



1、 . . 5/5SECTION1: REFORCEMENT 第一章:鋼筋PART 1GENERAL第一節(jié) 總則1.1SCOPE OF WORK 工作圍Materials and labours required for the complete installation of the work of this section, including furnishing and placing of reinforcing steel and related positioning.完成安裝本部分工程所需的材料和勞動力,包括提供和設(shè)置鋼筋和有關(guān)的定位。1.2STANDARDS 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Except

2、as otherwise specified herein, perform work in accordance with specifications, codes, and standards cited therein, and latest applicable addenda and supplements. Copies of these items shall be kept available in shop and field.除非另有規(guī)定,按照以下引用的規(guī),標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和最新的附錄和補(bǔ)充施工。在車間和現(xiàn)場應(yīng)備有這些文件的復(fù)印件。BS 4449Hot rolled steel ba

3、rs for the reinforcement of concrete. 用于混凝土的熱軋鋼筋BS 8110The Structural Use of Concrete - Part 1 Design and Construction. 混凝土的結(jié)構(gòu)用途-第一節(jié) 設(shè)計和施工BS 4483Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete. 混凝土加筋鋼絲BS 4466 Bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for the reinforcement of concrete. 混凝土鋼筋彎曲尺寸和加工表UK

4、 Structural Design Standards specified herein can be substituted by other Structural Design Standards: Selected National and International Title and Sources, provided that request for substitution is made and reviewed by Engineers Representative before use in project.如果在使用前提出申請?zhí)鎿Q,并經(jīng)監(jiān)理代表批準(zhǔn),可以使用相應(yīng)結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計

5、標(biāo)準(zhǔn):挑選的國家和國際名稱和來源,來替換這里規(guī)定的英國結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。Any material or operation specified by reference to published specifications of manufacturer or published standard shall comply with said specification or standard. In case of conflict between referenced specifications, most stringent requirement shall govern; and i

6、n case of dispute, the Engineers decision shall be final. In case of conflict between referenced specifications and Project Specifications, Project Specifications shall govern.任何通過參考出版的制造商規(guī)或標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)定的材料或?qū)嵤?yīng)符合上述規(guī)或標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。當(dāng)參考規(guī)存在分歧時,應(yīng)使用最嚴(yán)格的要求;如果有分歧,監(jiān)理的決定將是最終的。如果參考的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和項目規(guī) 發(fā)生分歧,應(yīng)以項目規(guī)為準(zhǔn)。1.3SUBMITTALS & TESTING 提交和試

7、驗The Contractor shall submit manufacturers specifications and installation instructions for each item of proprietary material used, and shall confirm his intention to comply with such requirements.承包商應(yīng)提交所用的每項專用材料的制造商規(guī)和安裝說明,并應(yīng)確認(rèn)承包商遵守此要求的意圖。Submit to Engineers detailed Reinforcement Shop Drawings incl

8、uding cutting lists, bar bending schedule and erection drawings. 向監(jiān)理工程師提交詳細(xì)的鋼筋加工圖,包括切割表、鋼筋彎曲表和安裝圖。Submit to Engineers prior to delivery of reinforcing steel certified mill test reports of reinforcing steel (including names and locations of mills and shops, and analyses of chemical and physical prope

9、rties), properly correlated to be used in this project.在鋼筋進(jìn)場前向監(jiān)理工程師提交鋼筋的工廠鑒定試驗報告(包括工廠和車間的名稱和地址,化學(xué)和物理性能分析),該報告應(yīng)與項目使用精密關(guān)聯(lián)。Tests will be required by the Engineers Representative on steel reinforcement and they shall be carried out in strict accordance with the provisions of the British Standards in Cla

10、use 03900/1/1.02.監(jiān)理工程師代表可以要求對鋼筋進(jìn)行試驗,試驗應(yīng)按照英國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)第03900/1/1.02條的規(guī)定嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行。Tensile tests providing information on elastic limit, ultimate strength, and stress-strain curve will be required from each delivery of reinforcement and measurements will also be required of cross-sectional area, weight per unit len

11、gth, deformation and bend / re-bend characteristics of deformed bars. Chemical composition analysis shall be performed for each bar size. 要求對每次進(jìn)場的鋼筋進(jìn)行拉試驗,提供有關(guān)彈性圍、極限強(qiáng)度和應(yīng)力-應(yīng)變曲線。同時,需要對變形鋼筋的截面積、單位長度的重量、變形和彎曲/再彎曲特征進(jìn)行量測。對每種鋼筋尺寸應(yīng)進(jìn)行化學(xué)成分分析。The Contractor shall allow for the following testing procedure : 承包商應(yīng)

