1、Book2 Unit 3 HaVC you ever done Part-time jobs?(第一課時教學設計)一、學情分析本單元在教材第一冊第二單元 I Can do it!的基礎上進行了話題深化,語言拓展,并進一 步和 職業(yè)準備掛鉤。在英語學習中,學生實際存在著學不精、學不實、學不透”的問題。學不精,大小寫不分,標點符號不加,屢教不改;學不實,懶得開口,不愿多花時間背單詞、背課文,作業(yè)沒人盯著不行:學不透,對英語缺乏主動學Al,英語節(jié)目不聽,文章不讀,淺 嘗輒止。因此,教學中應重視基本關鍵句型的多種方式的多次鞏固,并創(chuàng)設情境,幫助學生在實際運用中準確地掌握知識點和技能。盡管如此,學生對英
2、語還存有一上興趣,相當部分學生喜歡聽英語歌,崇拜國外杰出人物,著迷國外風物人情等。因此,巧妙借助學生的興趣搭橋,讓學生們學得更精一點,更實一點,更透一點,并增強孩子們的自信、樂觀、執(zhí)著,成為教學設計的基本要求。學生們是追星一族,那么通往他們頭腦最便捷的路徑就是他們心心念念的星星們:學生 們愛 猜謎懸念,就讓他們猜一猜想一想;孩子們缺乏實在的鞏固,就重重復復領讀幾遍:學生們對機械訓練容易厭倦,就設置情境假設身份。課堂如旅游,曲曲折折,才能漸入佳境。此時,文字搭載著的文化才會慢慢滲透人心,讓人恍然大悟。我能做,我會做,我行!由此 ,課堂效果才如綿里 藏針,針針見效。孩子們以后進入外企的機會或許不多
3、 ,但英文程度較好的也會有在職業(yè)發(fā)展中碰到此類機遇的可能性,所以為他們做好職業(yè)準備還是非常有必要的??v使不能在職業(yè)生涯中實際接觸這個話題,通過在本單元討論自己的職業(yè)經歷、特長和優(yōu)勢,還是會對孩子們在心靈上和精神上的成長起到一骨之力。本單元設計分為4個課時:第一課時 Iead-in + IiStening and SPCaking第二課時 SPeaking第三課時 reading and Writing + Unit task第四課時 IangUage in USe + VOCabulary COnSOIidatiOn第一課時二、教材分析.教學內容本課時系教材英語2(基礎模塊高教版)第三單元的第
4、一課時 ,包括Lead-in & LiStening and SPeaking兩部分,具體內容為:部分職業(yè)名稱、描述個人性格和才能的短語、進行人員招聘/求職應聘而試時的詢問和提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息的簡單對話。這些內容為整個單元的學習活動做語言和知識的準備,也為學生學以致用的語言表達活動提供了語言鋪墊。同時,應聘的話題也為學生在進入職場進行必要的準備。.教學重點、難點教學重點通過與表達能力、性格和經歷的相關的詞匯和句型的學習,學生模擬招聘及應聘場景并展開相應對話。(2)教學難點學生了解詞匯記憶的策略之分類記憶;1學生讀懂招聘廣告并能據(jù)此展開對話。三.教學目標.知識目標掌握部分職業(yè)需稱
5、、描述個人性格和才能等的短語及詞匯,如SaleSPerson; Secretary; part-time;applicant; creative; StrOng points; SPeak fluent English: have good COmnnlniCatiOn skills;掌握詢問和提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息時所使用的句型,如:1)詢問個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息時:Can you tell me SOmething about yourself?HaVe you done any Part-time job?What are your StrOng points?Why
6、 do you Want to WOrk for OUr company?2)提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息時: I am a SnIdeiIt at.I Will graduate . ?.I am (CreatiVe and hard-working.)I have WOrked as a Part-time- in a COmPany for.I Can (SPeak fluent English). And I have (Very good COmmUniCatiOn skills).I think it is a/an (exciting) PlaCe to work.能力目標
7、 TOC o 1-5 h z 學生能聽懂關于進行招聘/應聘面試時的詢問和提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息的簡單對話。學生能熟記并表演關于進行招聘 /應聘而試時的詢問和提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息的簡單對話。(3)在日常生活中靈活應用提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息的句型.情感目標在模擬情景交流中,調教學生正確的應聘穿著及言談舉止方而的禮儀。四、教學步驟SteP One Lead-in (8m)? A game? We Play a game first. StUdentS guess WhO the famous PerSOn is With the help Of the key
8、SentenCeSB一 Sb Can do sth Sb WOrkS as .fckYaoniiiig! Yaoniing? SnIdentS Will always ShOUt With great interest. Then COme LiU DehUa. LUO XUejUan? ZhOU Jielun, J.K.Rowling, and the most important PCrSOn in the leSSOn- BaraCk Obam?FOr example: A PerSOn Can Sing SOngS Very We? He WOrkS as a Singer and a
