine.Are you sure? Im sure.Its his? Its his.Its not yours? Its not mine.Tall trees, tall trees, big tall trees.Tall trees, tall trees, big tall trees. Big trees, t

26、all trees. Big trees, tall trees.Big, tall trees.Big trees, tall trees. The coast of California Big trees, tall trees. is a beautiful sight, withTall trees, tall trees, the tall trees, tall trees.Big, tall trees. big, tall trees. Big trees, tall trees, big trees, tall trees.Big, tall trees. Chorus:

27、solo:First she gave up smoking. Then she gave up gin.Then she gave up chocolate cake.She wanted to be thin.Then she gave up breakfast.Then she gave up lunch. On lazy Sunday mornings, she even gave up brunch. No matter what she gave up, her skirts were very tight. cause she ate twelve cans of tuna fi

28、sh for dinner every night.It was raining, raining, raining, hard.It was falling, falling, falling on the stars.Sweet rain, Raining, raining.Soft rain, Raining, raining.Warm rain, Raining, raining.Sweet, soft, warm rain, Raining, raining. Sweet, soft, warm rain, Raining, raining.Raining, raining, rai

29、ning, raining.Paper or pepper, pepper or paper,What do you want?I want pepper, not paper,If pepper is cheaper than paper.She sells seashells on the seashore.The shells she sells is seashells, Im sure.Betty bought a blanket. Betty bought a blanket.Betty bought a blue blanket. Betty bought a blue blan

30、ket.Betty bought a bright blue blanket. Betty bought a bright blue blanket for her baby boy.小學(xué)英語教學(xué)有效性玩著、樂著、游戲中學(xué)1. Guessing game What is it? Who am I? May I have it?Numbers one two three four one three five seven3. BingoBingo1 park lake cake sake bridgeBingo 2 noodles fish bird leg river rice desk pa

31、rk pandaBingo 3 two seven four nine three five one six eight 4. Perfect How many birds are there in the tree?How many birds can you see ?How many ducks can you see? A BHow many ducks can you see in Picture A? A BHow many ducks are there in the river?How many ducks are swimming in the river?5. Crossw

32、ord6. Chain vocabulary exerciseA B. fishB A. fish B C. busC B. bus C D. kiteD C. kite D E. river 7. Chain reactionChain reaction 1black B. red C. color D. painter E. picture F. Chain reaction 2 fish B. waterA. noodles C. rice desk D. chairA. student E. teacherChain reaction 3A. book B. study, read,

33、story, interestingA. pen B. pencil, eraser, write, studentA. flowerB. rose, lily, beautiful, red, green Chain reaction 4A. flowerB. beautiful Flowers are beautiful.C. red Many flowers are red.D. water 8.What have you seen?What have you seen?theatre hospital factory school school factoryBeijing zoo9.

34、What is missing? factory hospital school Beijing zoo theatre school Beijing zoo theatre factory hospital school Beijing zoo theatre 10. What is behind you? bird monkey elephant deer bike bus Monday big fish phone kite pen11. Friends meetingSentence makingWheel forwardProgressive and build up12. Monk

35、ey up13. Riddles What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but not talk? What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?What kind of dog never can bite and bark?What has teeth but cant eat?Who is not your sister and isnt your brother, but is still a child of your mother and fa

36、ther?互動、促進(jìn)、自主地學(xué)1. Talk show2. Progressive and build up pencil a pencil I have a pencil. I have a red pencil. I have a red and blue pencil. ( 我有一支紅藍(lán)鉛筆) seafood I like seafood. I like eating seafood. I like eating delicious seafood. I like eating fresh delicious seafood. I like eating fried fresh deli

37、cious seafood. seafood I like eating fried fresh delicious seafood. I like eating fresh delicious seafood. I like eating delicious seafood. I like eating seafood. I like seafood. seafood3. Sentence MakingA: flowerB: 花 A rose is a flower. bookA: 書 The book is interesting. girlB: 4. Dicta-gloss (1)Hel

38、en KellerHelen Keller was born in America in 1880. She was blind and deaf, but she tried hard to learn to speak, read and write. She wrote a book about herself. She is a model not only for the blind, but also for you and me. Helen Keller born / America / 1880 / blind / deaf / tried / learn / speak /

39、 read / write / wrote / herself /model / not only / but also (2)Module 3: English Food Unit 1: She had eggs and sausages.1. Look, listen and learn (P10,Book 6) Daming: Look, Ive got an email from Lingling. Its about English food.Fanfan: What does it say?Daming: Yesterday she had an English breakfast

