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1、高三寫作指導(dǎo)講座I、掌握高考英語寫作基本技巧英語寫作是一種創(chuàng)作性的學(xué)習(xí)過程。啟動(dòng)知識(shí)信息儲(chǔ)存,構(gòu)思立意,謀篇布局,遣詞造句,對(duì)語言表達(dá)的正確性和準(zhǔn)確性、思維的邏輯性和文章的條理性都比口語要求更高。 高考英語寫作有以下幾個(gè)特點(diǎn):緊扣教學(xué)大綱對(duì)考生書面表達(dá)的要求;以有指導(dǎo)的寫作為主(guided writing),便于考生在短時(shí)間內(nèi)構(gòu)思成文;突出試題的交際性,考查考生在特定的情景中運(yùn)用語言的能力;增強(qiáng)試題的實(shí)用性,所選話題貼近學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)生活,為學(xué)生所熟悉;看圖作文主要考查考生運(yùn)用所學(xué)知識(shí)解決實(shí)際問題的能力。英語寫作注意五要五不要:(寫作與翻譯指導(dǎo)五要:緊扣題目、理清思路:認(rèn)真看兩遍題目(包括提示),

2、全面了解寫作要求.確定體裁、控制字?jǐn)?shù):不要低于限度字?jǐn)?shù),也不要超出過多. 適當(dāng)應(yīng)用,增色文章:注意句子之間的連接,適當(dāng)運(yùn)用過渡、轉(zhuǎn)折、成語、諺語等,使文章生色.揚(yáng)長避短,發(fā)揮特長:寫自己熟悉的內(nèi)容,有把握的語句,可以運(yùn)用一些文章典范.注意格式,卷面整潔:文章要分段,應(yīng)用文寫作要符合格式要求,注意大小寫和標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào). II、不同體裁作文寫作技巧:(佳作欣賞)1記敘文記敘文是敘述某個(gè)事件發(fā)生經(jīng)過或某個(gè)人經(jīng)歷的文體,可以是作者的親身經(jīng)歷或他人的個(gè)人經(jīng)歷。在寫作前應(yīng)確定主題,注重某個(gè)印象深刻的方面或事件的吸引人之初。在敘述中要避免平鋪直敘或是報(bào)流水帳。記敘文一般以事件發(fā)生的時(shí)間先后為線索,也可以采用倒敘

3、的手法。時(shí)態(tài)通常選用現(xiàn)在時(shí)或過去時(shí),注意前后時(shí)態(tài)的一致性。記敘文應(yīng)考慮的幾點(diǎn):1.包括開頭、主體和結(jié)尾,有情節(jié)發(fā)展的過程,可以有沖突、高潮;2.確定人稱(多為第一、第三人稱);3.包含時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、人物、事件、原因和結(jié)果六要素;4.活動(dòng)細(xì)節(jié)詳略得當(dāng),感想要有真情流露,多用過去時(shí)態(tài).A Happy JourneyDuring the Spring Festival holidays, Mother and I had been invited to spend several days at my aunts at Xiamen. As we had some rather heavy lugga

4、ge, we had to go to the station by taxi, and father went to see us off.We bought our tickets and then sat down in the waiting room till it was time for us to leave. As we entered the platform, we had to show our tickets. We got into a carriage, which was not at all crowded, so we were able to find a

5、 good seat by the window. When the train started we said good-bye to each other, and father told us to take care of ourselves.At first I found it very interesting to look out of the window. The train traveled quickly and smoothly along, passing farms and villages, over one or two bridges and through

6、 some tunnels. After an hour or two, however, I began to feel tired of sitting still, although the seats and cushions were comfortable enough and I looked forward to the end of the journey.After a long train ride we reached our destination at last. As soon as we stepped down from the train we saw au

