1、巴P RO 啊C E S熬 S C 隘L A S班 S I 吧F IC 挨AT I 扒O N F頒 R A 艾M E W伴O R K辦 S M敖Version 6.矮0.0暗OVERV隘IEW絆APQC岸唉s Pro板cess 癌Class版ifica疤tion 柏Frame邦work半SM奧k。襖(PCF)澳 is a骯 taxo愛nomy 稗of cr阿oss-f按uncti拜onal辦9。哎OPERA笆TING 挨PROCE耙SSES癌busin氨ess骯 proc敗esses芭 inte奧nded 稗to al盎low t靶he1。1.0隘Devel柏op2.0擺Devel昂op3.0
2、挨Marke傲t4.0Deliv埃er5.0稗Manag奧e瓣objec白tive 邦compa斑rison of o藹rgani奧zatio頒nal巴b。懊perfo凹rmanc八e wit辦hin a柏nd am瓣ong奧 orga翱nizat壩ions.斑T。八Visio把nand佰Strat霸egy巴and M霸anage芭Produ芭cts a般nd傲Servi伴ces壩and S敖ell吧Produ敗cts a壩nd愛Servi艾ces斑Produ氨ctsand叭Servi霸ces襖Custo唉mer扒Servi奧ce搬The P巴CF wa白s dev吧elope芭d by 阿A
3、PQC 襖and i稗ts骯N。稗membe笆r com盎panie礙s as 拔an op斑en st癌andar伴d按V。巴to fa盎cilit斑ate i巴mprov傲ement爸 thro拜ugh p啊roces懊s笆C。哎MANAG按EMENT愛 AND 昂SUPPO暗RT SE芭RVICE癌S班M。埃manag靶eme叭nt an扳d ben哀chmar爸king,拌 rega芭rdles懊s of哎9。癌indus疤try, 捌size, or l扮ocati案on. T背he PC昂F org耙anize霸s翱y。班opera罷ting 班and m柏anage拜ment 藹
4、proce隘sses 爸into 捌129。愛enter辦prise半-leve拜l cat耙egori昂es, i哀nclud岸ing p皚roces昂s耙o。翱group愛s and矮 more扒 than辦 1,00白0 pro襖cesse笆s and扳C。藹assoc昂iated巴 acti擺vitie斑s. Th邦e PCF唉, its絆 asso百ciate柏d盎l。暗measu邦res, 拌and d挨efini笆tions昂 are 稗avail按able 辦for百J。拔downl胺oad a隘t no 叭charg胺e at絆 www.隘apqc.半org/p把cf疤.按o
5、。瓣THE F芭RAMEW岸ORK F耙OR藹PROCE鞍SS IM艾PROVE耙MENT壩Exper岸ience版 show芭s tha扳t the耙 pote氨ntial拌 of疤N。艾Devel皚op an藹d Man鞍age H俺uman 懊Capit奧al敖W。俺Manag吧e Inf啊ormat拌ion T阿echno皚logy斑M(jìn)anag爸e Fin哀ancia疤l Res埃ource熬s半Acqui埃re, C敖onstr懊uct, 斑and M頒anage翱 Asse百ts頒J。礙Manag懊e Ent凹erpri頒se Ri稗
6、sk, C矮ompli霸ance,白 and 骯Resil捌iency斑f。癌Manag骯e Ext矮ernal笆 Rela斑tions熬hips斑Devel扒op an鞍d Man翱age B岸usine跋ss Ca般pabil爸ities挨h。疤bench昂marki氨ng to哎 driv拜e dra拜matic澳 impr跋oveme挨nt罷c。暗lies 擺squar扒ely i版n mak鞍ing o藹ut-of皚-the-吧box c敖ompar氨isons柏 and 襖searc白hing 疤for i暗nsigh隘ts no唉t typ奧icall笆y fou罷nd wi氨t
7、hin 隘intra把-indu皚stry 板parad盎igms.跋F。捌To en澳able 搬t(yī)hi板s ben板efici唉al be熬nchma稗r(nóng)king挨, the班 APQC捌 Proc擺ess C唉lassi爸ficat擺ion F唉ramew襖ork俺SM跋 (PCF隘) ser稗ves a擺s a h跋igh-l氨evel,拔 indu骯stry-襖neutr爸al拌H。矮enter安prise半 proc啊ess m礙odel 矮that 澳allow翱s org懊aniza絆tions邦 to s藹ee th氨eir b伴usine扳ss pr爸ocess背es fr
8、吧om a 藹cross矮-indu背stry 骯viewp半oint.扮 The 耙cross背-矮X。唉indus熬try伴 fram扮ework絆 has 礙exper版ience俺d mor矮e tha叭n 15 氨years辦 of c疤reati佰ve us拜e by 捌thous敖ands 絆of or鞍ganiz霸ation暗s wor艾ldwid襖e. Th百e PCF芭 prov盎ides骯y。背the f搬ounda吧tion 辦for t隘he Op伴en St霸andar白ds Be扒nchma耙rking礙 Coll阿abora岸tiveS巴M (OS八BC) d跋
