【課件】Unit 4Listening and Speaking 課件 -2021-2022學(xué)年人教版高中英語必修第一冊(cè)_第1頁(yè)
【課件】Unit 4Listening and Speaking 課件 -2021-2022學(xué)年人教版高中英語必修第一冊(cè)_第2頁(yè)
【課件】Unit 4Listening and Speaking 課件 -2021-2022學(xué)年人教版高中英語必修第一冊(cè)_第3頁(yè)
【課件】Unit 4Listening and Speaking 課件 -2021-2022學(xué)年人教版高中英語必修第一冊(cè)_第4頁(yè)
【課件】Unit 4Listening and Speaking 課件 -2021-2022學(xué)年人教版高中英語必修第一冊(cè)_第5頁(yè)
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1、UNIT 4NATURAL DISASTERSListening and SpeakingListening and SpeakingtornadotsunamiearthquakewildfirefloodDo you know what these disasters are? Write down their names.Activity 1Listen to the news reports and tick the disasters that you hear.聽力文本 News report 1 Good morning,its 17 April. A strong earthq

2、uake hit Ecuador yesterday. The 7. 8-magnitude earthquake damaged many buildings,and early reports said that about 230 people were killed and more than 1,500 were injured. Volunteers and rescue workers are helping the survivors. News report 2 Good evening. Today is 27 March. More news about the floo

3、ds in central China. The government is helping more than 12,000 people in Hunan and Jiangxi get away from the rising water. Homes and land have been destroyed, but no one has been killed. Rescue workers and soldiers are working day and night to make sure that people are safe. They are also bringing

4、food and water to those whose homes were lost in the disaster. News report 3 Breaking news,Saturday 12 August. A tornado was just seen in southern Memphis. Eyewitnesses said that at 9:25 a. m.,the tornado destroyed four homes. A police officer tells us that at least one person has died. More tornado

5、s are possible,and the police advise avoiding the area. News report 4 And in Seoul,a landslide damaged a library and a supermarket in a southern neighbour hood. The landslide was caused by the heavy rain that has fallen in Seoul over the past week. According to the police,no one was injured in the l

6、andslide,but several cars were damaged. Those are the top news for today,Wednesday 21 July. Activity 2tornado_earthquake _landslide _tsunami _wildfire_volcanic eruption _flood _drought_Listen to the news reports and tick the disasters that you hear.Activity 2Circle the key word(s) in the questions b

7、elow and write the kind of information they refer to. Then listen again and answer the questions.聽力文本 News report 1 Good morning,its 17 April. A strong earthquake hit Ecuador yesterday. The 7. 8-magnitude earthquake damaged many buildings,and early reports said that about 230 people were killed and

8、more than 1,500 were injured. Volunteers and rescue workers are helping the survivors. News report 2 Good evening. Today is 27 March. More news about the floods in central China. The government is helping more than 12,000 people in Hunan and Jiangxi get away from the rising water. Homes and land hav

9、e been destroyed, but no one has been killed. Rescue workers and soldiers are working day and night to make sure that people are safe. They are also bringing food and water to those whose homes were lost in the disaster. News report 3 Breaking news,Saturday 12 August. A tornado was just seen in sout

10、hern Memphis. Eyewitnesses said that at 9:25 a. m.,the tornado destroyed four homes. A police officer tells us that at least one person has died. More tornados are possible,and the police advise avoiding the area. News report 4 And in Seoul,a landslide damaged a library and a supermarket in a southe

11、rn neighbour hood. The landslide was caused by the heavy rain that has fallen in Seoul over the past week. According to the police,no one was injured in the landslide,but several cars were damaged. Those are the top news for today,Wednesday 21 July. Activity 31. What was the magnitude of the earthqu

12、ake in Ecuador?2. How many people were killed or injured in Ecuador?3. Where are the floods?4. What are the rescue workers and soldiers doing in the flood-hit area?5. When did people see the tornado in Memphis?6. Which buildings were damaged in Seoul?7. What caused the landslide in Seoul?Circle the

