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1、2020 年初中英語學業(yè)水平考試(試卷總分: 150 分考試時間: 120 分鐘)第卷 選擇題 (共兩部分 ,滿分 100 分) 第一部分 聽( 共兩節(jié),滿分 30 分) 第一節(jié) (共 5 小題;每小題分,滿分分 ) 聽下面 5 段對話,每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 A 、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。 聽完每段對話后, 你都有 10 秒鐘的時間 來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話讀兩遍。(B) does Xiao Li feel happy ABecause he will be able to go skiing this afternoon.BBecause he will h

2、ave the movie ticket.CBecause his best friend will come.(B) happened to Toms brother BHe got hurt. AHe was ill. CHe fell off his bike.(C) does Lucy worry about ASpeaking in front of many people.BSeeing the doctor.CBecoming fatter and fatter.(A) will Mary do when unhappy things happen to her AShe wil

3、l listen to soft music.BShe will do something for fun.CShe will take part in activities.(A) is Linda feeling even worse ABecause she didnt take medicine.BBecause she didnt see the doctor.CBecause she wasnt in hospital.第二節(jié) (共 15 小題;每小題分,滿分分 ) 聽下面 5 段對話或獨白,每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中 所給的 A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽每段對話或

4、獨白前,你 都有 5 秒鐘的時間閱讀各小題。聽完后,各小題給出 5 秒鐘的作答時 間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。聽下面一段對話,回答第6 至第 7 兩小個題。(C) is Jane going to do exerciseAOn the playground. B CIn the gym.In the classroom.(B) sport is Mike going to take part inAHiking. BRunning. CSwimming.聽下面一段對話,回答第8 至第 10 三個小題。(C)8. Where are the two speakers talkingAIn a sh

5、op. BIn a library. CIn a museum.(A) does the man want to buy ASome picture postcards. BSome stamps.CA camera.(C)s not allowed to do hereABuying books. CTaking photos.聽下面一段對話,回答第BBorrowing cameras.11 至第 13 三個小題。(A) are the two speakers talking aboutAA film festival. BA music festival.CA national comp

6、etition.(C) is the festival held AIn America. BIn Canada. CIn France.(A) long does the festival lastAAbout 12 days. CAbout 20 days.聽下面一段對話,回答第BAbout 5 days.14 至第 16 三個小題。(B) does Mom think of Nicks paper AIt is terrible. BThe ideas are creative.CHe made some small mistakes.(C) did Nick start thinkin

7、g about what to writeAOne week ago. BTwo weeks ago.CThree weeks ago.(C) subject does Miss Rowling teachAChinese. BEnglish. CScience.聽下面一段獨白,回答第17 至第 20 四個小題。(A) does Lisa improve her English ABy listening to English songs.BBy watching English movies.CBy doing grammar exercises.(C) many words can Jen

8、ny read each minute now AAbout 250. BAbout 350. CAbout 500.(B) is Betty good atAMaking word cards. CTaking exams. BTaking notes.(B) does Mike want to beAAn English writer. BA sports reporter.CA basketball player.第二部分 讀( 共三節(jié),滿分 70 分)第一節(jié) 完形填空 ( 共 15 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 30 分)閱讀下面兩篇短文,從短文后各題所給的 選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項

9、。A、B、C三個選項中,AMy name is Damian was born in a small village in Italy in spent the first few years of my life there before my family 21 to Perth ,Australia.We arrived in Australia in the summer of went to 22 ,and I had to attend special classes to learn English as all the lessons were taught in Englis

10、h.We did not have much money,so we lived very parents worked as earned( 掙錢 )just enough for us to survive( 維持生活 )and 23 a little father had always wanted to open a small , 24 ten years of hard work,in June 1967,he managed to save enough and opened our first pizzeria( 比薩餅店 ) 25 business was slow at f

11、irst,it soon got helped out at the pizzeria after school and at two years after we started ,my father decided that we needed a full me the art of making wood-fired pizzas.Today,we have three branches(- time ,he decided to26 分店),in Perth ,Sydney and children have 27 learned how to make pizzas and the

12、y quite enjoy hope to pass on the business to them.(B) Bmoved Cpointed(A) Bhospital Cchurch(A) Bborrow Cshare(B) Bafter Cduring(C) BIf CAlthough(B) Bteach Cbelieve (C) Bnever CalsoBA young couple bought a big house from two old sisters lived there for 30 house was very nice and the couple bought it

