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1、 PAGE 頁(yè)碼 14 / NUMPAGES 總頁(yè)數(shù) 14滬教版三年級(jí)下學(xué)期英語(yǔ)期末綜合復(fù)習(xí)水平練習(xí)題班級(jí):_ 姓名:_ 看圖寫(xiě)單詞1. 看圖完成句子。1. Its_and_. Its_.2. Its_and_. Its sweet.3. Its_and round. Its sweet and_.2. 看圖,將排列錯(cuò)亂的字母重新組成單詞。1l o w 2a m j3o f u r 4t o c a5u a n t3. 看圖,補(bǔ)全小詩(shī)。1Row a_. 2Bounce a_.3Drive a_. 4Put on a_.5Read a_.4. 看圖,回答下列問(wèn)題。1. How many bird

2、s?2. Whats this, Lucy?3. Whats that, Sam?4. How old are you, Lucy?5. 看圖填入所缺字母。1_ift 2_rm3_oot 4_ce5_lephant填空題6. 寫(xiě)出兩個(gè)同類(lèi)的詞。1hungry_ 2tea_3dumplings_ 4you_5drink_7. 寫(xiě)出下列單詞并正確寫(xiě)出它的單復(fù)數(shù)形式。1 2 3 4 8. 趣味填空。A. trousers B. shirt C. shoes D. hat1.The_is in the box. 2.The_is on the chair.3.The_are under the dog

3、. 4.The_are behind the tree.9. 寫(xiě)出下列字母的左鄰右舍。1_Tt 2_Pp_3_Rr 4Qq_10. 選詞填空,補(bǔ)全句子。1Sit_(up, down ).2Lets make_(a, an) puppet.3This is my_(arm, arms).4Id_(to like, like)some fish.5How are_(your, you)?連詞成句11. aseecanIcake (寫(xiě)序號(hào))_.12. Point “hello” to (只填序號(hào))13. 連詞成句。1a, has, nose, elephant, the, long (.)2here

4、, come, children (.)3at, giraffe, look, that (.)4short, rabbit, the, tail, has, a (.)5so, the, is, panda, cute (.)14. do Mondays what you on do ( ? )15. 用所給單詞組句子。1the door close please (.)2run dont the in library (.)3is up down Mike jumping and (.)4cake dont my eat (.)5LiuTao shout Dont in library t

5、he (, .)選擇題16. _ you going to Hong Kong this Sunday?( )No, Im not.A.Are B.Do C.What17. Its time _ dinner. Its time _ eat. ( )A.for; to B.for; for C.to; for18. Where _ the toy car? ( )A.am B.is C.are19. Its time _ wake up, Mike. ( )A.at B.for C.to20. Four and fifteen makes_. ( )A.nine B.sixteen C.nin

6、eteen句型轉(zhuǎn)換21. 按要求改寫(xiě)句子。1Think and write.按要求改寫(xiě)句2Think and write.按要求改寫(xiě)句3. My nose is big.(改為否定句,但意思不變)My nose_.4. Danny isten years old.(對(duì)句子提問(wèn))_is Danny?5Think and write.按要求改寫(xiě)句6. Are you tall?(按實(shí)際情況回答問(wèn)題)7.Miss Fang ismy teacher.(對(duì)句子提問(wèn))_your teacher?8.My hair is long.(改成一般疑問(wèn)句)_your hair_?22. 對(duì)句子提問(wèn)。1There

7、s onlyone childin the classroom._there in the classroom?2The jacket on the rightis Monicas._is Monicas?3Emmascoat is expensive._coat is expensive?4Jim is inRow Five._is Jim in?5My father issixty._your father?23. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1.Thatisadog.(根據(jù)句子意思提問(wèn))2.a/act/like/monkey(.)(連詞成句.)3.a/I/have/dog(.)(連詞成句)4.Whatis

8、this?(用cat來(lái)做回答)5.Thisisanelephant.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)24. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1He is tall. (改為般疑問(wèn)句)tall?2You are thin. (改為否定句,但意思不變)You.3She is young. (改為般疑問(wèn)句)young?4Im tall. (改為否定句,但意思不變)I.5Imnine. (根據(jù)句子意思提問(wèn))you?25. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. It is a green cat.(變?yōu)榉穸ň洌?. It is a red bed.(根據(jù)句子意思提問(wèn))3.Is it a green cat?(作否定回答)4. Is it a red door?

