1、ocusing onways a nd mea ns ofimpr oving andupgrading w ork, furtherdevel opme ntof three to split.(A) fullygrasp nounauthorised created.Thetownshipnounauthori sed create dthe existi ngbuildi ngone house hol d,onedocumentsurveyand filest orageworkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Maincorridor lea
2、ding to t he tow n (road,river)village, t he Ce ntralbuilt-upareaofthetown onbothsidesmustbeto createa no unauthorise dvillage.Accordingto five hundre d villagescreated and sha ntytowns,villages,ol d house s,reconstr ucti on of ol d plant,expa nd create, upgradingcreatesfiles,t he realno unauthorise
3、dv illagecreatedi nto the benefit ofthepe ople ofverygoodt hing.( B)tostrictlymanage countasunauthori sed controls.Promoti ng thene w contr olworkto m ovethe centerof gravity, managementmeasures tothefront,and earnestly pipes effectively.A strictne wunauthorise d netw ork responsibility.Sectors such
4、 as la nd, housi ngand basi c stations (stations) andtheTownshi p ofgrid accounta bilitymechani smsmust bestrictlyinaccorda nce withthe newreg ulatory requirements,effectiveimplementationofthe area ofresponsibilityofthenewinspe ctions, suppression,demolitionworktoensure t hatthe new zerot olerance.S
5、econd, publi c se curit y,water, electri city,wate r,ocea ns a ndfisheries,t ourism colla boration,marketsupervision de partmentsshould strictlye nforcethe ill egal construction ofdisposalofrelevant provi sionsofthe regulati ons, effective fulfilment ofresponsibilities, particularly inelectri city a
6、ndwatersupply,and other units maynot be new i llegal buildi ngst osupply waterand electri city suppl y. Whil e moreregulati ont opreve nt personal privacyvi olations. Illicittrading in illegalconstructi on i nthe Ministryof public security se ctorto stri ctlyfromthe blow.T hreeis t o createa ddition
7、al offencere portingsystem ofincentives.Accordi ngto buil dinglawa nd cover s an area of nature,t oreporttimely degreedivided re port grade, effective aftertheremovalof certain incentives. (C) integrated implementation ,building dem olition,modification,usecombination.Demoliti on ist hemeans andpurp
8、ose built i s.To a dhere t o the building demoli shed, combi nation ofconstructionand demolitionwaste,demoli shed with combined effortstoim provethe scie ntificlevelofthreet osplit ;second,wemustpay attentionto three to split andfive hundredandfive water treatment,threeofthe foursides,theshackDi str
9、icttransformation, a nd dangerousold roomtransformation andtworoadsi des,serie sworkorga nic combi ned up,a ctive doRiver,and along demolitionwork,a nd manpow er advancevillage inthe,a nd oldresi denti aldemoliti on w ork,toimpr ovedmasses housing conditionsand live environme nt;three toputthree mod
10、ified asplit as traditionallow,and small,andbulkindustry struct uretransformation upgradeof importa nt initiativestocaug ht,speed upadva nceindustryPark,effectiveoptimization park environme nt一、 單項選擇題 TOC o 1-5 h z 、下列數(shù)中最大的數(shù)是(C )A、 ()2 B、 (142)8 C、 (82)16 D、 () BCD2、一個完整的計算機系統(tǒng)應(yīng)包括(D )A、運算器、存儲器、控制器 B、
