湘少版英語 六年級上冊 復(fù)習(xí)重點及練習(xí)_第1頁
湘少版英語 六年級上冊 復(fù)習(xí)重點及練習(xí)_第2頁
湘少版英語 六年級上冊 復(fù)習(xí)重點及練習(xí)_第3頁
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湘少版英語 六年級上冊 復(fù)習(xí)重點及練習(xí)_第5頁
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1、小學(xué)英語六年級(上)復(fù)習(xí)資料Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays?你在假期都做些什么?詞匯:holiday假期during在期間speak說learn words and sentences 學(xué)習(xí)單詞和句子 play games 玩游戲learn writing 學(xué)習(xí)寫作 practise listening 練習(xí)聽力語法:一般過去時:表示過去某個時間里發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài)過去時判斷標(biāo)志:句子中有表示過去的時間。yesterday 昨天 yesterday morning 昨天早上the day before yesterday last night

2、 昨晚 last week 上周 last month 上個月 last year 去年 just now 剛才two days ago 兩天前 in 1990 等構(gòu)成:主語+動詞過去式動詞過去式的變化規(guī)那么:L直接力口 ed : workworked looklooked.以不發(fā)音e結(jié)尾的單詞,直接加d:live-lived hope-hoped use-used.以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的,變y為i加ed:study-studied carry-carried worry-worried.以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾且末尾只有一個輔音字母的,雙寫最后的輔音字母+ed : stop stopped planp

3、lanned;重讀閉音節(jié)表達(dá)形式為輔-元-輔結(jié)構(gòu),例如nod,n為輔音,。為元音,d為輔音。.以 ic 結(jié)尾的動詞,要把 ic 變成 ick 再加 ed,如 picnicpicnicked, traffictrafficked.不規(guī)那么變化的動詞過去式:have-had am/is一was are-were get-got say-said feel-felt do/does-did go went drink-drank eat-ate bring-broughtthink-thought buy-bought catch-caught teach-taughtwear-wore cut-c

4、ut sweep-swept sleep-slept see-saw become-became read-read sit-sat語言結(jié)構(gòu):What did you do during the holidays?I read many books.I wrote a little storybook.乘坐某種交通工具by+交通工具的名稱”如:乘火車by train乘公共汽車by bus但是,有一個特殊,步行on foot費水shouldn t litter不應(yīng)該亂扔垃圾句子. We should plant more trees,我們應(yīng)該多種樹。.We should keep the air

5、 clean and fresh.我們應(yīng)該保持空氣清新。.We shouldn5 t waste water,我們不應(yīng)該浪費水。.We shouldn t litter.我們不應(yīng)該亂扔垃圾。.There isn, t enough water on the earth.地球上沒有足夠的水。.We must save every drop of water,我們必須節(jié)約每一滴水。Unit 9語法點:掌握形容詞比擬級和最高級的變化規(guī)那么及用法。變化規(guī)那么L一般情況,形容詞的比擬級直接在詞尾加er,最高級加est.: small-smaller-smallest.形容詞后面以不發(fā)音的e結(jié)尾,比擬級直

6、接加r,最高級加st.如:nice-nicer-nicest.形容詞后面是以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的,變比擬級要把y改為i,再加er. : heavy- heavier-heaviest.形容詞后面是以一個元音字母+一個輔音字母結(jié)尾的。要雙寫最后的輔音字母再加 er 或 est.如:big-bigger-biggest.特殊情況,特殊記。如:good-better-best原級比擬級smallsmallershortshorterfast faster最局級 smallest shortestfastest下面是本課的形容詞: 原級 比擬級 最高級 big bigger biggest tall t