13、at a low 28 So the couple was very 29 However,winter was not far away at that couple was a little bit worried about how 30 would keep the old house house didnt have any fireplaces or heaters(供暖設備 ) At first,they planned to buy some heaters for the long cold soon,they thought that 31 the old sisters

14、could stay warm and comfortable in the old house during the winter in the past ,so could last,they just 32 to wait for winter to come and did not make any preparations.Winter arrived and temperatures soon dropped 33 large house became freezing (霜)covered the insides of its inside the house became mi

15、serable ( 痛苦的 ) Finally,the husband couldnt stand it anymore and called the old sisters to ask them how they 34 to keep the house warm during the winter. 35 speaking to them on the phone,the husband spoke to his wife,“ For the last 30 years,the sisters have spent every winter on vacation in Thailand

16、. ” “ Oh,my god!” cried his wife.(A) Bvoice Cnoise(B) Bexcited Cserious(B) Bthey Cit(C) Bunless Cif(B) Bdecided Cafforded(C) Babove Cbelow(A) Bwanted Coffered(B) BAfter CWithout第二節(jié) 閱讀理解 ( 共 15 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 30 分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C三個選項中,選出最佳選項。AZhu has become famous because of popular online shows li

17、ke Guardian( 鎮(zhèn)魂 )and The Story of Ming Lan( 知否,知否,應是綠肥紅瘦 ) His new show Skynet Action (天網行動 )came out on March plays a traffic officer on this show.Zhu waited for 10 years to reach this level of is a graduate of the Beijing Film his first role in 2009, he has played nearly 40 most of them are not we

18、ll- known.This might be because of his personalityHe is shy and doesnt say much during most of his interviews.But this doesnt bother said he would rather let his performances speak for year, he played three different roles on Guardian, including a college professor(教 授 ), the professors brother and

19、a peacekeeper. He had to come up with different ways to make the roles seem different from each wore glasses while playing the professor, for tried to use different facial expressions to show the roles different personalities.“ I never doubted just took roles one by one to get more experience ,” he

20、told GuangzhouDaily .( C ) does Paragraph 1 tell us AConfucius made many great achievements.BMen dont achieve anything great until their 30s.CZhu Yilong became famous at the age of 30.( C ) does “ this show ” in Paragraph 2 refer to AGuardian.of Ming Lan. BThe Story CSkynet Action .( B ) is the fift

21、h paragraph mainly about AWhat Zhu Yilong did over the past year.BHow Zhu Yilong proved himself through his performances.CWhy Zhu Yilong agreed to play three different roles on Guardian.( C ) does the underlined word “personality” mean in ChineseA習慣B愛好C性格( C ) do we know about Zhu Yilong AHe graduat

22、ed from college in 2009.BHe enjoys talking about his different roles.CHe has been acting for 10 years.B(2019 樂山改編 ) What subject do you worry about the most at school Many students worry about students cant sleep well the day before a math may feel very nervous during the exam there might be a way t

23、o make the subject less stressful(壓力大的 )“ For people who are worried about math, posture (姿勢)makes a big difference,”Erik Peper from San Francisco State University told the Daily s right sitting up straight can help you do better on math exams.Scientists tested 125 college asked them to do a simple

24、math exam while sitting in a slumped- over ( 趴倒的 )posture, or sitting up the test, 56 percent of students said the exam was easier to do if they were sitting up straight.Slumping over is a defensive(戒備的 ) can bring about bad memories in the body and can stop you from thinking clearly, Peper said.Stu

25、dents who were not nervous about taking the math exam did not necessarily benefit(受益)from better they did find that doing math while slumped over was more difficult, Science Dailyreported.Good posture isnt just helpful for taking math people, musicians and public speakers can all benefit from better

26、 you feel stressed out, you can also try to sit up straight or stand can help you feel more certain and focus better.( A ) posture can make people feel less stressed during math examsASitting up straight. BHanging your head.CLying on your back.( C ) did the scientists ask the college students to do

27、during the testATo do sit- ups. BTo count numbers.CTo sit in different postures.( C ) many students in the test benefited from the better postureAAll the 125 students. BLess than half of them.C56 percent of them.( A ) fourth paragraph is written to explain _.Awhy slumping over makes exams harder to

