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1、高考英語的10種類型高考作文分為實用文和應(yīng)用文。實用文包括:1.提綱作文;2.圖表作文;3.圖畫作文;4.開放作文;應(yīng)用文包括:5.書信;6.通知;7簡歷;8.日記;9.便條;10.電子郵件。提綱作文:在英語課堂上,你喜歡你的老師授課時只用英語,還是英語、漢語 兼用?某英語雜志社就此話題邀請中學(xué)生發(fā)表看法。請圍繞Howdoyoupreryour EngliSh ClaSSeS to be taught? In EngiiSh Only,or in both EngIiSh and Chinese? 這 個問題,參考所給要點,選擇一種授課形式,寫一篇英語短文。授課形式一:只用英語優(yōu)點:有助于提高

2、聽說能力等缺憾:不易聽懂等結(jié)論: 授課形式二:英語、漢語兼用優(yōu)點:易于理解等缺憾:英語氛圍不濃等結(jié)論: 注意:1.詞數(shù)100-120 ,短文開頭已給出(不計詞數(shù))。2.參考詞匯:atmosphere氛圍滿分文(一)I Prefer my EngliSh CIaSSeS to betaught in both EngIiSh and Chinese, WhOSe advantage is that it is easy for UStO UnderStand What the teacher talks about. The teacher first teaches the ClaSSin E

3、nglish, and then She explains those that are hard to UnderStand to US SOthat We get a better knowing Of the passage. That WilI be good for us.However, teaching the ClaSS in twolanguages Will make the EngIiSh atmosphere not SO strong. SOme StUdentS WhOWiSh to be taught in EngIiSh WilI be disappointed

4、.EXCePt for the disadvantage, I th in kit is really good to hear two IangUageS in CIaSSes. It Can make US more familiar With the foreign culture.名師指導(dǎo):interest in EngiiShStUdy and foreign culture, SO I d Iike to be totally immersed in theatmosphere of English SO that I Can quickly make PrOgreSS That,

5、 S Why IPrefertotaIEnglish. HOWever, SinCe We are all EngIiSh beginners, it, S really hardtounderstand all that the teacher SayS SOmetimeS We need ChineSe explanation.SOmy VieWPOint is that We are taught not OnIy in EngiiSh but also USing ChineSeaS a minor Way to explain things that are hard to Unde

6、rStand.名師指導(dǎo):本文寫作十分成功。語言和句式是本文最大的特點。好詞中詞匯的使用,將作者 的意思表達得完整而準(zhǔn)確,從而映襯了詞匯的重要性;其次,本文的句式以復(fù)雜句為 主,表語、定語和狀語從句的使用都十分到位。應(yīng)背好詞:Limmersev.沉浸explanation n.角軍釋make PrOgreSS 取得進步圖表作文:今年寒假,你參加了社會實踐活動,去某旅行社當(dāng)業(yè)余導(dǎo)游。請根 據(jù)該旅行社提供的數(shù)據(jù)和你的所見所聞,用英語寫一篇短文,作為寒假作業(yè)交給你的 英語老師。歹 # NUmber OfPeOPIe in City X travelling abroad in 1996, 2001 a

7、nd 2006要求:1簡析表格,說明產(chǎn)生這種現(xiàn)象的原因;結(jié)合漫畫,談?wù)劸惩饴糜纬霈F(xiàn)的問題;針對所出現(xiàn)的問題闡述你自己的看法(至少兩點);4詞數(shù)120左右;5.參考詞匯:吐痰SPit V.When PeOPIe,SlifeiS getting better and better,more and more PeOPIe ChOOSe to SPend their holidays abroad The year 2006 SeeSa SharP increase in the number Of OVerSeaS travelers COmPared With the year2001, Whe

8、n the number WaS already much Iarger than that Of the year 1996 It, Sa good thing that ChineSe tourism is developing Very fast.However, reports about PeOPIe S bad manners flood in. SOme are even asked if allChineSe SPitand Iitter everywhere. The POOr behavior has done great harm to the image OfChina

