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1、 PAGE 頁碼 16 / NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù) 16外研版小學(xué)三年級下學(xué)期英語期末學(xué)業(yè)質(zhì)量監(jiān)測復(fù)習(xí)假期練習(xí)題單班級:_ 姓名:_ 單詞拼寫1. 根據(jù)漢語提示寫單詞。1. What are_(這些) ?2. They are_(奶牛)。3. Nice to_(見到) you.4. Are those_(蘋果)?5. No, they arent. They are_(梨).2. 選擇正確的一項,補全單詞。3. 小小書法家。比一比誰寫得最漂亮。4. 把單詞補充完整。(1)si (2)br (3)m 5. 根據(jù)所給單詞,試著寫兩個同類單詞(答案不唯一)。1. wolf_2. one_3. on

2、_4. thin_5. what_6. 下列字母重新排列,組成正確的單詞并正確抄寫在橫線上。1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5. _7. 根據(jù)漢語和首字母提示完成句子。1.Im going to go to London. Ill seeT_(塔橋).2.Where will you go?Ill go to thez_(動物園).3. Will you haveb_(早餐) at seven? Yes.4.Well go to thef_(農(nóng)場). Wellp_(摘) fruit.5. OnM_(星期一), well gos_(游泳).8. 單詞拼寫(詞匯運用)。1. Its a red_

3、(汽車). 2. The sky is_(藍(lán)色). 3. My fathers father_(是) my grandfather. 4. Look at my_(帽子). 5. Are you Liu Tao?Yes,_(我)am.填空題9. 按要求寫單詞。1I(物主代詞) 2your(賓格)3me(物主代詞) 4we(單數(shù))5she(物主代詞) 6it(復(fù)數(shù))7know(同音詞) 8right(同音詞)9aunt(同音詞) 10for(同音詞)11too(同音詞) 12sea(同音詞)10. 讀一讀,選詞填空。make, open, afraid, idea, very(1)Who is_

4、of the big bad wolf? (2)I have a good_. (3)Now you can_your houses. (4)_the door,little pigs. (5)The pigs are_fat.11. 讀一讀,根據(jù)圖片提示選出正確的單詞。1Look at my_(headhand).2This is my_(footnose).3Look at my_(armleg).4Look at my_(eareye).12. 用long / short填空。1Look at the elephent. Its nose is_.2Look at the rabbit.

5、 Its tail is_.3Look at the snake. Its body is_.4Look at the giraffe(長頸鹿). Its neck(脖子)is_.13. 給下列單詞按不同的類別分組。A.grapeB.eighteenC.shortD.watermelonE.twelveF.longG.pearH.bigI.sixteenJ.banana1水果:_2數(shù)字:_3形容詞:_14. 讀句子,根據(jù)圖片提示選詞填空,將序號填在橫線上A. bag B. six C. white D. milk E. head1Lets make a puppet. This is the_

6、.2I have a blue_.3Have some_, please.4One, two, three, four, five,_, seven. Wow! I see seven pears.5I see orange. I see_.15. 根據(jù)圖片選擇正確的單詞寫在四線格上,每個單詞只用一次。pearapplebananaorange1. 2.3. 4.16. 讀句子,選詞填空,將序號填在橫線上A. Close B. bread C. at D. red E. like1Look_my legs.2Colour the balloon_.3I_this panda. Its cute

7、.4Sam would like some_.5_your mouth.選擇題17. 根據(jù)所給圖片選擇相應(yīng)的句子。1( )A.Hi, Im a boy. B.Hi, Im a girl.2( )A.Im from Canada. B.Im from the USA.3( )A.Goodbye! B.Welcome!18. 選出不同類的單詞:( )A.children B.boys C.cats19. 選擇不同類的一項:( )A.then B.fruit C.vegetable20. What can you hear? ( ) _A.I can sing. B.I can hear a pla

8、ne. C.I like it.21. Look at my coat. ( ) _A.How nice! B.Its in your pencil case. C.No, it isnt.22. 看一看,讀一讀,選一選。1This is Mr Jones. _( )A.Hes my teacher. B.Shes my teacher.2This is Alice. _( )A.Hes my frien B.Shes my frien 3This is Zhao Qi. _( )A.Hes a student. B.Shes a student.23. Whos _? ( )_ is my

9、mother.A.he; He B.he; She C.she; She24. _ ( )Heres your pencil.A.Whats this? B.What are these? C.Wheres my pencil?句型轉(zhuǎn)換25. 按要求完成下面的句子。1. He has a birthday cake.(改為一般疑問句)2. Today isFriday.(對句子提問)3. ItsApril 4th.(對句子提問)4. It isnt a dog.(改為肯定句)5. Is her birthday in April?(作肯定和否定回答)26. 按要求完成下列各題。1He was

10、in Hong Kong. (用they, in Beijing轉(zhuǎn)換)2Will you go to see his grandpa?(做肯定和否定回答)3Well see lions, tigers and pandas tomorrow.(轉(zhuǎn)換成一般疑問句)4Will Sam go to see his grandpa?(做肯定和否定回答)5Were going to go to the park today.(用will轉(zhuǎn)換)27. 按要求改寫句子。1. I can hearsome animals. (對句子提問)2. They likegrass. (對句子提問)3. Open th

11、e door. (變否定句)4. This is my pig. (變復(fù)數(shù))5. I can hear some cows. (變否定句)28. 按要求改寫句子。1I like oranges. (改為否定句)2Are these tomatoes? (作肯定回答)3They arecarrots. (就句子提問)4Was she on the first floor? (作肯定和否定回答)5The dog was on the third floor. (用cat和second替換)6Were you in Room Three yesterday? (把yesterday換成now)7We