7、nt and two cousins, who had come to meet us on the platform.文章第一段寫了這次旅行的緣由。第二段寫了買票、上車、與家人告別。第三段寫了旅途的所見所聞和感受。結(jié)尾一段寫了到達(dá)目的地,字里行間洋溢著作者的愉快心情。2議論文議論文是以客觀事實(shí)為依據(jù),論證作者個(gè)人的或作者支持的觀點(diǎn),使讀者贊同這一觀點(diǎn)。因此在寫議論文時(shí),首先要提出明確的觀點(diǎn),避免模棱兩可、觀點(diǎn)不明確。論證過程中要注意論據(jù)的充分、闡述清晰、有一定的邏輯性。寫提示議論文應(yīng)考慮的幾點(diǎn):1.文章開頭,能依據(jù)提示,確立主題句, 闡明觀點(diǎn)或看法,論點(diǎn)要鮮明,只能有一個(gè)中心論點(diǎn);2.使用連

8、接詞,分層次說明理由,論據(jù)要充分、可靠,言之有物,順理成章;3.歸納總結(jié),首尾呼應(yīng),要與引言段呼應(yīng),但不要照搬原話.(作文提示:作為高中生,談?wù)勀銓?duì)青少年目前學(xué)校作業(yè)過多、父母照管過多、自己支配時(shí)間太少、獨(dú)立自主太少現(xiàn)象的看法。)Have you noticed that, for us teenagers, life is unbalanced? Both at school and at home, we are torn between too much homework and to little free time. We receive too much protection fr

9、om our parents, yet have too little independence. With all these problems of “too much and too little,” what will happen when we leave school? Shall we be ready to face the world, by relying on our own?Albert Einstein once said that school should always aim at forming young people with harmonious pe

10、rsonalities and that it is most important to develop general ability for independent thinking and judgment. Today, we grow up in a society full of changes and challenges. Clearly we should receive an all-rounded education, not simply learning from books. We know, too, that lack of guidance, care and

11、 love for children are harmful, but too much protection is equally damaging. Just as a healthy child needs balanced nutrition, we high school students need balanced education.We are crying out to our parents, crying out to our teachers, crying out to the public: Please take notice of our worries, an

12、d give us, as well as the generations ahead, a balanced life.作者富有激情,針對(duì)當(dāng)前對(duì)學(xué)生管束太多放手太少,深有感觸而發(fā)。文章有主題段、中心段、結(jié)論段,脈絡(luò)清楚。文思涌動(dòng),文筆通俗流利,表達(dá)自如、緊湊,是一篇佳作。描寫文描寫文是通過生動(dòng)詳細(xì)的描述,把被描述的人物、動(dòng)物、景物和人的心理活動(dòng)刻畫出來,使讀者對(duì)被描述的對(duì)象有形象化的認(rèn)識(shí)。寫作描寫文時(shí)要注意抓住對(duì)象的特點(diǎn),把最有感染力的部分展現(xiàn)給讀者。寫作前要先確定文章的主題。描寫文應(yīng)考慮的幾點(diǎn):1.將所要描述的對(duì)象給予讀者清晰的總體印象;2.補(bǔ)充具體的細(xì)節(jié)描寫,并且言之有物.3提出自己的感

13、想.Our Teacher of EnglishWe have had several teachers of English since we Fagan studying in middle school. All of them have a good knowledge of the language. They all devote themselves to teaching. We are lucky to have so many good teachers.But it seems to me that my present teacher of English, Miss

14、Yang, is the best one we have ever had. She is never tired of helping us in our studies. She patiently answers our questions and looks over our exercises. She has years of experience in teaching English so she knows what our special difficulties are. With her help we have made rapid progress.We are

15、deeply impressed by her wide range of knowledge. She has not only aroused in us the great interest in learning, but also led us to an appreciation of the beauty of English poetry.Although we shall soon graduate from middle school, her fine quality has made a deep impression on us all. We shall alway

16、s remember her.這是一篇描寫人物的文章。作者抓住了老師獻(xiàn)身教育事業(yè)的特征,著力描寫她如何教學(xué)生學(xué)好英語。她廣博的知識(shí)和她的人品,受到廣大學(xué)生的尊敬。說明文說明文是具有科學(xué)性和邏輯推理性的文體,用來說明事物的性質(zhì)、組成及個(gè)部分之間的關(guān)系、用途、原理等。說明文應(yīng)考慮的幾點(diǎn):1.注意知識(shí)的科學(xué)性、行文的條理性;2.多用具體詳實(shí)的材料說明問題;3.語言簡潔,條理清楚,討論集中,不一定面面俱到.The Sun and The EarthThe sun shines on us. It gives us light and heat. It makes everything grow. It

