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1、8A英語Unit 3核心結構知識及教案設計王衛(wèi)平Unit 3 一、名詞類短語 1. a foreign language 一門外語 2. the president of the USA 美國總統(tǒng) 3. the same size /color as 與 同樣大小/顏色 4. coffee shop咖啡店5. the Opera House 歌劇院 6.the Eiffel Tower艾非爾鐵塔7. the White House 白宮8. a lot of traffic許多車輛/交通擁擠 9. places of interest景點/名勝. 10. the whole world 全世界

2、 11. Tiananmen Square 天安門廣場12. Laoshe Tea House老舍茶館 13. the Summer Palace 頤和園14. the Palace Museum 故宮 15. Wangfujing Street 王府井大街16. home page 主頁 17. the busy traffic交通擁擠 18. the Yellow Mountain 黃山 19. cost of the trip旅游的費用 20. a fun place to visit一個值得參觀的有趣的地方21. the music in the song and dance para

3、de歌舞游行隊伍中的音樂22. shuttle bus 短途公共汽車名詞類短語以中心詞為名詞為主,要注意該類詞組前面的冠詞(a/an,the)和零冠詞的用法。拓展:A、名詞短語的前面有的不定冠詞,有的用定冠詞;有的不用冠詞,請分別舉出帶冠詞a,an,the和不帶冠詞的詞組和短語。_ 、動詞后面跟名詞做賓語時也有以上這幾種情況,至少列舉5個短語。_。同學們在歸納這類短語后,必須加強理解、記憶和應用。二、動詞類短語 1. greet sb. 問候某人2. Come on!加油/快!小結come構成的短語: _3. Keep fit 保持健康。小結保持健康的其它表達方式和keep構成的短語:_ 4.

4、 take a boat trip 乘船旅行。寫出該詞組的同義詞組,并小結take構成的短語: _5. go past路過/從旁經過。小結go構成的詞組和短語:_6. have a wonderful time 玩得高興7. have a stomachache肚子疼/胃疼。小結have構成的短語_8. invite sb. to do sth. 邀請某人做某事9. get on the coach 上長途公共汽車。寫出反義詞組: _10. feel sick感覺惡心/不舒服11. be made of metal 由金屬做成。小結be made加介詞構成的短語: _ 12. join in

5、參加/加入。13. cheer for為喝彩14. enjoy oneself玩得高興/過得愉快。寫出其同義詞組并小結enjoy構成的短語: _15. teach oneself自學。小結反身代詞做賓語的詞組或短語: _16. travel by underground乘地鐵旅游 17. ride a bicycle 騎自行車18. watch the sunset看日落。 小結watch構成的短語,并注意動詞see,look,look at,read,watch的用法和區(qū)別:_19. go horse riding騎馬去 20. plan to to do sth. 計劃做某事 21. ta

6、ke sb. out帶某人出去 22. agree to do sth.同意某人做某事 23. decide to do sth.決定做某事。寫出其同義詞組:_24. pull oneself up the rocks把某人自己從巖石中拉上來25. play hide and seek捉迷藏26. take place發(fā)生、舉行 27. receive the cup and medals 收到獎杯和獎牌。翻譯:收到某人的來信(三種表示方法: _28. return home 回家。寫出同義詞組: _29. plan a day out計劃外出一天/一日游 30. make it a real

7、ly fun day 使其成為真正有趣的一天31. make a list of places of interest 列出一份名勝表格。小結make構成的短語: _32. work out 算出/得出 33. change to the bus換乘公共汽車34. take the bus all the way to一路乘公共汽車去. 35. remember to do sth.記住做某事。說出該詞組與remember doing sth.有什么不同?_。動詞類短語除了單獨記憶之外,還要寫出該動詞的同義反義詞組和相關動詞的詞組。歸納與拓展部分參考答案:一、帶冠詞a,an,the名詞短語常見