9、n actor POSSible answer: LiU DehUa(設計意圖:由學生熟知的明星人物入手,采用猜謎游戲形式,利用多媒體圖片呈現(xiàn),引發(fā) 學生 對話題的興趣和開口欲望,并初步接觸本單元關鍵句型。)BrainStOrm. StUdentS are encouraged to liSt the VOCabUlafnOf jobs they have learned as Inany as they can. Then go With the third activity, this time StUdentS Will guess the job according to the ke
10、y sentences, WhiCh COnSiSt Of SOme new WOrdS and expressions related to SkillSFOr exan 少 le: APerSOn Can type Very fast. What s his/her job?POSSible answer: typist. TOC o 1-5 h z (設計意圖:通過頭腦風暴,我們可以快速呈現(xiàn)和溫習已掌握的舊知,自然而然帶出新知。)Lead-in activity 1. TiCk the talents that you have ? Make SUre StUdentS UnderSta
11、nd the meaning Of each expression and help them to find the talents they hav?e(設計意圖:再次接觸教材中的關鍵詞匯和短語,為下一步聽力和口語練習打好伏筆。)Lead-in activity2 ? CirCle the jobs that you think you Inight do Well. Make SIlre StUdCntS UnderStand the meaning Of each job in the IiSt and help them to find the Siiitablejob, espec
12、ially the key WOrdS in the unit, SUCh as SaleSPerSOIL secretary; and SO on.(設計意圖:再次接觸教材中的關于職業(yè)名稱的關鍵詞匯,為下一步聽力和口語練習打好伏筆。)SteP TWO LiStening and SPeaking (22m)? ACtiVity 3. LiSten and tick the right PiCtUre for the question ? LiSten to the dialogue and tick the right PiCtUre from the four PiCtUreS Of fo
13、ur different PlaCeS?ACtiVity 4. LiSten again and decide Whether the following Statement are t ? Make SUre StOd CihsS UnderStand the Ineaning Of each SentenCe and highlight the PreSent PerfeCt tense in the following SentenCeS and try to guess the USe Of the tense PraCtiCe a SimiIar dialogue With your
14、 Partne 匚Li XlaOhOng has 抬入(ted the companys WebSiteLi XiaOhOng has PaSSed the marketing test.(設計意圖:i?過猜測,幫助學生初荔了解現(xiàn)在完成時的含義。)ACtiVity 5.Listen again and tick. LiSten to the dialogue again and tick the advantages Li XiaOhOng has ? HelP StUdentS Iearn the key expressions by ParaPhraSing the expressions
15、 FOr example:An expression means being good at USing COmPUter. ( have good COmPUter SkillS)An expression InCanS being good at COmmUniCating With others. ( have good COmmUniCatiOn SkillS)An expression means being able to SPeak EngIiSh VCry well. (SPCak IlUent EngliSh)(設計意圖:通過詞匯釋義,幫助學生掌握男鍵詞匯的含義ACtiVit
16、y 6. RCad and UnderIine ? RCad the dialogue and UnderIine the interview questions and answers about asking and answering the information Of ones personality, WOrking experience, SkilIS and PUrPOSeCan you tell me SOmething about yourself?HaVe you done any Part-time job?What are your StrOng points?Why
17、 do you Want to WOrk for OUr company?I am a StlIdent at.I Will graduate .I am (CreatiVe and hard-working.)I have WOrkCd as a Part-time- in a COmPany for.I Can (SPeak fluent English). And I have (Very good COmmUniCatiOn skills).I think it is a/an (exciting) PlaCe to work.Read the key SentenCeS after
