BEC劍橋商務(wù)英語資料:劍橋國際商務(wù)英語第二冊 第3,5,6課_第1頁
BEC劍橋商務(wù)英語資料:劍橋國際商務(wù)英語第二冊 第3,5,6課_第2頁
BEC劍橋商務(wù)英語資料:劍橋國際商務(wù)英語第二冊 第3,5,6課_第3頁
BEC劍橋商務(wù)英語資料:劍橋國際商務(wù)英語第二冊 第3,5,6課_第4頁
BEC劍橋商務(wù)英語資料:劍橋國際商務(wù)英語第二冊 第3,5,6課_第5頁
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1、New International for the Students II1Canbridge International Business2A Communication Skill Course3ContentsUnit 3. 5, Unit 4Unit 3 On the phone3.1 Business calls Background information3.2 Telephone techniques Listening3.3 Using the phone Vocabulary3.4 What would you say? Speaking3.5 Speaking and wr

2、iting Functions3.6 Whos speaking? Vocabulary3.7 Three messages Listening and note-taking3.8 Call me back Vocabulary3.9 Present tenses Grammar review 5Vocabulary in this unitextension caller receiver switchboard receptionist dial connect put through wait moment please dot hang up hold on applications

3、 confirm equipment arrangement literature laboratory/lab agent get in touch with non smoking zone package designers courier stick on labels translate proposal consumer goods prototype batches stuffy broken down receipt confirmation quote sub-contract congress subsidiary head office striped pyjamas d

4、ispatched revised shipment datum/data staff sickness batches stick-on labels stuffy air freight at no extra charge vegetarian quote Warm up questionsHow do you feel when you first make a phone call to a stranger especially to a foreigner in English?6 When you have to make a business call to a prospe

5、ctive client:Not easy in English!Making a phone call to a stranger can be quite stressful especially if they speak English better than you.2. How do business people usually do and how do you do when it is an important business call? Most business people, unless they feel VERY confident, prepare for

6、an important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in advance. And during the call they make notes while they are talking to help them to remember what was said.3. What are the most important advantages and disadvantages through telephone in doing business? Its quick and convenient to pho

7、ne someone to give them information or to ask questions, the disadvantage is that there is nothing in writing to help you to remember what was said. It is essential to make notes and often when an agreement is reached on the pone, one of the speakers will send a fax or e-mail to confirm the main poi

8、nts that were made.7 The difficulties and cautions about making a first-time call to a strangersAlways involves mutual suspicion and uncertainty.Fax or e-mail ahead to say when to call, what to talk, both are so well prepared that less time will be wasted; and bear in mind to speak clearly,slowly, a

9、nd carefully.The way that you speak (your tone of voice) has an enormous effect on the way your listener perceives you. Just saying “Hello” abruptly when you answer the phone may sound unfriendly, brusque or impatient.The caller must always try to establish links such as mutual concerns or acquainta

10、nces and state his or her business clearly. Identify yourself or your department, so that the other person knows exactly who they are dealing with.It makes a big difference if the person you are talking to on the phone knows you even if youve only corresponded.Always check back any important informa

11、tion youve noted down. Send follow-up fax, e-mail or letter if necessary. 8Some ideas when doing business through the phone call: 1.1. To avoid misunderstanding, its a good idea to repeat any important information (especially numbers and names) back to the other person to make sure you ve got it rig

12、ht.Always make sure you know the name of the person youre talking to. If necessary, ask them to spell out to you,so hat you can make sure youve got it right-and try to use their name during the call.Make sure they know your name, too.Its important to sound interested helpful and alert when answering

13、 the phone.A good telephone manner ont only makes an impression in business, but it also helps to make money when making and receiving calls to or from regular customers and prospective customers. 91. How many phones do you know?2. Find the vocabulary connected with phones.telephone phone booth micr

14、ophone mobile phone/cell phoneearphone headphone collective phone call/transferredtelephone call long distance phone call, video phone3. Read the picture on P. 254. What kinds of phones have you ever used and known?5. What are your likes and dislikes concerning phones? (advantages and disadvantages)