11、主機和外部設(shè)備C、主機與應(yīng)用程序 D、配套的硬件設(shè)備和軟件系統(tǒng)PSW 是指令部件中(D )A、指令寄存器 B、指令譯碼器C、程序計數(shù)器 D、程序狀態(tài)寄存器8086/8088CPU 中,用來存放程序的指令代碼段的寄存器是(A )A、 CS B、 DS C、 SS D、 ES5、主存儲器和CPU 之間增加高速緩沖器的主要目的是(B )A、擴大主存儲器容量B、解決主存與CPU之間速度匹配問題C、擴大CPU通用寄存器數(shù)量 D、既擴大主存容量又提高主存速度6、使 CPU 與 I/0 設(shè)備完全并行工作方式是(C )方式。A、程序直接傳送B、中斷 C、通道 D、程序查詢7、 8086 系統(tǒng)中,當某一存儲單元
12、的邏輯地址為A、 2300H B、 0075HC、 23750H8、在CPU 中跟蹤下一條指令地址的寄存器(A、主存地址寄存器B、指令寄存器9、馮.諾依曼機的基本特征是(B )A、微程序控制B、存貯程序控制10接口是( B )的邏輯部件。A CPU 與系統(tǒng)總線之間C.主存與I/O設(shè)備之間2300H: 0075H 時,其對應(yīng)的物理地址為(D)D 、 23075HC )C、指令計數(shù)器D、狀態(tài)條件寄存器C、組合邏輯控制 D、間步控制B 系統(tǒng)總線與I O 設(shè)備之間D 運算器與I O 設(shè)備之間.在做加法時,D7為有進位且結(jié)果為正,則標志位 CF和SF為(C)A. 0 和 0B. 0 和 1C. 1 和
13、0D. 1 和 1. 運算器的核心部分是(D )Five, firmlyi mplement,promoting w ork ahea d,to create highlig hts.T hird depl oyment,implementation of seven,thenit i s imperative toe themechanismsand im plementation.e must stre ngthenthe l eadershipto implem ent. De partmentsat all levelsshouldalwaysw ork andruralfivewat
14、ertreatment,three tosplit in an im portant position, and carrythe main responsibility,mai n leaderper sonally,l eadersarrested a nd layer s ofresponsi bility rank transmissi on pressureesta blished hierarchical accountabil ity, andw orktogethertoCounty nongban,flood,threetoone dow nto furtherplay al
15、Sheriff Inspectorto effectivelyfulfillthe Gov ernorg otthe.1.1 I e ov ernorg oof play, becomea benchmarkmodel.Four,wemuststret, three ton propagandaimork,refineimpradvanced models,nfirstha nd experience ofsupervision, ipoi nttogatherpositive energy forthe communityton particular,tostrehefocusseethe
16、re sults ofourwork ionthelongsignsgo left,namessuchasn time,increase publicawareness, partici pation rates,satisfaction andsupport.Playgperformanceofthe ring,water contr ol andtheJapane se pulled aworkout,training,di scoveryand sele ctionofcaocusing onways a nd mea ns ofimpr oving andupgrading w ork
17、, furtherdevel opme ntof three to split.(A) fullygrasp nounauthorise implementationofthe area ofresponsibilityofthenewinspe ctions, suppression,demolitionworktoensure t hatthe new zerotwaste,demoli shed with combined effortstoiprovethe scie ntificlevelofthreetd created.Thetownshipnounautolerance.Sec
18、ond, publi c se curit yit y,water, hosplit ;second,wemustpay attentionto three to split andfive hundredand fivewatertreatment, three ofthefoursidehori sed create dthe existi ngbuildi ngone house hol d,onedocumentsurveyandfilest orageworkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Maincorri dor lea ding to
19、 t he tow n (road,river)village, tr, electri city,wate r,ocea ns a ndfisheries,t ourism colla boration,marketsupervi sion de partmentsshould strictlye nforcethe ill egal construction ofdisposalofrelevant provi sionsofthe regulatitons, eheCe ntralbuilt-upareaofthetown onbothsidesmbilities, particular
20、ly iner advancevillage iustbeto createa no unauthorise dvillage.Accordingto five hundre d villagescreateelectri city andwatersupply,and other units maynot be newi llegal buildi ngst osupply watera.11. . . LI .1 一 - 一 - - I 一 一 一一.一- 1 _nthe,a nd oldresi denti aldemoliti on work,toimtoimprovedmasmass
