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1、CLG856液壓系統(tǒng)Hydraulic SystemCLG856液壓系統(tǒng)組成Hydraulic System CompositionHydraulic SystemWorking Hydraulic SystemSteering Hydraulic SystemBrake Hydraulic SystemCLG856液壓系統(tǒng)組成Hydraulic System CompositionWorking Hydraulic SystemCLG856液壓系統(tǒng)組成Hydraulic System CompositionSteering Hydraulic SystemCLG856液壓系統(tǒng)組成Hydrau

2、lic System CompositionBrake Hydraulic SystemCLG856液壓系統(tǒng)原理Hydraulic System PrincipleWorking Hydraulic SystemSingle Lever Pilot ValvePrinciple:8Working Hydraulic SystemMain ValvePrinciple:9PTPT工作系統(tǒng)參數(shù)Parameters of Working System工作泵:Working pump:排量: .140ml/rDisplacement: .140ml/r工作系統(tǒng)設定壓力: . . . 20 MPaWor

3、king system setting pressure: .20 MPa額定轉(zhuǎn)速: .2200 r/minRated revolution: .2200 r/min先導操縱閥:Pilot valve:額定工作壓力:. . . 2.5 MPaRated working pressure:.2.5 MPa額定流量: .10 L/minRated flow:.10 L/min控制壓力范圍:Controlled pressure range:鏟斗聯(lián): . 0.52.5 MPa Bucket linkage:.0.5-2.5 MPa動臂聯(lián): . 0.52.0 MPa Movable arm linka

4、ge: 0.5-2.0 MPa電磁鐵工作電壓: . . . DC 24 VElectromagnet working pressure: DC 24 V工作系統(tǒng)參數(shù) Parameters of Working System組合閥: Combination valve:額定流量: 20L/MRated flow: 20 L/M溢流設定壓力: 4.0MPaOverflow setting pressure: 4.0 MPa到先導閥入口壓力: 3.5MPaPressure to inlet of pilot valve: 3.5 MPa單向閥:Check valve:開啟壓力: 0.05MPaOpe

5、ning pressure: 0.05 MPa工作系統(tǒng)參數(shù) Parameters of Working System分配閥:Distribution valve:類型: 整體雙聯(lián)閥Type: integral dual valve額定流量: 250L/MRated flow: 250L/M主溢流閥設定壓力: 20MPaMain overflow valve setting pressure: 20 MPa轉(zhuǎn)斗油缸小腔設定壓力: 22MPaSetting pressure of small cavity of rotating bucket cylinder: 22 MPa轉(zhuǎn)斗油缸大腔設定壓力:

6、 22MPaSetting pressure of big cavity of rotating bucket cylinder: 22 MPa液壓油牌號:Brand of hydraulic oil一般地區(qū): HM46 抗磨液壓油General region: HM46 antiwear hydraulic oil寒冷地區(qū): HV46 低溫抗磨液壓油Cold region: HV46 low-temperature antiwear hydraulic oil 液壓油箱: Hydraulic oil tank: 容量: 210L Capacity: 210 L液壓閥件介紹Introducti

7、on of Hydraulic Valves先導閥 Pilot Valve組成:Components: 動臂聯(lián): 實現(xiàn)動臂升、降及浮動 轉(zhuǎn)斗聯(lián): 實現(xiàn)鏟斗的翻轉(zhuǎn)動作Movable arm linkage: realize lifting, descending and floating of the movable armBucket linkage: realize turnover of the bucket工作速度與操作手柄的關系: 手柄動作角度越大,工作速度越快Relation between working speed and operating handle: the greate

8、r the operating angle of the handle is, the higher the working speed is.Combination valve oil inOil returnEnclosed oil 計量閥Metering Valve順序閥Sequence Valve液壓閥件介紹 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves 組合閥 Combination Valve作用: 向先導閥提供控制油.Function: provide control oil to the pilot valve組成: 溢流閥, 減壓閥, 單向閥Compone