8、的有:a great day; a day out; an hour; an idea; an interesting book; the basketball final; 籃球決賽;the Great wall長城;the monument of Peoples Heroes人民英雄紀念碑;the Huanghe River黃河;the Temple of heaven天壇。不帶冠詞的名詞短語常見的有:South Hill School; Moonlight Town月光鎮(zhèn);Beijing Amusement Park北京游樂園;Zhalong Nature Reserve扎龍自然保護區(qū)。

9、二、2、come構成的短語:come to school; come back; come down; come out; come from; come true; come up; come up with .3、保持健康其它表達方式:keep fit; stay fit; stay healthy;keep構成的短語:keep a secret; keep doing sth.; keep sth. to oneself不將某事說出去;keep secrets for sb. 為某人保守秘密;keep doing sth. 不停地做某事;反復做某事。4、take構成的短語:travel

10、by boat; take a look; take care of; take part in; take away; take off; take out; take photos; take a show; take a rest; take action。5、go構成的短語:go home; go to school; go up; go to bed; go to work; go to the zoo; go away; go wrong; go down; go into; go through; go out; go on a trip去旅行;be going to do st

11、h.。6、have構成的短語常見的有:have a look; have a good time; have fun; have sports; have breakfast/lunch/supper; have a meeting; have to do sth. have a good rest; have interest in doing sth.。9、反義詞組是:get off the coach。11、be made加介詞構成的短語常見的還有:be made in; be made from; be made by。14、同義詞組是:have a great/good/wonder

12、ful time/ have fun。enjoy構成的短語是:enjoy doing sth.; enjoy the cool 乘涼;enjoy free medical free享受公費醫(yī)療。15、Help yourself to隨便吃點; Make yourself at home. 請不要客氣。18、watch TV; watch birds; watch a football game; see a film; Let me see; I see; See you; Have a look; Look out of the window; Look at the blackboard;

13、 read a book。23、同義詞組是:make up ones mind to do sth.。27、收到某人的來信(三種表示方法):receive sb. a letter; hear from; get a letter from sb.。28、同義詞組:go back home。31、make構成的短語:make friends; make sentences; make noise吵鬧;make a model plane; make dinner; make paper造紙;make cloth織布;make a road筑路;make a plan; make rules定規(guī)

14、章;make a price定價格; make medicine; make sb. do sth.; make sb. happy; make a fire生火。35、前者是不定式做賓語,表示忘記要做的事而沒有做;后者是動名詞做賓語,表示做過的事忘記了。三、介詞、副詞、形容詞類和其它類短語。 1. at the beginning 起初/開始的時候 2. at the start 開始/當初3. from the all over the world來自全世界 4. on the highway在高速公路上5. on the Internet在因特網上 6. at Christmas在圣誕節(jié)

15、7. over an hour 一個多小時 8. in the final of在的決賽中 9. at the end of 在結束時/末尾 10. in the center of Beijing City 在北京市中心11. the most interesting place in the world世界上最有趣的地方12. at each place 在每一個地方. 13. instead of donig sth. 相反/代替、而不做某事14. at the airport 在機場 15.with ones support 在某人的支持下16. with the help of 在的

16、幫助下17. not any more不再 18. as soon as possible 盡可能該類短語要注意語法結構,并能學會造句。四、常用句型: 1. What are you going to do? Im going to exercise 你打算干什么呢?我要鍛煉。2. You need to exercise and keep fit. 你需要鍛煉,保持健康。寫出同義句:You need to _ _ _and _ _.3. Come on. Lets enjoy ourselves! 快!咱們找樂吧。4. The trip from Kittys school took abo

17、ut two hours by coach. 乘長途公共汽車從Kitty學校的旅行花費大約兩個小時。5. Kitty and I did not feel sick any more. 我和Kitty不再感到不舒服/惡心了。6. The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in Egypt.在埃及,金子塔的模型看起來就相真的一樣。7. When I saw them, I couldnt believe my eyes. 當我看見他們的時候,我不能相信我的眼睛。8. Kittys classmate Daniel taught himse