7、aller tallest longlongerlongestloudlouderloudest形容詞比擬級和最高級的用法1.比擬級:兩者進(jìn)行比擬,句中用“than”(比)句子結(jié)構(gòu):A+is+形容詞比擬級+than+B表示A比B更 如:Tom is taller than Mike,湯姆比麥克更高。2最高級:三者以上進(jìn)行比擬。句子結(jié)構(gòu):A+is+the+形容詞最高級 表示A是 最如:This bird is the biggest.這只鳥是最大的。句子.Welcome to our clay art show,歡迎至【J我們的黏土藝術(shù)展。.Please take a look.請看一看。.Th

8、is bird is bigger than the first one.這只鳥比第一只更大。.Tom, s hair is shorter than Mike s,湯姆的頭發(fā)比麥克的更短。(兩者比擬的物品相同,前者已經(jīng)提到,后面就可以省略不提).Bob s singing is the best. Bob 的歌聲是最好的。Unit 10單詞、短語rest休息just只是;僅僅don t feel well感覺不舒服have a cough 咳嗽 have a headache 頭疼 have a fever 發(fā)燒 take medicine 吃藥have a good rest 休息 see

9、 the doctor 看醫(yī)生 drink more water 多喝水句子Whaf s wrong with you?二What s the matter with you?你有什么問題嗎?/你怎么啦?(常用于對身體狀況進(jìn)行詢問)I don t feel well.我感覺不舒服。/ I have a cough.我咳嗽。/ I have a headache.我頭 疼。Unitll單詞、短語call打 plan計戈ij idea主意concert hall音樂會大廳 see a film看電影 see a play 看戲劇 enjoy the music 享受音樂 go to the the

10、atre 去劇院 go to the cinema去電影院句子L掌握英語打 的句型:A:Hello! Is that Anne? B:Yes. This is Anne.2Shall用于將來時,表示將要發(fā)生的事。用于疑問句中,表示征求對方的意見。如:Shall we go to the theatre?我們?nèi)≡汉脝? Shall we go to the cinema?我 們?nèi)ル娪霸汉脝幔?.同時表示征求對方意見的句子還有Let引導(dǎo)的句型。如:Let s see a play.讓我們?nèi)?看戲劇吧Unit 12單詞、短語Christmas 圣誕節(jié) decorate 裝飾 colorful 彩色

11、的 present 禮物 dress up 裝扮Santa Claus圣誕老人receive收到 merry歡樂的greet問候relative親人句子Merry Christmas!圣誕快樂!Christmas falls on 25th December, 12 月 25 日是圣誕節(jié)。Here s a present/ a Christmas card for you,這是給你的禮物。/圣誕卡片。Santa Claus gives out presents to children,圣誕老人給孩子們發(fā)禮物。湘少版六年級上冊英語復(fù)習(xí)資料Unit 1 What did you do during

12、 the holidays?一、讀單詞,并寫出它們的漢語意思。learn words and sentencesplay gamespractise listeninglearn writingspeakduringholiday二、寫出以下動詞的漢語意思和過去式。漢語意思過去式漢語意思過去式dohavegolearntakereadspeakteachtalkpractiselistenvisitwrite三、讀出以下句子,并寫出它們的漢語意思。.描述過去發(fā)生的動作,動詞要用過去式態(tài)。(yesterday, during the holidays, last year, last week-

13、)例如:A: What did you do during the holidays?I learnt writing.I read many books.I practiced Iistening.I played games.現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時:be動詞(am, is , are) +動詞-ing例如: A: What are you reading?I m reading an English storybook.a+輔音音素an+元音音素(Aa, Ee, li, Oo, Uu) in English用英語例如:Anne wrote a storybook in English during t

14、he holidays.to+ 代詞賓格(me, you, him, her, us, them) 例如:Read it to us.Unit 2 Katie always gets up early.一、寫出以下單詞或詞語的漢語意思。get uphave breakfastwave goodbyereturn homedo her homeworkplay chessbe late for schooltake a walkread a newspapergo to schoolgo to bedweekdayalwaysoftensometimesneverbeforeafter二、寫出以