40、.Fanfan: What did she have?Daming: She had eggs and sausages.Fanfan: And what did she have for lunch?Daming: She had sandwiches.Fanfan: And what did she have for dinner?Daming: She had fish and chips.Fanfan: Fish and chips?Daming: Yes. Its a traditional English food.Fanfan: Does Lingling like Englis

41、h food?Daming: Yes, she does. She says its delicious. But its very different. (77+4+13 words)Daming has got an email from Lingling. Its about English food. Yesterday Lingling had an English breakfast. She had eggs and sausages. Then she had sandwiches for lunch and fish and chips for dinner. Its a t

42、raditional English dinner. Its delicious, but very different. Lingling liked it very much. (49+3 words)Daming / e-mail / from / its / food /Yesterday / Lingling / breakfast / eggs / sausages / sandwiches / lunch fish / chips / dinner / traditional / delicious / but / different / liked (20)Yesterday

43、Lingling had an English breakfast. She had eggs and sausages. She had sandwiches for lunch and fish and chips for dinner. Its a traditional English dinner. Lingling liked it very much. (33+1)Yesterday, English breakfast, eggs, sausages, sandwiches, lunch, fish, chips , dinner, traditional , liked (1

44、2+1)4. Passage writing flower whose seafood pencilI like seafood very much. I invited my girl friend last Sunday to a seafood restaurant. I welcomed her at the gate with a big bunch of flowers and a broad smile. We were pleased to see each other and hand in hand, we went into the restaurant romantic

45、ally. As I sat down at the table, I felt something thin and hard under my foot. “What is it?” I wondered. I looked down at it and found a pencil on the floor. “ Oh, whose pencil is it?” I thought.I like seafood very much. Last Sunday was my birthday. I invited some of my friends to a seafood restaur

46、ant. We were to gather at the gate of the restaurant. My friends arrived earlier than I. They welcomed me at the gate with a big bunch of flowers. We were pleased to see each other. Talking and laughing, we went into the restaurant. As I sat down at the table, I felt something thin and hard under my

47、 foot. “ What is it?” I wondered. I looked down at it and found a pencil on the floor. “Oh, whose pencil is it?” I thought. (103)red, love, pencil I love drawing with my color pencils. I like drawing our national flag. It is red. It has five stars on it. I love our country. I love our national flag.

48、 (31)red, love, pencilThere are many flowers in my garden. They are very beautiful. Some are red, some are yellow. I like sitting in the garden to draw pictures of the flowers with my color pencils. I love the flowers and I love my drawing. (41) become, see, teacher, model (Helen Keller)Miss Li is m

49、y English teacher. She is a good teacher and a model teacher. She likes us and she likes to tell us stories. We all love her. One day, she told us a story about space travel. She let us see a picture of a spaceship, because China sent a man into space in this spaceship. I became more and more intere

50、sted in it. (66words)become, see, teacher, modelI am a teacher . I like my students and they like me. I like to tell them stories and they like stories very much. One day I told them a story about space travel. I showed them a model spaceship. I let them touch it and feel it and see it carefully. Th

51、ey became more and more interested in my story. (61 words)孩子們在成長。在這成長的過程中有一個學(xué)習(xí)的活動。作為老師,我們參與了他們的學(xué)習(xí)活動和成長過程。讓我們珍惜這個機(jī)會,做好一個學(xué)生中的特殊學(xué)生,為他們的成長伸出友誼的雙手。通過我們的努力,讓他們真切地感受到教育是溫暖的,互動的,促進(jìn)的,長遠(yuǎn)的。附:語音詞匯的整合開 音 節(jié):長音(字母音)閉 音 節(jié):短音非 重 讀 音節(jié):弱化音字 母 組 合音:小學(xué)英語教學(xué)有效性A a 長 音:ei make lake hate短 音: rat hat sad弱 化 音: ago China i ma

52、ssage cabbage sat cat (貓) hat rat mat had sad(難過的) bad pad madA a sat cat(貓)hat rat mat cap lap tap map lamp sad (難過的) pad had bad ran ban van fan can land sand hand band grand catch(抓?。﹎atch hatch patchThe fat man grabbed a black cat. A a eimake lake sake bake cake mate late rate hate gate game nam

53、e fame same shame cane crane lane plane vane wave pave save shave cave made jade fade shade wade-ay / ai ei may gay say hay bay lay way day pay stay ray tray fray gray pray pail hail mail sail rail rain fain lain pain brain The brave sailor and his mate became great friends.First she gave up smoking

54、. Then she gave up gin.Then she gave up chocolate cake.She wanted to be thin.Then she gave up breakfast.Then she gave up lunch. On lazy Sunday mornings, she even gave up brunch. No matter what she gave up, her skirts were very tight. cause she ate twelve cans of tuna fish for dinner every night.It w