12、 are very tall now. (用short, then轉(zhuǎn)換)8The snake was very long then. (用short, now轉(zhuǎn)換)29. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. Hesmy brother.(句子提問)2. These are my books. (變?yōu)閱螖?shù)形式).3.The cup ison the dresser(就句子提問)30. 按要求完成句子。1The book isunder the desk.(對句子提問)2Is it in your bag?(否定回答)3dont, I, watermelons, like (.)(連詞成句)4from, are, W

13、here, you (?)(連詞成句)5it, and, Open, see (.)(連詞成句)31. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1I think so.(改為否定句)2Its twenty to nine.(翻譯句子)3My brothers teacher has some new books.(改為一般疑問句)_teacher_new books?4It was cold.(改為否定句,保持句意不變)It_.5Its eight oclock.(寫出問句)32. 按要求改寫句子。1. Its sweet. (對句子提問)2. She can hear a plane. (變否定句)3. The appl

14、e isred. (對句子提問)4. I can heara bike. (對句子提問)5. I like bears. (變一般疑問句)連詞成句33. I, Su Hai, am (.)34. 連詞成句。1at, Look, that, elephant (.)2has, It, a, long, nose (.)3are, Where, you, from (?)4woman, is, that, Who (?)5he, your, brother, Is (?)35. colour is my What cap (?)36. herechildrenCome (,) (.)(寫序號)37

15、. doortothePoint38. is, She, Yang Ling (.)39. goes, on, Saturdays, shopping, she(.)40. is pen where my (?)閱讀理解41. 讀一讀,判斷下列句子是否正確。Joe: I am a boy. I am ten. I am tall. I like apples. I like cats. I like spring.Helen: I am Joes mother. I am short and fat. My hair is black and long. My eyes are big. I

16、dont like dogs.Edward: I am Joes father. I am tall and strong (強壯的). I dont like winter because (因為) it is too cold.Lily: I am Joes sister. I am eight. My face is round and big. My eyes are big. My nose is big. My mouth is big too.(1)Joe is a tall boy.( )(2)Helen is Joes sister. Her hair is black an

17、d long.( )(3)Edward likes winter because winter is cold.( )(4)Lily is eight.( )(5)Lilys face is round and small.( )42. 閱讀理解。Itseightoclock.Thechildrengotoschoolbycareveryday.Buttheyarewalkingtoschooltoday.Itstenoclock.Mrs.Greenusuallystaysathomeinthemorning.Butsheisgoingtotheshopsthismorning.Itsnine

18、oclock.Mr.Greenusuallyreadshisnewspaperatnight.Butheisreadinganinterestingbookthisevening.( )(1)Whendothechildrencometoschool?A.At8:00. B.At7:00. C.At9:00.( )(2)Howaretheycometoschooltoday?A.Bycar. B.Bybus. C.Walking( )(3)WhenisMrs.Greengoingtotheshops?A.At8:00. B.At10:00. C.At9:00.( )(4)WhendoesMr.

19、Greenreadhisnewspaper?A.At8:00. B.At7:00. C.At9:00.( )(5)WhatisMrGreendothisevening?A.Readingabook. B.Writingaletter. C.WatchingTV43. 讀表格,選擇正確答案。18的右面是_。( )A.9 B.10 C.15211在_左一格。( )A.3 B.4 C.6311向上走兩格,再向右走一格是_。( )A.4 B.17 C.2046的左鄰右舍分別是_。( )A.10;5 B.16;11 C.14;45找找第一列的規(guī)律,在空格處的數(shù)字是_。( )A.6 B.11 C.1244

20、. 閱讀理解。My name is Lucy. Im twelve years old. I study in Hong Xing Primary School. Look, this is my classroom. There are twenty desks and twenty chairs. And there are eight fans in my classroom. And we can see three windows and two doors. We can see two blackboards, too.(1)How old is Lucy?_.A. eleven

21、 B. twelve C. thirteen(2)There are _ desks in the classroom.A. twenty B. twelve C. thirteen(3)There are _ fans in the classroom.A. nine B. ten C. eight(4)We can see _ blackboards.A. one B. two C. three45. 閱讀下列短文,并完成練習(xí)。Look at the photo. This is Marys family. Marys mother is a teacher. She has three

22、English books. She can dive. (跳水). This is Marys father. He is a policeman. He can drive. This is Mary. Shes eleven. She is a pupil. She can read. She can write. They .are happy.(1)Marys mother is aShe can.(2)Marys father is aHe can.(3)Mary is a. She is. She canand.46. 閱讀對話,判斷下面句子的正誤。Mike: Good morn

23、ing, Mr Wang.Mr Wang: Good morning, Mike.Mike: This is my friend, Sarah. Sarah, this is our teacher, Mr Wang.Sarah: Nice to meet you, Mr Wang.Mr Wang: Nice to meet you, too. Are you a new student?Sarah: Yes, I am.Mr Wang: Where are you from?Sarah: Im from the USA.Mr Wang: Oh! Welcome.(1)Sarah is Mikes friend.( )(2)Mike is a boy.( )(3)Sarah is from the USA.( )(4)Sarah is not a new student.( )(5)Mr Wang is a student.( )47. 我是小法官,閱讀對話,判斷對錯。Bob and John: Happy birthday t


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