9、, WhiCh is really ShamefilLChina has IOng been regarded as a COUntry WithgOOd manners EVerybOdy ShOUld keep SOme do,S and don,ts in their mind to guidetheir behavior in public, home and abroad. Win respect for yourself and OUrCOUntry!內(nèi)容要點簡析表格內(nèi)容;出境旅游人數(shù)快速增長的原因,女口:生活水平的提高(學(xué)生需自己發(fā)揮)漫畫中的問題:隨地吐痰,亂扔垃圾個人的看法,

10、指出這些行為是不文明的;要提倡社會公德(學(xué)生需自己發(fā)揮 至少兩點)該篇文章完全完成了試題規(guī)定的任務(wù)。準(zhǔn)確、清楚地表達了圖表、漫畫和要求中的內(nèi)容,要點無遺漏,應(yīng)用了較多的語法結(jié)構(gòu)和詞匯有效地使用了語句間的連 接成分,使全文結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,達到了預(yù)期的寫作目的。屬于很不錯的高分范文!圖畫作文:根據(jù)以下圖畫,寫一篇英語短文,描述今昔通訊方式的變化,以及 這些變化給人們生活帶來的影響。BefOre 注意:1.詞數(shù):IoO左右生詞: 通訊: COmmUniCate互聯(lián)網(wǎng):the InternetGreat ChangeS have taken PIaCe in the Way Of COmmUniCatiOn

11、 in PeOPIe, S life.In the past, PeOPIe kept in touch With each Other mainly by Writing Ietters Or USingthe PUbliC telephone. BUt now almost everyone has his OWn mobile PhOne. PeOPle CanCOmmUniCate With each Other almost at any PIaCe and at any time. What, S more,PeOPle have easy access to the Intern

12、et, WhiCh enables them to Send and receivee-mails Wherl ever they Iike. With these changes, PeOPIe, S PaCe Oflife has beenquickened and PeOPIe,S WOrk has been made more efficient. It USed to take SeVeraI days to hear from each other, but now it takes OnIy SeVeral minutes, even if they are in two dif

13、ferent COUntrieSIn a word, PeOPIe have an easier Iife nowadays. 名師點評:此類文章首先要構(gòu)思文章結(jié)構(gòu) 開頭:總起即說什么常用句型:In short, things have begun to improve SinCeGreat ChangeS have taken PlaCe inWith the growing POPUIarity OfIntemet SUrfing in China, the quality Of OUrIiVeS is improving.There are SOme three major VaIUeS

14、 Of OWning a car, TO begin WithNeXtThere are, On the Other hand, more reasons against it. FirSt , SeCOnd , FinalIy主體:即怎么說?可用舉例、對比、分析、數(shù)字、描寫等。列舉過去的情況 What,S more. 列舉現(xiàn)在的情況 moreover, WhatTake for example, in the PaSt Shebut now, not OnIy do/ Can he ,S more./ SheUSed to do besidesbut also hebesides, in a

15、ddition,結(jié)尾:總結(jié) in short; in a word; as a result4開放作文:你班將組隊參加學(xué)校組織的集體舞比賽(group dancingcompetition),班長希望大家積極參與。對此談?wù)勀愕南敕?。A group dancing COmPetitiOn WilI be held in OUrSChOOI and the monitor CalIS On everybody to take an active Part in it. WhiIemOSt Ofmy CIaSSmateS are StilI hesitating Whether to PartiCi

16、pate, I have SaidyeS to OUr monitor With great PIeaSUre GeneralIy SPeaking, there are two reasons for mydecision. First, it is a good OPPOrtUnity for me to relax myself, WhiCh WilIenabIe me to StUdy more efficiently. AiI WOrk and no PIay makes JaCk a dullboy, SO goes the saying, WhiCh CIearIy ShOWS

