



1、ump sth insee offIf you see off an opponent, you defeat them. (BRIT)There isno reason why they cannot see off the Republican challenge. When you see someone off, you go with them to the station, airport, or port that they are leaving from, and say goodbye to them there.Ben had planned a steak dinner

2、 for himself after seeing Jackie off on her plane.regenerate vTn give fresh strength or life to (sb/sth); restoreAfter his holiday he felt regenerated.Their aim is to regenerate British industry.I, Tn (cause a person or an institution to) reform or improve, esp morally or spiritually改造或改進 ( 人或機構 )(

3、尤 指 在 道 德 上 或 精 神 上 ) : The party soon regenerated under her leadership. 該黨在她的領導下很 快煥然 一新 .deprivedADJECTIVE: Economically and socially below standardmanor(a)(also manor-house) large country house surrounded by an estate 莊園大宅第 . (b) this estate 莊園 .axe (also esp US ax) v Tn1 remove (sb/sth) or dismi

4、ss (sb)He/His job has been axed.2 greatly reduce (costs, services, etc) School grants are to be axed next year. 學校補助金明年將大大削減 .dart / d a?t; dart/ nC small pointed missile (often with feathers to aid flight) used as a weapon or in the game of darts鏢 ; 飛 鏢.2jubilation /d?u?b?le?n/N-UNCOUNTJubilation i

5、s a feeling of great happiness and pleasure, because of a success. (FORMAL)His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia.pump sth into sth/sb (a) invest much money (in sth)將大 量資金投入 ( 某事物 ) : The firm pumped money into the development of the new product.swear wordsphrase 臟話 ; 咒語Sa

6、y that again, but this time leave out the swear words.再說一遍 , 但這次省去那些詛咒語。4stem cell (stem cells)N-COUNTA stem cell is a type of cell that can produce other cells which are able to develop into any kind of cell in the body. 干細胞wind|pipe /w ?ndpa ?p/ (windpipes)N-COUNTYour windpipe is the tube in your

7、body that carries air into your lungs when you breathe.= trachea 氣管tuberculosis/ tju?b?kju?l?us?s/n U (abbr 縮寫 TB) infectious wasting disease in which growths appear on body tissue, esp the lungs 結核病 ; (尤指 )肺結核 .donor d?n?n. 捐款人 ; 捐助人 ; 捐贈人scaffold ?sk?f?ldn.【解】骨胳 , 骨架 tissue scaffold - 組織支架repopula

8、te ri:p ?pjuleitvt. 重新構成 . 的人口,重新居住于marrow / ?m?r?u/ nU soft fatty substance that fills the hollow parts of human and animal bones髓 ; 骨髓 .U (fig 比喻 ) essential part; inner meaning 精華 ; 精髓 : the marrow of his statement 他所說的要點 .(idm 習語 ) to the marrow right through徹骨 ; 透徹: I feltfrozen to the marrow.

9、我覺得寒冷刺骨 . * She was shocked to the marrow by his actions. 他的行為把她嚇得 目瞪口呆 .bone marrow- 骨髓ground-breakingmaking new discoveries; using new methods開創(chuàng)的;倉 U新的;革新的 adjective only before noun a ground-breaking report/style 具有開拓性的報告;創(chuàng)新 風格Parkinsons disease 帕金森氏病 內科 巴金森氏 ?。捍蠖喟l(fā)生在 50 歲以后的一種越來越嚴重 的神經疾病,與 制造多巴胺的

10、腦細胞的壞死有關,其癥 狀是肌肉顫抖、動作變 緩、部分面部麻痹、步態(tài)和姿態(tài) 怪異及衰退也作 paralysis agitans,shaking palsy 阿爾茨海默氏病 Alzheimers disease 大腦退化的疾病,發(fā)展于成年人中、晚期。該癥主要病 變是大 腦皮質中的神經細胞和中性接合壞死。 阿爾茨海 默氏病是癡呆 的最常見形式,癥狀有:從短期記憶受損 發(fā)展到記憶力喪失, 語言、感覺、運動技巧變差,情緒 不穩(wěn)定,最后病人會變得沒 有反應、失去活動能力和身 體功能的控制能力,終至死亡。典 型的時間是 5? 10 年。 該病最早由德國神經病理學家阿爾茨海 默 ( 1864? 1915)

11、在 1906 年提出。 他在一個 55 歲死于嚴重癡呆的尸檢病 例 中發(fā)現。阿爾茨海默氏病被認為是造成老年性癡呆的 病因,過 去被認為是老化引起的正常情況。 家族性阿爾 茨海默氏病約占 總數的 10 ,發(fā)病年齡在 60 歲以下。 多發(fā)性灶狀神經炎和 神經原纖維纏結是尸檢病理診斷 根據。對于這個病,目前尚無 有效治療方法,主要是對 癥治療,如抗抑郁、糾正行為障礙、 安眠等。arthritis a? e raitisn. (pl.-tidis)(=arthrophlogosis) 關節(jié)炎 diabetes / ?da?bi?ti?z/ n U disease of the pancreas whi

12、ch prevents sugar and starch being properly absorbed糖尿病 .spinal/ ?spa?nl/ adj usu attrib 通常作定語 of or relating to the spine 脊柱的 ; 與脊柱相關的 : a spinal injury 脊柱受傷 . # ,sp in al colu mn backb one; spine 脊梁骨 ; 脊柱 . ,spinal cord : mass of nerve fibres enclosed in the spine 脊髓 .spinal cord damage- 骨髓損傷or am

13、using way 戲弄性模仿 ( 某人 某事物 ): Tom mimicked his uncles voice and gestures perfectly. 湯姆把 他叔叔的聲音 和姿態(tài)模仿得惟妙惟肖 .mistress/ ?m?str?s/ nwoman in a position of authority or control有權位的女子 ; 女主人clandestine/ kl?n?dest?n / adj (fml 文 ) done secretly; kept secret; surreptitious 秘密的 ; 保密的 ; 暗中的 : a clan,destine marriage 秘密結婚 .Taglinen. ( 產品或電影的 )標志性語言candid/ ?k?nd?d/ adj not hiding ones thoughts; frank andhonest 率直的 ; 坦白而誠實的 : a candid opinion, statement, person 直言、 直說、直性人taboo/ t?bu/ n (pl s)C, U (in certain cultures) ban or


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