9、ataba班se an爸d the班 work白 of i隘ts ad百visor辦y cou把ncil 般of gl啊obal阿6。藹indus懊t柏ry le奧aders岸. Eac搬h ver艾sion 靶of th爸e PCF靶 will瓣 cont奧inue 胺to be敗 enha哎nced 跋as th拜e OSB傲C dat敖abase熬 furt霸her d按evelo唉ps de阿finit搬ions,拔 proc熬esses艾,岸y。昂and m氨easur靶es. T八he PC拌F and礙 asso靶ciate皚d mea佰sures氨 and 班bench霸mar
10、ki壩ng su昂rveys芭 are 巴available 皚for d奧ownlo疤ad an伴d com佰pleti艾on at皚 no c拌harge扳A。敖fro懊m the鞍 Open盎 Stan吧dards爸 Benc埃hmark岸ing C暗ollab捌orati扳ve We藹b sit霸e at昂 www.翱apqc.骯org/o拔sbc.爸4。凹HISTO艾RY奧The c柏ross-辦indus疤try P愛roces搬s Cla氨ssifi搬catio俺n Fra把mewor班k was板 orig疤inall按y env傲ision半ed as叭 a ta熬xonom
11、瓣y of 邦busin頒ess p把roces柏ses a哎nd a 啊commo叭n邦M。藹langu扳age t襖hroug捌h whi邦ch AP懊QC me耙mber 盎organ拜izati癌ons c伴ould 礙bench搬mark 擺their柏 proc按esses拔. The吧 init柏ial d邦esign唉 invo按lved 皚APQC 百and m般ore哀n。把than 斑80 or唉ganiz伴ation挨s wit啊h a s笆trong伴 inte疤rest 胺in ad埃vanci疤ng th澳e use版 of b暗enchm岸arkin氨g in
12、矮the U拜nited隘 States an藹d wor芭ldwid昂e. Si愛nce i艾ts盎E。瓣incep頒tion 隘in 19半92, t拌he PC愛F has捌 seen吧 upda頒tes 柏to mo阿st of挨 its 八conte柏nt. T矮hese 癌updat隘es ke八ep th扳e fra佰mewor矮k cur岸rent 骯with 敖the w癌ays t背hat唉r。安organ氨izati埃ons d絆o business氨 arou奧nd th隘e wor頒ld. I阿n 200壩8, AP艾QC an藹d IBM work拌ed to斑ge
13、the罷r to 氨enhan瓣ce th吧e cro白ss-in暗dustr岸y PCF癌 and 盎to靶e。稗devel耙op a 懊numbe半r of 岸indus擺try-s襖pecif八ic pr敖ocess芭 cla愛ssifi愛catio皚n fra拌mewor矮ks.胺B。疤Versi盎on 6.翱0.0-e板n-XI 班俺 July襖 2012盎A。啊LOOKI皚NG FO扮RWARD扒The c藹ross-埃indus熬try a襖nd in挨dustr哎y Pro哀cess 翱Class把ifica百tion懊y。拔Frame罷works澳 are 班evolv拜in
14、g m瓣odels拜, whi伴ch AP敗QC wi跋ll co壩ntinu懊e把X。阿to en半hance罷 and埃 impr愛ove r哀egula氨rly. 敖Thus,搬 APQC拌 enco敖urage奧s班4。跋comme班nts, 俺sugge敖stion壩s, an伴d mor安e imp敗ortan按tly, 埃the s拌harin氨g of霸2。白insig拔hts f叭rom h白aving壩 appl胺ied t搬he PC辦F wit岸hin y霸our o按rgani愛zatio矮n.霸h。疤Share佰 your埃 sugg疤estio岸ns an佰d e
15、xp罷erien背ces w傲ith t澳he PC傲F by伴j。百e-mai俺ling癌 pcf_矮feedb唉acka礙pqc.o罷rg澳.柏X。伴ABOUT哀 APQC骯An in唉terna白tiona八lly r氨ecogn拔ized 敖resou氨rce f背or pr襖ocess襖 and半b。吧perfo拔rmanc皚e imp笆rovem艾ent, 跋APQC 熬helps板 orga矮nizat按ions 辦adapt隘 to叭i。白rapid靶l(wèi)y ch阿angin吧g env叭ironm扳ents,邦 buil凹d new襖 and 巴bette拔r way矮s to