17、US the importance OfrelaXatiOn. BeSideSJthink I am a good dancer after Iearning dance for more than five years .Participating in the COnteSt WilIbe a golden ChanCe for me to ShOW my dancingskills and make SOme COntribUtiOnS to the ClaSS FOr the two reasons mentioned above, it is nosurprise that I ha

18、ve SUCh aStrOng enthusiasm On the group dancing COmPetitiOn.你的文章必須包括以下內(nèi)容:你是否會參加比賽;你做出該決定的具體理由。所謂開放“作文”,是相對于我們過去一直沿用的“書面表達”這種指導(dǎo)性寫作 (GUidedWriting)而言的。它是一種比傳統(tǒng)的“書面表達”限制較少的、留給考生自 由發(fā)揮空間更多的考查學(xué)生書面表達能力的一種題型。開放作文屬于命題作文,考生要根據(jù)所給命題, 獨立進行構(gòu)思, 并必須做適當(dāng)?shù)陌l(fā)揮。 它在一定程度上考 查了考生的寫作能力,即要求考生根據(jù)寫作動機選擇相應(yīng)的寫作策略,并根據(jù)自己已經(jīng)具備的相應(yīng)知識完成寫作。以

19、下是開放作文常用句型描述部分5AS Can be Seen from the picture, a b oy is doingAS We Can See in the picture, there are two PeOPIeStaring at a Plant growing in a pot.In the picture, We Can See a bucket made Of WOOdenbOard in different Iength.There bedomg有四只小鳥翱翔在高高的天空上.There are four young birds flying high in the sk

20、y.See doing我們能看到一只大鳥在巢中休息In the picture, We Can See a big bird resting in anest.WhiIe 對比()在風(fēng)中,大樹折斷了,而小草則依然挺立In the wind, the ta U tre e breaks into two ha Ives, while the ShOrt grass remains Standing straight.In the eyes Of the man On the left, the PIantS WilIgrOW thick and tall, WhiIe in the Other,

21、 S view, the PIantS WiiIbe dying PrettySOOn.地點狀語放句首,主句全部倒裝.地點狀語+live / fly / sit/ Stand / grow /be + 名詞+非限定性定語從句.在蜘蛛網(wǎng)的中間,坐著一個小孩,他整日坐在電腦前面和別人聊天和打游戲.In the middle Of the SPider Web SitS a child, WhO isoccupied in Chatting WithOtherS and Playing OnIine games in front Of thecomputer all day IOng.In the

22、Wind StandS a big tree, WhiCh is blown to OneSide and almost broken into two halvesOn the SUrfaCe Of the big CIOCk are two people, One OfWhOm is an OId man and the Other a young boy.In the middle Of the PiCtUre is a man dressed in OldfaShiOned CIOtheS WhO isCUtting the bushes into the Same ShaPe.Iti

23、S ObViOUS that/obviously 邏輯引領(lǐng)(,承上啟下)顯而易見,這個孩子已經(jīng)因為迷上網(wǎng)絡(luò)而忽略學(xué)習(xí)It,S ObViOUS that the ChiId is SO addicted to thelntemet that he forgets What he ShOUId do.解釋部分ThiS PiCtUre SetS US thinking and We may gainenlightenment from What the PiCtUre really meansWhat the PiCtUre COnVeyS goes far beyond OnIy a pictur

24、e itself. It CarrieS deeper meanings My UnderStanding Ofthe PiCtUre is thatSeeing the picture, I think thatWe CarI Often See this SimiIar PhenOmenOn in OUrdaiIy life.It is Very COmmOn in OUr SOCietyThiS PhenOmenOn is not UnUSUaI in OUr SOCietyThiS reflects a COmmOn PhenOmenOn in OUr SOCietyThe PiCtU