17、 gives the earth life.The earth rotates on its axis. So, we have day and night. Its bright by day and dark by night.The earth also travels round the sun in an orbit. As it travels, we have four seasons. It is hot in summer and cold in winter. The days are long in summer and short in winter. In sprin

18、g it is warm and the days are getting longer. In autumn it is cool and the days are getting shorter. 文章對(duì)太陽和地球客觀、如實(shí)地進(jìn)行介紹,不含有作者個(gè)人的感情色彩。文章目的明確,條理清楚,層次分明,語言簡練。 III. 寫作規(guī)范及常用句型的合理運(yùn)用一、開好頭開門見山,直述事實(shí);以使用問題的方式開頭;使用諺語開頭;使用第一人稱開頭;通過定義引入主題;通過數(shù)據(jù)引入主題。二、可選用的開頭語:There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of

19、.When asked about, some people say.When it comes to ., some people think.Now it is widely believed.These days we often hear people say.Currently, there is a widespread concern over.Many nations have been faced with the problem of .Now an increasing number of people come to realize that.Nowadays ther

20、e is a growing tendency.10) With the rapid development of.more and more people come to realize.11) According to recent survey / study / research / report,.12) One of the basic questions facing our society today is.三、可選用的承上啟下段落發(fā)展的句子:My idea / opinion / viewpoint may be expressed as follows:There are

21、several reasons for this growth / decrease / change / increase.Perhaps the most important reason is.It may result in / lead to / bring / create / give rise to a lot of problems.Chances are that.There is no doubt that.四、可選用的結(jié)束語:On the whole,.So, based on the above discussion, I agree with the opinion

22、 that.Once you have known all of these, you must agree with me that.We can conclude from the above reasons and examples that.So, after considering all of these, I think you may agree with me that.Given all these points above, I would support the idea that.For all the reasons mentioned above, I would

23、 prefer.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that.IV. 不同類型的作文寫作一、看圖作文1.看懂圖片,把圖片展示的人物、地點(diǎn)、時(shí)間、事件等有機(jī)地串聯(lián)起來,使之成為內(nèi)容連貫的句子.2.確定短文須用的時(shí)態(tài)和該用的人稱。3.確定體裁(說明文還是記敘文),用簡潔的語句描述圖片或圖表大意。4.根據(jù)圖片或圖表大意發(fā)表議論。 二、圖表作文The table / chart diagram graph shows that .As is shown in the As can be seen f

24、rom theThe figures / statistics shows that We can see from the .It is apparent from the table / chart / diagram / graph / figures that.The diagram shows / describes / illustrates how三、應(yīng)用文:以書信、便條、日記、通知、布告等為多見。常見種類的寫作要領(lǐng)如下:書信:便條:格式與寫信相仿,但較簡短,不太正式??梢匀园从⑽男帕?xí)慣,日期寫在便條右上方和有結(jié)束敬語。便條可以不寫日期,或僅寫鐘點(diǎn)。給較熟悉的人可不用Dear稱呼

25、,右下方可直接寫上名字,不加結(jié)束敬語。日記:一般在首行左端寫月、日、星期,右端寫天氣情況。(有時(shí)也可以立一個(gè)標(biāo)題)通知:標(biāo)上Notice字樣,在正文下端分行寫上告示日期和告示單位。V. 寫作中應(yīng)避免的錯(cuò)誤在英語寫作中,有一些常見的典型錯(cuò)誤常會(huì)影響考生得分。其中比較突出的是:一、不一致(Disagreements) 所謂不一致不僅僅指主謂不一致,它還包括了數(shù)的不一致、時(shí)態(tài)不一致及代詞不一致等。 例 When one have money, he can do what he want to do. 人一旦有了錢,他就能想干什么就干什么。 剖析 one是單數(shù)第三人稱,因而本句的have應(yīng)改為has

26、 ;同理,want應(yīng)改為wants本句是典型的主謂不一致。 改為 Once one has money, he can do what he wants (to do)二、修飾語錯(cuò)位(Misplaced Modifiers) 英語與漢語不同,同一個(gè)修飾語置于句子的不同位置,可能會(huì)引起句子含義的變化。這一點(diǎn)常被中國學(xué)生所忽視,也因而造成了不必要的誤解。 例 I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the campus. 剖析 better位置不當(dāng),應(yīng)置于句末。 改為I believe I can do