18、the teache Make SUre that StUdentS Can Say them OUt fluently and theirPrOnUnCiatiOn Of the WOrdS is correct.PraCtiCe the SentenCeS Witil the InfbrmatIOn from students own.ACtiVity 7.Practice the dialogue in pairs. USe ACtiVity 6 as an example?(設計意圖:從詞到句,從句顯對話,每一步驟都要確保學生能扎實掌握。從領讀到齊讀到 互相 讀再到個別讀,教師要確認學
19、生能正確掌握發(fā)音和語音語調。)& ASk SOme PairS to demonstrate their performance.(設計意圖:展示對話,鍛煉了當事者的膽量。)SteP Three SUnmary and PrOdUCtiOn (14m)1 ? Make a ShOrt SUmmary Of What we 入 *e leamed today.(1 )key vocabulary: SaleSPerson; Secretary; Part-time; applicant; creative; StrOng points; SPeak fluent English; have go
20、od COlnmUniCatiOn skills;(2) expression about askinga t t d answering the mfbrmation Of one s WOrklng experience, SkinS and PUrPOSe ?Can you tell me SOmething about yourself?HaVe you done any Part-time job?What are your StrOng points?Why do you Want to WOrk for Ollr company?I am a Snldent at.l Will
21、graduate .l am (Creative and hard-working.)l have WOrked as a Part-time- ln a COmPany for.l Can (SPeak fluent English). And l have (Very good COmmUniCatiOn skills).l think it is a/an (exciting) PlaCe to work.Think Of入 vords Of JObS and ertelents?(設計意圖:對本課時所學集體做個小結,讓學生明確單元教學目標,方便學生補充筆記Thlllk Of more
22、WayS to ask about ones lnfbrmatlOn Of WOrking experience, SkillS and PUrPOSe? Why did you leaVe your laSt job? What COntribUtiOn did you make to your CUrrent (PreViOUS) Organization? Are you a lnUlti-tasked individual? DO you WOrk Well UndCr StreSS Or PreSSUre? HOW WOUld your friends Or COlleagUeS d
23、escribe you? HOW do you normally handle criticism? HOW do you handle your COnfliCt With your COlleagUeS in your work? HOw do you handle your failure?(設計意圖:對程度較好的同學,幫助他們接觸、了解、歸納和掌握更多的招聘用語,對于 開闊眼界有所益處。這些用語不做四會要求。)SteP FOUr HOmeWOrk (lm)l ? COPy and memorize the new WOrdS and expressionsPraCtiCe dialog
24、ue With your ClaSSmateS after ClaSSMake a Silnilar dialogue, talking about PCrSOnal information?五.板書設計ASk for information :Can you tell Ine Something about yourself? HaVe you done any Part-time job?What are your StrOng points?Why do you Want to WOrk for OUr company?PrOVide information :I am a StUden
25、t at.I WiIl graduate .I am (CreatiVe and hard-working.)I have WOrkCd as a Part-time In a COmPany for.I Can (SPeak fluent English). And I have (VCry good COnImUniCatiOn skills).I think it is a/an (exciting) PlaCe to work.Book2 Unit 3 HaVe you ever done part-time jobs?(第二課時教學設計)一、教材分析.教學內容本課時系教材英語 2 (
26、基礎模塊高教版)第二單元的第二課時,包括 LiStening and SPeaking 中的DiaIOgUe部分,具體內容為:根據(jù)情境,展開人員招聘/求職應聘對話,初步接觸現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的用法。這些內容將第一單元以及本單元第一課時的教學內容融合在了具體的任務中,同時為本單元任務“模擬招聘會”做好鋪墊,起的是承上啟下的作用。.教學重點、難點教學重點在創(chuàng)設的情境中,以上一課時掌握的對話為基礎,自編對話并進行表演。教學難點根據(jù)招聘廣告的要求和要點,展開人員招聘/求職應聘對話。二、教學目標.知識目標進一步鞏固職業(yè)名稱、描述個人性格和才能等的短語及詞匯,如 SaleSPerson; SeCretary;