25、re reminds me Of the fact thatThe PiCtUre SetS US thinking a lot.It is ObViOUS that the PiCtUre has a PrOfoUnd /hidden / irony meaning.The PiCtUre arouses OUr interest OfgUeSSing Whatthe artist WantS to tell US and at the Same time We Can Ieam SOmething fromitWhiIe the PiCtUre IOOkS Very funny, it r

26、eally has aprofound meaning for US to take into COnSideratiOn.The PUrPOSe Ofthe artist WhO draws the CartOOnPiCtUre is CIear and instructive as We U.ObViOUsly, We Can Iearn a IOt from the CartOOnPiCtUre. What the PiCtUre tries to tell us is that結(jié)尾部分1 Inmy view, no matter Where We are working, We OUg

27、ht to COOPerate With OUrCOlIeagUeS well. And OnIy in this Way Can We Create a harmonious WOrkingatmOSPhere and WOrk more efficieIItIy.FrOmmy perspective, Weak as the grass is, it Can Stand StrOngly in the big WindWhen the big tree breaks in half. In Other words, the grass appears weak, butit has a S

28、trOng mind. The tree IOOkS StrOnger, but it CannOt COnqUerdiffiCUItieS and even gives UP hope in the end SO We Can Iearn a IeSSOn fromthe PiCtUre- a PerSOn, S inner Strength is much POWerfUI than PhySiCal Strength.WeOUght to hold a POSitiVe attitude towards OUr Iife. OnIy by this means Can WeliVe ha

29、ppily and healthily.ThePiCtUre tells US that We OUght to help SOmeOne in OUr team to COmPIete himself.Only by this means Can OUr team WOrk better and achieve SUCCeSS in the end.5 OnlyWhen We See OtherS,advantageSwecanlearn from them and make greater PrOgreSSday by day.Onlyby ChOOSing the most SUitab

30、Ie methods for OUr StUdieS Can We gain as much aspossible in the end.The PiCtUre arouses OUr interest Of guessing What theartist WantS to tell us and at the Same time We Can Iearrl SOmething from it.WhiIe the PiCtUre IOOkS Very finny, it really has aprofound meaning for US to take into COnSideratiOn

31、.The PUrPOSe Ofthe artist WhO draws the CartOOnPiCtUre is CIear and instructive as well.ObViOUsly, We Can Iearn a IOt from the CartOOnPiCtUre. What the PiCtUre tries to tell US is that書信:下面是一個中學(xué)生給某報編輯部寫的一封信,仔細閱讀并就信的內(nèi)容以 編輯的名義給此中學(xué)生回一封信。Dear editor.I aman active girl, and I SPeak and IaUgh IOUdIy in th

32、e classroom, Iike a boy.IdOn, t Care about SmalI matters On the contrary, my neighbor, the girl WhO SitSneXt to me, SPeakS quietly and dare not do the things I Often do. ICanUndeTStand this.What ICan, t Stand is that She Often gets angry With me about SmalI things HOW Can Iget along With her?yoursSU

33、nn y注意:1)書信格式要規(guī)范;2)回信需就原信內(nèi)容給出至少三條建議(如談心,相互理解,參加他們的生日等活動,談?wù)摴餐掝},分享快樂等等);3)字?jǐn)?shù):120左右。范文:Dear Sunny,It,SVery good that you Want to be friends With this girl. In my opinion,you first have a heart-to-heart talk With her, because UnderStandmg eachother is Very important for you two. And I also think it,to

34、a s kb e tt e r h e rfo rto y o u j o in you and your CIaSSmateS in all kinds Of activities, SUCh asbirthday parties, going OUt for a walk, discussing SOme fashionable topics, andso on. Besides, helping each Other is also Very important for both OfyoU. JUStShaTehaPPineSS and SadneSS With her. And I

