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1、授課內容:感嘆句 課程目標:掌握what開頭的感嘆句;掌握How開頭的感嘆句;概念感嘆句是表示喜、怒、哀、樂等情感的句子。感嘆句一般用how或what開頭。how修飾形容詞、副詞;what修飾名詞,名詞前可有形容詞或冠詞。考點1:what 引導的感嘆句常見結構例句 What a big apple it is! 多么大的蘋果?。?What an honest girl she is ! 她是一個多么誠實的女孩呀!結構一:What +_ +_+_ + 主語 + 謂語!例句 What beautiful flowers they are ! 多么漂亮的花呀!結構二:What +_ + _ + 主語

2、 + 謂語!例句 What fine weather it is! 多么好的天氣啊!結構三:What +_ + _ + 主語 + 謂語!課堂鞏固1. 多么漂亮的一個女孩呀!_ _ _ girl she is !2. 多么高的樹呀!_ _ trees they are !3. 多干凈的水呀!_ _ _it is !考點2:how 引導的感嘆句常見結構例句 How big the apple is! 多么大的蘋果啊!How beautiful the flowers are ! 多么漂亮的花呀!How fine the weather is! 多么好的天氣?。〗Y構一:How +_ + 主語 + 謂

3、語!注意:由how引導的有名詞的感嘆句,how后面不能加aan。例句How happily the children are playing ! 孩子們玩得真開心??!結構二:How +_ + 主語 + 謂語!課堂鞏固1.這輛汽車跑地多快呀!_ _ the car runs !2. 她真漂亮呀!_ _she is !3. 它們是多么可愛的貓呀!_ the cats is!考點3:what和how 引導的感嘆句的區(qū)別例句:感嘆句 陳述句它是多美麗的玫瑰花呀! 這朵玫瑰花很美麗/它是一朵美麗的玫瑰花。How beautiful the rose is! The rose is beautiful.

4、What a beautiful rose it is! It is a beautiful rose.對比分析: The rose is beautiful. It is a beautiful rose.How beautiful the rose is! What a beautiful rose it is!即學即用: 陳述句 感嘆句天氣很晴朗。 多么晴朗的天氣??! The weather is sunny. _ sunny _! It is sunny weather. _ sunny weather _!例句這些學生多么的努力學習呀! How hard the students w

5、ork!總結:其實感嘆句和我們之前學過的陳述句有著很大的關聯,感嘆句只不過是把原來的陳述句的語序發(fā)生了一些改變,再添加上What或者How就可以了。具體的口訣我們嘗試著一起總結一下吧:劃_; 名選_判_ 形/副選_ 名詞單,再把_/ _添。課堂鞏固(改為感嘆句)1. She is a lovely girl _ a lovely girl _ _!2. The girl is lovely. _ lovely _ _ _!3.The children are smart. _ smart _ _ are!4.They are smart children. _ smart children _

6、 _!5.The weather is bad. _bad _ _ _!6.It is bad weather . _ bad weather _ _!7.It is raining heavily. _ _ it is raining!考點4:what和how 引導的感嘆句的省略形式例句What a pity! 多么令人遺憾啊! How fast! 真快呀! How beautiful! 真漂亮?。】偨Y:what和how引導的感嘆句形式其實就是把_ 和 _省略了。課堂鞏固 (補充感嘆句的省略部分)1. These flowers are very beautiful. How beautif

7、ul ( _ _ _)!2. The little boy is very clever. How clever (_ _ _)!3. Its a funny story. What a funny story ( _ _)!4. She is a good girl.What a tall girl (_ _)!5. The food is delicious.How delicious (_ _ _ )!6. They are running fast. How fast ( _ _ _)!練一練1. 到處濕漉漉的。天氣真糟糕!Its wet everywhere._ _ the weat

8、her is !2. 時間過得真快?。 _ the time passed!3多么美麗而寧靜的島啊! beautiful and quiet island it is!4. 你的手好臟??!快去洗!_ _ your hands are! Go and wash them now.5.你們自己算出了這道數學題,多么聰明的孩子??!Youve worked out the maths problem yourselves. _ _ children you are!6這部電影真乏味?。∥叶伎焖?。 movie it was! I almost fell asleep.7.這本書真有用??!我看了很多

9、遍。_ _ _ book it is! I have read it many times.8.Lily多么忙碌!她總是第一個來,最后一個走。_ _ Lily is!She is always the first to come and the last to leave.9.這是一場多么激動人心的表演啊! _ _ _ show it is!10. 這部電影真有趣!我還想看。_ _ _ _ it is! I want to see it again.11.最近幾個月來,廣州的房價增長得多么快?。 _ the price of houses in Guangzhou _ _ in the past few months.12. 懷特先生給我們的建議真有用! _ _ advice Mr. White gave us! 13. 這花園里的花真漂亮?。?_ _ the flowers are in this garden!14. 這個英語節(jié)目真精彩??! _ _ English programme _!15. 看!孩子們玩得多開心?。ook! _ _ _ _ the children are having!16.安娜太粗心了!她把 iPhone6 留在出租車上


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