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1、unit 52020秋PEP人教版三年級英語上冊優(yōu)質(zhì)課件Lets eat!PartA 第一課時(shí) 目 錄PartA 第二課時(shí)PartA 第三課時(shí)PartB 第一課時(shí)PartB 第二課時(shí)PartB 第三課時(shí)使用說明:點(diǎn)擊對應(yīng)課時(shí),就會跳轉(zhuǎn)到相應(yīng)章節(jié)內(nèi)容,方便使用。Unit 5 Lets eat!Part ALets talk & Lets play人 教 PEP 版 英 語 三年 級 上 冊Lets singWarm up點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻They are eating! Oh, Im hungry! Lets go to enjoy delicacies.(我們一起欣賞美食吧!)Lead inW

2、hats this?Its bread.PresentationNew wordsHave some bread. Whats this?Its juice.Have some juice.Whats this?Its an egg.Have some eggs.Lets talkMike is having breakfast with his mum.Hed like some juice.點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻Lets watch the video.What would Mike like?Id like some juice, please.Here you are. Have some

3、 bread, too.Thanks.Listen to the tape and follow it.Language points1. Id like some juice, please.【詳解】 Id like = I would like, 意為:我想要 eg. Id like some bread. Id like some eggs.some為限定詞,后可接可數(shù)名詞,也可接不可數(shù)名詞。2. Here you are.eg. Can I use your eraser? Sure. Here you are. Can I use your pen? Sure. Here you a

4、re.【詳解】這是英語中的一句常用口語,它的基本意思是“給你。”3. Have some eggs.【詳解】 have的用法。1. have意為“吃;喝”。Have some tea, please. Have some bread.2. have可譯為“有”,表示“擁有”的意思。 I have a new schoolbag.3. have還可用來表示患病,構(gòu)成have a cold(感冒),have a headache(頭疼),have a fever(發(fā)燒)等短語。 I have a toothache. I have a cold. Id like some juice, pleas

5、e.Here you are. Have some bread, too.Thanks.1. Read the dialogue freely.2. Read it in groups.大鯊魚吃東西可很講究順序的。你大聲地說出: Have some 它就會吃掉那些食物。PracticeId like some _.Id like some _ and _.Id like some _, _ and _.Big eater(教師指定學(xué)生根據(jù)圖片說出句子。)I am hungry(餓)!I want to eat(吃) Yellow faceId like some ,please.Id like

6、 some ,please.+Id like some Here you are. Have some , too.Thanks.Role playId like some bread.Id like some bread and eggs.Id like some bread, eggs and juice.Lets play( ) 1. I would like some juice, please. A. B. ( ) 2. Have some bread. A. B. ExercisesAB一、根據(jù)句子選圖片,將其序號填入題前括號內(nèi)。Exercises AB二、根據(jù)圖片選擇正確的句子。

7、( )1. A. Have some eggs. B. I would like some bread. ( )2. A. I would like some bread and eggs. B. I would like some juice. ( )1.你想喝一些果汁,可以這樣說: A. Here you are. B. Thanks. C. Id like some juice.( )2.請別人吃面包時(shí),可以說: A. Have some bread. B. Have some juice. C. Have some eggs.CA三、根據(jù)情景選擇合適的選項(xiàng)。Do you know wh

8、at is a picnic?having a picnic 野餐People often have a picnic at the weekend. They usually take lots of delicious food on that day. It is a good way to relax.I want to knowWe should clean the place before we leave.We should love our nature.We should protect our environment.我們應(yīng)該在我們野餐結(jié)束前打掃好衛(wèi)生,我們要熱愛大自然保護(hù)

9、環(huán)境。Summary1.學(xué)習(xí)了下列單詞:bread, juice, egg。2.學(xué)習(xí)了下列句型: Id like some . Have some . Here you are.Homeworkonetwo聽錄音跟讀Lets talk部分內(nèi)容。用學(xué)過的句型編寫一段對話。Unit 5 Lets eat!Part ALets learn & Lets do人 教 PEP 版 英 語 三 年 級 上 冊Lets singWarm up點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻What can I do for you?Id like some .Id like some and .Id like some and .Lea

10、d inIm hungry! Whats in it?PresentationAn egg!Some eggs!Bread!Some breads!Some bread!Milk!Some milks!Some milk!Juice!Some juices!Some juice!Mum, Im hungry!Have some bread.Lets learnListen and follow.Mum, Im hungry!Have some .breadmilkjuiceeggsPair work.分組進(jìn)行角色扮演,根據(jù)圖片提示變換食物,并上臺展示。breadbreadeggmilkeggm