27、parttime; applicant; creative; StrOng points; SPeak fluent English; have good COnlnIUniCatiOn skills;進一步熟練掌握并鞏固詢問和提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息時所使用的句型,如:1)詢問個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息時:Can you tell me SOmething about yourself?HaVe you done any Part-time job?What are your StrOng points?Why do you Want to WOrk for OUr compa
28、ny?2)提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息時:I am a StlIdent at.I Will graduate I am (CreatiVe and hard-working.)I have WOrked as a Part-time in a COmPany for.I Can (SPeak fluent English). And I have (Very good COnImUniCatiOn skills).I think it is a/an (exciting) PIaCe to work.能力目標學生能編寫關于進行招聘/應聘而試時的詢問和提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息的
29、簡單對話。(2)根據(jù)招聘廣告的要求和要點,展開人員招聘/求職應聘對話。(3)在日常生活中靈活應用提供個人經歷、才能及應聘原因等信息的句型.情感目標在模擬情景交流中,進一步調教學生正確的應聘穿著及言談舉止方而的禮儀。四、教學步驟SteP One Lead-in (IOln)? TeaCher ShOWS PiCtUreS Of different jobs and ask StUdentS to InatCh them With WOrdS Of jobsBrainstorm: IiSt all the WOrdS StUdentS know about jobs? TOC o 1-5 h z
30、HYPERLINK l bookmark18 o Current Document (設計意圖:復習詞匯,鍛煉學生的短時記憶能力和歸納能力。)Survey: What SkilIS do you think a SaleSPerSOn and a SeCretary ShOUld have? StUdentS do group WOrk to CliSCUSS it and Write the answers down. HYPERLINK l bookmark20 o Current Document (設計意圖:為其后的課堂活動做好詞匯的準備和鋪墊。)SteP TWo SPeaking (
31、25 IniII)ASk me? StUdentS have a COmPetitiOn to ask teacher questions about personality, WOrking experience.skills, PerSOnaIity and PUrPOSS HYPERLINK l bookmark22 o Current Document (設計意圖:師生角色互換,讓學生充當捉問者,教師一一回答問題。教師鼓勵學生多提問題,為其后的對話活動搭好梯子。)ACtiVity 8. A big COmPany is holding a job fair in your school
32、. The COnIPany WantS to find a SeCretary and a SaleSPerSon. YOU Want to find a job. NOW PleaSe role PlaY the job interview With your partner.TeaCher explains the difficulties in the two job advertisements makes SUre StUdentS UndCrStandthem thoroughly, especially the key SentenCeS as followings:APPIi
33、CantS ShOUld have .are required?We are IOOking for . Who IeaChCr hands OUt the CardS (in two colors: red and yellow) Of two roles Of interviewer and interviewee randomly in the CIaSS. Make SUre every StUdent gets a Card and rc?eIeaChCr asks the StUdCntS WhO W川 act OUt the role Of inte fiewer to PrCP
34、are the questions they Will ask and the Other StUdentS to PrePare the WayS to PrOVide their information.IeaChCr asks each StUdent With a red Card to find another One With a yellow CarCi then to make UP a dialogue?IeaChCr WalkS around the ClaSSrOOm and gives help to those WhO have difficulties, and C