18、lf how to make a home page. Kitty的同班同學丹尼爾自學怎樣做主頁。9. He put his photos on it for everyone to look at. 為了讓人人看到,他把他的照片放在上面。10. Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the trip. 謝謝你同意讓我去旅游。11. I hope to watch the sunset. 我希望看日落。 12. What shall we do with Linda? 我們和林達一起做什么呢?13. Shall we go to the Greet Wa

19、ll? 我們去長城,好嗎?寫出同義句: Lets go to the Greet Wall, _ _?14. Im afraid thats not a good idea. 我認為那不是個好主意。15. Well, we could go to the Palace Museum. 好啊,我們可能去故宮博物館。16. Id like to go to the Temple of Heaven. 我想去天壇。改為一般疑問句: _ you _ to go to the Temple of Heaven?17. Why dont we go to Beijing Amusement Park? 我

20、們?yōu)槭裁床蝗ケ本┯螛穲A呢?寫出同義句:_ _ go to Beijing Amusement Park?18. What a good idea! 一個多么的主意/想法?。懗鐾x句:_ _the idea is !19. Lets go to the Temple of Heaven. 我們去天壇吧。20. The trip took two hours. 旅行花了兩個小時。21. It is 467,000 square meters in area. 占地面積是467,000平方米。22. It will take about thirty minutes. 那將要花費大約半小時。23.

21、 We hope you can join us. 我們希望你能成為我們當中的一員。寫出同義句: We hope you are _ to _ a _ _ us.句型除了要單獨記憶之外,還要注意句子的結構和時態(tài)。常用句型拓展部分參考答案:2、do some exercise, keep healthy/stay healthy/fit 13、Shall we 16、Would, like 17、Why not 18、How good 23、able, be, member, of。學后反思或查漏補缺:_ 課題Unit 3 A day out Welcome to the unit課時第一課時執(zhí)

22、教時間備課人:王衛(wèi)平復備人教學目標1.知識目標:a.學習詞匯:ourselves, Australia, coffee, top, president, wide, steel, tonb.學習詞組:come on, enjoy oneself, coffee shop, take care,c.學習句型:What are you going to do? Im going to exercise. You need to exercise and keep fit. Come on. Lets enjoy ourselves. .How wide/long is?2.技能目標:能通過簡單對話

23、和同伴交流自己的假期旅游計劃。2.技能目標:能通過簡單對話和同伴交流自己的假期旅游計劃。情感目標:學會與別人交流,分享快樂。教學重點詞匯識記運用,重點句型的運用。教學難點Come on 在不同場合的不同意思。教學媒體錄影機,多媒體,實物等教學過程Step1:預習指導與檢測 見導學案交流預習情況,討論預習中存在的問題Step2:展示目標 見導學案Step3:課堂導學與互動 任務一:Free talk1. Do you like to go on a trip ?2. How often do you go on a trip ?Learn to make a dialogue.e.g.T: Wh

24、at places did you visit before? Ss: Beijing、ShanghaiT: Yes, they are beautiful cities.T: What places of interest do you know? Ss: The Great Wall、Shui Hui Park、Long Life GardenT: What places in the world would you like to go? Ss: the USA、the White House、England、Harbour BridgeT: Yes, they are some for

25、eign countries and places of interest in the world.T: How can we go on a trip?Ss: By bus、by plane、by boat/take a boat.任務二:PresentationSay some places of interest(名勝) around the world.T: Amy and Simons friends went to some places of interest. Read the postcards and match them with the pictures.(Stude

26、nts read and match them with pictures. Teacher avoids to present the words directly with pictures. Give the students chances to guess the meaning of places with context and pictures.)Discuss: Which place of interest do you want to go? Why?閱讀31頁A 部分的明信片并與正確的圖片配對?;卮穑?Postcard 1 1 Who sent the first po

27、stcard ?2 Which city did he go to?3 What did he see there?Postcard 21 Where are they sitting now ?2 Where are they going this afternoon?Postcard 3 1 What did Jane see today ?2 Can you say something about the White House?任務三:Read and make a new dialogue.任務四: Listen and answer: 聽Amy 與Simon 的對話,回答問題:1 What is Eddie going to do?2 What does Hobo think of it ?3 Is Eddie going to climb a real hi


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