15、下動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式。gethavewavegoreturndoplay三、讀出以下句子,并寫出它們的漢語意思。在一般現(xiàn)在時中,當(dāng)主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時,動詞要用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。Katie always gets up early.Katie often does her homework before dinner.Katie sometimes plays chess with her father dinner.Katie never takes a walk.on+天,at+時,in+月,季,年 weekdays, she always gets up 6:30 a.m.She w

16、aves goodbye to her mother.She is never late for school.Unit 3 I like my computer.一、寫出以下單詞或短語的漢語意思。email my friendssend greetingssearch for a lot of thingsfind out about counties二、讀出以下句子并寫出它們的漢語意思。can+動詞原形What can we do on the computer?We can email our friends on the computer.We can play games on th

17、e computer.We can search for a lot of things.We can send greetings to our friends.You can also find out about countries in the world.I saw an interesting bird in a book yesterday.Now I can search for a lot of things about it.If s very fast. It will help you a lot.Peter5 s father bought him a compute

18、r for his birthday.He could do a lot of things with this computer.Let s +動詞原形Let5 s try it now.Unitl-3復(fù)習(xí)試題一、單項選擇。)1. I am a storybook.A. read B. reading C. reads)2. I a storybook during the holidays.A. write B. wrote C. writing)3. I have English book. A. a B. an C. the)4. Please read it to . A. I B.

19、 we C. me)5. Katie always breakfast at7:00. A. haveB. hasC. had)6. Lily returns home 5:00 p.m.A. atB. on C. in)7. I often play basketball Sunday. A. at B. on C. in )8. The students wave goodbye their teachers after school.A. to B. with C. on()9. Anne plays chess her father after dinner.A. to B. with

20、 C. on()10.We can each other on the computer.A. email B. emails C. emailed()11. T m hungry. Lef s breakfast. A. have B. has C. had二、連詞成句。like my I computer(.)gets Katie early up always(.)do during the what did you holidays (?)search a lot of things we for can computer on the (.)5. read many5. read m

21、anyduring books holidays the (.)6. sometimes Peter TV at watches 7:00 p.m.Unit 4 the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.一、寫出以下單詞或短語的漢語意思。the Mid-Autumn Festivalred beanlotus seednutsnearbycentretypetastemooncake二、寫出以下句子的漢語意思。The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.there be (is / are)有, 表存在There are many moonca

22、kes in the shopping centre.Lef s go and have a look.A: Which type do you like?I like the ones with lotus seeds.A: How much is a box of mooncakes?If s 50 yuan.This mooncake tastes good.enjoy + 動詞-ingI enjoy eating mooncakes.I enjoy looking at the moon.T d like a box of lotus seed mooncakes and a box

23、of red bean mooncakes.Unit 5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow.一、寫出以下單詞或短語的漢語意思。Weather forecastsunnycoolwarmclearwindrainsnowA light snowa strong winda heavy raina light rain二、寫出以下句子的漢語意思。描述未來的天氣:It will be +形容詞+時間,地點It will be sunny and warm tomorrow.It will be clear in Shanghai.there will be +名詞

24、+時間,地點There will be a light snow next Monday.There will be a strong wind in Xi an.It will +動詞原形+時間地點It will rain tomorrow in Changsha.If s time for the weather forecast.Unit 6 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.、寫出以下單詞或短語的漢語意思。bottleboxcanbarorange juiceCokefruitpeanutcandycakechocolatepicnic

25、bringmeetwait fora fewsomemilk二、漢譯英。一瓶橘子汁幾罐可樂幾條巧克力三瓶牛奶一盒蛋糕一些糖果一些花生一些水果三、寫出以下句子的漢語意思。The weather is getting cool and nice.We can have a picnic in the park. A: What are we going to bring for the picnic?I will bring a few bars of chocolate.A: When shall we meet?Lef s meet at the park at 9:00 a.m.I can,