16、礙i。邦work,扮 and 藹succe背ed in礙 a co矮mpeti耙tive 版marke鞍tplac扳e. Wi邦th a 瓣focus笆U。哎PROCE扒SS扳 CLAS案SIFIC奧ATION稗 FRAM叭EWORK凹SM熬0。盎on pr芭oduct罷ivity半, kno白wledg啊e man叭ageme癌nt, b凹enchm艾arkin罷g, an啊d俺c。邦quali懊ty im爸prove芭ment 礙initiative熬s, AP絆QC wo安rks w昂ith i昂ts me耙mber芭T。八organ哎izati愛ons t邦o ide柏ntify捌 b
17、est氨 prac稗tices擺; dis皚cover擺 effe盎ctive耙E。哀metho皚ds of芭 impr扮oveme拌nt; b挨roadl笆y dis安semin隘ate案 find礙ings;霸 and笆e。跋conne胺ct in愛divid扒uals 熬with 擺one a背nothe疤r and哀 the 哎knowl藹edge,版S。板train般ing, 擺and t懊ools 柏they 岸need 艾to su霸cceed稗. Fou版nded 暗in 19拌77,氨X。傲APQC 哀is a 伴membe霸r-bas啊ed no暗nprof澳it se佰r
18、ving半 orga伴nizat澳ions岸p。愛aroun暗d the盎 worl背d in 擺all s版ector扒s of 埃busin愛ess, 凹educa隘tion,懊 and把X。澳gover搬nment八.胺 APQC俺 is a俺lso a襖 prou懊d win翱ner o般f the昂 2003俺 and矮U。半2004 絆North安 Amer礙ican 芭Most 愛Admir背ed Kn拔owled拔ge En阿terpr擺ises拜8。隘(MAKE辦) awa安rds. 把This 拜award罷 is b藹ased 案on a 矮study絆 by T按ele
19、os傲, a八9。板Europ稗ean-b胺ased 擺resea八rch f霸irm, 礙and t翱he KN隘OW ne柏twork扒.暗7。皚The P岸CF is礙 writ埃ten i板n Uni拌ted S敖tates啊 Engl邦ish 擺langu皚age f凹o(jì)rmat傲.艾S。白TABLE礙 OF C奧ONTEN背TS挨Conte巴nt Or稗ganiz扮ation背 _癌_扒_藹_搬_襖_骯_唉_稗_胺_扒_吧_昂_襖_唉_吧_ 3艾N。氨PCF L懊evels把 Expl頒ained皚/Numb拜er Sc斑h(yuǎn)emin暗g矮_挨_翱_俺_愛_案_瓣_八_澳_襖_胺_靶
20、_氨_ 3壩I。熬Devel絆op Vi哎sion 瓣and S癌trate扒gy _骯_吧_霸_靶_罷_皚_癌_礙_白_伴_哎_吧_挨_ 4辦q。拜Desig頒n and疤 Mana盎ge Pr斑oduct疤s and岸 Serv懊ices 把_辦_半_班_俺_盎_安_拜_啊_哀_ 伴5扒j。扳Marke捌t and瓣 Sell案 Prod叭ucts 絆and S埃ervic佰es _哎_罷_斑_(dá)愛_霸_案_絆_壩_傲_斑_(dá)跋_唉 6隘R。埃Deliv暗er Pr熬oduct敖s and俺 Serv吧ices 般_
21、骯_把_癌_吧_靶_盎_半_埃_哀_埃_霸_佰_骯_ 8扮x。瓣Manag疤e Cus熬tomer艾 Serv板ice _稗_案_半_翱_壩_挨_胺_靶_俺_百_巴_胺_艾_ 壩10靶g(shù)。熬Devel扒op an熬d Man跋age H爸uman 案Capit班al _氨_巴_半_岸_芭_氨_奧_澳_巴_岸_跋_骯_11敖d。癌Manag佰e Inf版ormat哎ion T胺echno爸logy_盎_扳_哀_罷_唉_啊_白_佰_扮_疤_挨_凹_ 13搬Q。般Manag襖e Fin埃ancia暗l Res阿ource藹s _愛_拌_稗_岸_皚_啊_艾_愛_哀_癌_阿_矮_埃_ 16胺s。班Acq
22、ui澳re, C埃onstr安uct, 斑and M皚anage熬 Asse壩ts_擺_耙_啊_藹_版_佰_辦_隘_班_矮_奧_ 20稗D(zhuǎn)。凹Manag愛e Ent頒erpri凹se Ri拌sk, C板ompli盎ance,拌 and 捌Resil阿iency埃 _罷_安_霸_皚_骯_襖_邦_八 21巴9。板Manag版e Ext傲ernal愛 Rela奧tions按hips 胺_靶_靶_俺_班_盎_哀_笆_矮_疤_扒_啊_埃_ 22案w。拔Devel愛op an板d Man叭age Busine吧ss Ca暗pabil芭ities胺 _隘_版_拌_俺_挨_敗_暗_靶_背_芭_罷_ 23皚K。
23、懊Proce頒ss Cl扒assif襖icati案on Fr扮amewo埃rk (P跋CF) C霸ross-暗Indus昂try V邦ersio半n 6.0擺.0 Re懊lease皚 Note耙s _版_懊_班_板_拌_ 26拔I。阿RIGHT艾S AND昂 PERM挨ISSIO半NS芭佰2012 皚APQC.斑 ALL 拔RIGHT耙S RES邦ERVED半. APQ耙C enc鞍ourag邦es th氨e wid辦e愛 dist搬ribut絆ion, 藹discu翱ssion愛, and隘 use 靶of th拜e PCF笆 for 胺class柏ifyin巴g and白 defi懊nin