11、ilkCan you read it?juicePracticeMagic tree(迅速讀出圖片上的單詞)Egg, egg, have an egg.Milk, milk, have some milk.Bread, bread, have some bread.Juice, juice, have some juice.Lets chant.Have some eggs.Have some juice.Have some bread.Have some milk.Lets doWatch and follow.點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻breadmilkeggjuiceExercises一、我會連

12、。( )1. A. milk B. juice C. bread ( )2. A. egg B. monkey C. duck ( )3. A. bread B. noodles C. panda ( )4. A. eye B. egg C. ear( )5. A. pen B. milk C. crayon CACBB二、選出每組中不同類的一項(xiàng)。Summary七彩課堂 伴你成長1. 學(xué)習(xí)了下列單詞:juice, egg, milk, bread。2. 學(xué)習(xí)了下列句型: Im hungry. Have some bread.3. 學(xué)習(xí)了下列指令: Eat some bread./Drink s

13、ome milk.七彩課堂 伴你成長Homework和同伴練習(xí)Lets do內(nèi)容。用學(xué)過的句型編一段對話。onetwo做一些食物卡片,標(biāo)上英語。Unit 5 Lets eat!Part ALets spell人 教 PEP 版 英 語 三 年 級 上 冊Warm up把學(xué)生分成兩組,每組出一個學(xué)生,學(xué)生迅速反應(yīng)出圖片中的字母,用時(shí)少并且答案對的一組獲勝。Play a gameahbicjdkelfmgnletterssoundsletterssoundsLead inFill in the blank.A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N _,U V W, X Y Z.SP

14、QORSRPOQTTPresentationIt is a schoolbag! Whats in it?orangeon/Whats in it?penpig/p/Be quiet! The queen is coming.queen/kw/ququietHave some rice.ricered/r/ six/s/ SarahHi! Im Sarah. Im six years old.tigerten/t/ Listen, repeat and chantWatch and follow.點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻p b k qs cr l d tListen and circle1./p/

15、pen 2./kw/ queen 3./s/ Sarah 4./r/ red 5./t/ tigerListen and circle.Write and sayWatch and follow.點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻Oo Oo Oo/ / / Pp Pp Pp/p/ /p/ /p/ Qq Qq Qq/q/ /q/ /q/ Rr Rr Rr/r/ /r/ /r/ Ss Ss Ss/s/ /s/ /s/ Tt Tt Tt/t/ /t/ /t/ Lets chant.PracticeOqtro大小寫搭配。pTQPQqtroTQPrRTQPsRSTqtroWhats missing?orangequee

16、npigonpenquietredtigertenSarahsixrice a b d e j lM O R S P R cfkNTQExercises一、根據(jù)字母表的順序補(bǔ)全字母,請注意大小寫。1. _ig 2. _ueen 3. _iger 4. _ice5. _range 6. _ixpqtros二、根據(jù)圖片提示補(bǔ)全單詞,并讀一讀。1. q ( B P Q ) 2. M ( m n h )3. S ( c s e ) 4. R ( a r t )5. l ( L I H ) 6. t ( L G T ) 7. P ( p B Q ) 8. O ( o B C )三、為下列字母圈出對應(yīng)的大

17、(?。懽帜浮ummary七彩課堂 伴你成長學(xué)習(xí)了下列字母的書寫及發(fā)音:O o, P p, Q q, R r, S s, T t七彩課堂 伴你成長Homework繼續(xù)在生活中尋找學(xué)過的字母。完成同步練習(xí)。onetwoUnit 5 Lets eat!Part BLets talk & Lets play人 教 PEP 版 英 語 三 年 級 上 冊Lets singWarm up點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻Lead inLook at the picture. What are they doing?Lets talkWhat would Wu Yifan like?PresentationWatch

18、the video and answer.點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻He would like some water.Listen again and repeat.Can I have some water?Here you are.Thank you.Youre welcome.Language pointsCan I have some water, please?【詳解】此句是用來征求意見或請求允許的句子,情態(tài)動詞用can,有 時(shí)也可用may。若在句尾加上please顯得更有禮貌。句型結(jié)構(gòu): Can +主語 + 動詞原形 + 其他?肯定回答: Yes, 主語 + can.否定回答: No, 主

19、語 + cant.eg. Can I have some cake? Yes, you can./ No, you cant. 1. Read it freely.Can I have some water?Here you are.Thank you.Youre welcome.2. Act it in groups and find the best group.Guessing game.Egg.Have some eggs.Have some PracticeCan I have some juice, please?Here you are.Have some milk.Thank

20、you.Lets playRole play.Here you are.Thank you.Youre welcome.Chen Jie also wants something.Can I have some .?(學(xué)生四人一組,根據(jù)下圖食物進(jìn)行對話。)Lets chant.Can I have some water? Can I have some water?Yes, yes, here you are. Yes, yes, here you are. Thank you, thank you. Thanks for the water. Youre welcome. Youre wel