35、believe She WilI UnderStand you in time and it is Certain you two WilI be good friends in the fixture. GOOd IUCk toyou.Yours,EditOr名師點評:英信一般分為商業(yè)信函(business IetterS)和私人書信(personal letters)兩種,而書面表達一般都是要求寫私人書信。它包括五部分,即信頭、稱呼、正文、結(jié)束語和 簽名,具體如下:信頭:寄信人的地址和寫信日期,寫在信的右上角。注意中地名的寫法與中文 不同,要從小到大;日期的寫法也與中文不同,不是寫在簽名之

36、下,而是寫在寄 信人的地址之下。習(xí)慣上人們采用美式英語表達,即月、日、年,月,日與年 之間用逗號隔開,月份盡量不要縮寫,如june&2009 ;而英式英語表達則為日、月、年,中間不用逗號隔開,如I8 june2009 o稱呼:自成一行,頂格寫。稱呼語常用:de a rs ir/ma da m/ma na ge r/e ditor/frie nds /bob ,稱呼之后一般用逗號。正文:信件的主體部分即為信的正文。正文寫在稱呼的下一行,與dear后第一個單詞對齊。正文通常包括三部分,即開頭、目的和結(jié)尾。正文的開頭語常用:thank you for your IaSt Ietter asking

37、about. ; I , m glad to.o 正文的結(jié)尾語是正文的一部分,常常另起一行,常用的結(jié)尾語有:i HilookingforwaKltoyouffeplyjhanks and all the best ; best WiSheS ; WiShing you a PIeaSantjOUrney o結(jié)束語:結(jié)束語與正文的結(jié)尾語不一樣,它要寫在結(jié)尾語的下一行,位于書信的右下角,后面用逗號。常用的結(jié)束語有:youssinceelyfaithfullytruly ;SinCereIytruIy yours ; yours 等。通知:假設(shè)你們將于5月10日去體檢。請根據(jù)下列內(nèi)容和提示,寫一篇口

38、頭通知, 詞數(shù)80左右。體檢地點:人民醫(yī)院,離我們學(xué)校不遠,步行大約15分鐘的路程。體檢日期:5月10日上午8點,星期六。注意:7: 45在醫(yī)院門口集合,可以騎車或步行前往。體檢前空腹。在醫(yī)院保持安靜,聽從醫(yī)生和護士的安排。范文NOtiCeAttentiOnPIease, everyone,OUr CIaSS WilI go to have a PhySiCaIeXaminatiOn in PeOPIe,s HOSPitaI On SatUrday, IOth May It is not far from OUr SChOOL Its aboutfifteen minutes, Walk. Y

39、OU may either WaIk there Or go there by bicycle.The examination WilI begin at 8:00. We are not allowed to eat Or drink anythingbefore the examination. KeeP quiet there and IiSten to the doctors and nurses .After the examination you may go home.名師指導(dǎo):一、掌握書面通知特點書面通知即以書面的形式表達通知的內(nèi)容,其特點是:措辭較嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),句子結(jié)構(gòu)相對口頭通知會

40、更復(fù)雜,尤其會使用一些非謂語動詞短語(如用不定式表目的等)和從句(如if 從句、When從句、SO that從句等)。二、熟記書面通知格式與口頭通知不同,書面通知在用書面形式表達出來時,它有自己比較固定的格式:如通知開頭要有標(biāo)題 (通常為 NotiCe或AnnoUnCemellt),標(biāo)題下面是正文,正文 后通常還應(yīng)有發(fā)通知的單位(通常寫在右下角)和寫發(fā)通知的日期(通常寫在左下角)等。三、注意與口頭通的區(qū)別口頭通知一般有開頭稱呼語(LadiesandgentlememBoysandgirls 等),而書面通知 通常不用這些開頭稱呼語;口頭通知用來吸引聽眾注意力的句子(如May IhaVeyour

41、 attention, please? / AttentiOn please, everyone. IhaVe an announcement to make./ Be quite. There is SOmething important I have to tell you.等)在書面通知中通常不可 以用;口頭通知的結(jié)束套語(That S all. Thank you Very much.在)書面通知中也不會 使用。四、熟記書面通知套語盡管書面通知與口頭通知有很多表達套語不一樣,但有些表達(如叫聽者不要遲到、歡迎某人參加某活動等方面的套語)是可以通用的,不過有時可能在措辭方面會有所不同(書

