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1、Store of Learning第八課培訓(xùn)店領(lǐng)導(dǎo)藝術(shù)閱讀練習(xí)Store of Learning- Confidential - TIME MMMM, yy January, 09 Training, HRPage PAGE 7 of NUMPAGES 7“We can do what we know. The more we know, the more we can do. Talk to your associates, talk to each other, learn and teach.”“我們能做我們了解的事。我們了解的越多,我們能做到的就越多。當(dāng)你的員工談話,彼此交談,彼此學(xué)習(xí)

2、?!?Tom CoughlinLEADERSHIP LESSON領(lǐng)導(dǎo)藝術(shù)課程Motivation動(dòng)力How many times have you heard something like: Bob sure knows how to motivate his people. or Susie just cant seem to get her people motivated? The key to motivation is understanding people. 我們聽過許多次像下的話:“BOB確實(shí)知道如何激勵(lì)他的同事?!被蛘摺癝usie看起好像不能使她的同事受到激勵(lì)?!眲?dòng)力的關(guān)鍵是

3、理解人。Why are we, as Managers, so concerned about motivation? Motivated Associates, working under conditions where moral is high, will produce better results.為什么我們做為管理者那么關(guān)心動(dòng)心?在工作動(dòng)力的員工在通常的條件下工作是高效的,將會(huì)形成好的結(jié)果。Understanding People理解同事One important aspect of understanding people is that people are primaril

4、y interested in satisfying their own self-interest first. Before we can meet the needs of others, we first have to satisfy our own needs. But remember, people are different; it is your role as a Manager to find out what motivates each of your Associates.理解同事的最重要的一個(gè)方面是人最基本的興趣在于首先滿足他們自己的個(gè)人受好。在我們面對(duì)他們的需

5、要他們的需要以前,我們首先滿足我們自己的需要,但記住,人是不同的,作為一名管理者找出激勵(lì)你每個(gè)員工需要是你的目標(biāo)。Motivation is an internal element. What motivates one person will not necessarily motivate another. One thing is constant, that is the craving for recognition. Everyone wants to believe that they are important and have worth. They want and nee

6、d to be recognized and praised for their accomplishments. Praising people for their positive performance proves to be a more effective motivational tool than constantly pointing out the negative aspects of their work.動(dòng)力是一個(gè)內(nèi)在的因素??梢约?lì)一個(gè)人的東西不一定適用于激勵(lì)他人,一件事物是固定的,那是對(duì)認(rèn)識(shí)的渴望。每個(gè)人希望相信他們是重要的,有價(jià)值的。他們需要被認(rèn)可和表揚(yáng)他們比不

7、斷的指出他們工作的錯(cuò)誤方面是更能提高有效的工作熱情的工具。People today are more aware of the world around them. They have to feel that their work has meaning and importance. Managers must realize this change in people and act accordingly. This requires Managers to approach Associates differently than before and look at things f

8、rom their point of view.今天的人們對(duì)他們周圍世界有更多的意識(shí)。他們不得不感到他們的工作有意義和重要性。管理者必須意識(shí)到在同事中的變化并且根據(jù)此變化行動(dòng)。這就要求管理層比以前接近員工,從員工的觀點(diǎn)去看待事情。Find out what your Associates want. Put yourself in their shoes. Remember that Associates want to feel important and desire praise. 找出你員工之所需。使你自己處于員工的地位。記住員工想感到重要并且渴望表揚(yáng)。Have you ever ac

9、complished something or performed a task well and had it go unnoticed? How did it make you feel?你有完成一些事情或很好的執(zhí)行了一項(xiàng)任務(wù)但沒有使你被注意的經(jīng)歷嗎?它給你的感受是什么?People usually feel hurt when accomplishments go unnoticed. As a Manager, a very important part of your job is knowing when and how to recognize the performance o

10、f your Associates. An important note to remember here is that we are talking about earned praise. Nothing will destroy your credibility as a leader more quickly than to give recognition where it is not due. Also, strive to be sincere with your praise. If you are insincere with your Associates, they

11、will spot it and quickly lose respect for you. Learn to sincerely praise and recognize your Associates when it is due.當(dāng)完成事而沒被重視時(shí),人們通常感到受傷害。作為一名管理者,你工作的一個(gè)重要部分是知道什么時(shí)候和怎樣認(rèn)可你員工的表現(xiàn)。記住這點(diǎn)的一個(gè)重要提示我們正在談?wù)撽P(guān)于贏得表揚(yáng)。沒有什么比你指出不負(fù)責(zé)的地方更快的毀掉你作為一個(gè)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的信譽(yù),用你的表揚(yáng)和力求真誠。如果你對(duì)員工不真誠,他們會(huì)指出并且很快失去對(duì)你的尊敬,當(dāng)需要時(shí),學(xué)會(huì)真誠的表揚(yáng)和認(rèn)可你的員工。Ways to Mot