12、考慮以下試驗程序a)15 test specimens per unit of delivery of each bar diameter to determine the following :- 對于每種尺寸的鋼筋每次進(jìn)場取15個試驗樣品,以確定以下容-Tensile strength 抗拉強(qiáng)度-Yield point 屈服點-Elongation after fracture 斷裂時的延長率b)15 test specimens per unit of delivery of each bar diameter to determine the following : 對于每種尺寸的鋼筋

13、每次進(jìn)場取15個試驗樣品,以確定以下容-Behaviour in the rebend test 反彎試驗特性-Deviations from the nominal cross section 名義截面的偏差-Bond test. 粘結(jié)力試驗2 test specimens per unit of delivery of each bar diameter for chemical composition in accordance with the requirements of BS : 4449(E).對于每種尺寸的鋼筋每次進(jìn)場取2個試驗樣品,按照BS4449的要求進(jìn)行化學(xué)成分分析。T

14、he deliveries to be sub divided into test units with a maximum mass of 100 tons each or of products of the same nominal diameter from the same cast as directed by the Engineer. 按照監(jiān)理工程師的指示將進(jìn)場的鋼筋細(xì)分為最大質(zhì)量為100噸的試驗單位或者細(xì)分成同一鑄件的同一直徑的產(chǎn)品。One set of test results for each bar size shall be submitted to the Engi

15、neers Representative. Remaining tests will be carried out at the discretion of the Engineers Representative. 在混凝土工程現(xiàn)場開工前,向監(jiān)理工程師代表提交每種鋼筋尺寸的一套試驗結(jié)果。Where any test results do not confirm to the values laid down in the above standards, the defective materials shall be removed from the site. 當(dāng)試驗結(jié)果不符合上述標(biāo)準(zhǔn)中

16、規(guī)定的數(shù)值時,有缺陷的材料應(yīng)從現(xiàn)場清除。Submit to Engineer, manufacturers and/or suppliers and/or installers affidavit stating that material or product provided complies with Contract Documents. 應(yīng)向監(jiān)理工程師提交制造商和/或供應(yīng)商和/或安裝商的宣誓書。該宣誓書應(yīng)說明提供的材料或產(chǎn)品符合合同文件。PART 2 PRODUCTS 第二節(jié) 產(chǎn)品2.1MATERIAL 材料High yield steel reinforcing bars used

17、 for the work shall have a minimum yield stress of 460 N/mm2 (Hot Rolled) complying to BS 4449. 用于工程的高屈服鋼筋根據(jù)BS4449應(yīng)具有最小屈服應(yīng)力460 N/mm2(熱軋)。Mild steel reinforcement shall be of plain round bars with minimum yield stress of 250 N/mm2. 低炭鋼筋應(yīng)該是光圓鋼筋,其最小屈服應(yīng)力為250 N/mm2.Welded Wire Fabric shall conform to BS

18、4483. 焊接鋼絲應(yīng)符合BS 4483.Cold-worked steel bars shall not be used as lifting hooks. 吊鉤鋼筋不得使用冷加工鋼筋材料。Couplers of reinforcement are to be of the lapping type, and used on all bars on members where shown on the drawings. 鋼筋連接采用搭接式;應(yīng)按照圖紙所示對構(gòu)件的所有鋼筋使用搭接連接。Flash weld can be used in the connection works, and sh

19、all follow BS4449. 鋼筋連接可采用閃光焊,并要符合規(guī)4449中的相關(guān)規(guī)定。2.2FABRICATION 鋼筋加工2.2.1General: Fabricate reinforcing bars to conform to required shapes and dimensions, with fabrication tolerances complying with BS 4466. I 總則:按照所需形狀和尺寸加工鋼筋,加工公差符合BS4466。2.2.2Handling: Bending, placing, spacing and splicing of steel s

20、hall comply in all cases with the requirements of BS 4466. 處理:鋼筋的彎曲、設(shè)置、間距和搭接應(yīng)符合BS4466的要求。2.2.3Unacceptable Materials: Reinforcement with any of the following defects will not be permitted in the Work: 不可接受的材料: 如果鋼筋有以下一種情況,它就不能用于工程。a)Bar lengths, depths, and bends exceeding specified fabrication tole