13、key word(s) in the questions below and write the kind of information they refer to. Then listen again and answer the questions.Activity 3 eg: What was the magnitude of the earthquake in Ecuador? Type of information: numbers, dates, time, addresses, activities, people or places, reasons, number Activ

14、ity 4Listening and SpeakingQuestions Type of information 1. What was the magnitude of the earthquake in Ecuador? 2. How many people were killed or injured in Ecuador? 3. Where are the floods? 4. What are the rescue workers and soldiers doing in the flood-hit area? 5. When did people see the tornado

15、in Memphis? 6. Which buildings were damaged in Seoul? 7. What caused the landslide in Seoul? numbernumber placeactivitiestimeplacereasonListening and Speaking Questions Answers1. What was the magnitude of the earthquake in Ecuador?2. How many people were killed or injured in Ecuador?3. Where are the

16、 floods?4. What are the rescue workers and soldiers doing in the flood-hit area?5. When did people see the tornado in Memphis?6. Which buildings were damaged in Seoul?7. What caused the landslide in Seoul?7.8 About 230 were killed and more than 1,500 were injured.central ChinaThey are working day an

17、d night to make sure that people are safe.At 9:25 a.m.a library and a supermarketby heavy rain that has fallen in the last weekListening and Speaking 14:28 Monday, 12 May Magnitude 7.8 (8.0) At least 8,500 killed (by 13 May) Rescue workers (medical teams, troops, volunteers, etc.) organised quickly

18、Began on 1 May 2,400 homes destroyed Almost 88,000 people evacuated Hundreds of firefighters arrived Planes, helicopters used to fight the fire No deaths, no injuries Began in May 82 killed, 500,000 affected Rescue teams provided food and water Shelters set up by the governmentEarthquakeWenchuan, Ch

19、inaWildfireAlberta, CanadaFloodColombo, Sri LankaUse the information below to practice speaking.Good morning. Today is 13 May. A huge earthquake hit Wenchuan, China yesterday afternoon .Example Listening and SpeakingGood morning. Today is 13 May. A huge earthquake hit Wenchuan, China yesterday. It h

20、as killed at least 8,500 people by now. The earthquake measured 7.8 on the Richter scale. Injured survivors have been moved to safety by rescue workers, including medical workers, troops, and volunteers, who organised quickly.Listening and SpeakingPronunciation 1 Listen and repeat. Pay attention to

21、the letters in bold. pipe brick tend death keen glory fond view think they campus amaze flash garage French bridge truly draw events friends 2 Read the words aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the -ed endings. Then write the words in the boxes. begged breathed described concentrated confus

22、ed debated exchanged helped laughed learned depended embarrassed pretended reserved shocked viewed watched wished /t/ /d/ /d/ /t/:helped,laughed,embarrassed,shocked,watched,wished /d/:begged,breathed,described,confused,exchanged,learned,reserved,viewed /d/:concentrated,debated,depended,pretended Lan

23、guage points核心詞匯教材原句p.48 Where are the floods? 哪里發(fā)生了水災(zāi)?1 flood n. & v.(1)n. 洪水;大量flood damage洪澇災(zāi)害a flood of complaints 大量投訴The river is in flood. 河水泛濫。(2)vi. 淹沒;大量涌入 vt. 使灌滿水;淹沒flood in/into. 大量涌入flood out of sth. 蜂擁而出flood. with. 把 大量送至;使充滿flood back(感覺或回憶)突然涌現(xiàn)Telephone calls came flooding in from

24、the local inhabitants. 當(dāng)?shù)鼐用竦碾娫捪癯彼愦騺?。Memories of my time in Paris flooded back. 在巴黎生活的回憶又涌上我心頭。搭配題組練領(lǐng)悟方法單句語法填空(1) Seeing what the homeless were experiencing,memories of her childhood came _(flood) back.(2) Large quantities of food are needed in the_(flood)areas now.(3) Our washing machine broke down