42、面通知措辭可能會略正式些)0如:口頭通知I:EVeryOne ShOUld be there On time.Be SUre not to be late.PleaSe be PreSent On time.書面通知: 口頭通知: 書面通知:EVeryOne is required to be PreSent On time.Be SUre to attend it On timeEVerybOdy is expected to attend it On time.另外,書面通知的以下套語也需注意:AlI teachers and StUdentS are required to 全體師生務(wù)

43、必(要 ) NOtiCe is hereby given that 茲通矢口 ()OUr school/ The StUdent UniOn will / is going to holdA IeCtUre WilI be given at 7:00 this evening in五、牢記書面語通知時態(tài) 與口頭通知一樣,書面通知也以一般將來時為主。女口:The StUdentS OfSeniOr Grade One WilI go to JingShan Park On May 4.We WiII Climb UP the hill and have a PiCniC On the top O

44、fitAfter that We WilI ViSit the famous botanical garden nearby.On JUIy 22, SatUrday, We WilI ViSit the following PIaCeS 一 a SChOOl Or ahospital. We WiII be divided into four groups and each group Can ViSit One Ofthe PIaCeS簡歷:國際文化交流中心將組織一次由各國學(xué)生參加的“和平,友誼”夏令營活動,要求報名者提前交英文個人簡歷。假設(shè)你是王珊,請根據(jù)下列信息寫一篇個人簡介。注意:1

45、.詞數(shù)不少于 60可根據(jù)內(nèi)容要點適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫范文: m Wang Shan, a girl OfSiXteen, PreSentIy attending Beijing YanggUang MiddIeSChOOL I Iike music, especially CIaSSiCaI music. I m also interested in PhOtOgraPhybecause it allows me to record the beautifil moments in my life. ThrOUgh my hobbies,I, Ve made many friends I

46、n fact, I Iike meeting new PeOPIe and enjoy talkmg Withthem BeiieVing We all need help from each other, I appreciate friends, help, andWilling to help anyone in need.I IOVe life; I IOVe MOther Nature; and I IOVe PeaCe. I hate any form Of ViOIenCeI WOUld Iike to join the PeaCe &FriendShiP SUmmer CamP

47、 SinCe it WOUld be a greatOPPOrtUnity to make friends With young PeOPIe from different COUntrieS and Ieam about their CUItUreS 名師點評:要點:文章可分為三個部分一一基本情況(姓名、性別、年齡、學(xué)校),其他情 況,參加夏令營的目的。時態(tài):一般現(xiàn)在時;人稱:第一人稱短語及句型:上學(xué):attend SChOOl感興趣: be interested in/ take a deep interest in擅長于:be good at與人交流: COmmUniCate With樂

48、于助人: be ready to help OtherS結(jié)交朋友: make friends With了解:Ieam about8日記:5月3日,你參觀了一個農(nóng)場.請根據(jù)下列圖畫用英語寫一篇日記。1日記必須包括圖中所有內(nèi)容,可適當(dāng)增減細節(jié),使日記連貫。2.詞數(shù)IOO左右。May 3 SUndayFmeTOday We ViSited a farm. EarIy in the morning We met at the SChOOI gate andWe Went there together.The farm WOrkerS gave US a Warm WeICOme Then the he

49、ad Of the farm ShOWed US around. HOW glad We Were to See the CrOPS and VegetabIeS growing well! At noon, We had a PiCniC IUnCh in the SUnOShine. After a ShOrt rest, We had great fun Singing and dancing, telling jokes and StOrieS TWO OfUS even PIayed a game OfCheSS The time PaSSed quickly. Before We