35、OrreCtS the mistakes StUdentS make.(設計意圖:教師采用角色卡的形式確定模擬悄境中的角色,讓學生更有新奇感,使活動充滿趣味。并能憑借由此產生的信息不對稱感使情境更真實。在活動過程中,教師應時時給予指導,確保同學的參與以及對話一定程度的正確率。)PerfOnnanC夕 TeaCher asks SOme PairS to demonstrate their dialogue in front Of the ClaSS (設計意 圖:鼓勵大膽演示,激發(fā)內心力量。EValUatiOn. TeaCher asks the StUdentS to judge the f
36、our best interviewers and interviewees and give reasons.(設計意圖:評選最佳招聘者和應聘者,樹立規(guī)范形象。)PerfOrmanCe guidance: TeaCher gives more directions about Ones WayS Of appearance, apparel. SPeaking and body language in a formal interview to make it SUCCeSSfUh especially the attention On POliteness.(設計意圖:教師還可抓住時機,進
37、行應聘禮儀講解與訓練,例如如何穿著得體TeaCher ShOWS two more job advertisements and asks StUdentS to PrePare for it and then PraCtiCe it in pairs. TWO groups Of StUdentS Will exchange their roles this time.Kindergarten EngliSh teacherAPPIiCantS ShOUld lOVe Children and have good EngliS? GOOd COnlPUter SkillS are requi
38、red ?(設計意圖:為下節(jié)課的閱讀做好內容鋪墊。)Marketing assistantWe are lOOking for StUdentS WhO are able to WOrk Under PreSSUre? APPliCantS ShOUld have good COlnlnUniCatiOn skills.TeaCher asks the four interviewers to act as PerSOnnel managers and the OtherS PeOPlC WhO Want to apply for the POSitiOn.(設計意圖:讓選出的四名最佳招聘者充
39、當人力資源經理,其他同學充當應聘者,進一步 增加情境真實度。)SteP Three SUmmary (9lnin )1 ? TeaCher asks StUdentS to try to lnake their OWn job advertisements by filling in the blanks With the missing information.APPliCantS ShOUld and have ? are required.We are lOOking for StUdentS WhO are able to? APPliCantS ShOUld have(設計意圖:在反
40、復的口語交際活動后,幫助學生在書面形式上運用關鍵詞匯語匯。)DeSign a POSte匚 TeaCher asks StudentS to design a POSter Of job advertisement With the PiCtUreSand the Style they like.(設計意圖:讓學生發(fā)揮創(chuàng)造力,設計一張簡單的招聘海報。鼓勵學生設計相應的圖片字體,色彩等。為增強學生興趣,教師可給出一些比較有趣的有借鑒意義的范例。)? ? FoRIMAGlWE NEED YOUSteP FOUr HOmeWOrk (Im) 1 ? Make a Similar dialogue a
41、ccording to the dialogue in the book and Write it down ?POliSh your POSter Of job advertisement.COlleCt as many job WOrdS as possible.四、板書設計Kindergarten EngliSh teacher APPIiCantS ShOUld lOVe Children and have gsd EngliSh? GOOd COmPUter SkillS are required ?Marketing assistantWe are lOOking for StUd
42、entS WhO are able to WOrk Under PreSSUre? APPIiCantS ShOUld have good COmmUniCatiOn SkillS?APPliCantS ShOUld and have? are required.? APPliCantS ShOUlCI haveWe are IOOking for StUdCntS WhO are able toBook2 Unit 3 HaVe you ever done part-time jobs?(第三課時教學設計)一、教材分析.教學內容本課時系教材英語 2(基礎模塊高教版)第三單元的第二課時,包括
43、Reading and Writing 部分,具體內容為:讀懂簡單的招聘廣告,并能找出關鍵信息點:根據(jù)關鍵信息點,完成招聘廣告。這些內容將第一單元以及本單元第一課時的教學內容融合在了具體的任務中,同時為本單元任務“設計招聘廣告”做好鋪墊,起的是承上啟下的作用。.教學重點、難點教學重點讀懂簡單的招聘廣告,并能找出關鍵信息點。教學難點根據(jù)關鍵信息點,填入恰當?shù)脑~匯完成招聘廣告。二、教學目標.知識目標學生能掌握描述職業(yè)名稱、個人職業(yè)能力及經歷等詞匯及短語,如 kindergarten teacher, Inarketing assistant, have good COmPUter skills,
