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1、英語國家概況Unit 3 Places 李更春,博士講師 2015.31Module One:Unit 3 PlacesAt the end of this unit, you willLearning objectives1. become familiar with features and organizational patterns of ideas based on space or spatial relationships in paragraph writing.2. know how to develop description according to space arr

2、angement; and 3. be able to construct a paragraph by arranging details with linking words of location and direction.2PART 1 Warm-up ActivitiesWrite a paragraph describing the main features of your university. Try to answer the following questions before you write:3PART 1 Warm-up ActivitiesWhats your

3、 overall impression of the university?4Which building or location catches your attention first?Which place do you want to describe first? And then? What do you want to describe last?What order does your description follow? Why do you choose this order?PART 1 Warm-up ActivitiesPossible answers: My un

4、iversity is a brand-new, modern, spacious and well-equipped one. It is located on the Jichuan Rd. of Taizhou City.Before we enter the university, the building that catches our immediate attention is the school gate, which is a magnificent building, with the school name artistically written on a red

5、plaque put up on the door header. 5As we enter, the school libraray immediately comes into view, with a wide road leading to the main entrance of it. PART 1 Warm-up ActivitiesPossible answers: On either side of the wide road, three modern 5-story buildings stand in a line with a lot of space among t

6、hem.On the left hand side are the Administration Building and two Teaching Buildings, and on the right we find the Academic Exchange Center and two Engineering Training Centers. 6Finally, in the southeast portion of the camps are the students living quarters, which are separated from the teaching ar

7、ea by basketball courts.PART 1 Warm-up ActivitiesSummary: In a paragraph describing your university, you might use some important landmark (地標(biāo)), for example, the library, and describe other locations in relation to it. The order in which you discuss each location is not as important as their relatio

8、nships with the landmark.7You might also use an important landmark as the starting point and move from it to the next location, on to another, and so on, perhaps ending back at the original landmark.Development by Space Development by space order (left to right, right to left, near to far, far to ne

9、ar, low to high, high to low, etc.) is one of the commonest ways to arrange material. The physical appearance of someone or something - an old man, a mountain lake, a modern apartment building - usually calls for the organization of details into some kind of spatial relationship. 8Development by Spa

10、ce For instance, you might describe the old man from his head to his feet; or you might describe the mountain scene from left to right, right to left, or near to far; or you might progress with your description of a modern apartment building from outside to inside. 9Development by Space In spatial o

11、rder, there are a number of possible ways to arrange your material. Among them the most frequently used are: 10 vertical order (bottom to top, top to bottom; head to toe, toe to head) horizontal order (left to right, right to left) depth order (inside to outside, outside to inside) circular order (c

12、lockwise, counterclockwise; east to west, west to east) center-to-circumference (邊緣,周緣) order (near to far)Organizational StructureRead the following paragraph and tell the spatial order used. 11Supplementary Reading In the middle of the rectangular-shaped courtyard (庭院,院子) stood three magnolia tree

13、s (木蘭樹), all in full bloom. A little girl was hopping among them, now gazing at a bud, now collecting fallen petals. Under one of the trees stood her parents, who, while keeping an eye on her, were examining the milkwhite blossoms with great interest and admiration. In front of another tree a young

14、couple, fresh and bright as the flowers, were posing for a picture. At one end of the courtyard a group of youngsters had gathered behind an artist painting a flourishing (植物或動物)長勢好,茁壯成長) limb (樹枝), which looked so charming and real that a boy stooped to sniff at a half-open flower. At the opposite

15、end a few elderly men and women stood admiring the leafless flowering trees. 12Supplementary Reading Here the writer starts from the trees in the middle of the courtyard, or the centre of the scene. Then he describes the people under and around the trees (the little girl, her parents and the young c

16、ouple), and after that the people farther from the trees at both ends of the courtyard (the artist and the youngsters behind him, and the elderly men and women). In short, he moves his camera from the center to the surrounding areas.13Organizational StructureRead the following paragraph and tell the