15、6. Close the book and demonstrate how you make a call.3.1 Id like to speak to(Open your books)101. How do you make telephones? (1) Announcing Identity (說明身份)Hello, this is .Good morning, here.My name is .Hello, Im .Good afternoon, speaking. A. Person Calling: (打電話)3.2 Getting people to do things Tel

16、ephone techniquesHello, this is .Good morning, here.My name is .Hello, Im .Good afternoon, speaking.(1) Announcing Identity (說明身份)How to Make a Telephone CallB. Person Called: Hello, this is here. Who is speaking?May I ask who is speaking?May I have Your name? Who is that speaking?Whom are you calli

17、ng?Who should I say is calling?Yes, speaking.11 (2). Asking if some one is in ? (詢問某人是否在) Can I speak to Mr. , Please?Let me talk to Mr. .Hello, is there by any chance?Could you put me through to Mrs. , please?Id like to speak to if I may.Id like to talk to someone in charge.Give me some one who can

18、 speak English.Is there anyone who can speak English well? A. Person calling:B.Person calledIm afraid she isnt in at the moment.He hasnt come yet?He is attending the conference now.He has left already.Im sorry Mr. is unavailable? Would you like to speak to someone else?12Person called: (3) Asking wh

19、en the person wanted will be in(詢問要找的人何時在)A. Person calling: What time could I reach her?When is he expected to be back?Will he be at home this evening?He has already left.Sorry, shes just gone out. Would you like to ring back later?Hes away for a few days. Can I give him a message?Hang on a moment,

20、 please.Hes on another phone.Hold the line, I ll see if hes in.Ill just find out if he s in the office.tWhat time could I reach her?When is he expected to be back?Will he be at home this evening?Can I contact him on Saturday?Do you know when hes in?What if I call tomorrow around ten?13Can I contact

21、him on Saturday?Do you know when hes in?What if I call tomorrow around ten?B.Person called:He is not available till afternoon.Sorry, hes not here at the moment.I dont believe you can reach him anywhere today.You can ring again one hour later.In half an hour, I guess. But Im sorry I cannot tell you e

22、xactly.Hell be here in 30 minutes.Hell be back around two oclock. Should I have him call back?Ill ask him to call you up later.(4) Asking the operator for help (請接線員幫助)A.Person calling:Can you connect me with London, please.Can you put me through to ?He is not available till afternoon.Sorry, hes not

23、 here at the moment.I dont believe you can reach him anywhere today.You can ring again one hour later.In half an hour, I guess. But Im sorry I cannot tell you exactly.Hell be here in 30 minutes.Hell be back around two oclock. Should I have him call back?Ill ask him to call you up later.Can you conne

24、ct me with London, please.Can you put me through to ?14Central, Ive been cut off.Could I have extension 432?Could you tell me the number of the English Department?Id like to make a call to John Company.Give me 49683, extension 246, please.Would you mind having him call back some time tomorrow?Would

25、you ask him to give me a ring when hes back?Would you tell him I rang?Any message for him?Can /May I take a message?Do you want to leave a message?Is there any message /words I can give him/Should I tell him youll call back, or do you want him to call you?(5) Wrong number(撥錯電話號碼)perB.Person called(5

26、) Wrong number(撥錯電話號碼15Person calling:Oh, isnt that marry? So sorry.Could I check the number? Isnt it 109-68432?I must have dialed the wrong number.Sorry to have trouble you.But I found this number in the yellow pages.Well, this is the number I was asked to ring.Sorry. I must have got the wrong area

27、 code.Person called:No, this isnt the number you want.Who did you say you wanted to speak to?Im sorry, it is a wrong number, sir.Sorry, the numbers changed.Im sorry, he isnt working here. Would you please call 642-689541?I think its 30-9648, but you might check with directory inquires.Nobody by that

28、 name works here.Nobody here by that number.A.Person callingB.Person called16(6) Leaving a message(留口信)Person calling:Can I leave a message?Can I leave words for her to call me tomorrow?Could you ask him to call/ring me when hes back?Please to have him return my call.Would you mind having him call m