9、nts: overflow valve, pressure reducing valve and check valve溢流閥: 先導式, 限定先導系統(tǒng)壓力Overflow valve: pilot type, limit the pressure of pilot system減壓閥: 減小來自先導泵或動臂油缸大腔的油壓Pressure reducing valve: reduce oil pressure from pilot valve or big cavity of movable arm cylinder液壓閥件介紹 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves

10、 分配閥 Distribution Valve組成: 動臂滑閥, 轉(zhuǎn)斗滑閥, 主溢流閥,轉(zhuǎn)斗油缸大小腔雙作用安全閥.Components: movable arm slide valve, rotating bucket slide valve, main overflow valve, dual-action safety valve of big cavity and small cavity of rotating bucket cylinder 串-并聯(lián)式 Series-parallel type進油: 串聯(lián), 轉(zhuǎn)斗優(yōu)先 Oil in: series, rotating bucket

11、takes priority 回油: 并聯(lián)Return oil: parallel補油單向閥: Refilling check valve:防止油缸小腔內(nèi)發(fā)生穴蝕Prevent cavity erosion in small cavity of cylinder當油缸活塞桿收回速度大于泵的供油速度時When the retraction speed of a piston rod of the cylinder is greater than the oil supply speed of the pump當油缸受到突然沖擊時When the cylinder is suddenly impa

12、cted補油單向閥Refilling Check Valve節(jié)流孔Throttle HolePilot Operated Check Valve液壓閥件介紹 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves 分配閥 Distribution Valve主溢流閥: 先導式, 調(diào)定主工作系統(tǒng)壓力.Main overflow valve: pilot type, adjust main working system pressure壓力調(diào)節(jié): 旋出、旋進調(diào)節(jié)螺釘來增加或減小系統(tǒng)壓力 Pressure adjustment: screw off and screw in the adj

13、usting screw to increase or reduce the system pressure 壓力調(diào)節(jié)螺釘Pressure Adjusting Screw液壓閥件介紹 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves 分配閥 Distribution Valve轉(zhuǎn)斗油缸卸載閥(即轉(zhuǎn)斗油缸大小腔雙作用安全閥)Rotating bucket cylinder unloading valve檢測與調(diào)整 Inspection and Adjustment工作時間檢查Working time inspection動臂起升時間: 6.5 秒內(nèi) (正常工作溫度, 額定載荷,

14、額定轉(zhuǎn)速)Movable arm lifting time: within 6.5 s (normal working temperature, rated load and rated revolution)動臂下降時間: 3.6 秒內(nèi) (怠速, 空載)Movable arm descending time: within 3.6 s (idle speed, no load)翻斗時間: 1.7 秒內(nèi)Bucket turnover time: within 1.7 s壓力檢查Pressure inspection最大工作壓力: 20MPaMaximum working pressure: 2

15、0 MPa在分配閥進油接頭處接量程為25MPa 壓力表Connect 25 MPa pressure gage at oil in joint of distribution valve在正常溫度下At normal temperature額定轉(zhuǎn)速下At rated revolution將動臂升到水平位置Lift the movable arm to horizontal position收斗并讀取最大讀數(shù).Retract the bucket and read maximum reading.注意: 在拆裝、調(diào)整前確保先導切斷閥在“斷開”位置。(若有此閥)Caution: make sure

16、 the pilot cut-off valve is in “OFF” position prior to disassembly and adjustment (if possible).檢查與調(diào)整Inspection and Adjustment轉(zhuǎn)斗油缸大腔壓力: 22MPaPressure of big cavity of rotating bucket cylinder: 22 MPa檢查:Inspection:在正常溫度與怠速條件下。At normal temperature and idle speed在油缸大腔油管測量口接量程為 25MP 壓力表Connect 25 MPa p

17、ressure gage at oil tube measuring port of big cavity of cylinder將動臂舉升到最高位置Lift the movable arm to highest position將鏟斗完全收回 Completely retract the bucket然后降低動臂以獲取讀數(shù)Reduce the movable arm to acquire reading調(diào)整:Adjustment:松開大腔卸荷閥的鎖緊螺母Loosen the locking nut of big cavity unloading valve轉(zhuǎn)動調(diào)節(jié)螺釘來調(diào)節(jié)壓力Rotate