27、 it well and I will know the world outside the campus better.三、句子不完整(Sentence Fragments) 在口語中,交際雙方可借助手勢(shì)語氣等來理解對(duì)方意思,不完整的句子完全可以被理解??墒菚嬲Z就不同了,句子結(jié)構(gòu)不完整會(huì)令意思表達(dá)不清,這常常發(fā)生在主句寫完以后,筆者又想加些補(bǔ)充說明的情況下。 例:There are many ways to know the society. For example by TV, radio, newspaper and so on. 剖析:本句后半部分“for example by TV

28、, radio, newspaper and so on .”不是一個(gè)完整的句子,僅為一些不連貫的詞語,不能獨(dú)立成句。 改為 There are many ways to know society, for example, by TV, radio, and newspaper. 四、懸垂修飾語(Dangling Modifiers) 所謂懸垂修飾語是指句首的短語與后面句子的邏輯關(guān)系混亂不清。 例1 At the age of ten, my grandfather died. 剖析 這句中at the age of ten只點(diǎn)出十歲時(shí),但沒有說明“誰”十歲時(shí)。按一般推理不可能是my gra

29、ndfather, 如果我們把這個(gè)懸垂修飾語改明確一點(diǎn),全句就不那么費(fèi)解了。 改為 When I was ten, my grandfather died. 例2 To do well in college, good grades are essential. 剖析 句中不定式短語to do well in college的邏輯主語不清楚。 改為 To do well in college, a student needs good grades. 五、詞性誤用(Misuse of Parts of Speech) “詞性誤用”常表現(xiàn)為:介詞當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用;形容詞當(dāng)副詞用;名詞當(dāng)動(dòng)詞用等。 例 N

30、one can negative the importance of money. 剖析 negative 系形容詞,誤作動(dòng)詞。 改為 None can deny the importance of money. 六、指代不清(Ambiguous Reference of Pronouns) 指代不清主要講的是代詞與被指代的人或物關(guān)系不清,或者先后所用的代詞不一致。 例1 Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her bridesmaid.瑪麗和我姐姐很要好,因?yàn)樗鏊陌槟铩?剖析 讀完上面這一句話,讀者無

31、法明確地判斷兩位姑娘中誰將結(jié)婚,誰將當(dāng)伴娘。如果我們把易于引起誤解的代詞的所指對(duì)象加以明確,意思就一目了然了。 改為 Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid. 例2 And we can also know the society by serving it yourself. 剖析 句中人稱代詞we 和反身代詞yourself指代不一致。 改為 We can also know society by serving it ourselves. 七、不間斷句子(Run-on

32、 Sentences) 什么叫run-on sentence?請(qǐng)看下面的例句。 例 There are many ways we get to know the outside world. 剖析 這個(gè)句子包含了兩層完整的意思:“There are many ways.” 以及“We get to know the outside world.”。簡單地把它們連在一起就不妥當(dāng)了。 改為There are many ways for us to learn about the outside world. 或:There are many ways through which we can be

33、come acquainted with the outside world. 八、措詞毛病(Troubles in Diction) Diction 是指在特定的句子中如何適當(dāng)?shù)剡x用詞語的問題,學(xué)生往往隨心所欲,拿來就用,所以在漢譯英或書面表達(dá)中用詞不當(dāng)?shù)腻e(cuò)誤比比皆是。 例 The increasing use of chemical obstacles in agriculture also makes pollution. 農(nóng)業(yè)方面化學(xué)物質(zhì)使用的不斷增加也造成了污染。 剖析 顯然,這是把obstacles“障礙”,“障礙物”誤作substance“物質(zhì)”了。另外“the increasi

34、ng use (不斷增加的使用)” 應(yīng)改為“abusive use (濫用)”。 改為 The abusive use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes / leads to pollution. 九、累贅(Redundancy) 好文章都講究以簡潔為貴:寫句子沒有一個(gè)多余的詞,寫段落沒有一個(gè)無必要的句子;能用單詞的不用詞組,能用詞組的不用從句或句子。 例 In spite of the fact that he is lazy, I like him. 剖析 本句的“the fact that he is lazy”系同位語從