17、 spatial order used. 14Supplementary Reading Mr. Cook, a renowned (有名的, 有聲望的 ) American historian, arranges the books on his bookshelves in a unique (獨特的) way. In the upper right hand corner, there are books about the development of the early colonies in New England and the War of Independence. Righ

18、t under them can be found books on the slave trade, the plantation system (種植園制度) and the growth of the southern states. The left side of the shelf contains hundreds of books concerning subjects of the Westward Movement (西進運動), Indian culture and the Gold Rush (淘金熱) in Califonia. From the descriptio

19、n above, one can see that Mr. Cook regards his bookshelves as a map of the U.S. and arranges his history books accordingly. It is odd, but it is convenient.15Supplementary Reading This paragraph, which describes the arrangement of books, is simple and clear. The positions of the books are described

20、in an order that is easy to follow: first from the upper right to the lower right, and then to the left.16Organizational StructureRead the following two paragraphs and answer the questions. 17Passage A The history of the grape is as old as man, and even older. In fact, fossilized grape leaves, stems

21、, and seeds have been taken from Tertiary deposits (第三紀(jì)層) of perhaps 30,000,000 years ago. But in mans recorded history, we have details of grape and wine production depicted (描述) in mosaics (鑲嵌圖案) of 2400 BC during the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt. In Homers time, about 1000 BC, wine was a common featur

22、e of Greek life. By 600 BC, grapes were known in France, and no later than AD 200 they were introduced into Germany. The writer Pliny, before AD 100, described ninety-one varieties of grapes and fifty kinds of wine. Columbus, and later colonists, brought European grapes to America, where they found

23、native varieties already growing in a wild state.18Passage B One theory is that cultivation (栽培) of the grape originated in the area around the Caspian Sea (里海). From there grape growing spread to neighboring areas of Asia Minor (小亞細(xì)亞, 土耳其的亞洲部分), then to Greece, and from Greece to Sicily (意大利西西里島).

24、The Phoenicians (腓尼基人) took the grape into France, and the Romans planted grapes in Germany and England. At the same time as grape cultivation spread into the West, grapes were carried into the East by way of (路經(jīng), 途經(jīng)) India. Wherever new lands were settled, people took the grape along. Columbus and

25、later colonists brought the European grape to America, where it had little success until it was crossed (雜交) with the native American varieties. 19Organizational StructureQuestions: 1. Are the two paragraphs dealing with the same subject? If so, what is it?2. How are the details in the two paragraph

26、s arranged respectively? 20Organizational StructureQuestions: 1. Are the two paragraphs dealing with the same subject? If so, what is it?Yes, both of them deal with the same subject, grape cultivation.212. How are the details in the two paragraphs arranged respectively? Paragraph A is developed acco

27、rding to time sequence, and it shows the chronological order through the use of such time signals as 30,000,000 years ago, 2400 BC, about 1000 BC, 600 BC, AD 200, AD 100; while Paragraph B is . Organizational Structure.arranged according to space, and it describes the cultivation of the grape from i

28、ts original place, the Caspian Sea (里海,世界最大的咸水湖), and develops according to geographical locations of the places where it spreads, such as Asia Minor, Greece, Sicily, France, Germany, England, India, America. These places are introduced in an order of central to west, west to east, near to far. 22Or

29、ganizational StructureRead the following paragraph and answer the questions. 23 My grandfathers barn (牲口棚) was in a deplorable (破舊的) condition. Its roof sagging (下垂, 下陷), its red paint flaking (成小薄片脫落) away, its windows shattered (破碎的). its great central door hanging on one hinge (門樞), it stood aban

30、doned on the prairie (大草原). On the left as we entered, we could barely make out (辨認(rèn)出) the remains of the horse stalls (馬廄). On the right, where saddles (馬鞍) and bridles (馬籠頭) used to gleam (閃光) on the wall, hung only an occasional torn and stiffened (變得僵硬的) shred (細(xì)條, 碎片) of leather. To the rear of