29、e back some time tomorrow?Could you tell him I rang?Person called:Any message for him?Can/May I take a message?Do you want to leave words/a message for him to call you?Is there any message I can give him?Should I tell him youll call back,or do you want him to call you?Would you like to leave a messa

30、ge?(6) Leaving a message(留口信)A.Person callingPerson calledPerson calledB.Person called17(7) Confirming whether you are understood(確認對方是否聽清)A.Person calling:Do you understand me, sir?Are you following me,sir?Do you think Im making myself understood?Is my English clear enough for you?B.Person called:N

31、O, Im afraid not.Yes, I follow you.Would you explain a little bit more?Could you put that in more specific terms?Could you put that more simply?(8) Ring off(掛電話)A.Person calling:Thanks a lot. Good-bye.Ill get back to you soon.B.Person called:Thanks for calling.Thanks a lot. Good-bye.OK. Bye-bye.Do y

32、ou understand me, sir?Are you following me,sir?Do you think Im making myself understood?Is my English clear enough for you?NO, Im afraid not.Yes, I follow you.Would you explain a little bit more?Could you put that in more specific terms?Could you put that more simply?Thanks a lot. Good-bye.Ill get b

33、ack to you soon.Thanks a lot. Good-bye.Ill get back to you soon.Thanks for calling.Thanks a lot. Good-bye.OK. Bye-bye.Thanks for calling.Thanks a lot. Good-bye.OK. Bye-bye.18Functional English1. Requesting, and agreeing, or refusing requests Offering,and accepting or rejecting offersAsking permissio

34、n,and giving or refusing permission8. Do “E” on P.27 in pairs (3 minutes)7. Listen to the tapes and do D on P.26.3.2 Getting people to do thingsPractisePractise “A” on P. 28 in pairsddDo “B”Can you show us How do you do 1.2.3.of the above193.3 Can I take a message?BB1 Message: today or any time tomo

35、rrow,talk about the arrangement for the congress in July o14569924B2 To: Guy Dobson Message: ask Dobson to call before tomorrow evening at the number:0025589847 Paola Andreitti from Rome about labelling of product No. 15437B for Italian marketB3 To: wanted to speak to Mrs Cox talked to Mr.Box (the a

36、ssistant) Message: 1.Arriving time in Melbourne has been changed to the late hour at 1 a.m. Saturday local time if Fox can meet him still 2.Inform the Royal Hotel about the late arrival20*Bear in mind the 12 telephone tips on P.P.31-32 in “B” of 3.4 Do “C” on P.32 of 3.4;present how to make telephon

37、e call by a pair; the others observe.Observers guidelineDoes each speaker sounds agreeable?Do they sound natural and sincere?Does each speakers tone create the right impression?Are they speaking clearly?Is information they are giving correct?Have they both covered all the essential points?Is it the

38、kind of call you would like to receive yourself?21Unit 5 Working together *Various aspects of working in business and occasions *Showing someone physically around the offices and premises *Describing business organizations and structures *Looking at the companys backgrounds,contemporary changes in c

39、ompany organization practice and manager- employee relationships, the important issue of the role and status of women in working life *Paying attention to the background information of different kinds of companies Objectives of the Unit522Vocabulary in Unit 55.1: installed, pension scheme, trade uni

40、on, representative, union recognition, child care facilities,5.2: primary, secondary, tertiary, vehicle manufacturing, food processing, beverages, aerospace, retailing, catering,telecommunications, sectors of industry, chart5.3: board of directors, synonymous, a fledging firm, spearhead, cornerstone

41、, innovative, array, fiscal year, zest, civil engineering, proprietorship(ownership), limited liability company(有限責(zé)任公司), assets, acquisition(獲得物), versatile, recommence235.5: abandon, abolish, rewarding, economies of scale, components, in bulk(散裝), consign, oblivion(健忘,漠 視;滅跡;大赦;), confine, seven fo

42、ld, debt, collapse,afflict(使苦 惱,折磨), counsellors(顧問; 大使館參贊;), rotate, consultant, staff turnover, pyramid structure, concentric circle, corporate world, subject oneself to(使自己受到), scrutiny(詳盡研究;細看;),24Companies & Corporations There may be occasions when you have to talk about the company(US:corporat