21、rances. 鋼筋長度、厚度和彎曲超過規(guī)定的加工公差。b)Bends or kinks not required by the Work. 工程不需要的彎曲或紐結(jié)c)Bars with reduced cross-section due to excessive resting or other cause. 鋼筋由于過度不用或其他原因?qū)е陆孛孀冃?。PART 3 EXECUTION 第三節(jié) 實施3.1VERIFICATION OF CONDITIONS 核實條件Examine work prepared by other trades to receive work of this sect

22、ion and report any defects affecting installation to the Contractor for correction. Commencement of work will be construed as complete acceptance of preparatory work by others.檢查其他行業(yè)準(zhǔn)備的工作,接受本部分的工作,并將影響安裝的所有缺陷向承包商匯報以便改正。工程開工可理解為完全接受他人所做的準(zhǔn)備工作。3.2PLACING OF REINFORCEMENT 鋼筋的安裝The Contractor shall suppl

23、y and incorporate in the work all such steel reinforcement including tie wire, support and spacer bars, all to the satisfaction of the Engineers Representative. 承包商應(yīng)完全按照監(jiān)理工程師代表的要求提供和在工程中采用所有的鋼筋,包括連接鐵絲、支撐鋼筋和定位鋼筋等等。The Contractor may substitute alternative bar sizes bundled as necessary than those sho

24、wn on the drawings. The Contractor to provide calculations showing the substituted bar diameters meet all requirements of area, bond, of BS 8110 to the Engineers Representative for his approval. 承包商可以使用可選擇性鋼筋尺寸來替換圖紙上顯示的鋼筋尺寸。承包商應(yīng)向監(jiān)理工程師代表提供表明代替的鋼筋尺寸符合BS8110的面積和粘結(jié)要求的計算書供其批準(zhǔn)。Reinforcement shall be conti

25、nuous through construction joints unless otherwise indicated on drawings. 除非圖紙上另有規(guī)定,鋼筋穿過施工縫處應(yīng)是連續(xù)的. Splices shall be set up in such location where the stress is low and the number of splices shall not more than two in one longitudinal reinforcement. 鋼筋的接頭宜設(shè)在受力較弱處,同一縱向受力鋼筋不宜設(shè)置兩個或兩個以上接頭。 Splices of adj

26、acent bars shall be staggered with each other in the same structural members, and shall satisfy with the least ratio of lapping ,同一構(gòu)件中相鄰縱向受力鋼筋的接頭宜相互錯開,且要滿足接頭百分率要求。The splice lengths of all reinforcing bars which have to be spliced shall, unless otherwise shown on the drawings, be in conformity with

27、the following: 除非圖紙上另有規(guī)定,所有鋼筋的搭接長度應(yīng)符合以下:Plain round bars光圓鋼筋60 x Bar Dia Minimum 最小60倍鋼筋直徑Deformed bars變形鋼筋50 x Bar Dia Minimum最小50倍鋼筋直徑Fabric鋼絲(300 mm minimum, but overlap measured between outermost wires of each sheet no less than pitch of secondary). 最小300毫米,)Spliced bars are to be securely tied

28、together. 搭接鋼筋應(yīng)牢固地連接在一起。Splices to be staggered to the approval of the Engineers Representative, and the fabric is to be securely tied layer to layer. 鋼筋搭接錯開應(yīng)得到監(jiān)理工程師代表的批準(zhǔn)。鋼絲應(yīng)分層牢固地連接在一起。All steel, before being placed in position, shall be thoroughly cleaned of loose rust, scale and any other coating

29、that will destroy or reduce bond. 在安裝到位所有鋼筋之前,應(yīng)徹底清除毀壞或降低黏結(jié)的松散的銹蝕、水垢和其他涂層。All reinforcement shall be placed accurately in a position and securely fastened in place to prevent displacement during the placing of the concrete.所有鋼筋應(yīng)正確安裝到位,并牢固地固定以防止在澆筑混凝土過程中移動。Before concrete is cast, check all reinforcement after it is placed to ensure that reinforcement conforms to Contract Documents and approved shop drawings. 在澆筑混凝土之前,檢查所有安裝的鋼筋,確保鋼筋符合合同文件和批準(zhǔn)的加工圖。Unless shown on the drawings concrete cover to all reinforcement shall be a minimum as f


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