31、the barn, we could see only rusted implements (工具) scattered aimlessly on the floor. Looking up as we turned to leave, only occasional wisps (小捆, 小束) of hay reminded us of the fun we used to have playing in the loft (干草倉). 24Sample 2Organizational StructureQuestions: 1. Which is the topic sentence?2

32、. Whats the method used to develop the paragraph? 3. Please finish the following outline according to how the details are arranged. The central focus is _.The general arrangement of details is _.There are _ other patterns: details concerning _ are arranged _; those concerning _ are arranged _.25Orga

33、nizational StructureQuestions: 1. Which is the topic sentence?The first sentence is the topic sentence.262. Whats the method used to develop the paragraph? The paragraph is developed in space order. Organizational Structure3. Please finish the following outline according to how the details are arran

34、ged. The central focus is a deplorable barn.The general arrangement of details is from the outside of the barn to the inside.There are two other patterns: details concerning the outside are arranged from top to bottom; those concerning the inside are arranged from left to right, to the rear, and fin

35、ally to the overhead.27Organizational StructureNow, can you summarize the pattern of development by space in Sample 2? 28Organizational StructureThis paragraph is a description of my grandfathers barn. In order to create a deplorable impression, the writer selects very specific words and arranges th

36、ese descriptive details in a natural order of their physical layout: from the exterior to the interior of the barn. 29Organizational StructureThe details concerning the outside of the barn are arranged from the top of the barn to the bottom; those about the inside are arranged from left to right, to

37、 the rear, and finally to the overhead. Through this orderly sequence, the reader can visualize the scene very vividly and grasp the relationships among the objects. 30Organizational Structure31Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. Organizational StructureSample 3 As I entered the b

38、right, cheerful (令人愉快的) space, with its beige (米色的) walls and light grey carpet, I noticed a closet (壁櫥) to my right with the door open. On the shelf above the bunched-together clothes were a red baseball cap (棒球帽), a fielders glove (守場員手套), and a battered (破舊的) brown gym bag (運動包). Turning from the

39、 closet, I noticed a single bed with its wooden headboard (床頭板) against the far wall. The bedspread (床罩) was a brown, orange, and beige print of basketball, football, and baseball scenes. A lamp (燈) shaped like a baseball and a copy of Sports Illustrated (體育畫報) were on the top of a nightstand (放在床頭邊

40、的小桌) to the left of the bed.32Organizational Structure A sports schedule and several yellowing ((通常因陳舊)變黃,發(fā)黃) newspaper clippings (剪報) were tacked (用大頭釘(或圖釘)固定) to the cork (用軟木制的) bulletin board (公告欄) on the wall above the nightstand. A desk with a bookcase (書櫥) top stood against the left wall. I w

41、alked toward it to examine it more closely. As I ran my fingers over the items on the dusty shelves, I noticed some tarnished (失去光澤的) medals and faded ribbons for track accomplishments. These lay next to a heavy gold trophy (獎杯) that read, MVP: Pinewood Varsity Basketball. I accidentally tipped (翻倒)

42、 an autograph-covered, slightly deflated ((球、輪胎等)泄氣的) basketball off one shelf, and the ball bounced with dull thuds (沉悶聲) across the width of the room.33Organizational Structure Next to the desk was a window with brightly printed curtains that matched the bedspread. Between the window and the left

43、corner stood a dresser (梳妝臺) with one drawer half open, revealing a tangle of (一團) odd sweat socks and a few stretched-out T-shirts emblazoned (用紋章裝飾) with team insignias (團隊徽章) . As I turned to leave the room, I carefully picked my way around scattered pairs of worn-out sneakers (運動鞋). 34Organizati

44、onal StructureQuestions: 1. Which is described in the paragraph?2. What does the writer describe first? And last? What order does he/she follow? Why do you think he/she has followed that particular order? Read the Sample on page 2735Organizational Structure1. What is described in the paragraph?An at

45、hletes room is described in the paragraph.362. What does the writer describe first? And last? What order does he/she follow? Why do you think he/she has followed that particular order? The first thing the writer describes is a closet, and the last is a dresser. The description is organized according