26、 t wait for tomorrow to come.Unit 4-6復(fù)習(xí)試題一、單項選擇。)1. Lef s go and have a . A. see B. watch C. look)2. I enjoy tea. A. drink B. drinking C. drinks)3. 一 is a box of mooncake? 一 If s 24 yuan.A. How old B. How many C. How much)4. Which do you like ? I like the ones with lotus seeds.A. type B. colour C. s

27、hop)5. This mooncake good.A. taste B. tastes C.tasted)6. It will be and warm in Sanya.A. sun B. sunny C. thesun)7. If s time the weather forecast.A. to B. in C.for)8. The wind in winter is so that just few students go to school.A. strong B. light C. heavy)9. will be a heavy rain tomorrow.)10. I brin

28、g some bars of chocolate.A. There B. It C. ThisA. am B. don t C.will)11. Don t for me. I will get there very late. A. look B. get C. wait)12. The Mid-Autumn Festival is . A. comes B. coming C.come)13. It will be clear Shanghai. A. on B. inC. out)14. There will a light snow next Thursday. A. is B. ar

29、e C. be)15. I will bring three of apple juice here. A. bars B. bottles C. pieces一連詞成句。1. enjoy, at, moon, the, I , looking(.)be, will, strong, there, in, Xi an, wind, a(.)will, we, boxes, milk, five, bring, of(.)sunny, in, it, be, and, warm, Sanya, willbottle, I, big, orange juice, will, a, bring, o

30、f(.)Unit7 What can I do?、寫出以下單詞或詞語的漢語意思。slowweakan old womanmake teaclean their homescakeone anotherfree二、寫出以下句子的漢語意思。L What can I do?2、I can make tea or coffee for them.3、 I can help them on the road. They are weak and slow.4、I can sing to them and make them happy.Unit8 We shouldn t waste water.一、寫

31、出以下單詞或詞語的漢語意思。wasteblouseenoughdropfreshsaveworldexerciselitterkillinstead ofclean二、寫出以下句子的漢語意思。1. We should plant more trees.Unit 2 Katie always gets up e”凱蒂總是很早起床。詞匯:weekday 平日 get up 起床 wash face 洗臉 make the bed 鋪床have breakfast 吃早餐 wake up 醒來 always 總是,一直usually 通常 often 經(jīng)常 sometimes 有時 never 從不

32、every day每天late 遲的,晚的 be late for school上學(xué)遲到family家庭 wave 揮手 go to school去上學(xué) go to bed上床睡覺do her homework做她的家庭作業(yè) read a newspaper看報紙play chess 下棋 take a walk 走路 return 返回early早的hurt傷害scientist科學(xué)家語法:一般現(xiàn)在時。一般現(xiàn)在時:表示經(jīng)常性習(xí)慣性動作.當(dāng)主語是第三人稱單數(shù)的時候,謂語動詞也要用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。動詞第三人稱單數(shù)的構(gòu)成:一般的在動詞末尾加s.如:getgets run-runs make-ma

33、kes以 “s”,“x,ch , sh,或 “o” 結(jié)尾的加 es.如:washwashes gogoes以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的動詞,改y為i,再加es.如:tryTrieshavehas語言結(jié)構(gòu):Katie always gets up early every day.He usually waves them goodbye.英語中,表示在具體的某個時刻前,必須加介詞“at”如:在六點鐘at six o, clockUnit31 like my com夕3:我喜歡我的電腦。詞匯:email my friends給朋友發(fā)郵件send greetings送去問候search for a lot

34、of things 查找許多東西find out about countries 發(fā)現(xiàn)國家 world 世界 interesting 有趣的語法:can的用法:can作為情態(tài)動詞,后面直接加動詞原型,表示“會、能”,例 如:I can swim.我會游泳。Unit4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming中秋節(jié)到 了。詞匯:the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節(jié) centre 中心 mooncake 月餅nuts 堅果lotus seed 蓮子 red bean 紅豆 nearby 附近 type 類型 taste 嘗起來 bright明亮的even