55、as raining, raining, raining, hard.It was falling, falling, falling on the stars.Sweet rain, Raining, raining.Soft rain, Raining, raining.Warm rain, Raining, raining.Sweet, soft, warm rain, Raining, raining. Sweet, soft, warm rain, Raining, raining.Raining, raining, raining, raining.開、閉音節(jié)中元音字母讀音辨析 h

56、id hide fin fine pip pipe lid slide writ write bit bite sit site rid ride 重音轉(zhuǎn)換 far afar gain again go ago part apart like alike broad abroad cross across board aboard - turecul-ture fu-ture lec-ture pic-ture culture future lecture pictureadventure agriculture departure architecture manufacture 外觀的變化

57、 書名 封面 用紙(綠色環(huán)保) 印張 封面變化:教育部審定更具有權(quán)威性,導(dǎo)向性。出版說明,前言,致學(xué)生,致家長只有前言。更加簡潔,定位清楚。(歡迎大家學(xué)習(xí)本套英語教材! 歡迎大家使用本教材學(xué)習(xí)英語?。┬抻喦坝⒄Z課程基本理念:(一)注重素質(zhì)教育,促進(jìn)全面發(fā)展。修訂后英語課程基本理念:(一)注重素質(zhì)教育,體現(xiàn)語言學(xué)習(xí)對 學(xué)生發(fā)展的價值。 關(guān)注學(xué)生的長足發(fā)展修訂前英語課程基本理念:(二)面向全體學(xué)生,尊重個體差異。修訂后英語課程基本理念:(二)面向全體學(xué)生,關(guān)注語言學(xué)習(xí)者 的不同特點和個體差異。層次教學(xué)的啟發(fā) (不背書就別睡覺)科學(xué)地聽寫修訂前英語課程基本理念:(三)整體設(shè)計目標(biāo),體現(xiàn)靈活開放。修訂

58、后英語課程基本理念:(三)整體設(shè)計目標(biāo),充分考慮語言 學(xué)習(xí)的漸進(jìn)性和持續(xù)性。小學(xué)開設(shè)外語課的目的修訂前英語課程基本理念:(四)強(qiáng)調(diào)學(xué)習(xí)過程,倡導(dǎo)體驗參與。修訂后英語課程基本理念:(四)強(qiáng)調(diào)學(xué)習(xí)過程,重視語言學(xué)習(xí)的 實踐性和應(yīng)用性。卷入所有學(xué)生,讓他們在做中學(xué),學(xué)中做。從生活走進(jìn)課本,從課本走入生活。修訂前英語課程基本理念: (五)注重過程評價,促進(jìn)學(xué)生發(fā)展。修訂后英語課程基本理念: (五)優(yōu)化評價考試方式,著重評價 學(xué)生的綜合語言運(yùn)用能力。注重形成性評價和終結(jié)性評價結(jié)合課堂參與,聽寫成績,擂臺賽成績修訂前英語課程基本理念: (六)開發(fā)課程資源,拓展學(xué)用渠道。修訂后英語課程基本理念: (六)豐富

59、課程資源,拓展英語學(xué)習(xí)渠 道。 更加實際:英語的學(xué)習(xí)也是文化的學(xué)習(xí),知識的學(xué)習(xí),引導(dǎo)學(xué)生把書讀薄,指導(dǎo)學(xué)生把書讀厚。# 小學(xué)學(xué)段第一冊教材修訂內(nèi)容對照小學(xué)三年級起點(三年級上冊)關(guān)注模塊6, 7和 project模塊1修訂版教材:【話題與功能】問好和道別:簡單的自我介紹?!驹~匯】10個二級詞匯 修訂說明:基本同原教材 Module 1原教材:【話題與功能】問好和道別:簡單的自我介紹?!驹~匯】 I, am (Im=I am), hello (hi), goodbye (bye-bye), how, are, you, good, morning, fine, thank模塊2修訂版教材:【話題與

60、功能】自我介紹和日常問好,詢問他人姓名?!驹~匯】 10個二級詞匯 修訂說明:基本同原教材 Module 2原教材:【話題與功能】自我介紹和日常問好:詢問 他人姓名?!驹~匯】 Ms, too, and, boy, girl, what, is, (whats=what is), your, name, afternoon, Mr)模塊3修訂版教材:【話題與功能】發(fā)出指令和執(zhí)行指令,認(rèn)知教室中 的物品。【詞匯】13個二級詞匯 修訂說明:基本同原教材 Module 3原教材:【話題與功能】發(fā)出指令和執(zhí)行指令,認(rèn)知教室中 的物品?!驹~匯】 the, door, please, window, blac


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