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1、Module 4 Rules and suggestionsUnit 1You must be careful of falling stones.Have you ever climbed mountains? Do you like it?Do you know the rules for mountain-climbing? Do you want to get some suggestions about it? Look at the photo. Then say what suggestions you can give to people who go walking in t

2、he mountains.1P26Be careful of falling stones.Dont climb.You mustnt make fire here.Be careful! Dont fall into the deep water.take some food and plenty of water Go walking with your friends Dont walk too close to the side of the hill pathWear proper clothesDont drink the water from the streamsuggesti

3、ons for walking in the mountainsPay attention to your personal safety 1. To understand conversations of talking about rules and suggestions2. To learn some key words and useful expressions 3. To learn to talk about rules and suggestions, using modal verbs: You must/ mustnt/ should/ shouldnt/ have to

4、/ can/ cantObjectivesWords:sock whenever proper edge yourself starve fairly smooth straightPhrases:set off go off in one go rock climbing Patterns:You should always wear proper clothes.You mustnt go off on your own.It should be a fairly smooth walk to begin with.Focus onListen and answer the questio

5、ns.2P261. When is Betty leaving for the trip?2. What is Mr Jackson going to tell the students?tomorrow morningtomorrow afternoonTomorrow eveningCareful dangerous things personal safetyFalling stoneshould not drink the water from the stream not walk too close to the side of the hill path. both A and

6、B3. What does Bettys mum suggest Betty should not do? 4. Does Betty think the trip will be dangerous?Yes, she does.No, she doesntWe dont know.Mr Jackson is telling his students something. Listen and read. Finish the following tasks.Look through the conversation and choose the correct answer.3P26Task

7、 21. Mr Jackson gives a lot of rules and suggestions, so he probably _. a) is happy about walking in the hills b) has never been to the hills c) has a lot of experience of walking in the hills2. The children might hurt themselves if they _. a) walk along the edge of the hill path b) wear proper clot

8、hes c) drink all their water before lunch3. Before they have lunch, they _. a) have to get up to the top b) can have something to eat c) can go rock climbingMake notes about Mr Jacksons rules and suggestions.4P27Task 3You should _.You mustnt _.You have to _. You mustnt _.You cant _.Dont _.You cant _

9、.You must _. wear proper clotheswalk too close to the edge of the hill path keep together go off on your own have something to eat now drink all your water in one go go rock climbing be careful of falling stonesRead and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes.Role-play1. Role play the conver

10、sation in groups;2. Role play the conversation in front of the classLets see which group does the best. Mr Jackson is telling his students a few rules and suggestions before their walking in the hills. First, everyone should _ strong shoes, thick socks and proper clothes. They mustnt walk _ close _

11、the edge of the hill path for they _ fall and hurt. Next, they mustnt go off on their own and _ _keep together so they dont get lost. Besides, they _ drink all the water _ _ _. They may need some later. Lastly, they must _ _ _ falling stones. Complete the passage with proper words.Task 4wear too to

12、might mustnt in one go be careful ofhave toComplete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.5P27Task 5 (1) _ you walk in the hills, you must wear strong shoes and (2) _ socks. The walk may be fairly (3) _ at the start because the path is (4) _, but later it may get difficult. You s

13、hould also be careful of (5) _ falling from above. smooth stone straight thick wheneverWhenever thick smooth straight stones Language points1. Before we set off, there are a few rules and suggestions for you.在我們出發(fā)前,我要先講幾條紀(jì)律和建議。setoff最常用的意思有:出發(fā),動(dòng)身,啟程。 你要是想趕上那班火車,咱們最好馬上動(dòng)身去火車站。If you want to catch that

14、 train wed better set off for the station immediately.2. Can we have something to eat now? 我們現(xiàn)在能吃點(diǎn)東西嗎?修飾不定代詞something, nothing, anything, somebody, nobody等的形容詞和動(dòng)詞不定式要放在代詞后面。如:Hello! I have something important to tell you.你好!我有重要的事情要告訴你。 3. Come on! Ill lead the way. 走吧!我來帶路。come on在不同的語境中有不同的意思。如:Co