35、甚至poem詩歌語法:l.enjoy/like doing sth.喜歡(享受)做某事2.現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時:表示現(xiàn)在正在進(jìn)行的動作。構(gòu)成:am /is /are +動詞現(xiàn)在分詞現(xiàn)在分詞是由動詞原形加ing構(gòu)成?,F(xiàn)在分詞一般構(gòu)成規(guī)那么如下:(1) 一般在動詞末尾直接加ing. iU: read讀一reading.We should keep the air clean and fresh.We shouldn1 t waste water.We shouldnJ t litter.There isn,t enough water on the earth.We must save every drop

36、 of water.Unit7-8一、補(bǔ)充下面句子l.Jane, I can tea or for them.簡說,“我能為他們泡茶或咖啡。can ask Mum to for them.我可以讓媽媽為他們做蛋糕。.We help them the road .我們能幫他們過馬路。. Peter asks, What can do ?彼得問自己我能做些什么?.We must every of water,我們必須節(jié)約每一滴水。. I can help them to get or the bus,我能幫他們上車或下車。7.1 can them happy ,我能使他們高興。. “What ar

37、e you doing ,dear?n I, m my blouse.There isn t water on the.地球上沒有足夠的水。. We litter. We shouldn, t wild animals.二、選出不同類的單詞(10分)B. weakB. storiesB. makeB. cookB. waterB. rabbitB. cleanC. teaC. helpC. slowC. roadC. washC. catC. air()1、A. coffee()2、A. cakes()3、A. weak()4、A. sing()5、A. earth()6、 A. animal

38、()7、A. fresh()8、A. treeB. carC. bike()9、A. washingB. wasteC. doing()10、A. blouseB. coatC. enough三、單項選擇(10分)I can1、 I can2、This isask Mummakehappy.A. theyB. them C. theirold woman.A. anB. a C. themake cakesthem.A. to,for B. for,toC. for,for4、I can help them to getthe bus.A. toB. onC. forWhat are you

39、doing?I ammy skirt. A. washingB.wash C. washedYou need water. Everyone water. A. need()7、There enough water on the earth.t C. isn tB. needs C. wantA. are B. aren8Mr zhou s office is not far away his home. A. from B. to C. with()9You shouldnt waste so water. A. many B. much C. few( )10、 We should use

40、 bikes instead cars. A. off B. of C. to 四、連線(8分)Is I can sing to them.2、 I can clean their homes.3、plant more trees.4、keep the air clean and fresh.五、根據(jù)首字母提示寫出單詞,補(bǔ)全句子(12分)1、We shouldn1 t w water.2、We shouldn5 t I.3、We shouldn t kill wild a4、keep the rivers c.六、情景對話(10)w()L當(dāng)你看見一位老人孤單地坐在路邊時,你可以:A. I wi

41、ll say “Hello” to him. B. I will go away.()2、當(dāng)小明想幫助老人,但不知道怎么做時,你可以告訴他:A. I can tell stories. B. You can tell some interesting stories.()3、當(dāng)琳琳去看望她的爺爺奶奶時,你可以:A. She can clean their houses. B. He can clean their houses.()4、當(dāng)你想告訴你的朋友節(jié)約用水時,你可以告訴他:A. You shouldn1 t save water. B. You shouldn, t waste wate

42、r.()5、當(dāng)你想告訴你的朋友保護(hù)環(huán)境多種樹時,你可以告訴他:A. You shouldn t little. B. You should plant more trees.七、連詞成句(20分)1、goes to she school foot on (.)2、slow they re weak and (.)3、go we school can to bus by (.)4、every drop save must we water of(.)5、can we old help people road the on (.)6、I can tea make coffee or them fo

43、r(.)Unit9 This bird is bigger than the first one.一、寫出以下單詞的比擬級和最高級比擬級最局級比擬級最局級smalloldlargethingoodhotbusyearlylittlefewbeautifulbad二、寫出以下句子的漢語意思。.Welcome to our clay art show.Please take a look.This bird is bigger than the first one.Tom, s hair is shorter than Mike s.Bob1 s singing is the best.Unitl

