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1、Section Integrating Skills & Grammar 核 心 要 點 探 究 forbidding adj.令人生畏的,嚴峻的(教材P78)., the carriage turned into a long drive lined with tall poplars, drawing up eventually outside a huge and rather forbidding redbrick mansion.馬車拐進一條長長的車道,兩邊是高高的白楊,最后馬車緩緩地停在一座龐大并且令人望而卻步的紅磚大樓前。The house looked dark and for

2、bidding.房子黑漆漆的,令人生畏。I am fed up with his forbidding look.我厭煩了他那冷峻的面孔。forbid vt.禁止;阻止;不許forbid doing sth. 禁止做forbid sb.to do sth. 禁止某人做forbid that sb.(should) do 禁止He forbids talking loudly in the classroom.他不許在教室大聲喧嘩。The teacher forbade us to leave our seats.老師不準我們離開座位。完成句子國王不準他離開英格蘭。The King_Englan

3、d.在辦公時間他禁止吸煙。He_during office hours.我不準你離開這個房間。I forbid that_the room.【答案】forbade him to leaveforbids smoking you (should) leave at (long) last(經過努力之后)終于(教材P78)It is an honour and a pleasure to at long last make your acquaintance,.很榮幸、很高興終于認識您了,At (long) last the cheque arrived.支票終于到了。After 8 hours

4、struggle in the storm, the two brothers at (long) last arrived home.經過8小時在暴風雪中的艱苦掙扎,兄弟倆終于回到了家。明辨異同finally/at last/in the endfinally在列舉時,可用來引出最后一項內容。用在句中動詞前面,表示“等了好久才”。at last用來表示“等候或耽誤了很長時間之后才”,而且語氣很強烈。in the end意思是“經過許多變化、困難或捉摸不定的東西之后,某事才發(fā)生”。(這種情況也可用finally來表示,但finally一定要放在動詞前面。)Finally Id like to

5、thank you all for your coming.最后我要感謝諸位的光臨。After failing it many times, we finally succeeded.經歷了多次失敗之后,我們終于成功了。When at last they found him, he was almost dead.當人們最終找到他時,他已經快要死了。I dont know the end of the film.Do they die in the end?我不知道這部電影的結局,他們最后死了嗎?完成句子After much delay,_(他終于完成了論文)_(終于) the wrong h

6、as been righted.用finally,at(long)last,in the end填空_he has paid us the money he owed.What decision did you_arrive at?I hope that everything will turn out all right_.【答案】he finished his paper at lastAt long lastFinally/At(long)last/In the endfinally in the end/at last語 法 專 項 突 破by/do/does/if/or/want/w

7、hy精要點撥by1表靜態(tài)的位置,意為“在的旁邊”,相當于near,beside。His house stands by the river.他的房子位于河旁邊。He stands by me.他站在我旁邊/他支持我。2表動態(tài)的位置,意為“經過”,相當于past。I go by his office every day.我每天從他的辦公室旁經過。3表移動的方向,意為“沿,經由,橫過,越過”,相當于along, through, across, over。They went by the hill road.他們沿著山路走去。4表“在期間”,相當于during。He works by night,

8、 and sleeps by day.他在晚上工作,而在白天睡覺。5意為“最遲在之前”,相當于not later than。I will come back by six oclock.我將在六點以前回來。6表數量的單位,意為“以計”。He is paid by the hour.他按鐘點計報酬。The freight was charged by weight.運費以重量多少來計算。7表相差的程度。He is my senior by three years.他比我大三歲。8表連續(xù)或漸進,意為“逐一”。He solved the problem step by step.他逐步解決問題。9意

9、為“根據,依據”,等于according to。It is just three oclock by my watch.依我的手表,現(xiàn)在剛好是三點。10表被動語態(tài)中的動作,意為“被”。He is respected by everybody.他被大家所尊敬。11表方法、方式,意為“靠,以,由于”。Let him know by letter.用信通知他。He went to Japan by plane.他坐飛機去了日本。【注意】by為adv.時,意為“經過;度過”。Tom walked by without even looking in our direction.湯姆都沒有朝我們這邊看一