15、me on were going to be late if you dont hurry.快點(diǎn)兒你不快點(diǎn)兒我們就要遲到了??煲稽c(diǎn) Itll take at least two hours to do this! Oh, come on! I could do it in twenty minutes. 至少要花兩個(gè)小時(shí)才能干完!噢,得了吧!我二十分鐘就能干完。表示不相信,“得了吧”Tips for teacherLet the word fly 板塊是幫助學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)一些一詞多義、熟詞生義的詞匯。通過此環(huán)節(jié),學(xué)生可以對(duì)一些常見詞的用法、意思有一個(gè)透徹的了解。 Let the word flyLe

16、t the word fly沿著走保持聯(lián)系 跟上 保持鎮(zhèn)靜(使) 遠(yuǎn)離記住; 牢記1. keep to 沿著走 You must keep to the path. 你必須沿著小路走。 2. keep up with 跟上 They walked so fast that I could not keep up with them. 他們走得那么快, 我沒法跟上。 3. keep in mind 記住; 牢記 Keepinmindthatyouthisnoteternal. 記住,青春不是永久的。4. keep in touch 保持聯(lián)系 Please keep in touch with m

17、e. 請(qǐng)與我保持聯(lián)系。 5. keep ones head 保持鎮(zhèn)靜 You need to keep your head. 你應(yīng)該保持鎮(zhèn)靜。 6. keep away (使)遠(yuǎn)離 Would you keep your dog away from my boy, please? 請(qǐng)讓狗離我孩子遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)好嗎? 1. 政府應(yīng)時(shí)刻為人民利益著想。 The government should always _ the peoples interest _ _.2. 你不能通過看電視真正地跟上世界事務(wù)。 You cant _ _ _ world affairs by watching television

18、.keepin mindkeep up with根據(jù)所給中文完成句子。 3. 手機(jī)不用時(shí),將它放到遠(yuǎn)離身體的地方。 _ your phone _ _ your body when you are not using it.4. 懷特先生在任何情況下都能保持鎮(zhèn)靜, 從不驚慌。 Mr. White can _ _ _ in any emergency, he is never likely to panic.Keepkeep his headaway fromPronunciation and speaking英語連讀的規(guī)則:1. “輔音+元音”型(即相鄰兩詞中的前一個(gè)詞是以輔音結(jié)尾,后一個(gè)詞以元

19、音開頭)2. “輔音+半元音”型(即前一個(gè)詞以元音開頭,后一個(gè)詞以/j/,/w/開頭)3. “元音+元音”型(即前一個(gè)詞以元音結(jié)尾,后一個(gè)詞以元音開頭,這兩個(gè)詞往往要自然而不間斷地連讀)注意:若前一個(gè)詞的結(jié)尾和后一個(gè)詞的開頭相同,這兩個(gè)詞要連讀。Read and predict how the speaker is likely to link the words.6P27 Whenever you go walking in the hills, you should always wear proper clothes. Now, you mustnt walk too close to

20、the edge of the hill path because you might fall and hurt yourselves.Now listen and check.Read the paragraph aloud.7P27Work in pairs. Talk about a trip to:8P27Talk the beach the mountains the countryside the theatreNow give rules and suggestions.For example:Where are you going for your trip?We are g

21、oing to go to the beach.Oh, what a wonderful idea!Yeah! Do you have any suggestions? Yes! You must bring a good sun cream to protect your skin.Yes, thats very important. Its easy for us to get sunburnt. You also should keep your camera away from the water.Well, thanks for your suggestions! Ill prepa

22、re for my trip.Have a good time!For example:Where are you going for your trip?Id like to go to the theatre.A great choice! You should keep quiet all the time there.Yes, and we mustnt drop litter in the theatre.Right! You should try to keep the theatre clean.Yes! Thanks for your suggestions.本課時(shí)主要短語和句

23、型總結(jié)回顧1. set off2. go off3. in one go4. Whenever you go walking in the hills, you should always wear proper clothes. 5. You mustnt go off on your own.6. You may need some.Now 2 mins to test your spelling.Spelling Bee1. English-Chinese whenever rock climbing smooth straight proper sock fairly 2. Chinese-English 動(dòng)身, 出發(fā) 一口氣; 一下子 挨餓; 餓死When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best


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