28、do Bwhy slumping over is bad for ones health Cwhy some people slump over during exams ( B ) of the following is the best title for the passage ASlump over to Take Exams BSit up to Do Math CBetter Posture for Nervous Students C(2019 撫順 ) Do you think laughter can help you deal with pain Scientists fr

29、om Britain did two experiments(實驗) The first was done in a wore special wristbands( 腕帶 )Some of them were asked to watch comedies while others watched serious the scientists tightened( 勒緊)the wristbands to see how much pain the people could feel.The other test was done at an art people watched a com

30、edy show and others watched a drama(戲劇) At the same time, they had to put their backs against the wall and keep their legs bent( 彎曲的 )just like sitting on a did this before and after the show.Scientists found that just 15 minutes of laughter improves peoples ability to stand pain by 10%.However, the

31、 serious programs and the drama didnt make a difference to pain at all.The study found that the magic power of laughter comes from endorphins( 內啡肽 ) These are chemicals(化學物質 ) They are produced by the human make you feel less pain and can make people feel can produce muscles(肌肉)move in and out when

32、you are believe that this makes your muscles tiring, so we start to produce endorphins.Scientists also found that the only real and relaxing laughter works not just polite laughter.Next time you have a headache, get together with a group of friends, watch a funny movie and will soon feel a lot bette

33、r because laughter is the best medicine.(C) knew how much pain the people felt experiment.Aeating delicious dishes Bputting backs against wallsby_in the first Ctightening special wristbands (B) other test was finished_.Aon a chair Bat an art festivalCon Sports Day (B) can help human body_.Akeep bett

34、er build Bfeel less painCget more muscles (A) to the passage, we can infer that_.Arunning can produce endorphins Bwatching TV programs can stand pain Cdifferent kinds of laughter can treat illness (C) can probably find this passage in a _.Aguide book Bmovie poster Cmedical magazine 第三節(jié) 閱讀填空 (共 5 小題;

35、每小題 2 分,滿分 10 分) 閱讀下面短文, 把短文后的 AE五個句子填入文中空缺處, 使短 文內容完整、正確。Everyone needs is an old saying:51. C But how do you find real friendship and keep itThe American writer Sally Seaman tells young students some smart ways to find says finding friendship is just like planting a . A First, you should choose a

36、. D A good friend should be kind and example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his or her best to help make a friend, you cannot be too should make each other happy and share your life.But things cannot always be . B What should you do when you have a figh

37、t with your friend You have to talk to him or there is no one around, have an honest he or she doesnt want to talk, you could write a him or her how you are . E Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.第卷 非選擇題 ( 滿分 50 分)第三部分 寫( 共三節(jié),滿分 50 分)第一節(jié) 單詞填空 ( 共 10 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 10 分)

38、閱讀下面短文,寫出與各個小題所給漢語相對應的英語單詞 ( 每空一詞) 。(2019 溫州 )Lydia runs and picks up rubbish along the she does is called “ plogging ”, an activity combining collecting rubbish with 56.June ( 六月 ), she first learned the idea of plogging on the Internet and decided to plog.Lydia runs four or 57. five (五) times a we

39、ek and takes a daily walk with her two often wears her gloves and takes several 58. bags ( 袋子) when she goes she spends 59. half ( 一半,半數 ) an hour collecting says she 60.wasted/has wasted (浪費 ) the last few years of her running she feels 61. better ( 更好的 ) to do plogging than just running by the lit

40、ter.“ It just takes a moment to stop and pick something up off the ground. 62. However ( 然而), it makes a big difference to my my husband also 63. joins ( 加入 ) me,” Lydia says 64. proudly ( 自豪地 ) “ It doesnt matter how much rubbish I pick up. Its a good way to protect our 65. planet ( 星球)” 第二節(jié)語法填空 (

41、共 10 小題;每小題分,滿分15 分)閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入 形式。Dear ,1 個恰當的詞或括號內單詞的正確Last week, my friend Liu Lei came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dads computer. I was worried, 66. because I should ask my dad before I use his computer. He uses it for 67. his (he) work, and I can only use it for my homework. The reason is that he thinks something will go wrong if I play 68. games (game) on it.Well, while my dad was out, we decided to try out Liu Leis game. We copied it to the computer, and afte


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