24、g敗9。proce唉sses.捌 APQC扳 gran襖ts pe辦rmiss敖ion f般or us背e and岸 adap埃tatio笆n of 岸the P伴CF fo百r int頒ernal背 use.扮 For 佰exter埃nal u胺se, A翱PQC g挨rants perm凹issio把n for佰 publ癌icati敗on,半O。八distr氨ibuti斑on, a拜nd us伴e, pr辦ovide鞍d tha柏t 拔prope吧r cop罷yrigh伴t ack藹nowle辦dgmen佰t is 捌made 半to AP半QC. N巴o mod矮ifica搬t(yī)ions
25、把 to t笆he lo罷ok or哎 cont澳ent s罷hould骯 be m班ade i隘n伴q。礙exter凹nal v版enues爸. Ple扒ase u奧se th伴e fol懊lowin矮g tex俺t whe瓣n reu敗sing 暗the P霸CF in襖 exte盎rnal 跋print辦 or e板lectr熬onic 襖conte背nt:八C。艾THE A岸PQC P唉ROCES昂S CLA扮SSIFI骯CATIO八N FRA百MEWO癌RK癌SM耙 (PCF傲)盎s。板The P懊CF wa翱s dev凹elope板d by 耙non-p捌rofit般 APQC俺,
26、 a g邦lobal哎 reso扳urce 隘for b爸enchm疤arkin案g and盎 best prac笆tices哎, and芭 its 霸membe拜r com傲panie暗s as 擺an op耙en st艾andar八d to 哀facil巴itate愛3。埃impro伴vemen版t through 白proce柏ss ma頒nagem靶ent a癌nd be昂nchma皚rking傲, reg斑ardle跋ss of邦 indu八stry,鞍 size挨, or霸 geog邦raphy霸. The半 PCF 伴organ壩izes 暗opera笆ting 絆and m凹a
27、nage凹ment 暗proce背sses絆G。into 稗12 en暗terpr頒ise l岸evel 吧categ拜ories艾, inc爸ludin版g pro芭cess 罷group班s and翱 over昂 1,00懊0 pro奧cesse隘s and岸 asso昂ciate矮d act瓣iviti巴es. T奧o dow阿nload凹 the 背full 罷PCF o暗r ind唉ustry叭-spec班ific盎8。俺versi八ons o疤f the拔 PCF 暗as we吧ll as拔 岸assoc背iated傲 meas疤ures and b拜enchm按arkin背g,
28、vi扮sit半 www.背apqc.礙org/p愛cf昂.伴r。2澳Permi吧ssion澳 gran埃ted t癌o pho啊tocop安y for半 pers班onal 礙use. 隘哀2012 扒APQC.伴 ALL 癌RIGHT傲S RES壩ERVED凹.爸6。芭CONTE拌NT OR巴GANIZ傲ATION扒Proce芭ss Cl暗assif稗icati捌on Fr拜amewo般rk:跋 The 愛Proce吧ss Cl背assif扳icati拔on Fr笆amewo扳rk (P霸CF) i爸s an 捌Open 安Stand白ard a靶nd is拜 admi辦niste扒red
29、b礙y APQ岸C.昂O。矮PCF L皚EVELS唉 EXPL搬AINED艾Level骯 1扮稗Categ爸ory巴1.0 D捌evelo拔p Vis捌ion a靶nd St昂rateg疤y (10奧002)絆H。邦Repre拔sents版 the 奧highe安st le半vel o扮f process 盎in th矮e ent耙erpri斑se, s胺uch a扒s Man安age c襖ustom班er se拔rvice壩, Sup昂ply c襖hain,拌 Fina芭ncial白 orga扮nizat吧ion, 胺and敖E。隘Human敖 resources頒.半Level邦 2隘伴P
30、roce安ss Gr啊oup搬1.1 D挨efine哎 the 鞍busin巴ess c敖oncep敗t and暗 long澳-term胺 visi俺on (1壩0014)翱I。白Indic懊ates 百the n癌ext l叭evel 按of pr板ocess昂es an骯d rep昂resen隘ts a 班group翱 of p岸roces盎ses. 疤Perfo半rm af拌ter s扳ales芭 repa案irs, 凹Procu扒remen巴t, Ac矮count澳s板4。案payab敗le, R拔ecrui扒t/sou爸rce, 般and D懊evelo罷p sal版es st敗ra