21、come.( ) 1. Can I have some _, please? A. juice B. water ( ) 2. Can I have some _, please? A. bread B. cake( ) 3. Can I have some _, please? A. juice B. eggs AABExercises一、根據(jù)圖片選擇正確的選項(xiàng)補(bǔ)全句子。1. Can I have some bread, please? 2. Im hungry.3. Youre welcome. 4. Thanks.5. Have some milk, too.6. Here you ar

22、e._2 1 6 5 4 3二、將下列句子按排成一段對話,把序號寫在橫線上 。( )1. Thank you. A. Thanks. B. Youre welcome.( )2. Im hungry. A. Have some bread. B. Have some juice.( )3. Here you are. A. Thank you. B. Id like some eggs. BAA三、為下列句子選擇正確答語。The meal time of British. 英國人的就餐時(shí)間I want to knowThe British people often have a big bre

23、akfast before they go to work. Lunch is between 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm. Most people finish work at five thirty, so people often eat their evening meal between 6.30pm and 8.00 pm.Summary七彩課堂 伴你成長1. 學(xué)習(xí)了下列單詞:water。2. 學(xué)習(xí)了下列句型: Can I have some ? Thank you. Youre welcome. 七彩課堂 伴你成長Homework聽錄音跟讀Lets talk部分內(nèi)容

24、。完成同步練習(xí)。onetwoUnit 5 Lets eat!Part BLets learn & Lets do人 教 PEP 版 英 語 三 年 級 上 冊Read and do.Clap your hands.Stamp your feet.Wave your hands.Drink some water.Eat some bread.Warm upIm hungry. Lets go to the restaurant.Lead inCan I have some water, please?PresentationNew wordsCan I have some cake, pleas

25、e?Can I have some rice, please?Can I have some rice, please?ricecakefishwaterricecakefishRead it.Lets learnWhat would Sarah like to have? Listen to the tape and answer. Shed like some water. Can I have some water, please?Here you are.Listen to the tape and follow.Can I have some water, please?Here y

26、ou are.PracticePractice in pair.Can I have some juice, please?Here you are.Practice in pair.Can I have some milk, please?Here you are.Practice in pair.Can I have some fish, please?Here you are.Practice in pair.Can I have some rice, please?Here you are.Practice in pair.Lets doDrink some water.Eat som

27、e fish.Eat some rice.Cut some cake.Watch and follow.點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻Whats missing?(迅速讀出消失的詞組,比如吃蛋糕圖片消失時(shí),迅速讀出Eat some cake.)Lets chant.Water, water, water, drink some water.Fish, fish, fish, eat some fish.Rice, rice, rice, eat some rice.Cake, cake, cake, cut the cake.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. Eat some rice. B. Cut

28、 the cake. C. Drink some water. D. Eat the fish.BADCExercises一、看圖選句子。1. I have some can water please (, ) (?)_2. I like would some bread please (, ) (.)_3. some have bread (. )_ , ? , . .二、連詞成句。Summary七彩課堂 伴你成長1. 學(xué)習(xí)了下列單詞:water, cake, fish, rice。2. 學(xué)習(xí)了下列句型: Can I have some ? Here you are.3. 練習(xí)了下列指令:

29、Eat some . /Drink some /Cut the 七彩課堂 伴你成長Homework畫一幅畫,標(biāo)上英語。完成同步練習(xí)。onetwoUnit 5 Lets eat!Part B & Part C Lets checkStory time人 教 PEP 版 英 語 三 年 級 上 冊Lets singLets have some cake today. Lets have some cake today.Lets have some cake today, on such a lovely day. Lets have some milk today. Lets have some

30、milk today.Lets have some milk today, on such a lovely day.Warm upLets have a picnic todayLook and match.Lead ineggmilkfishbreadcakericejuicewaterStory timePresentationLets watch the video. What would Zoom like? Zoom wants some food. Guess.點(diǎn)擊畫面 播放視頻Some fish, rice, Coke and ice cream.Id like somefis

31、h, please.Here you are.Id like some rice, please.Sure.Can I have some Coke, please?Here you are.Can I have some ice cream, please?Here you are.Oh, no! My fish!Answer the questions.Id like somefish, please.Here you are.Sure.Id like somerice, please.Here you are.Can I have some Coke, please?Can I have some ice cream, please?Oh, no !My fish!Here you are.Did Zoom eat his fish? Who ate the fish?No, he didnt.A cat.Listen and read after it. 1.Zoom: Id like some fish, please.2.Waitress: Here you are. 3.Zoom


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