12、ivate激勵(lì)的方式We have discussed what motivation is and why it is so important. Now, lets actually discuss some ways in which you can help your Associates become motivated.我們已經(jīng)討論了動(dòng)力是什么和它為那么重要?,F(xiàn)在,讓我們實(shí)際討論一些你可以幫助員工的動(dòng)力的方式。Examine Your Strengths Once again, we get back to the basis of leadershipyou have to kn

13、ow yourself to motivate others. Use your strong points to help others. 檢驗(yàn)?zāi)愕牧α吭?jīng),我們回到領(lǐng)導(dǎo)藝術(shù)的基礎(chǔ)你不得不使你自己知道激勵(lì)他人。用你強(qiáng)大的觀點(diǎn)去幫助他人。Example: If you have a good sense of humor, dont cover it up; use it to motivate your Associates. The important thing to remember is to always strive to build on your strengths. Alo

14、ng with this, strive to improve your weaknesses. Learn to be satisfied with yourself and the talents you have.例如:如果你對(duì)榮譽(yù)有好的感受,不要隱藏它;用它激勵(lì)你的員工。要記住的重要事情是要不斷力求增強(qiáng)你的能力,按這種方式,努力增強(qiáng)自己的不足,學(xué)會(huì)滿足你自己和你會(huì)具有的天賦。Care Learn to care about your Associates and yourself. They cannot be motivated if you dont have a genuine

15、care for them. Many times this will take a lot of work and practice on your part. It is only natural that we will like some Associates more than others. However, the ability to see good and worth in those that we dont necessarily like personally is a key point to motivation.關(guān)心學(xué)會(huì)關(guān)心你的員工和你自己,如果你不是真正關(guān)心他

16、們,他們是不會(huì)被激勵(lì)的,很多時(shí)候,這會(huì)花很多功夫而是在你的工作范圍內(nèi),通常來說,很自然我們會(huì)更喜歡一些員工,然而,從這些我們無須喜歡與否的人們中,找出好的與不那么出色的能力是我們激勵(lì)的非常重要的一點(diǎn)。Listen Actively In our section on communication, we will discuss in more detail the art of listening. Just remember this, if you learn to listen more and talk less, you will find out a great deal more

17、 about your Associates. This will certainly help you in your efforts to motivate them.不斷傾聽在我們溝通方面,我們會(huì)在傾聽藝術(shù)方面討論更多的細(xì)節(jié),只要記住,如果你會(huì)聽多些,少說些的話,你會(huì)找到一個(gè)對(duì)待你員工更好的方式,這必然會(huì)幫你更好地激勵(lì)他們。Find Others Strengths This will be easier with some Associates than with others. Some peoples strengths are obvious and you will natur

18、ally recognize them. The key is recognizing the strengths in average and weak people. Realistically, they are the ones who need your encouragement and will be motivated if you recognize their good points. 發(fā)現(xiàn)他人的長處這條對(duì)于一些員工比其他人更容易,有些人的長處很容易被發(fā)現(xiàn),然后你會(huì)很自己地認(rèn)可,而找到他人長處的關(guān)鍵在于發(fā)現(xiàn)那些普通的或稍弱些的人們的優(yōu)點(diǎn),事實(shí)上,他們是最需要你的鼓勵(lì)而且如果

19、你發(fā)現(xiàn)了他們的長處,他們會(huì)被激勵(lì)。Provide Positive Reinforcement As we mentioned earlier, the best reinforcement is praise. Dont fall into the trap believing that money or raises are the best forms of reinforcement. Money is a maintainer, a persons pay has to be a certain level or they will not be motivated. However

20、, pay itself cannot be used as a motivational tool. Be sincere and recognize those positive achievements.提供正面強(qiáng)化正如我們前面提到過的,最好的加強(qiáng)方式就是表揚(yáng),不要進(jìn)入一個(gè)誤區(qū),以為錢和升職是最好的加強(qiáng)方式,錢是必須的,一個(gè)人的工資言在某一個(gè)水平,或許他們不會(huì)被激勵(lì),但是薪水本身不會(huì)是一個(gè)激勵(lì)的工具,而應(yīng)該由是真誠和發(fā)現(xiàn)優(yōu)秀的成績。Obtain Involvement Associates want to feel that what they do is important. If t