31、teg吧y are鞍 exam搬ples 伴of pr熬ocess昂 grou唉ps.捌w。巴Level敖 3背藹Proce敗ss挨1.1.1頒 Asse阿ss th辦e ext耙ernal絆 envi佰ronme拜nt (1扮0017)熬m。俺A ser哀ies o艾f叭 inte辦rrela吧ted a藹ctivi百ties 骯that 邦conve扳rt in拜puts 爸into 熬resul霸ts (o捌utput拌s); p笆roces瓣ses c壩onsum稗e res艾ource佰s and埃 requ八ire s吧tanda翱rds f扳or罷x。版repea氨table鞍
32、perf辦orman跋ce; a哀nd pr胺ocesses re頒spond霸 to c擺ontro安l sys背tems 啊that 暗direc安t the哎 qual皚ity, 頒rate,愛 and 翱cost 扳of pe板rform搬ance.拌P。巴Level版 4百絆Activ敗ity搬1.1.1骯.1 An吧alyze百 and 唉evalu般ate c版ompet伴ition罷 (100扮21)挨J。凹Indic熬ates 愛key e吧vents俺 perf矮ormed氨 when霸 exec辦uting霸 a pr把ocess絆. Exa罷mples啊 of a板ct
33、ivi叭ties 皚inclu版de Re襖ceive叭 cust盎omer 邦reque巴sts, 疤Resol把ve胺L。伴custo霸mer罷 comp盎laint骯s, an岸d Neg背otiat扒e pur艾chasi拔ng co拌ntrac凹ts.哀w。啊Level昂 5捌奧Task癌12.2.哎3.1.1爸 Iden皚tify 版proje拜ct re奧quire安ments瓣 and 按objec罷tives埃 (111疤17)捌z。翱Tasks礙 repr爸esent懊 the 般next 柏level凹 of h壩ierar埃chica安l dec扳ompos敗ition
34、俺 afte挨r啊 acti辦vitie耙s.Tas敖ks ar佰e gen扮erall啊y muc絆h mor案e fin吧e gra艾ined 按and m耙ay va鞍ry熬o。佰widel唉y acr般oss i頒ndust凹ries.霸 Exam擺ples 傲inclu岸de: C案reate拌 busi瓣ness 艾case 八and o吧btain百 fund搬ing a昂nd De愛sign 胺recog芭nitio案n and安 rewa暗rd ap把proac拌hes.耙X。襖PROCE跋SS EL艾EMENT頒 NUMB擺ERING奧 SCHE半ME頒a。靶The P敗C
35、F id敖entif耙ies e巴ach艾 proc奧ess e拜lemen疤t usi背ng a 罷uniqu敗e 5-d襖igit 矮refer半ence 稗numbe鞍r fol皚lowin八g the吧 name阿 of t懊he pr哎ocess拜 elem巴ent 罷i.e.,傲 (100癌02)矮,背Y。骯(1001傲4)辦,癌 (100暗17)白,熬 (100懊21)奧,瓣 (111襖17)澳, sho靶wn in扒 the 礙above霸 grap霸hic.疤 This昂 numb般er wi瓣ll al跋ways 絆refer板 to t耙he co拌ncept班ual d
36、班efini愛tion 矮of th瓣e pro拔cess邦H。佰eleme擺nt. The ac隘tual 笆proce啊ss el岸ement鞍s and邦 actu瓣al de把finit皚ion m半ay ch壩ange,傲 but 百conce拌ptual稗ly th按e dec艾ompos邦ition埃 will絆 rema把in co辦nsist挨ent般P。笆consi般derin挨g the安 enti邦re sc隘ope o罷f the靶 PCF.澳 A ne搬w 5-d阿igit 安numbe吧r wil爸l be 凹assig盎ned t鞍o a p把roces白s e
37、le半ment 翱if it班s def哀initi岸on su疤bstan伴ti笆ally 壩chang癌es.懊Q。疤VERSI骯ON NU按MBERI把NG SC拜HEME安PCF v盎ersio半n num盎bers 邦are c吧onstructed瓣 usin百g a 斑“爸major板/mino罷r/def半ect啊”熬 vers俺ion n爸umber百ing s矮cheme疤, and艾 refe礙r to 背the c暗onten耙t of挨m。岸the P扮CF th唉emsel笆ves, 奧not t佰he do胺cumen霸ts co骯ntain澳ing t昂he P
38、C耙F con岸tent.暗Z。皚Withi版n a s案pecif瓣ic re扳lease哎 of半 the 罷PCF (八as id巴entif翱ied i八n the般 foot哀er of爸 the 隘docum癌ent; 氨see e把xampl絆e below), 扮the骯P。八PCF i把denti哀fies 藹each 矮proce昂ss el翱ement背 with壩 a 白“罷dotte般d百”礙 numb懊er, l半ike 罷“敖6.0.0哎”班.凹u。百This 藹numbe半r is 俺used 暗to pr芭ovide板 simp巴le in礙dex t霸o r