43、ion) you work. Companies are very important part of a countrys economy.Businesses produce goods and services, and they come in every shape and size. In many countries there are nationalized companies belonging to the state,as well as private ones. A private company might be a small firm with one own

44、er or a very large firm with thousands of shareholders “owning” the firm. In very large firms the share holders have little to do with the day-to-day running of the firm.This is left to the management. Large companies may be organized into several departments, sometimes even divisions. The organizat

45、ional structure of some companies is very hierarchical with a board of25directors at the top and the various departments reporting to them. The only time the shareholders can influence the board is at yearly shareholder meeting. Some firms may only produce one good or service. Others may produce man

46、y different products; in fact they seem to be like a collection of “businesses” inside one company. As a company gets bigger it may expand geographically. Many large firms are multinationals with many manufacturing plants and trading locations in several different countries spread around the world.

47、Offices The physical surroundings of most modern places of work,especially offices are becoming more and more similar. Although there are differences from country to country, one office looks much like another. Office26furniture and equipment tends to be similar desks, chairs, lamps, filing cabinets

48、, computers, phones, photocopiers, etc. The “atmosphere” of the workplace can influence the effectiveness of a companys employees. Modern offices are more spacious and better lit,heated, ventilated and air-conditioned than in the past, which ,of course,is the feature that varies from firm to firm an

49、d may be dependent on the size of the company and its corporate “philosophy”. In some companies, the employees work in large open-plan offices without walls between the departments. In others, the staff work more privately in individual offices. Work relations with other people at the place of work

50、include relationships with fellow employees,27workers or colleagues. A great part of work or job satisfactionsome people say the major portioncomes from “getting on” with others at work. Work relations will also include those between management and employees. These relations are not always straightf

51、orward, particularly as the managements assessment of how you are performing can be crucial to your future career.indIndustrial Relations There will always be matters about which employees will want to talk to management.In small businesses the boss will probably work alongside his or her employees.

52、 Anything which needs to be sorted out will be done face-to-face as soon as a problem arises. There will be no formal meetings have to be held and procedures set up, 28to say when, where, how and in what circumstances the employees can talk to the management. Some companies have specially organized

53、consultative committees for this purpose. In many countries of the world, particularly in large firms, employees join a trade union and ask the union to represent them to the management. Through the union all categories of employees can pass on the complaints they have and try to get things changed.

54、 The process through which union negotiate with management on behalf of their members is called “collective bargaining”. Instead of each employee trying to bargain alone with the company, the employees join together and collectively put forward their views. Occasionally, a firm will refuse to recogn

55、ize the right of the right of a union to negotiate for its members and a dispute over union recognition29will arise. Where there is disagreement, bargaining or negotiating will take place. A compromise agreement may be reached. Where this is not possible, the sides can go to arbitration and bring in

56、 a third party from outside to say what they think should happen. However, sometimes one of the sides decide to take industrial action. The management can “l(fā)ock out” the employees and prevent them from coming to work. This used to be very common, but is rarely used today.The main courses of action o

57、pen to a trade union are: a strike, a ban, on working overtime, “working to rule” (when employees work according to the company rule book), “go-slows” employees may spend more time doing the same job) and picketing (employees stand outside the entrance to the business location holding30signs to show

58、 they are conflict with the management). Every country has its own tradition of industrial relations, so it is difficult to generalize. In some businesses, unions are not welcomed by the management. But in other countries the unions play an important role both in the everyday working relations in in

59、dividual companies and also in the social and political life of the country.31Office premisesOffice buildingCanteen Reception desk roomWorking floorOffice roomToilet Conference roomLounge common room5.1 Getting to know the working place32How to choose premiseA.Well, a well-chosen premise allows a co

60、mpany to do business in the most efficient way. Many companies choose to locate in office blocks or business districts. From my point of view, companies provide services such as hotels and banks, must be situated near the largest concentration of their target customers; otherwise they will only caus


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