



1、 2022計(jì)算機(jī)專業(yè)申請(qǐng)個(gè)人留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書 出國留學(xué)的最大好處之一就是有機(jī)會(huì)結(jié)識(shí)來自不同背景的新朋友。在國外學(xué)習(xí)期間,你將上學(xué)并與來自您所在國家的學(xué)生一起生活。這里給大家分享一些2022計(jì)算機(jī)專業(yè)申請(qǐng)個(gè)人留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書,歡迎閱讀! 2022計(jì)算機(jī)專業(yè)申請(qǐng)個(gè)人留學(xué)申請(qǐng)書 Dear _, Since first being able to play on “Paint box” at lower school, I have always had a fond interest in computers. My decision to study computing at higher education

2、 level was an easy one. Firstly, I love using computers; in fact I am renowned as a bit of a computer trouble-shooter amongst my friends. Secondly it is my most successful subject. This is clearly shown from the outstanding grade B I achieved in my AS practical coursework module, which I thoroughly

3、enjoyed completing. Once completing my studies, I would hope to work in part of an ICT technical support team. As part of my work experience, I joined the ICT team at a local business where I was given lots of responsibility for ensuring backups were complete considering I was only a year ten studen

4、t! As well as this I was also involved with the repair of computers and training some members of staff on new procedures. Through my current studies, I have learnt many cross subject skills, as well as specific knowledge that relates to each module. For Example, I have learnt presentation skills and

5、 improved report writing skills throughout my subjects. In design, I am currently making an office desk, which I thoroughly enjoy. During the design process of this process of this project I was able to use Pro-Desktop, a piece of software which allows you to create 3D rendered drawings. I think tha

6、t using ICT in this way has lead to a significant improvement in my work. In Media Studies, I have developed my analytical skills, through comparing the view part of different films. My current study of ICT is focused around a problem solution at the minute. From a previous job, I have decided to ma

7、ke a database system for ordering supplies for a pharmacy. Through a part-time job at a local chemist, I have improved my confidence by talking to customers and helping them make a decision over their purchase. I was also given the responsibility handling cash through the operation of a till. I also

8、 have been given the responsibility of being a key holder to the shop. In my spare time, I am involved with the scouts. I am currently working towards my Duke of Edinburgh Silver award where I am organising a 30 Mile hike for between 4-7 people. This will aid me in planning things in later life. Ove

9、rall I believe that a university education is an excellent way into the ICT industry and would love to be given the opportunity to study at your establishment. Yours sincerely, 烏克蘭本科留學(xué)費(fèi)用是多少 1.學(xué)費(fèi) 在首都基輔的大學(xué)每人為2000-5000美元學(xué)年,在外地的大學(xué)收費(fèi)相對(duì)較低,一般在1000-3000年美金不等,有的冷門專業(yè)只收800美元學(xué)年。相當(dāng)于美國等國家的十幾分之一,甚至幾十分之一。 2.生活費(fèi) 烏克蘭

10、的消費(fèi)水平偏低,一般留學(xué)生每個(gè)月的花費(fèi)可控制在300600元 3.住宿費(fèi) 住宿費(fèi)每人一般為200-500美元學(xué)年。按規(guī)定,留學(xué)生每人的住宿面積為6平方米。住房為公寓套間結(jié)構(gòu),內(nèi)設(shè)有盥洗、衛(wèi)生設(shè)施。 4.醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)費(fèi) 留學(xué)生只要每年交600元人民幣左右,就可以享受烏克蘭的免費(fèi)醫(yī)療 烏克蘭留學(xué)前期費(fèi)用 1.公證和認(rèn)證費(fèi)用 留學(xué)生在辦理烏克蘭大學(xué)入學(xué)申請(qǐng)時(shí),需要提交一些證明材料,這些證明材料都需要到公證部門公證(畢業(yè)證書、成績單、健康證明、出生證明等),費(fèi)用是100元份。同樣這些文件還需要拿到我國外交部指定的中介部門送交烏克蘭駐華使館進(jìn)行認(rèn)證,1份文件的認(rèn)證費(fèi)用是710元。 2.簽證申請(qǐng)費(fèi)用 烏克蘭留

11、學(xué)簽證申請(qǐng)需要留學(xué)生持護(hù)照、邀請(qǐng)函、學(xué)習(xí)合同及認(rèn)證過的4份文件一起,到烏克蘭駐華大使館進(jìn)行辦理,費(fèi)用則是510元人。 3.體檢費(fèi)用 烏克蘭海關(guān)要求入境的外國留學(xué)生提交自己的體檢報(bào)告,因此留學(xué)生必須參加正規(guī)的體檢,費(fèi)用簡略在400元。 4.護(hù)照辦理費(fèi)用 去烏克蘭留學(xué)不能沒有護(hù)照,留學(xué)生申請(qǐng)護(hù)照時(shí)需要攜帶好學(xué)校的入學(xué)邀請(qǐng),然后到當(dāng)?shù)氐墓膊块T要求辦理護(hù)照,費(fèi)用簡略是在100200元左右。 5.郵遞等通訊:300元2=600元 6.境外交通:400元 7.入境許可+入境體檢+圖書=1500元 8.機(jī)票:留學(xué)生搭機(jī)從北京飛往烏克蘭首都基輔,機(jī)票費(fèi)用簡略在450美元左右(具體費(fèi)用則要看航空公司) 烏克蘭

12、留學(xué)行李清單 一、證件現(xiàn)金 大家要先把自己進(jìn)入烏克蘭需要經(jīng)受檢查的證件準(zhǔn)備好,這里囊括個(gè)人護(hù)照、留學(xué)簽證、登機(jī)機(jī)票、健康證明,還有申請(qǐng)?jiān)盒_f交的材料的原件,并且需要隨身攜帶。 此外大家還需要換好現(xiàn)金,建議大家將人民幣換成美元,因?yàn)闉蹩颂m貨幣格里在國內(nèi)的銀行內(nèi)不是常備貨幣,很難對(duì)換,并且美元與格里之間的匯率比較穩(wěn)定,適合換匯。 二、衣物日用 衣服的選帶需要先做功課,了解自己地大的時(shí)候當(dāng)?shù)氐募竟?jié)和平均氣溫,然后選擇合適的衣服,一般兩到三套就綽綽有余了,此外還需要準(zhǔn)備好貼身的各類衣物。 床上用品三件套可以帶上一套,不占地方并且抵達(dá)后需要使用,比臨時(shí)買方便得多;洗漱用和沐浴用的相關(guān)日用品,可以選擇帶上便攜裝,這樣可以直接使用,渡過過渡期。 三、電器藥品 這里的電器除了自己的電腦和手機(jī)之外,還需要非常準(zhǔn)備好轉(zhuǎn)換插頭,并且可以帶上一個(gè)多孔插排,這樣可以讓更多的電器正常充電使用,畢竟和國內(nèi)是不一樣的。 烏克蘭的天氣氣候和國內(nèi)有著比較大的差異


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