39、ef班er to澳 spec邦ific 絆proce按ss el芭ement叭s wit哀hin t拜he re皚lease瓣 on伴ly.叭U。捌These柏 numb辦ers w頒ill c伴hange暗 betw矮een r扮eleas板es as巴 need岸ed to安 refl搬ect t柏he cu佰rrent疤 stat爸e of 伴the m版odel.佰l。凹F OOT頒 E R 按EXA M白 PL E版:熬Ve r 把s i o熬 n 6 般. 0 .罷 0 - 岸e n -稗 X I安v。傲This 巴numbe靶r ref奧ers t岸o a m斑ajor 按rel
40、ea愛se拜 (礙6巴) and佰 a mi辦nor r傲eleas頒e (俺.0.0鞍)氨G。辦in th拌e Eng襖lish 艾langu奧age (絆en盎) of 盎the c哎ross-壩indus挨try P般CF (罷XI俺).案S。辦APQC 巴may r把eleas唉e the半 same擺 vers瓣ion o邦f the PCF 澳in a 哎numbe埃r of 辦diffe白rent叭l。翱This 哀refer奧s to 癌the s白pecif敖ic唉relea班se da把te of礙 the 熬docum擺ent胺conta案ining岸 this熬 ver
41、s阿ion o矮f the斑 PDF.耙L。靶chann翱els a斑nd at芭 diff巴erent藹 time藹s to 敗addre岸ss ty案pogra絆phica叭l err拔ors, 捌etc.靶d。把Chang藹es in扮 the 敖docum岸ent c骯ontai班ning 巴the P柏CF ar斑e ide隘ntifi翱ed in翱 the 岸“懊Relea斑se No骯tes斑”拔 sect扳ion (邦page 埃21).敗S。盎Versi挨on 6.埃0.0-e暗n-XI 背癌 July班 2012芭H。3吧1.0 D擺evelo芭p Vis傲ion a背nd
42、 St襖rateg隘y (10按002)案W。艾1.1 D拜efine巴 the 奧busin絆ess c哀oncep伴t and跋 long俺-term艾 visi柏on胺Z。埃1.2.2吧.3哎Devel搬op su捌stain埃abili吧ty st奧rateg耙y百m。翱(1001敗4)稗1.1.1靶 Asse凹ss th礙e ext百ernal翱 envi啊ronme艾nt (1皚0017)半D。般1.1.1阿.1 An阿alyze扮 and 扮evalu翱ate c背ompet鞍ition唉7。胺(1002扒1)暗1.1.1懊.2 Id伴entif拔y eco稗nomic捌 tre
43、n安ds (1斑0022)鞍Y。俺(1418百9)奧1.2.2傲.4 De百velop拔 glob哀al su稗pport叭 and 骯share拜d辦X。霸servi笆ces s絆trate敗gy (1巴4190)皚1岸.2.2.安5 Dev斑elop 澳lean/艾conti耙nuous挨Y。艾impro耙vemen八t str半ategy骯 (141敗97)辦1.1.1藹.3 Id翱entif哀y pol安itica暗l and般 regu哎lator盎y iss瓣ues暗I。矮(1002澳3)胺1.1.1胺.4 As八sess 矮new t絆echno暗logy 挨innov壩atio
44、n版s唉L。瓣(1002扳4)拔1.1.1絆.5 An巴alyze般 demo鞍graph巴ics (爸10025爸)阿o。吧1.1.1阿.6 Id按entif邦y懊 soci岸al an矮d cul白tural俺 chan吧ges礙b。皚(1002凹6)壩1.1.1邦.7 Id耙entif扒y eco跋logic白al co暗ncern癌s (10俺027)氨H。巴1.1.2叭 Surv襖ey ma胺rket 鞍and d笆eterm巴ine c跋ustom搬er ne矮eds吧K。熬and w傲ants 敖(1001伴8)半1.1.2跋.1 Co昂nduct暗 qual挨itati巴ve/
45、qu百antit柏ative藹a。半asses芭sment懊s (10芭028)白1.1.2盎.2 Ca疤pture擺 and 扮asses隘s cus辦tomer捌 need邦s礙W。澳(100版29)拌1.1.3百 Perf版orm i骯ntern八al an板alysi藹s (10敗019)挨5。熬1.1.3半.1 An哎alyze斑 orga扮nizat巴ional藹chara藹cteri版stics巴 (100鞍30)白1.1.3扒.2 Cr擺eate 把basel阿ines 奧for c矮urren暗t唉v。般proce阿sses 班(1003扳1)敗1.1.3拔.3 An礙aly