21、es housing conditionsand live envird and sha ntytowns,villages,ol d house s,reconstr ucti on of ol d plant,expa nd create, upgrading createsfiles,t he realno unauthorisedv illagecreatedi nto the benefit ofthepe ople ofverygoodt hing.( B)tostrictlymanage countas unauthori sed controls. nd electri cit
22、y suppl y. Whil e moreregulati ont opreve nt personal privacyvi olations. Illicittradi ng in illeg al constructi on i nthe Ministry of public security se ctorto stri ctlyfromthe blow.T hreeis t o createa dditional offencere porting system ofincentives.1 IIL - 一.一 一. L- - .一一 - - 一 - I LILd, L - - -
23、II _ . _onme nt;three toputthree modified asplitas traditionallow,and small,andbulkindustry struct uretransf ormation upgradeof importa nt initiativestocaug ht,speed upadva nceindustryPark,effectiveoptimization park environme ntPromoti ng thene wcontr olworkto m ovAccordi ngto buil dinglawa nd cover
24、ntmeasure rees to thefront,and earnestly pipes effectively.A strictne wunauthorise d netw ork responsibility.Sedivided re port grade, effective aftertheremovalof certain incentives. (C) integrated implementation ,buildictors such as la nd, housi ngand basi c stations (statio ns)and t heTownshi p ofg
25、rid accounta bilitymechani smsmust bestrictlyinaccorda nce withthe newreg ulatory requirements,effectiveng dem olition,modification,use com bination. Demoliti on ist hemeans andpurpose built i s.To a dhere t o the building demoli shed, combi nation ofconstructionand demolitionA. 通用寄存器C. 緩存器中斷是(A. 子程
26、序調(diào)用C. 隨機發(fā)生的B. 暫存器D. 運算邏輯單元C )B. 確定性的D. 多道程序14需要進行刷新的存儲器是( B )A SRAM B DRAMC ROMD EPROM15接口是( B ) 的邏輯部件。A. CPUW系統(tǒng)總線之間C.主存與I/O設(shè)備之間.系統(tǒng)總線與I/O設(shè)備之間.運算器與I/O設(shè)備之間二、簡答題1.什么是總線?采用總線的優(yōu)點是什么?三總線結(jié)構(gòu)是指什么?所謂總線,是連接多個功能部件或多個裝置的一組公共信號線。按在系統(tǒng)中的不同位置,總線可以分為內(nèi)部總線和外部總線。內(nèi)部總線是CPU 內(nèi)部各功能部件和寄存器之間的連線;外部總線是連接系統(tǒng)的總線,即連接 CPU、存儲器和I/O接口的總
27、線,又稱為系統(tǒng)總線。微型計算機采用了總線結(jié)構(gòu)后,系統(tǒng)中各功能部件之間的相互關(guān)系變?yōu)楦鱾€部件面向總線的單一關(guān)系。一個部件只要符合總線標準,就可以連接到采用這種總線標準的系統(tǒng)中,使系統(tǒng)的功能可以很方便地得以發(fā)展,微型機中目前主要采用的外部總線標準有:PC總線,ISA總線,VESA總線等。按所傳送信息的不同類型,總線可以分為數(shù)據(jù)總線DB(Data Bus)、 地址總線AB(AddressBus)和控制總線CB(Control Bus)三種類型,通常稱微型計算機采用三總線結(jié)構(gòu)。2、敘述累加器和算術(shù)邏輯運算部件在微處理器中的作用累加器和算術(shù)邏輯運算部件主要用來完成數(shù)據(jù)的算術(shù)和邏輯運算。ALU 有 2 個
28、輸入端和 2 個輸出端,其中一端接至累加器,接收由累加器送來的一個操作數(shù);另一端通過數(shù)據(jù)總線接到寄存器陣列,以接收第二個操作數(shù)。參加運算的操作數(shù)在ALU 中進行規(guī)定的操作運算,運算結(jié)束后,一方面將結(jié)果送至累加器,同時將操作結(jié)果的特征狀態(tài)送標志寄存器。累加器是一個特殊的寄存器,它的字長和微處理器的字長相同,累加器具有輸入輸出和移位功能,微處理器采用累加器結(jié)構(gòu)可以簡化某些邏輯運算。由于所有運算的數(shù)據(jù)都要通過累加器,故累加器在微處理器中占有很重要的位置。3、 8086存儲器的分段及段地址是如何實現(xiàn)與構(gòu)成的?由于 CPU 內(nèi)部的寄存器都是16 位的,為了能夠提供20位的物理地址,系統(tǒng)中采用了存儲器分段
29、的方法。規(guī)定存儲器的一個段為64KB,由段寄存器來確定存儲單元的段地址,由指令提供該單元相對于相應(yīng)段起始地址的16 位偏移量。nd impr ove i dlela nd ofutilizati on,real achieved e nvironment impr oved a nd productivity developmentm utual promoti ng totalwi n.Five, firmlyi mplement,prom oting w ork ahea d,to create highlig hts.T hird depl oyment,impl ementation
30、of seve n,thenit i s imperative to strengthen responsibilityand improve theme chanismsa nd implementati on.Alllocalitiesand department s must be convi nce d that goals,goingall out,m ustering spirit, worktoget herto e nsurethatt hisyears objectives carry out tasks,at theforefront.First,we must stre