18、the adjusting screw to adjust pressure理想壓力調(diào)定后裝回螺母Install the nut after ideal pressure adjustment反復操作鏟斗以檢查壓力調(diào)定的準確性Operate the bucket repeatedly to inspect the accuracy of pressure adjustment檢查與調(diào)整 Inspection and Adjustment鏟斗油缸小腔壓力: 22MPaPressure of small cavity of bucket cylinder: 22 MPa 檢查:Inspection

19、:在正常工作溫度與怠速條件下At normal temperature and idle speed在小腔檢測口處接量程為 25MPa 的壓力表Connect 25 MPa pressure gage at detection port of the small cavity將動臂置于水平位置Place the movable arm to horizontal position將鏟斗翻到卸料位置以獲取讀數(shù)Turn the bucket to unloading position to acquire reading調(diào)節(jié):Adjustment:參照大腔壓力調(diào)節(jié)方法Refer to the pr

20、essure adjustment method of the big cavity 檢查與調(diào)整 Inspection and Adjustment動臂下沉: 小于 15毫米/5分鐘Movable arm descending: smaller than 15 mm/5 min檢查:Inspection:滿載, 正常工作溫度下Full load, normal working temperature將動臂升至最高位置Lift the movable arm to highest position熄火,測量動臂油缸活塞桿的長度Shut down, measure the length of th

21、e piston rod of the movable arm cylinder注意: Caution:在松開檢測螺塞前,確認:Prior to loosening the detection screw, make sure動臂與鏟斗已降至地面The movable arm and the bucket are descended to ground發(fā)動機熄火Engine is shut down連續(xù)操縱先導手柄數(shù)次以消除系統(tǒng)中殘余壓力Continuously operate the pilot handle to eliminate residual pressure in the sys

22、tem故障排除 Troubleshooting工作裝置無力Working device powerless可能原因:Possible causes:液壓油不足 Insufficient hydraulic oil液壓油污染嚴重Hydraulic oil polluted seriously泵吸油不暢Unsmooth oil absorption of pump泵嚴重內(nèi)漏Serious internal leakage of pump閥桿磨損導致內(nèi)漏嚴重Valve rod wear causes serious internal leakage主溢流閥彈簧失效導致系統(tǒng)壓力低Low system

23、pressure caused by main overflow valve spring failure由于組合閥溢流閥卡死或彈簧失效導致先導控制壓力不足Insufficient pilot control pressure caused by clamping of the overflow valve in the combination valve or spring failure故障排除Troubleshooting工作裝置無動作Working device inactive可能原因:Possible causes:分配閥閥桿卡死Valve rod of distribution

24、valve is clamped主溢流閥彈簧失效導致系統(tǒng)壓力低Low system pressure caused by main overflow valve spring failure溢流閥卡死導致系統(tǒng)壓力不足Insufficient system pressure caused by the clamping of the overflow valve先導泵嚴重內(nèi)漏Serious internal leakage of the pilot valve組合閥溢流閥卡死或彈簧失效導致先導控制壓力不足Insufficient pilot control pressure caused by

25、clamping of the overflow valve in the combination valve or spring failure減壓閥閥桿卡死或組合閥彈簧失效Clamping of valve rod of the pressure reducing valve or spring failure of the combination valve組合閥內(nèi)單向閥密封不良導致油缸大腔油流回油箱Oil in the big cavity of the cylinder flows back to the oil tank due to poor sealing of the che

26、ck valve in the combination valve 故障排除 Troubleshooting動臂下沉或掉斗Movable arm descending or bucket dropping可能原因:Possible causes:油缸油封破損導致內(nèi)漏Internal leakage caused by cylinder oil seal damage閥桿磨損導致內(nèi)漏Internal leakage caused by valve rod wear溢流閥內(nèi)單向閥密封不良 Poor sealing of the check valve in the combination valv

27、e組合閥內(nèi)單向閥密封不良導致大腔油流回油箱Oil in the big cavity flows back to the oil tank due to poor sealing of the check valve in the combination valve 故障排除 Troubleshooting油溫過高Too high oil temperature可能原因:Possible causes:液壓油不足insufficient hydraulic oil泵磨損Pump wear機器超負荷運行,液壓系統(tǒng)連續(xù)溢流Overload operation of the machine, con

