高中英語[人教版]必修三第二單元Unit2Rea課件(PPT 24頁)_第1頁
高中英語[人教版]必修三第二單元Unit2Rea課件(PPT 24頁)_第2頁
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高中英語[人教版]必修三第二單元Unit2Rea課件(PPT 24頁)_第4頁
高中英語[人教版]必修三第二單元Unit2Rea課件(PPT 24頁)_第5頁
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1、Unit 2 Healthy Eating Reading 第1頁,共24頁。1.Where do you often go for a meal?. Leading-in第2頁,共24頁。Kentucky Fried ChickenBig restaurantMcDonaldsFast food restaurants 第3頁,共24頁。Healthy?Fast? 2.Why do you often go there for a meal?food?Price?high/low/reasonableenvironment?comfortable/第4頁,共24頁。3. what is a

2、healthy diet?A healthy (balanced) diet = energy-giving food+ body-building food+ Protective food第5頁,共24頁。nutrition蛋白質(zhì)carbohydrates 碳水化合物纖維素糖脂肪維他命礦物質(zhì)It must contain the following nutritious elements(成份)第6頁,共24頁。Come and eat HereYong HuiWang Peng. Fast-reading第7頁,共24頁。1. What is the main idea of the t

3、ext?How the competition take place between Wang Peng and Yonghui.第8頁,共24頁。2.Divide the text into 3 parts and match the main idea of each part.Wang peng follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is very popular.Wang peng does some research in the library to win his customers back.Wang pen

4、g is worried because his restaurant is not full as usual.Part 1Part2Part3para1para2&3para4第9頁,共24頁。. Careful-reading1. Fill in the following about the details of Wang Pengs and Yong Huis restaurant第10頁,共24頁。Wang Pengs Yong HuisFood_ , kebabs cola , roast pork, ice _vegetables, fruit, _Price_It costs

5、 more than a good meal in WangsAdvantagespeople feel_ and giving them _make people _enough _foodsWeaknessespeople easily become _because his _contains too much fatnot giving energy food ,after eating, people become_ quicklybarbecued muttoncreamlowerfitenergyfatfoodrawwaterthinprotectivetired第11頁,共24

6、頁。1. Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. 2. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. It would take longer than that.TF2. True or False第12頁,共24頁。3. Wang Pengs regular customers often became fat. T4. Yong Huis menu gave customers more emery-giving food. No

7、. it gave them protective food but no energy-giving or body-building food.F第13頁,共24頁。5. Wang Pengs menu gave customers more protective food. 6. Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu. He decided to advertise the benefits of his menu.F F第14頁,共24頁。When Wang Peng thought “Nothin

8、g could be better”, he means _ A. His food and drinks were the best. B. His food and drinks were the worst. C. His food should have been improved. D. He could do nothing with his food and drinks.3.Choose the best answer第15頁,共24頁。2. Why did Wang Peng go into the newly-opened restaurant? A. Because he

9、 was angry. B. Because he was curious. C. Because he wanted to blame its owner. D. Because he wanted to ask for advice.第16頁,共24頁。3. What is Wang Pengs impression on Yong Huis restaurant? A. All the customers in it were very slim. B. It was too small and too noisy. C. The food in it was very nice and

10、 better than that in his. D. There was so limited food but the price was much higher.4. We can infer from the last sentence that _ A. Wang Peng would learn from Yong Hui B. Yong Hui would learn from Wang Peng C. The competition had began and would continue D. The two restaurants would give up the co

11、mpetition第17頁,共24頁。Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight?Come inside Yonghuis slimming restaurant. Only slimming foods served here.Make yourself thin again!Want to feel fit and energetic?Come and eat here! Discounts today!Our food gives you energy all day!Who wins?.Reading 2 The competition bet

12、ween the two them was on.第18頁,共24頁。Wang Pengs restaurant was _ . He felt happy because he was able to _ and did not look forward to _. He smiled as he _ some customers warmly at the door.earn his livingbeing in debtwelcomednearly fullA week later:第19頁,共24頁。1. How did Yong Hui feel when she came to W

13、angs restaurant? Why?She felt _because she thought Wang Peng had come into her restaurant to_ her. angryspy on第20頁,共24頁。2. What did they find after their chat?They found they didnt offer_. Because Wang didnt offer enough _and Yong Hui didnt offer enough _foods.balanced diets fibers body-building or energy-giving第21頁,共24頁。3.How did Yong Hui feel when she had the meal in Wangs restaurant?She feels sick with _.She misses my _.all this fat and heavy food vegetables and fruit 第22頁,共24頁。4.What did they fi


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