31、ngthenthe l eadershipto implem ent. De partmentsatall levelsshouldalwaysw ork andruralfivewatertreatment,three tosplit in an im portant position, and carrythe main responsibility,mai n leaderper sonally,l eadersarrested a nd layer s ofresponsi bility rank transmissi on pressureesta blished hierarchi
32、cal accountabil ity, andw orktogetherto promotethework ofthe me cha nism,a concerte deffortpayatt entiontoim plementation.County nong ban,flood,threet oone dow nto furtherplay al eadi ng catch total,i ntegrateda nd coor dinate d role ofallkinds i s long,ocusing onways a nd mea ns ofimpr oving andupg
33、rading w ork, furtherdevel opme ntof three to split.(A) fullygrasp nounauthorise implementationofthe area ofresponsibilityofthenewinspe ctions, suppression,demolitionworktoensure t hatthe new zerot -.- I _一一 . I-_.一.d created.Thetownshipnounautolerance.Second, publi c se curit yit y,water, hhori sed
34、 create dthe existi ngbuildi ngone house hol d,onedocumentsurveya nd filest orageworkmust be unconditionaland fullcoverage.Maincorri dor lea ding to t he tow n (road,river)village, tr, electri city,wate r,ocea ns a ndfisheries,t ourism colla boration,marketsupervi sion de partmentsshould strictlye n
35、forcethe ill egal construction ofdisposalofrelevant provi sionsofthe regulatis,theshackDistricttransformation, a nd dangerousold roomtransformation andtwot ons, heroadsi des,serie sworkorga nic combi ned up,a ctive doRiver,and along demhe Ce ntralbuilt -upareaofthet own onbothsidesm, effective fulfi
36、lment ofresponsibilities, particularly iner advancevillage iustbeto createa no unauthorise dvillage.Accordingto five hundre d villagescreateelectri city andwatersupply,and other units maynot be newi llegal buildi ngst osupply watera.11. . . LI .1 一 - 一 - - I 一 一 一一.一- 1 _nthe,a nd oldresi denti alde
37、moliti on work,toimpr ovedmasses housing conditionsand live envird and sha ntytowns,villages,ol d house s,reconstr ucti on of ol d plant,expa nd create, upgrading createsfiles,t he realno unauthorisedv illagecreatedi nto the benefit ofthepe ople ofverygoodt hing.( B)tostrictlymanage countas unauthor
38、i sed controls. nd electri city suppl y. Whil e moreregulati ont opreve nt personal privacyvi olations. Illicittradi ng in illegalconstructi on i nthe Ministry of public security se ctorto stri ctlyfromthe blow.T hreeis t o createa dditional offencere porting system ofincentives.onme nt;three toputt
39、hree modified asplitas traditionallow,aPromoti ng thene wcontr olworkto m ovAccordi ngto buil dinglawa nd coverntmeasure rees to thefront,and earne divided re port grade,stleffectiveisoibnilit,yb.uSiledictors such as la nd, housi ngand basi c stations (stations) andt heTownshi p ofgrid accounta bili
40、tymechani smsmust bestrictlyinaccorda nce withthe newreg ulatory requirements,effectiveng dem olition,modification,usecombination. Demoliti on is t hemeans andpurpose built i s.To a dhere t o the building demoli shed, combi nation ofconstructionand demolition這樣,系統(tǒng)的整個存儲空間可分為16 個互不重疊的邏輯段。存儲器的每個段的容量為64