50、knew it, We had to Say goodbye to the WOrkerSio名師點撥:段落和要點:本文屬于日記,介紹參觀農(nóng)場的相關(guān)情況;共有六個要點(6副圖片所描繪的內(nèi)容要點)。時態(tài):一般過去時。短語及句型:在學(xué)校門口集合: meet/gather at the SChOOl gate熱烈歡迎: give sb. a Warm WeICOme帶某人參觀:ShOW sb. aroud野餐: have a PiCniC IUnCh過的愉快: have a good time/have fon doing SOmething講笑話:te joke S講故事:tell StOrieS

51、下象棋: PIayCheSS/play a game OfCheSS告另U: Say goodbye to.寫作模版:日記一般要求寫清日期和天氣。年、月、日和星期寫在第一行的左上角,天氣寫在日記第一行的右上角。如要強調(diào)寫日記的地點,則可將地點寫在日期的后 面。命題日記將日記的標(biāo)題寫在第二行。在第三行空兩個開始寫日記的征文,一般寫日記直接切入主題??荚嚂r的提示日記則要抓住要點,意思清楚,表達流暢,人稱多用第一 人稱I或we,時態(tài)則用過去時、現(xiàn)在完成時或用一般現(xiàn)在時。便條:書面表達你校學(xué)生會將為來訪的美國朋友舉辦一個晚會,要在學(xué)校廣播中宣布此事,并歡迎大家參加。為使美國朋友聽懂,請你寫一個廣播通知

52、,字?jǐn)?shù)要求100以內(nèi)。內(nèi)容要點:(1)為歡迎來訪的美國朋友舉辦晚會(2)由學(xué)生會組織;(3)于8月15 0,星期六,晚7:30舉行;(4)將跳舞、唱歌、聽音樂、 做游戲;1111交換小禮品;(6)歡迎大家都參加。可能用到的詞匯:學(xué)生會:StUcIentUniOn 通知:announcement交換:exchangeMay IhaVe your attention, please? I have an announcement to make .The StUdent UniOrl is going to holda Party On SatUrday evening, AUgUSt 15, t

53、o WeICOme OUr friends from theUnited StateS The Party WilI be heldat 7:30 p.m. There WilI be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange Of gifts WiiI everybody PleaSe bringalong a SmalI gift for this purpose? There,s SUre to be a IOt Offiin and everybody is WelCOme.名師指導(dǎo):寫作指導(dǎo)121段落和要點:文章可分為三個部分一一活動的宗

54、旨、組織者、時間、地點為第1段;或哦的難過內(nèi)容為第2段;活動注意事項為地3段。時態(tài):一般將來時短語及句型:學(xué)生會:the StUdent UniOn舉行聚會:hold a Party交換禮品: exchanges Of gifts包裝:WraP UP簽名:Sign one,s name祝愿詞: WOrdS Od good WiSheS寫作模版:(1) 口頭通知An AnnOUnCementCOmradeS and friends/Boys and girls/Teachers and students:AttentiOn PIeaSe!/May IhaVe your attention, pe

55、ase? IhaVe an announcement to make.(2)書面通知NOtiCeThe StUdent UniOn is going to hold a Party On SatUrday evening AUgUSt 15 in the roof garden OfMain BUiIding郵件:假定你是李華,你的英國朋友Peter來信向你咨詢?nèi)绾尾拍軐W(xué)好中文。請你根據(jù)下列要點寫回信。要點:1.參加中文學(xué)習(xí)班;2.看中文書刊、電視;3.學(xué)唱中文歌曲;4.交中國朋友。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右; 2.可適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;Dear Peter,m glad to rece

56、ive your Ietter asking for my advice On how to Iearn ChineSe well. Here are a few SUggeStiOnS First, it is important to take a ChineSe course, as you,Ube able to Iearnfrom the teacher and PraCtiCe With your fellow StUdentS Then, it also helps toWatCh TV and read books,newspapers and magazines in Chine


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