46、ze傲 syst佰ems a氨nd te笆chnology癌2。靶(1003挨2)拜1.1.3巴.4 An芭alyze fina八ncial吧 posi按tions拌 (100柏33)皚L。..61.2.7唉Selec阿t lon襖g-ter跋m bus瓣iness般 stra柏tegy 耙(1003班9)翱R。邦Coord捌inate扳 and 背align板 func辦tiona辦l and絆 proc版ess稗s。八strat氨egies昂 (100巴40)芭Creat凹e org般aniza礙tiona邦l des捌ign (擺struc昂ture,昂
47、W。愛gover拔nance扒, rep拌ortin吧g, et伴c.) (氨10041佰)哀1。愛1.2.5疤.1 Ev罷aluat骯e辦 brea敗dth a安nd de般pth o背f佰7。笆organ熬izati哀onal 跋struc唉ture 鞍(1004跋9)背9。敗1.2.5安.2 Pe版rform傲 job-懊speci按fic r板oles 奧mappi藹ng鞍5。俺and v靶alue-翱added襖 anal背yses 半(1005扒0)辦d。扮1.2.5敖.3 De爸velop耙 role昂 acti愛vity 斑diagr跋ams t癌o柏j。芭asses案s ha
48、n翱d-off矮 acti扳vity 壩(1005爸1)扮2。百1.2.5拔.4 Pe擺rform版 orga搬nizat傲ion r敗edesi版gn拜n。鞍works啊hops 俺(1唉0052)皚1.2.5辦.5 De奧sign 半the r岸elati襖onshi凹ps be捌tween扳U。巴organizati八onal 唉units拔 (100按53)胺1.2.5叭.6 De擺velop耙 role半 anal柏ysis 巴and a凹ctivi矮ty藹k。敖diagr懊ams f巴or ke耙y pro把cesse哎s (10百054)案J。罷1.2.5笆.7 As版sess
49、澳organ板izati懊onal 胺impli鞍catio哎n of白4。愛feasi版ble a岸ltern凹ative愛s (10壩055)邦1.2.5癌.8 Mi頒grate拜 to n鞍ew or暗ga骯nizat白ion (擺10056跋)芭i。熬Devel半op an板d set擺 orga艾nizat柏ional扒 goal凹s (10熬042)俺u。辦Formu盎late 皚busin邦ess u奧nit s般trate癌gies 扒(1004柏3)般6。4版1.1.3奧.5 Id挨entif敗y ent般erpri埃se co礙re co扮mpete般ncies阿d。懊(1
50、003懊4)奧1.1.4耙 Esta阿blish半 stra愛tegic愛 visi吧on安 (100拌20)盎G。爸1.1.4俺.1 Al頒ign s扒takeh拔older俺s aro扮und s耙trate搬gic辦2。辦visio礙n (10笆035)唉1.1.4懊.2 Co爸mmuni傲cate 板strat芭egic 鞍visio扒n to襖u。靶stake熬holde傲rs (1半0036)拌1.2 D把evelo盎p bus昂iness礙 stra班tegy 按(1001昂5)拌m。愛1.2.1伴 Deve稗lop o霸veral跋l mis拔sion 愛state把ment
51、礙(1003八7)哀i。1.2.1辦.1 De把fine 唉curre擺nt bu背sines阿s (10扳044)辦N。懊1靶.2.1.礙2 For白mulat壩e mis吧sion 安(1004版5)扮Z。案1.2.1罷.3 Co襖mmuni叭cate 凹missi般on (1氨0046)吧m。骯1.2.2哀 Eval霸uate 氨strat叭egic 愛optio奧ns to頒 achi癌eve t按he暗8。百objec哀tives唉 (100岸38)傲1.2.2叭.1 De邦fine 霸strat昂egic 安optio阿ns (1把0047)翱g。懊1.2.2昂.2 As壩sess
52、 昂and a把nalyz凹e imp百act o暗f eac氨hW。頒optio熬n (10扳048)熬1.3 M昂anage板 stra把tegic 骯initi佰ative百s (10芭016)礙D。敗1.3.1案 Deve罷lop s凹trate愛gic i扒nitia敗tives芭 (100吧57)奧u。絆1.3.2爸 Eval拜uate 挨strat板egic 斑initi伴ative安s (10板058)百F。背1.3.3凹 Sele靶ct st笆rateg巴ic in芭itiat八ives 盎(1005岸9)霸d。芭1.3.4頒 Esta版blish拌 high氨-leve般l
53、 mea般sures爸 (100疤60)拌y。胺Permi瓣ssion隘 gran礙ted t佰o pho熬tocop鞍y for頒 pers辦onal 澳use. 辦搬2012 俺APQC.案 ALL 艾RIGHT壩S RES八ERVED斑.邦q。邦2.0 D跋evelo唉p and翱 Mana鞍ge Pr礙oduct板s and昂 Serv昂ices 拜(1000罷3)瓣X。擺2.1 M昂anage礙 prod襖uct a百nd se佰rvice版 port背folio氨 (100瓣61)隘f。拌2.2.1霸.5白Condu癌ct ma案ndato敖ry an挨d ele埃ctive癌2.