10、眼就走過去了。do/does1助動詞(1)用來構成疑問句或否定句。Do you like skating?你喜歡滑雪嗎?(2)用在動詞前來加強語氣,表強調。He does like playing computer games.他的確喜歡玩電腦游戲。(3)用來代替前面的動詞。Tom speaks English better than John does.湯姆說英語比約翰好。2實義動詞(1)表“做,從事”。Im busy doing my homework.我正忙著做作業(yè)。(2)表“進行”。My sister is doing well at school.我姐姐在校的情況挺好。(3)表“適合

11、;足夠”。Can you lend me some money?你能借給我一些錢嗎?Sure,will 20 yuan do?當然可以,20元夠嗎?if1引導賓語從句,意為“是否”,可用whether替代。I want to know if you can come tomorrow.我想知道你明天是否能來。2引導條件狀語從句,意為“假如”,可以是真實條件,也可以是虛擬條件。I will stay at home if it rains tomorrow.如果明天下雨,我將待在家里。If I were you, I would tell my mother the truth.如果我是你,我就

12、會把事實告訴我媽媽。習慣搭配:if only,if possible,if any,if ever。or1或,或者Would you like tea or coffee?你喝茶還是咖啡?2否則Hurry up, or youll be late.快點,否則你會遲到。3要么Either you or he is right.要么你是對的,要么他是對的。4也不(用于否定句)He cant read or write.他不會讀也不會寫。5(引出解釋性詞語)或者說It weighs a kilo, or just over two pounds.這東西重一公斤,或者說兩磅多一點。固定搭配:or el

13、se要不然;or so大約。want1v.(通常不用于進行時)(1)想要,要Do you want some more coffee?你還要些咖啡嗎?(2)需要What this house wants is a good clean.這個房子需要好好打掃一下。The plants want watering daily.這些花草需要天天澆水。(3)需要在場You are wanted on the telephone.有電話找你。2n.(1)需要的東西She spent her life pandering to the wants of her children.她一生都在設法滿足子女的需

14、要。(2)want of sth.缺少,不足(3)貧困,貧窮Visitors to the slums were clearly shocked to see so many families living in want.到過貧民窟的人看到有這么多的家庭生活在貧苦之中顯然震驚不已。固定搭配:for (the) want of sth.因為缺乏in want of sth.需要(什么)why1adv.(用于問句)為什么,為何Why were you late?你為什么遲到?2conj.引導名詞性從句Tell me why you did it.告訴我你為什么這樣做。3(反問)何必Why bot

15、her to write? Well see him tomorrow.還費事寫信干什么?我們明天就見到他了。4作關系副詞,引導定語從句,意為“的原因”。The reason why he was late is that he was ill.他遲到的原因是因為他生病了。5語氣詞,(表驚訝或不耐煩)意為“嗨”。Why Jane, it is you.嗨,簡,是你。固定搭配:Why not.?Why dont you.?(表贊同或提出建議)好哇,為什么不呢?Why ever?究竟為什么?Why ever didnt you tell us before?你為什么不早告訴我們呢?應用落實.用wh

16、y, do/does, want, by, or, if填空1Ben and Danny always come earlier, _they?2They_me to go to the police station.3My hair is (in) a mess._dont you have it cut?4They_the documents photocopied and sent out.5Jack comes from America and so_Mike.6If you_without anything, you manage to live or work without it

17、.7What_we ask your mother to babysit?8_the time we arrived, the restaurant was closed.9Can you tell me the reason_so many children suffer from asthma?10Either she finishes her degree_she gets a job.【答案】1.dont2.wanted3.Why4.want5does6.do7.if8.By9.why10.or.完成句子1Dont turn off the computer before closin

18、g all programs,_(要不然你會遇到麻煩的)2In order to find the missing boy, villagers_(在五個小時內做了他們所能做的全部)3We have had a good start, but next,_(更多的工作需要做) to achieve the final success.4Nowadays some hospitals refer to_(以名字叫病人),not case number.5You have to move out of the way, _(否則那輛卡車過不去)6_(通過逐漸增加步行的距離), you may lose more weight.7We all know,_(如果不認真處理的話),the situation will get worse.8It is_(好機會) to miss to ta


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