25、 yesterday and _(flood)the kitchen.完成句子(4) The child was _(淚流滿面).(5) The office _ (堆滿了) applications for the job.floodingfloodedfloodedin floods of tearswas flooded with教材原句p.48 What are the rescue workers and soldiers doing in the flood-hit area? 救援人員和士兵正在洪災(zāi)區(qū)做什么?2 rescue n. & vt.(1) n. 營(yíng)救;救援搭配:come

26、 to ones rescue 來援救某人rescue workers 救援人員a rescue team 救援隊(duì) rescue operation救援行動(dòng)The police came to his rescue and sent him home. 警察救了他,并把他送回家。(2)vt. 營(yíng)救;救援搭配:rescue. from. 把從中救出來rescue a child from drowning 救起一名落水兒童rescue the company from ruin 拯救公司免于破產(chǎn)Tom rescued a boy from the river on his way home. 湯

27、姆在回家的路上從河里救了一個(gè)男孩。單句語法填空(1)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)They are trying to rescue the company_ ruin.(2)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)A large number of soldiers were sent there _(rescue) those trapped in the building.完成句子(3) The mother,along with her two children,_(被從里救出來)the sinking boat by a passing ship.(4)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)When we were trapped in the ruins,the

28、soldiers _(趕來救援).fromto rescuewas rescued fromcame to our rescue教材原句p.48 Which buildings were damaged in Seoul? 在首爾,哪些建筑物被毀?3 damage n. & vt.(1)vt. 損害;破壞搭配:be badly damaged 遭受嚴(yán)重?fù)p害 Plants were badly damaged by the freeze. 植物在冰凍期遭到嚴(yán)重破壞。Smoking can damage our health. =Smoking can do damage to our healt

29、h. 抽煙會(huì)損害我們的健康。(2)n. 損壞;損失搭配:do/cause damage to. 對(duì)造成損害This could cause serious damage to our environment. 這可能會(huì)對(duì)我們的環(huán)境造成嚴(yán)重的破壞。brain damage 腦損傷environmental damage 環(huán)境損害;環(huán)境破壞suffer damage遭受損害pay for the damage賠償損失prevent serious property damage 防止嚴(yán)重的財(cái)產(chǎn)損失單句語法填空(1) Eating too much meat one time will do dam

30、age _ your stomach.(2)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)Damage _(cause) by the earthquake disaster was very serious.一句多譯這個(gè)老農(nóng)民非常難過,因?yàn)閺?qiáng)風(fēng)給他的小麥帶來很大損害。(3) The old farmer was very upset because the strong winds _ his wheat.(4) The old farmer was very upset because his wheat _ by the strong winds.tocausedcaused great damage towas badly

31、 damaged教材原句p.49 82 killed,500,000 affected 82 人遇難,500 000 人受到影響4 affect vt. 影響;(疾?。┣忠u;深深打動(dòng)Your opinion will not affect my decision. 你的意見將不會(huì)影響我的決定。Diseases affect almost everyone. 幾乎每個(gè)人都生病。The students were deeply affected by the story. 學(xué)生們被那個(gè)故事深深地打動(dòng)了?!驹~語積累】affection n. 喜愛;鐘愛have an affection for 喜愛

32、affecting adj. 動(dòng)人的,感人的【對(duì)比記憶】effect n. 作用;影響have an effect on . 對(duì)有影響in effect 事實(shí)上,實(shí)際上bring/put sth. into effect 實(shí)行,實(shí)施,使生效come into effect 生效,開始實(shí)施side effect 副作用His teaching methods still have a strong effect on young people. 他的教學(xué)方法對(duì)年輕人仍然有很大的影響。We must put this policy into effect. 我們必須把這個(gè)政策付諸實(shí)施。單句語法填空(1)With the governments aid,those _(affect)by the earthquake have moved to thenew settlements.(2) Deeply _(affect) by the story of the girl whose eyesight _(affect) by the disease,all the students m


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