35、句,我們可以按照上述“能用詞組的不用從句”的原則來加以簡化。 改為 In spite of his laziness, I like him. 例2 For the people who are diligent and kind, money is just the thing to be used to buy the thing they need. 剖析 整個(gè)句子可以大大簡化。 改為 Diligent, caring people use money only to buy what they need. 十、不連貫(Incoherence) 不連貫是指一個(gè)句子前言不對(duì)后語,或是結(jié)構(gòu)上

36、不暢通。這也是比較常見的毛病。 例 The fresh water, it is the most important things of the earth. 剖析 The fresh water 與逗號(hào)后的it 不連貫。It 與things 在數(shù)方面不一致。 改為 Fresh water is the most important thing in the world.VI. 靈活運(yùn)用,增加句子復(fù)雜性1.改變句子的開頭方式,不要一味地都是主語開頭,接著是謂語、賓語,最后再加一個(gè)狀語??梢园褷钫Z置于句首,或用分詞做狀語等。原文We met at the school gate and wen

37、t there together early in the morning.修正Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together.原文The young man couldnt help crying when he heard the bad news.修正Hearing the bad news, the young man couldnt help crying.2.在整篇文章中,避免只使用一兩個(gè)句式,要靈活運(yùn)用諸如倒裝句、強(qiáng)調(diào)句、主從復(fù)合句、分詞狀語等。強(qiáng)調(diào)句原文My parents prais

38、ed Ah Fu warmly. It had saved my little sister bravely.修正My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister bravely.由what等引導(dǎo)的從句,此處的what相當(dāng)于中文的“所”,有很大的概括力,如:原文We had to stand there to catch the offender.修正What we had to do was (to) stand there, trying to catch the o

39、ffender.What China has achieved in recent years is known through the world.China is no longer what it used to be.由with或without引導(dǎo)的短語。如:He sat in a chair with a newspaper in the hand.分詞短語。如:Satisfied with the result, he decided to go on with a new experiment.倒裝句。如:Only in this way can we achieve our g

40、oal.Never before have I seen such a wonderful film.省略句。如:If so, victory will be ours.You can make some changes wherever necessary.對(duì)比,這是中文中也常用的方法。如:Failure is not a crime, but failure to learn from failure is.When I play, I feel excited, and after it I feel relaxed.3.通過分句和合句,增強(qiáng)句子的連貫性和表現(xiàn)力。原文We had a s

41、hort rest. Then we began to play happily. We sang and danced.Some told stories. Some played chess.修正After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes and playing chess.4.學(xué)會(huì)使用過渡詞。如:遞進(jìn): then(然后), besides(還有), furthermore(而且), moreover(此外)等。轉(zhuǎn)折: however(然而), but(但是), on the country

42、(相反), after all(畢竟)等??偨Y(jié): finally(最后), at last(最后), in brief(總之), in conclusion(最后)等。強(qiáng)調(diào): indeed(確實(shí)), certainly(一定), surely(確定), above all(尤其)等。對(duì)比: in the same way(同樣地), just as(正如), on the one handon the other hand(一方面另一方面)等。5.注意使用不同長度的句子。二、對(duì)于“較復(fù)雜的詞匯”,可以從以下幾個(gè)方面著手。1.注意使用詞組、習(xí)語來代替一些單詞,以增加文采。如:原文A new ra

43、ilway is being built in my hometown.修正A new railway is under construction in my hometown.2.使用一些很有“洋味”的單詞。如:Thank you for sharing the time with us.The way he views the world is very practical.3.避免重復(fù)使用某一單詞或短語。如:原文I like reading while my brother likes watching television.修正I like reading while my broth

44、er enjoys watching television.以前英語作文評(píng)分依據(jù)是根據(jù)要點(diǎn)和語言準(zhǔn)確度而定,但近幾年要求“使用較多語法結(jié)構(gòu)和詞匯”,因此要想得高分,除了要點(diǎn)和語言準(zhǔn)確度以外,還必須在較復(fù)雜的句子結(jié)構(gòu)或較高級(jí)的詞匯上有所表現(xiàn)。句式單一,缺乏生氣的文章,哪怕無任何錯(cuò)誤也不可能得高分,相反“有些錯(cuò)誤,但是為了使用較復(fù)雜結(jié)構(gòu)或較高級(jí)詞匯所致”,給分檔次仍在最高檔(2125分)。VII. 寫作使用率最高的基本句式以下是短文寫作中使用率最高、覆蓋面最廣的基本句式,每組句式的功能相同或相似,考生可根據(jù)自己的情況選擇其中的12個(gè),做到能夠熟練正確地仿寫或套用。1表示原因1)There are