44、O I don t feel well today.一、寫出以下單詞或詞語的漢語意思。restjustdon, t feel wellhave a coughhave a headachehave a fevertake medicinehave a good restdrink more watersee the doctor二、寫出以下句子的漢語意思。.Whaf s wrong with you?.Whaf s the matter with you? 3.1 don5 t feel well.4.1 have a cough.have a headache.Unit910一、補(bǔ)充完整If

45、 s bigger the second one .Look at the(five ) bird. If s biggest.Mingming is(tall) than Peter.Tom s hair is(short) than Mike s .你怎么了 ? 6我感覺很冷,我咳嗽了。7,多喝水,吃些藥,上床休息。8你不用去學(xué)校了,只需好好休息。二、選出不同類的單詞(10分)1、A. young2、A. youngest3、A. flower4、A. first5、A. get6、 A. bad1、A. young2、A. youngest3、A. flower4、A. first5、A

46、. get6、 A. badB. strongerB. higherB. plantB. secondB. spokerestC. tallC. longergrassC. threeC. wentC. good()7S A. doctor( )8、 A. medicine()9S A. drink()10、A. today()7S A. doctor( )8、 A. medicine()9S A. drink()10、A. todayB. singerB. coughtakeC. homeC. feverwrongB. tomorrowC. weekday單項選擇)1、Jane wastal

47、lest in our class.A. theB. aC. an()2、I m sick . T II drink water.( )3、 Peter is than David.A. many B. a few C. a lot ofA. tall B. taller C. shortB. watch C. look( )4、 Her mother takes her to a doctor. A. see()5、Water is good me.A. ofB. forC. withwrongJohn?I have a cough.A. Whaf sB. Who1 sC. Where5 s

48、C. doesn5Anne feel well .she feels cold .A. doesB. don( )8、 some medicine and have a good rest. A. TakeB. eatC. haveDino5 s friends him to a big part yesterday. A. inviteB. invitesC. invited( )10、Lingling has a cold . What should Lingling do?-A. Go swimming B. Eat ice creamC. Drink more water四、連線(8分

49、)I don, t feel well2、I have a coughB.3、I have a headache4、I have a fever五、根據(jù)首字母提示寫出單詞,補(bǔ)全句子(12 分)1、The thirdbird is the bThe secondbook is sthanthefirst one.3、The thirdmonkey, s tail(尾巴)isthe I4、The thirdboy s hairis the情景對話Q0)L醫(yī)生詢問病人時,會問:A. Whaf s that?B. Whaf s wrong with you?)2、醫(yī)生要檢查病人身體時,A. Lef s

50、 see a doctor.B. Let me check.)3、安妮今天感覺不太舒服,她找老師請假可以說:A. I don t feel well today.B. I don5 t want to school.()4、你的朋友生病了,你告訴他要好好休息:A. You should have a good rest. B. Take some medicine.()5、Tom是我們班上最高的,你可以對他說:A. You are the tallest in our class. B. You are taller.七、連詞成句(20分)fine be I will (.) 2、wrong

51、you with whaf s( ?) TOC o 1-5 h z 3、good me water for is (.) 4、coughed coughed he and (.) 5、have rest just good a (.) 6、higher David jump can (.)7、sang Lingling louder than Tom(.) 8、bigger second if s than one the (.) 9、can you some take medicine rest and in bed (.)10 x clay with birds few a I made

52、(.)Unitll Shall we go to the theatre?一、寫出以下單詞或詞語的漢語意思。callplanideaconcert hallsee a filmsee a playgo to the theatrego to the cinemaenjoy the musicnewspapercircusdiary二、寫出以下句子的翻譯成英語。L我們?nèi)ル娪霸汉脝幔?、讓我們?nèi)タ磻騽“?。Christmaspresentcolorfuldecoratedress upSanta ClausreceivemerrygreetrelativeUnitl2 If s Christmas