9、(作肯定回答)5. It is a blue chair.(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句)閱讀理解26. 看圖讀一讀,先給圖上色,再判斷句子正()誤()。The cloud(云)is in the sky. Its black. The big car is red and yellow. The small car is orange. The tree is big. It is green and brown. The flower is pink (粉色). The thin cat is brown. The fat cat is black and white. The bird is blue

10、.( )(1)The clouds are in the sky.Theyre blue.( )(2)The big tree is green andbrown.( )(3)The big car is red and yellow.The small car is orange.( )(4)The thin cat is black andwhite. The fat cat is brown.( )(5)The flower is pink.27. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子是否正確。I am Peter Brown. I have two good friends. They are Jo

11、e and Tim. Joe is fat and strong. He likes candy and juice. He doesnt like ice cream. He likes swimming too. Tim is thin and tall. He likes running and swimming. He likes vegetables and fruits very much.(1)My good friends are Joe and Tom.( )(2)Joe is fat and tall.( )(3)Joe likes running and swimming

12、.( )(4)Joe likes fruits very much.( )(5)Tim like vegetables very much.( )28. 閱讀,選擇正確答案,將其編號(hào)寫(xiě)在前面的括號(hào)里。 Hello! Im from England.Im new here.Im a student .I love my teachers.They are very kind.Mr Li is my Chinese teacher.Hes strong and short.Miss Guo is my math teacher.She is young and pretty.Miss Wu is

13、my favourite teacher.She teaches music.I like Tuesday very much , because we have music class.We often have beef and tomatoes for lunch in the school on Tuesday.Ping-pong is my favourrite sport .( )(1)The teachers are _ .A.quiet B.kind( )(2)_ is my favourite teacher .A.Music teacher B.Math teacher(

14、)(3)Whats Miss Guo like ?A.Sheisyoungandpretty. B.Shesyoungandshort.( )(4)Whats my favourite sport ?A.Ping-pong B.Football( )(5)Why do I like Tuesdays ?A.Becauseweoftenhavebeefandpotatoesforlunch.B.Becausewehavemusicclass29. 閱讀理解。ImaChinesegirl.MynameisLiangXinyu.IminClassThree,GradeOne.MyEnglishmyt

15、eacherisaChineseboy.MygoodfriendisLucy.SheisanEnglishgirl.SheisinClassThree,too.Sheiseleven.請(qǐng)仔細(xì)閱讀,選擇正確的選項(xiàng)。( )(1)LiangXinyuisa_girl.A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese( )(2)LiangXinyuandLucyaregood_.A.students B.friends C.girls( )(3)LucyisinClass_.A.One B.Two C.Three( )(4)Lucyisa(an)_.A.English B.Chinese

16、C.Japanese( )(5)MyEnglishteacherisa_boy.A.English B.Chinese C.Japanese30. 閱讀短文,選擇正確的選項(xiàng)。Hello! Im Fangfang. Look at this photo. Its me! I was one then. My hair wasnt long then. It was very short. I was cute. I wasnt naughty. I was a bit quite. My parents love me very much.(1)This girl was _.A. Fangfa

17、ng B. Fanglin(2)She was only _.A. one B. two(3)Her hair was _.A. short B. long(4)She was _.A. naughty B. cute(5)Her _ love her very much.A. father B. parents31. 閱讀短文,判斷短文后面的句子是否正確。Amy: What day is it today?Tom: Its Monday. HmmI like Monday.Amy: What do you have today?Tom: We have math, science and a

18、rt. What about you?Amy: We have English and P.E. What do you have tomorrow?Tom: We have art and P.E. tomorrow.Amy: Oh, great.( )(1)Tom has math, science and art on Monday.( )(2)Tom has art and P.E. on Monday.( )(3)Amy has English and P.E. today.( )(4)Tomorrow is Tuesday.( )(5)Tom doesnt like Mondays

19、.32. 閱讀對(duì)話,判斷正(T)誤(F)。Its dark(黑暗的). A man cant(不能)see the road. He needs(需要)a lantern(燈籠). There comes a man. He has a lantern. But he is so slow.Man: Why are you walking so slowly with a lantern?Blind: Because Im blind(盲的), Sir.Man: Ha! Ha! Ha! Youre blind? Then why do you carry(提著)a lantern?Blind:

20、 Im blind. I dont need the lantern. But you need it. I carry this lantern to help others in the dark.Man: Youre so kind. Im very sorry. Let me carry your lantern. Be careful. We go together.Blind: Thank you.()1.It is in the morning.()2.The man with a lantern is blind.()3.The blind man carries a lant

21、ern for others.()4.The blind man is kind.()5.The blind man needs a lantern.33. 閱讀理解。Its Sunday today. The weather is warm and sunny. Danny, Jenny and Li Ming go shopping on the Park Road. Its not far. So they go there on foot. Li Ming wants to buy (想要買(mǎi)) some crayons. He likes to draw pictures. Jenny

22、 wants to buy a blue skirt. Her favourite clothes are skirts. Whats her favourite colour? Blue. What about Danny? He wants to buy some donuts and ice cream. Because he is hungry and thirsty.(1)What day is today?( )A.Monday. B.Sunday. C.Saturday.(2)How do they go to the Park Road?( )A.By bus. B.By bi

23、ke. C.On foot.(3)What does Li Ming like to do?( )A.He likes to play games.B.He likes to draw pictures.C.He likes to buy some donuts.(4)What are Jennys favourite clothes?( )A.Skirts. B.Blue. C.Shorts.(5)What does Danny want to buy?( )A.Some crayons. B.A blue skirt. C.Some donuts and ice cream.34. 讀下面短文,判斷正誤。Hi! My name is Jack. Im from the USA. I have a hap


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