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1、 學生出國日本大學留學申請書 學生出國日本大學留學申請書 Dear _, An experienced electronic engineer trained in Chinas major cradle of technological talents, I am submitting this document in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program. With more than eight years of higher learning and quality research be

2、hind me, I now stand ready to pursue advanced studies and scale grander heights in my career. Presently, I work at a leading Beijing-based center of telecommunications research and development, jointly run by Canadas Northern Telecom Ltd., one of the worlds foremost IT enterprises, and the Beijing U

3、niversity of Yanjiu, a major higher-learning institution in IT technologies in China. Engaged in cutting-edge research and development at this center, I have accumulated a lot of advanced knowledge and expertise in IT technologies in a relatively short time. I obtained this coveted position at such

4、a respected international establishment on the strength of my research experience at the North China Institute of Computing Technologies, the countrys oldest research organization in computer science. Exercising my diligence and creativity, I specialized in automation research and development in thi

5、s institute, which not only gave me the opportunity to make full use of what I had learned at the university but also spurred me to constantly improve myself. I taught myself Computer Control Technology, Contemporary Control Theory, Electrical control Technology and Process Control & Automation Devi

6、ce, among other subjects. Because of my strong skills in both hardware and software, I was appointed in 1995 the leader of a team to design the computer control system Distributed Control System (DCS). Under my effective leadership, the team completed design of the system structure, development of t

7、he modules, and programming of the software, and system debugging all in less than one year. A real-time computer control system, it can be combined with 2048 channels. For this project, I independently designed the kernels-CPU module, two other modules and the IO interface software. The system is n

8、ow a leading product in Chinas automation industry. My research successes were built upon my solid undergraduate training at Tsinghua University, widely considered Chinas best engineering school. Between 1989 and 1994, I studied at Tsinghua as a major of electronic engineering, concentrating on basi

9、c courses as well as courses of my major. These courses solidly grounded me in theories of telecommunications and endowed me with all-round expertise in both software and hardware engineering. At the time of my graduation, my overall GPA ranked me among the top 10% of about 200 students in my grade.

10、 Taking advantage of Tsinghuas emphasis on hands-on experience, I did a lot of lab work in my undergraduate studies. In my third year, I joined the universitys Laboratory of Information Systems. In the lab I successfully designed the 2Mbs PCM Digital Interface (32 frames) used in the analogue PBX (P

11、rivate Branch Exchange). In 1993, I independently designed a Speech Signal Processing Card used in the SUN SPARC station. This successful development of this card ended the situation in which the SUN SPARC station could not be used for speech processing and other multimedia applications. In the cour

12、se of these projects, I became versed in hardware structure of the RISC computer, UNIX operating system and programming. All this laid a firm foundation for my career advancement. My academic standing was so strong that I was offered acceptance into Tsinghuas graduate school without the normally man

13、datory admission exams. That was a privilege available to only the very best of each crop of graduating students. But I declined the offer, figuring that I should gain challenging research experience behind me, I think the time has come for me to not only undertake graduate studies but also undertak

14、e graduate studies in a quality program in the United States. Ideally, I would like to enter into a Masters program that would lead me into Ph. D. studies later on. In such a program, I would like to focus my studies on one or a combination of the following areas: Control Systems, Communications Eng

15、ineering, Digital Signal and Image Processing, or Microcomputer Applications. I will bring to the program a professional background significantly enrich my knowledge, enhance my expertise, and sharpen my research skills. If you accept me, you should find, some years down the road, that I will be a l

16、eading scientist in Chinas efforts to develop its IT industries. Yours sincerely, 日本留學各大學介紹 1、東京大學 東京大學位于日本東京都文京區(qū)的研究型綜合國立大學。作為日本學術殿堂和七所舊帝國大學之首,其在全球都享有極高的聲譽。 其是國際東亞研究型大學協(xié)會、亞洲大學聯(lián)盟,和國內(nèi)指定國立大學、學術研究懇談會、超級國際化大學計劃、卓越研究生院計劃、研究生院計劃、日瑞Mirai項目成員。 2、京都大學 京都大學位于日本京都市左京區(qū)的頂尖研究型綜合國立大學,近畿地方學府,在日本與東京大學齊名的學科齊全、規(guī)模宏大的國立綜