28、tinuous overflow of the hydraulic system 系統(tǒng)設定壓力過低引起頻繁溢流Frequent overflow caused by too low system setting pressure轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng)參數(shù)Parameters of Steering System轉(zhuǎn)向齒輪泵Steering gear pump排量 63毫升/轉(zhuǎn)Displacement63 ml/r系統(tǒng)設定壓力 16兆帕System setting pressure16 MPa額定轉(zhuǎn)速 2200轉(zhuǎn)/分鐘Rated revolution.2200 r/min 轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng)參數(shù) Parameters o

29、f Steering System轉(zhuǎn)向器Steering gear排量 125毫升/扎Displacement.125 ml/r出口壓力 . 2.5兆帕Outlet pressure2.5 MPa進口壓力 4.0兆帕Inlet pressure 4.0 MPa轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng)參數(shù) Parameters of Steering System流量放大閥Flow amplifying valve額定流量 . 125升/分鐘Rated flow.125 l/min工作壓力 . 16兆帕Working pressure.16 MPa液壓閥件介紹Introduction of Hydraulic Valves流量

30、放大閥 Flow Amplifying Valve組成: Components:主閥桿, 流量控制閥, 梭閥, 先導型溢流閥, 節(jié)流孔Main valve rod, flow control valve, shuttle valve, pilot overflow valve and throttle hole特點: 流量只受轉(zhuǎn)向速度影響, 與轉(zhuǎn)向阻力無關Characteristics: flow is only influenced by steering speed and is irrelevant to steering resistance.流量控制閥: 穩(wěn)定進、出口壓差Flow c

31、ontrol valve: stabilize inlet and outlet pressure difference 溢流閥: 穩(wěn)定系統(tǒng)壓力Overflow valve: stabilize system pressure 梭閥: 通過向流量控制閥和溢流閥施加轉(zhuǎn)向油缸壓力來穩(wěn)定系統(tǒng) Shuttle valve: stabilize system by applying steering cylinder pressure to the flow control valve and the overflow valve進油口Oil Inlet出油口Oil Outlet流量控制閥Flow Co

32、ntrol Valve溢流閥Overflow Valve梭閥Shuttle Valve液壓閥件介紹 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves 轉(zhuǎn)向器 Steering Gear隨動轉(zhuǎn)閥Slave Rotating Valve 計量機構Metering Mechanism液壓閥件介紹 Introduction of Hydraulic Valves 轉(zhuǎn)向器 Steering Gear特點: 不轉(zhuǎn)向時進、出油口與工作油口相互隔斷 Characteristics: the oil inlet, the oil outlet and the working oil port a

33、re mutually isolated while not steering.隨動轉(zhuǎn)閥Slave rotating slave由閥體, 閥套和滑閥組成. 控制流動方向.Consisting of the valve body, valve bush and slide valve. To control the flow direction.計量機構Metering mechanism由定子、轉(zhuǎn)子組成. 保證出口流量與方向盤轉(zhuǎn)動速度成正比Consisting of stator and rotor. To ensure that the outlet flow is in direct pr

34、oportion to the rotating speed of the steering wheel.檢測與調(diào)整Inspection and Adjustment轉(zhuǎn)向時間調(diào)整Steering time adjustment條件: 在平直水泥路面, 空載, 高速Conditions: on flat and straight cement pavement, no load and high speed如果左右轉(zhuǎn)向時間差超過0.3秒,需要進行調(diào)整.If left and right steering time difference exceeds 0.3 s, adjust the time

35、.調(diào)整:Adjustment:取下流量放大閥端蓋Remove the end cap of the flow amplifying valve加調(diào)整墊片 1 能減小右轉(zhuǎn)向時間,增加左轉(zhuǎn)向時間.減墊片則相反Adding adjusting washers 1 can reduce right steering time and increase left steering time. Reducing adjusting washers is to the contrary.墊片類型有兩種: 0.25mm, 0.12mmTypes of washers: 0.25 mm, 0.12 mm添加或減