54、1.1 Eval稗uate 安perfo捌rmanc安e of 搬exist瓣ing p跋roduc邦ts/阿p。奧servi板ces a翱gains背t mar半ket o拜pport捌uniti敖es (1佰0063)板J。扳2.1.2胺 Defi奧ne pr癌oduct辦/serv把ice d矮evelo八pment扒E。襖requi岸remen拌ts (1班0064)傲2.1.2半.1 Id笆entif傲y pot稗entia傲l imp啊rovem把ents 啊to巴8。按exist瓣ing p翱roduc癌ts an胺d奧 serv案ices 背(1006捌8)哎5。辦2.1.2辦
55、.2 Id挨entif藹y pot板entia骯l new澳 prod澳ucts 疤and暗C。凹servi跋ces (安10069氨)疤2.1.3伴 Perf芭orm d耙iscov拔ery r半esear礙ch (1捌0065)搬f。邦2.1.3傲.1 Id百entif啊y new tech扳nolog絆ies (矮10070哀)藹6。敖2.1.3霸.2 De巴velop柏 new 礙techn巴ologi阿es (1矮0071)阿Y。隘2.1.3矮.3 As絆sess 叭feasi壩bilit扮y of 般integ氨ratin背g new跋g。拌leadi隘ng熬 tech昂nolog
56、ies i凹nto p斑roduc骯t/扳a。班servi按ce co半ncept挨s (10骯072)巴2.1.4昂 Conf癌irm a邦lignm啊ent o按f product/伴servi斑ce co氨ncept巴s按p。挨with 盎busin盎ess s暗trate按gy (1瓣0066)吧2.1.4斑.1 Pl按an an阿d dev班elop 俺cost 爸and q跋ualit八y版k。昂targe凹ts (1罷0073)半2.1.4矮.2 Pr挨iorit百ize a奧nd se昂lect 靶new p傲roduc敗t/霸t。澳servi埃ce co白ncept凹s (1
57、搬0074)拔2.1.4安.3 Sp百ecify唉 developme背nt ti拔ming 半targe矮ts襖w。奧(1007昂5)笆2.1.4搬.4 Pl白an fo班r pro耙duct/敖servi佰ce of氨ferin爸g稗h。啊modif耙icati伴ons (半10076霸)熬2.1.5哀 Mana跋ge pr罷oduct頒 and 跋servi拜ce li巴fe cy盎cle (稗10067靶)佰u。熬2.1.5半.1 In啊troduce ne阿w pro鞍ducts挨/serv跋ices昂7。氨(1007半7)敖2.1.5爸.2 Retire 扒outda扮ted壩 p
58、rod敖ucts/拌servi擺ces芭k。盎(10078)艾2.1.5疤.3 Id般entif鞍y and罷 refi稗ne pe按rform澳ance癌G。皚indic捌ators暗 (100胺79)昂2.1.6襖 Mana搬ge pr壩oduct柏 and 伴servi半ce ma耙ster 昂data稗s。罷(1419把2)辦2.2 D暗evelo昂p pro啊ducts奧 and 跋servi愛ces (絆10062辦)傲P。奧2.2.1捌 Desi隘gn, b哎uild,翱 and 疤evalu敗ate p凹roduc俺ts an斑d拜Q。版servi巴ces (板10080暗)按
59、2.2.1暗.1 As藹s壩ign r藹esour百ces t笆o pro熬duct/爸servi稗ce唉E。拔proje翱ct (1版0083)絆2.2.1巴.2 Pr百epare頒 high拔-leve般l bus頒iness礙 case按 and板E。俺techn艾ical 艾asses凹sment奧 (100哀84)佰2.2.1絆.3 De凹velop霸 prod笆uct/s骯ervic傲e des皚ign礙9。皚speci癌ficat礙ions 壩(1008俺5)埃2.2.1奧.4 Do岸cumen俺t des昂ign s叭pecif啊icati白o(hù)ns叭P。埃(10086)扒Ver
60、si邦on 6.熬0.0-e皚n-XI 胺擺 July氨 2012熬T。鞍exter拌nal r氨eview哎s (le唉gal, 捌regul礙atory皚,扮q。捌stand靶ards,白 inte半rnal)把 (100癌87)佰2.2.1絆.6 Bu瓣ild p般rotot頒ypes 奧(1008傲8)芭L。罷2.2.1板.7 El霸imina白te qu壩ality澳 and 艾relia胺bilit傲y哎I。凹problems (俺10089爸)哎2.2.1奧.8 Co昂nduct哀 in-h盎ouse 癌produ澳ct/se半rvice氨l。拔testi艾ng an八d eva
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