17、合大學,日本繼東京大學以后設立的第二所舊制帝國大學。作為日本學府之一,京都大學在全球都享有很高的聲望,被譽為“科學家的搖籃”。 3、東京工業(yè)大學 東京工業(yè)大學校區(qū)位于東京都目黑區(qū)與橫浜市綠區(qū),是專攻工程技術與自然科學的日本頂尖、世界一流的理工科大學 。東京工業(yè)大學是日本超級國際化大學計劃的A類頂尖校之一,也是日本八大學工學系聯(lián)合會、學術研究懇談會(RU11)、東亞研究型大學協(xié)會等學術組織的重要成員。 4、大阪大學 大阪大學位于日本大阪府吹田市的日本頂尖、世界一流的研究型綜合國立大學,近畿地方和京都大學并列的學府。 5、東北大學 東北大學本部位于日本宮城縣仙臺市,是一所日本頂尖、世界一流的研究型

18、綜合國立大學,世界百強大學,日本東北地方學府。 作為日本舊帝國大學之一,東北大是日本文部科學省指定國立大學和超級國際化大學計劃的A類頂尖校,八大學工學系聯(lián)合會、學術研究懇談會(RU11)、日本G30、卓越研究生院計劃、研究生院計劃成員,國際高校聯(lián)盟環(huán)太平洋大學聯(lián)盟、東亞研究型大學協(xié)會重要成員,參與日英RENKEI等項目。 6、早稻田大學 這所大學簡略很多人都聽說過,這是日本最有名的私立大學,日本的很多首相都畢業(yè)于此大學,據(jù)說同學會的時候,滿場的社會名流,國會議員,元首相直接面對面,相當強悍的學校。 7、慶應義塾大學 日本歷史最悠久的私立綜合性高等教育機構,又一所私立大學,類比學校,英國牛津大學

19、。文科和理工科實力平均,生物,政治,商等專業(yè)水平極高。值得一提的是,日本首相小泉純一郎(親美派)就畢業(yè)于該校的經(jīng)濟系。 8、東京醫(yī)科齒科大學 日本的醫(yī)學實力極強,而這所大學在醫(yī)學類排名第一。據(jù)說從這所大學畢業(yè)的學生,年收入一般都能超過3000萬日元,我知道的這所大學的研究成果其中有一項是人工栽培心肌,也就是說,通過手術可以使心臟病痊愈。 9、名古屋大學 名古屋大學來自于日本的名古屋市是日本中部地區(qū)的一流學校,這所大學的人文情懷很高,主要來自于名古屋市的人文風情。 10、筑波大學 筑波大學是一個以高新科技研究為主體的學校,坐落在筑波學園都市。這個城市很有特點,建設于1970年代,整個城市布滿了各

20、個企業(yè)的研究機構,是一處世界聞名的高科技城市。筑波大學在體育科技研究上處于世界地位。 11、一橋大學 日本文科排名第一,沒有理工科專業(yè),以商學研究聞名。日本_網(wǎng)站的“_”公司老板就是這所大學畢業(yè)的。 12、東京藝術大學 東京藝術大學(Tokyo University of the Arts,)簡稱“藝大”,是一所校本部位于東京都臺東區(qū)上野公園的日本藝術類國立大學。其前身是于1887年分別創(chuàng)立的東京美術學校和東京音樂學校,1949年兩校合并成為新制東京藝術大學。東京藝術大學的主要目的為培養(yǎng)美術和音樂領域的藝術家,其中音樂學部已培養(yǎng)了許多作曲家、演奏家、指揮家,美術學部也誕生了許多畫家、藝術家、建筑家。 13、東京學藝大學 東京學藝大學(Tokyo Gakugei University)簡稱“學大”、或者“學藝大”、“東學大”,是日本極富盛名的師范類國立大學,素有“亞洲第一師范學府”之稱。與我國北京師范大學互為姊妹校。東京學藝大學作為日本國內(nèi)乃至整個亞洲教育學科的代表,在為日本培養(yǎng)教育型人才方面奉獻突出,受到日本教育界的高度評價。東京學藝大學不只是停留在狹義的培養(yǎng)教師的大學,而是一所如同“學藝”(學問與藝術)其名而能夠深入其中的大學。 日本留學生活經(jīng)驗 一、衣 在日本買衣服是特別便宜的,就算是買的衣服也貴不了多少。在平常日本人穿衣也是比較隨意的,但是到了正式的場所也會要穿


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