36、少兩個 0.25mm 墊片能改變 0.1秒轉(zhuǎn)向時間 Adding or reducing two 0.25 mm washers can change steering time by 0.1 s添加一個墊片 4 能減少系統(tǒng)轉(zhuǎn)向反應時間約 0.1秒Adding one washer 4 can reduce system steering response time by 0.1 s or so.調(diào)整墊片 1Adjusting Washer 1調(diào)整墊片 4Adjusting Washer 4檢查與調(diào)整 Inspection and Adjustment溢流壓力檢查與調(diào)整Overflow pre

37、ssure Inspection and Adjustment將前后車架鎖定Lock front and back frames在檢測口處接 25MPa測壓表Connect 25 MPa pressure gage at the detection port啟動發(fā)動機,高怠速運轉(zhuǎn)Start the engine to rotate at high idle speed轉(zhuǎn)動方向盤直到溢流閥開啟Rotate the steering wheel until the overflow valve is opened如果讀數(shù)不是 16+0.3MPa, 松開螺塞 2 并添加或減少墊片3 來調(diào)節(jié)壓力If

38、the reading is no 16+0.3 MPa, loosen the screw 2 and add or reduce washer 3 to adjust pressure (每個墊片厚度為 0.25mm,每加一片將增加3.4bar壓力) (The thickness of each washer is 0.25 mm, and adding one washer can increase the pressure by 3.4 bar.)調(diào)整墊片 3Adjusting Washer 3檢測口Detection Port故障排除Troubleshooting轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng) Steer

39、ing System轉(zhuǎn)向沉重Heavy steering可能原因:Possible causes:油溫低Low oil temperature控制油路阻塞Blocked control oil way控制油路錯接Misconnected control oil way轉(zhuǎn)向泵壓力低Low steering pump pressure轉(zhuǎn)向器內(nèi)計量馬達過度上緊Metering motor in steering gear it tightened excessively單向閥內(nèi)鋼球丟失Steel ball in the check valve is lost泵內(nèi)漏Internal pump leak

40、age轉(zhuǎn)向器安裝錯誤 Wring installation of steering gear故障排除Troubleshooting轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng) Steering System轉(zhuǎn)向不平穩(wěn)Unsmooth steering可能原因:Possible causes:主閥桿運動不順暢Unsmooth motion of main valve rod左右轉(zhuǎn)向慢Slow left and right steering可能原因:Possible causes:泵流量不足Insufficient pump flow主閥桿不能移動到頭Main valve rod can not move to utmost主閥復位

41、彈簧調(diào)節(jié)不正確Incorrect adjustment of main valve return spring故障排除Troubleshooting轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng) Steering System左右轉(zhuǎn)向速度不同Different left and right steering speed可能原因:Possible causes:調(diào)節(jié)墊片數(shù)量不對Incorrect quantity of adjusting washers轉(zhuǎn)向性能隨轉(zhuǎn)向阻力增加而降低Steering property is reduced along with increase in steering resistance可能原因:P

42、ossible causes:梭閥泄漏嚴重Serious shuttle valve leakage溢流閥泄漏嚴重Serious overflow valve leakage溢流閥閥座泄漏嚴重Serious overflow valve seat leakage故障排除Troubleshooting轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng) Steering System當轉(zhuǎn)向阻力小時正常,但當阻力大時一邊轉(zhuǎn)向慢Normal when steering resistance is small and one side steering is slow when steering resistance is large.可能原因

43、:Possible cause:梭閥泄漏嚴重serious shuttle valve leakage轉(zhuǎn)動方向盤機器不轉(zhuǎn)向Machine does not steer while rotating the steering wheel 可能原因:Possible causes:轉(zhuǎn)向器故障Steering gear fault組合閥中溢流閥故障Overflow valve in combination valve fault先導油路泄漏Pilot oil way leakage主溢流閥故障Main overflow valve fault故障排除Troubleshooting轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng) Steering System機器自動轉(zhuǎn)向Automatic machine steering可能原因:Possible causes:主閥桿不能回中位Main valve rod can not return to ne


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