53、again!、寫出以下單詞或詞語的漢語意思。二、寫出以下句子的漢語意思。Merry Christmas! Christmas falls on 25th December.Here s a present/ a Christmas card for you. Santa Claus gives out presents to children. Unitll12一、找出不同類的單詞,把字母代號填入題前的括號內(nèi)。()A. sand()A.wanted()A.first()A.dangerous()A.lunch二、手拉手,找朋友。Merry Christmas a lot of things s

54、hopping centre Santa Claus on the beachB. openB. talkedB. fourB. usefulB. breakfast許多東西圣誕快樂購物中心在沙灘上圣誕老人C. shoutC. stockingC. fifthC. presentC. bread三、單項選擇。)1Who are we going to?A.meets B . meet C . Meeting()2、I swim tomorrow.A . is going to B . am C . am going to()3、-did you go to the park? -Last we

55、ek. A . Who B . When C . Where()4、 Lingling and Dongdong are waiting a bus. A . for B . at C . of()5、 Christmas Day falls 25 December. A.on B . in C . at四、連詞成句。、are we when to going swim?2、swim after don t meal a.3、want I a book.4、Father gives Christmas to gifts children.5、canf t wait I open to my p

56、resentsplay 玩playing sleep 睡覺一sleeping listen 聽一listeningcry 哭一crying eat 吃eating(2)輔音字母+e 去 e,再加 ing.如:write 寫一writing bite 咬一biting(3)重讀閉音節(jié)(結(jié)尾輔元輔wxy除外),雙寫再加ing.如:sit 坐sitting swim 游泳swimming run 跑一runningam /is /are的選擇,請記住下面的口訣:我用am;你用are; is連著他,她,它;單數(shù)is復(fù)數(shù)are.也就是 I am; You are; He is; She is; It i

57、s; We are; You are; They areUnit5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow.明天天氣將會晴朗涼爽。詞匯:weather forecast 天氣預(yù)報 light rain 小雨 heavy rain 大雨strong wind 大風(fēng) light snow 小雪 sunny and cool 晴朗涼爽sunny and warm晴朗溫暖 soft溫和的storm暴風(fēng)雨句型:lt will/won t be.There will/won, t be.語法:一般將來時:表示將來某一時刻的動作或狀態(tài),或?qū)砟骋欢螘r間內(nèi)經(jīng)常的動 作或狀態(tài)。常常

58、和表示將來的時間狀語連用。如:tomorrow (明天),next week(下周);in the future (將來)等。構(gòu)成:l.will+動詞原型It will rain.It will be rainy.It will be a rainy day.There will be sunny tomorrow.2.be going to +動詞原型:用來表示事先考慮過的將要發(fā)生的動作以及已有跡 象說明必將要發(fā)生的某事,意為“打算;就要”Dongdong is going to buy an iPhone6.Unit6 / will bring a big bottle of orange

59、 juice.我將會帶一大瓶橙汁。詞匯:a bottle of orange juice 瓶橙汁 a box of cakes 盒蛋糕a few cans of Coke 一些聽裝可樂a few bars of chocolate 一些條狀巧克力 bring 帶來 meet 遇見 peanut 花生 fruit 水 果candy糖果wait等待cookie曲奇餅干radio無線收音機(jī)volleyball排球句型:l will +動詞原型語法:可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞數(shù)量的表示方法不可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量表示方法:前面加量詞,如a bar of 一條;a piece of 一張,一 片;a bottle o

60、f 一瓶;a cup of 一杯等,數(shù)量表達(dá)在量詞上面two bars of兩條; some pieces of 許多張,許多片;three bottles of 三瓶;many cups of 許多杯等Unit7 What can / do?我能做什么?詞匯:slow 緩慢的,weak 虛弱的,an old woman 一個老婦人,help old people on the road 幫老人過馬路,make tea 沏茶,make cakes 做蛋糕,clean their homes 清掃 房間,make them happy讓他們開心,one another彼此,free免費,Ms已婚


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