45、three reasons for this2)The reasons for this are as follows3)The reason for this is obvious4)The reason for this is not far to seek5)The reason for this is that6)We have good reason to believe that例如:There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our lifeFirstly,peoples living stan

46、dard has been greatly improvedSecondly,most people are well paid, and they can afford what they need or likeLast but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life注:如考生寫第一個(gè)句子沒有把握,可將其改寫成兩個(gè)句子。如:Great changes have taken place in our lifeThere are three reasons for this這樣寫可以避免套用中的表達(dá)失誤。2表示好處1

47、)It has the following advantages2)It does us a lot of good3)It benefits us quite a lot4)It is beneficial to us5)It is of great benefit to us例如:Books are like friendsThey can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizonsTherefore,reading extensively is of great bene

48、fit to us3表示壞處1)It has more disadvantages than advantages2)It does us much harm3)It is harmful to us例如:However,everything divides into twoTelevision can also be harmful to usIt can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television4表示重要、必要、困難、方便、可能1)It is important(

49、necessary,difficult,convenient, possible)for sbto do sth2)We think it necessary to do sth3)It plays an important role in our life例如:Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in businessSoon, computers will be found in every home,tooWe have good reason to say tha

50、t computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age5表示措施1)We should take some effective measures2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties3)We should do our utmost in doing sth4)We should solve the problems that we are confr

51、onted(faced)with例如:The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more seriousTherefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it6表示變化1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years2)A great change will certainly be produced in the worlds communications3)The compu

52、ter has brought about many changes in education例如:Some changes have taken place in peoples diet in the past five yearsThe major reasons for these changes are not far to seekNowadays,more and more people are switching from grain to meat for protein,and from fruit and vegetable to milk for vitamins7表示

53、事實(shí)、現(xiàn)狀1)We cannot ignore the fact that2)No one can deny the fact that3)There is no denying the fact that4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in5)However,thats not the case例如:We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings with it the problems of pollutionTo solve these probl

54、ems,we can start by educating the public about the hazards of pollutionThe government on its part should also design stricter laws to promote a cleaner environment8表示比較1)Compared with A,B2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV3)There is a striking contrast between them例如:Compared with cars,bicycles

55、have several advantages besides being affordableFirstly,they do not consume natural resources of petroleumSecondly,they do not cause the pollution problemLast but not least,they contribute to peoples health by giving them due physical exercise9表示數(shù)量1)It has increased(decreased)fromto2)The population

56、in this city has now increased (decreased)to 800,0003)The output of July in this factory increased by 15 compared with that of January例如:With the improvement of the living standard,the proportion of peoples income spent on food has decreased while that spent on education has increased再如:From the gra

57、ph listed above,it can be seen that student use of computers has increased from an average of less than two hours per week in 1990 to 20 hours in 200010表示看法1)People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth2)People have different opinions on this problem3)People take different views of(

58、on)the question4)Some people believe thatOthers argue that例如:People have different attitudes towards failureSome believe that failure leads to successEvery failure they experience translates into a greater chance of success at their renewed endeavorHowever, others are easily discouraged by failures

59、and put themselves into the category of losers再如:Do “l(fā)ucky numbers really bring good luck?Different people have different views on it注:一個(gè)段落有時(shí)很適宜以問句開始,考生應(yīng)掌握這一寫作方法。 11表示結(jié)論1)In short,it can be said that 2)It may be briefly summed up as follows3)From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conc

60、lusion that 例如:From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion thatexamination is necessary,however, its method should be improved注:例句1可用于任何一個(gè)段落的結(jié)論句;例句3則多用文章結(jié)論段的第一句。12套語1)Its well known to us that 2)As is known to us,3)This is a topic that is being widely talked about4)From the grap


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