46、 to a spatial order. The writer presents an orderly description just as his eye might move from right to left around the room.Organizational Structure3. First match the objects described with the corresponding phrases of location. Then put them in the right order according to the sequence in which t

47、hey appear in the description. window the far wall dresser on the shelfbed next to the deskcloset between the window and the left cornerlamp the left wallcap on the wall above the nightstandschedule on the top of a nightstand to the left of the bedmedals on the shelvesdesk to my right37Linking Devic

48、esRead the following paragraph and answer the questions. The pet shop in the mall is a depressing (令人抑郁的) place. A display window attracts passersby who stare at the prisoners penned (把關(guān)起來;把圈起來) inside. In the right-hand side of the window, two puppies (小狗,幼犬) press their forepaws (前爪) against the g

49、lass and attempt to lick the human hands that press from the outside. A cardboard (硬紙板) barrier separates the dogs from several black-and-white kittens (小貓) piled together in the opposite end of the window. 38Linking DevicesRead the following paragraph and answer the questions. Inside the shop, rows

50、 of wire cages (鐵籠子) line one wall from top to bottom. At first, it is hard to tell whether a bird, cat, or dog is locked inside each cage. Only an occasional movement or clawing, shuffling sound tells visitors that living creatures are inside. Running down the center of the store is a line of large

51、 wooden perches (棲木,棲枝) that look like coat racks (衣架). When customers pass by, the parrots chained to these perches flutter their clipped wings in a useless attempt to escape. 39Linking DevicesRead the following paragraph and answer the questions. At the end of this center aisle is a large plastic

52、tub of dirty, stagnant-looking water containing a few motionless turtles. The shelves against the left-hand wall are packed with all kinds of pet-related items. The smell inside the entire shop is an unpleasant mixture of strong chemical deodorizers (除臭劑), urine-soaked newspapers, and musty (有霉味的, 發(fā)

53、霉的) sawdust (鋸末). 40Linking DevicesQuestions: 1. This sample paragraph is developed according spatial order. Can you identify those words or phrases that show spatial order? What is their effect?Read the Sample on page 2841Linking DevicesThe pet shop in the mall is a depressing (令人抑郁的) place. A disp

54、lay window attracts passersby who stare at the prisoners penned (把關(guān)起來;把圈起來) inside. In the right-hand side of the window, two puppies (小狗,幼犬) press their forepaws (前爪) against the glass and attempt to lick the human hands that press from the outside. A cardboard (硬紙板) barrier separates the dogs from

55、 several black-and-white kittens (小貓) piled together in the opposite end of the window. 42Linking DevicesInside the shop, rows of wire cages (鐵籠子) line one wall from top to bottom. At first, it is hard to tell whether a bird, cat, or dog is locked inside each cage. Only an occasional movement or cla

56、wing, shuffling sound tells visitors that living creatures are inside. Running down the center of the store is a line of large wooden perches (棲木,棲枝) that look like coat racks (衣架). When customers pass by, the parrots chained to these perches flutter their clipped wings in a useless attempt to escap

57、e. 43Linking DevicesAt the end of this center aisle is a large plastic tub of dirty, stagnant-looking water containing a few motionless turtles. The shelves against the left-hand wall are packed with all kinds of pet-related items. The smell inside the entire shop is an unpleasant mixture of strong

58、chemical deodorizers (除臭劑), urine-soaked newspapers, and musty (有霉味的, 發(fā)霉的) sawdust (鋸末). 44Linking DevicesThese spatial connectors suggest that the writer organizes the paragraph in a particular order, i.e. from one side of the pet shop to the center, and then to the other side, thus making the desc

59、ription clear and orderly. As a result, readers will not get lost while the description proceeds. 45Linking DevicesQuestions: 2. What is the general impression created in the paragraph? Make a list of all the details you can find that support the general impression. Read the Sample on page 2846Linki

60、ng DevicesThe general impression of the place described is depressing. The specific details include: 47the prisoners penned insidetwo puppies press their forepaws against the glassseveral black-and-white kitten piled togetherrows of wire cages line one wall from top to bottoman occasional movement o


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