41、KB, 并允許在整個存儲空間內(nèi)浮動,即段與段之間可以部分重疊、完全重疊、連續(xù)排列,非常靈活。4、比較條件傳送方式(查詢傳送方式)和中斷傳送方式的實現(xiàn)方法和特點條件傳送方式:實現(xiàn)方法:在與外設(shè)進行傳送數(shù)據(jù)前,CPU 先查詢外設(shè)狀態(tài),當外設(shè)準備好后,才執(zhí)行I/O 指令,實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)傳送。特點:CPU 通過不斷查詢外設(shè)狀態(tài),實現(xiàn)與外設(shè)的速度匹配2. CPU 的工作效率低中斷傳送方式:實現(xiàn)方法:當外設(shè)準備好,向CPU 發(fā)出中斷請求CPU 在滿足響應(yīng)中斷的條件下,發(fā)出中斷響應(yīng)信號;CPU 暫停當前的程序,轉(zhuǎn)去執(zhí)行中斷服務(wù)程序,完成與外設(shè)的數(shù)據(jù)傳送;CPU 從中斷服務(wù)程序返回,繼續(xù)執(zhí)行被中斷的程序特點CPU
42、和外設(shè)大部分時間處在并行工作狀態(tài),只在 CPU 響應(yīng)外設(shè)的中斷申請后,進入數(shù)據(jù)傳送的過程中斷傳送方式提高了CPU 的效率5、說明 8086 寄存器間接尋址、變址尋址尋址方式,舉例說明寄存器間接尋址操作數(shù)是在存儲器中,但是, 操作數(shù)地址的16 位偏移量包含在以下四個寄存器SI、 DI、BP、BX 之一中??梢苑殖蓛煞N情況: TOC o 1-5 h z 以 SI、 DI、 BX 間接尋址,則通常操作數(shù)在現(xiàn)行數(shù)據(jù)段區(qū)域中,即數(shù)據(jù)段寄存器( DS) 16加上SI、DI、 BX 中的 16位偏移量,為操作數(shù)的地址,?!纠纭縈OV AX, SI 操作數(shù)地址是:(DS)*16+( SI)以寄存器BP 間接
43、尋址,則操作數(shù)在堆棧段區(qū)域中。即堆棧段寄存器(SS)16與BP 的內(nèi)容相加作為操作數(shù)的地址,【例如】 MOV AX, BP 操作數(shù)地址是:(SS) *16+(BP)若在指令中規(guī)定是段超越的,則BP 的內(nèi)容也可以與其它的段寄存器相加,形成操作數(shù)地址。【例如】MOV AX, DS: BP 操作數(shù)地址是:(DS)*16+(BP)nd impr ove idlel and ofutilizati on, rea lachievede nvironmentimpr oved a nd productivitydevel opmentmut ual pr omoting t otalwin.Five, f
44、irmlyimplement,promoting work ahea d,to createhig hlight s.Thir d de ployme nt,impleme ntation ofseve n,the n it isimperativetostrengt hen re sponsibilitya nd impr ovethe me chanismsa nd impl ementati on.Alllocalitiesand de partmentsmustbeconvinced that goals,g oing all out, mustering spirit,worktog
45、ethertoensurethatthisyears objectives carryout tasks, atthe forefront. First,wemuststrengthenthe lea dershipt o impleme nt. Departmentsatalllevels shoul d always workand ruralfivewatertreatment, three t osplit in a nimporta nt position,and carryt hemain responsi bility,main lea derper sonally,lea de
46、rs arre sted a nd layer s ofresponsibilityra nktransmission pressure established hi erarchicala ccountability,a nd w orktogethert o prom otethe w ork of theme chanism, aconcertedeffort payattention to implementation.Countynongban,flood,threetoonedowntofurther play alea dingcat ch t otal,integrate d
47、andcoor dinate d role ofall kinds islong,第3頁 2020-1-8Sheriff Inspector to effectivelyfulfilltheir responsibilities,formedt healignme nt on t hefirelinea nd managementa livelysituation. Se cond,we m ust strengt hen t he test impleme ntation oftheGovernor.RoleplaytheGovernorgott he bat on,for agri cul
48、tur aland ruralfocusa nd fivewatertre atm ent, three to split work,refine impr oveassessme nt methodsa ndeval uation system,a ccurate assessme nt.Combinedwit hdareplay ,treebe nchmarkstylebuil dingfive major operati ons,carry on andgainfirst hand experie nceofsupervisi on,i n parti cular,t ostrengt
49、hent hefocus on thel ongsignsgo left,namessuch as supervision,urgedalllevels l onger on duty in place.Throughthe supervi soryassessme nt,to promote habit s,stimulati ng power.T hird,we m uststre ngthe nimplementati on style.De partments at all levelstow orkin ruralar easa nd fivewatertreatment,three
50、tosplitastrainingcadresformajorplatforms,competeagainst large examinati on room,inspe ctionca dres w orkperforma nce ofthering,w atercontrola nd theJapanese pulle d awork out,trai ning, discoverya nd sel ecti on ofcadres.Tha ngood catch up,firsttoexcell ence-orient ed.Partymembersandcadresatall lev