21、hey have a specific job assignment, they want to have input on how it is done. Learn to work with your Associates, allow them the opportunity to work with you in making decisions that involves their work. If your Associates feel that they have some involvement in what they are doing, then they will

22、be motivated to make certain that it is done correctly.獲得參與權(quán)員工都希望他們所做的很重要,如果他們被分派到特別的任務(wù),他們希望有權(quán)決定如何去做,學(xué)會(huì)同你的員工一起工作,讓他們有機(jī)會(huì)決定他們也會(huì)參與的工作的決定,如果員工感到他們自己可以控制一些他們需要做的事,他們會(huì)被激勵(lì),并把每一件事做好。Lead By Example If you want motivated Associates, then you must be motivated. Your people look to you to set examples for them

23、 and will act according to the way you do. Many times, you feel anything but motivated, but you owe it to your Associates to maintain your enthusiasm. Motivation is contagiousif you are a motivated Manager, then you will have motivated Associates.以身做責(zé)如果你想激勵(lì)員工,你必須先被激勵(lì),你的員工看到你為他們做的榜樣也會(huì)跟著去做同樣的事,很多時(shí)候,你承

24、擔(dān)所有的但你受到激勵(lì),但你會(huì)把這些歸功于你的員工來保持他們的熱情,激勵(lì)是沒有中斷的如果像一個(gè)充滿干勁的管理者,你就已經(jīng)激勵(lì)了你的員工。Ensure Rewards Make certain that your Associates receive proper recognition and rewards for their work. This also means taking fair and appropriate disciplinary action when they dont perform. Dont make empty promises but do not allow

25、 good work to go unrecognized.確保表揚(yáng)保證你的員工獲得適當(dāng)?shù)恼J(rèn)可和其工作的肯定,這也意味著當(dāng)他們沒有是成工作會(huì)受到批評(píng)。不要空許諾,但也不會(huì)對(duì)出色的工作視而不見。Provide Strength Strive to continually improve yourself and your Associates. Self-development is critical if you intend to improve and grow as a Manager. Search for opportunities for your Associates to im

26、prove themselves. If people feel that there are opportunities for them to grow and improve themselves, then they will certainly be more motivated on their jobs.提供加強(qiáng)的機(jī)會(huì)不斷努力提高你自己和你的員工,如果你想進(jìn)步并成為一名管理者,自我發(fā)展是至關(guān)重要的,為你的員工尋找機(jī)會(huì)并讓他們發(fā)展,如果員工感到他們有機(jī)會(huì)發(fā)展,他們就得到了激勵(lì)。Expect Excellence Expect your Associates to be the be

27、st they can be dont expect perfection, but do expect excellence. If Associates are striving to be the best they can be, they will almost always be motivated.追求卓越期望你的員工都到他們盡可能的好但并不是要他們盡善盡美,只是追求出色,如果員工都盡力做到了他們能做的,你已經(jīng)成功了。Summary概述The key to motivation is taking as much interest in your Associates as in

28、dividuals as you do in their work. Associates will naturally do better work for a Manager they respect. Taking an interest in your Associates as people is nothing more than treating them with the courtesy, thoughtfulness and consideration that one human being deserves from another. Take the time eve

29、ry day to do the following:激勵(lì)的重點(diǎn)在于讓員工象你在他們的工作一樣產(chǎn)生那么大的興趣,員工將會(huì)很自然地做到管理所希望的,對(duì)你的員感興趣這些深思熟慮過的禮貌地對(duì)待人應(yīng)得的東西,每天花時(shí)間做好以下幾件事:Say a pleasant good morning, even when you feel anything but pleasant about it yourself.開心地說早上好,甚至你有什么不開心也只應(yīng)該你自己知道。Remember Associates first and last names and always call them by their f

30、irst name. 記得員工的名字,而且經(jīng)常用親切地方式叫他們。Learn something about the hobbies, special interests, backgrounds and families of your Associates so you can communicate informally with them about something other than work.了解員工的習(xí)慣,特別受好、背景、家庭、以致于你可以適當(dāng)?shù)倪M(jìn)行溝通而并非談工作。Hand out sincere compliments.真誠地贊揚(yáng)。Avoid the habit of “fault finding”; instead try “good finding.”避免“找錯(cuò)誤”,而應(yīng)該“找到好的操作”。Store of Learning第八課培訓(xùn)店領(lǐng)導(dǎo)藝術(shù)議題WEEK 8


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