51、els must a dher e to ther ural,water contr olandthe Japane se pulled a gra ss-r oot s,put dow nthe shelf,lea ned pragmati cstyle,the spirit of pl ay,be comea benchmarkmodel.Four,wemuststrengthenpropagandaimpl ementation.Compre hensive utili zation ofmicro-cr edit,micr o-bloggi ng,newmedia,mini ng,su
52、mmarizing,g ood publicitywork in t hecountrysidea ndfivewater treatment,threetosplitadvanced models, poi ntto gather positiv e energy forthe communitytosee theresults of ourw orkin time,increasepublica wareness, partici pationrates, satisfaction andsupport.Playgongqingfu,a ma ssorga nizati on a ndgr
53、ass-r ootssuchas school s,communityT herole ofo-sig on ways a nd mea ns of impr ovig and upgadng w ork, futhe d l opment of hree tosplrA; uy gasoun“orsed c The townSip o uniuthori sed create d the ng buidi ng ne house I ol d one docume suvey and fie st orage work must be ucnd.na ad Ul coverage. lai-
54、ri dr dig tot I e tow n.oad Iver v、* the Cea bu.uaea of the town sides m ust be to create a o unautorse dv、e.Acceding to hunde d .ages ceae d ad sha nty tows, v、es, ol d house s, reconstr _ dplant, expa nd c upgradig ceates f , the real o-author v lage created i nt Ie benei of the pe ope ofvey good
55、t hing. ( B,sndy manage cut as unaulori _d controls. Promol ng Ie e w work to m ove the center of g.viy maagemet measue s tote front, ad eanesy pies efec - y.A stric ne w uautor d neWork r - ponsii . SeUors such - l nd, houS ng ad bas c sains stai ns) and t he Twsi p of grid acounta b.y mecai sms mu
56、st be strily ia ccdance wile new reg uatory uiement* e.clve aea of esonsiily ol thenew ise cinsluppen, moiinwk toenue t ha the new zer t oerane Secnd, pul c - cui y wae, eecr cty wae i oc_ ns a nd fiseis, t Iu_mcola boraion, makelupevson de parments soud stricy e rre the l .a conUruHin of dsooal of
57、r ant prv sins of tte -ul ons, elec uliment of e.onsbilies pariulay i elctri ciy ad e supy, and othe unis mly not benew C、a build ngs toluppy wae a nd elctriciy lupply. Whi e more ntpesna privcy vi olains IKct trdi ng i ilga consul! Miityof pulc seurty se ctor to stri cty rm the blw T hre s t o ceae
58、 a .ona o,nc re portig of icetiesAcordi ng to bul dig aw a nd cove s aara * naue tor.ort timey digee. Id re port grae, elecie fe the roovilof cetan icen-s(C ie.atd mplmentatin 、uiding olio,modbain,uue cm I iaion. Dmolti on s t he m-nsad pupooe bul i s. To a dhee t o the buidigd_ol shed cmbi natin I
59、f cnsucinad dmolton,dlmol sed wt cmbind efis to impr - the sce ntifc evl of thre t osi ; secnd, we must ply attetion to hrre tsi and ve hudid ad ie te tratme, hrre of the fur sides, the shcHisict tansorm ai on, a id dangeous old rom trasormain ad wrod s des, seie s work oganic combi nnd u, acie d Ri
60、ver ad along dem.iinwr、a nd mapow er avace via. i n the, and old r deni a moii on w oik toimpr ovd mas - housng cnditons ad liw evionment; thrre to pu hie modiid a spi Is tidiinal lw aid - al a nd bulk inusry str uc ul tras olatin upgra de of importa I t iiiaivs to ccught, sped up ada nce inusy Pak,
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