44、have good COmmUniCatiOn skills, be able to WOTk Under pressure, WOrk as., two-year WOrking experience;學生能掌握簡單招聘廣告中的典型句型,如:We are IOOkmg fb r If you are interested,.PleaSe call.at.PleaSe ViSit .for more Infbnilation.PleaSe Send your resume to us.接觸現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的句子并進行初步講解:I have PaSSed the TOEFL test.I have
45、Written many EngIiSh stories.能力目標學生能讀懂簡單的招聘廣告,并能找出關鍵信息點。學生能根據(jù)關鍵信息點,填入恰當?shù)脑~匯完成招聘廣告。.情感目標幫助學生發(fā)現(xiàn)自我能力和價值,幫助學生樹立信心,發(fā)展能力,為今后求職打下堅實基四、教學步黨SteP One Leaddn (IOm )VbCabUlanf memory: the teacher ShOWS a group Of PiCtUreS about talents, SkillS and abilities On PPt and asks the StUdentS to describe each PiCtUffe(
46、設計意圖:復習詞匯,鍛煉學生的短時記憶能力,看圖說話能力。)ACtiVity 9. MatCh the talents, SkillS and abilities With the two jobs: kindergarten teacher and marketing assistant. And then liSt at leaSt two qualities required by each job.(設計意圖:將個人職業(yè)特長和優(yōu)勢與具體職業(yè)掛鉤,為其后的課堂活動打下伏筆。 教師 要向學生解釋特長與職業(yè)需求的特長的區(qū)別。前者更廣義,后者要與具體職業(yè)掛鉤,所 以需要更 有針對性。)Brai
47、nstorm: LiSt the SkillS and abilities the two jobs required in Order to do the jobs better.(設計意圖:鼓勵學生列出更多做個優(yōu)秀的職場人所需要的職業(yè)素養(yǎng)和特長,為其后的課 堂 活動進一步夯實基礎,弁向學生傳達人文信息:要做到脫穎而出,需要更多的努力SteP TWo Reading and Writing (20 Inill )ACtiVity 10. Read the following ads, and liCk the COmmOn qualifications for the two jobs. T
48、CaCher asks StUdentS to Underline the key WOrdS Of the qualification in the job ads and tell What kind Of talents each item belongs to.(設計意圖:訓練閱讀技巧之一:抓住關鍵詞,獲取關鍵信息。)ACtiVity 11. Read the advertisements again and COmPlete the Cha?t TeaCher asks StUdentS to find the key information in the job ads, incl
49、uding the title Of OrganiZatiOlL the POSitiOn and the WebSite address. CheCk the answers With the students, explaining the difficulties, especially the meaning Of the words: Organization, POSitiOn and WCbSite address. TeaCher Can give an example to demonstrate it. FOr example:Name: Wei Zhe (衛(wèi)哲)Organ
50、ization: Alibaba (阿里巴巴)POSition: CEOWebSite address: HYPERLINK http:/C http:/C(設計意圖:引導學生繼續(xù)尋找和提取招聘廣告關鍵信息點,也利于學生知曉尋找招聘廣告所提供的基本信息。)ACtiVity 12. DiSCUSS WhO are the fittest for the two jobs. TeaCher asks StUdentS to read the descriptionOf each PerSOn and Underline the key words, WhiCh ShOWS the SkillS a
51、nd talents. And find the fitPerSOn for the job. TeaCher asks StUdentS to Underline the SentenCeS With PreSent Perfect tense and try to UnderStand the USe Of the tenseI have PaSSed the TOEFL test.I have Written many EngIiSh stories.(設計意圖:進一步語言輸入,接觸弁初步分析現(xiàn)在完成時的句子涵義。)FUrther reading? Find and Underline
52、the key SentenCeS in the JOb ads.We are IOOking for.If you are interested, PIeaSe Send your resume to us./ Ca ll.at.?We W川.you as SOOn as POSSibk?YOU ShOlIld (設計意圖:在找到招聘廣告關鍵信息點的基礎上,引導學生了解、熟悉弁掌握招聘廣告的規(guī)范句型。ACtiVity 13. YOU are now designing two job advertisements? FiniSh the ads With the given infonnat
53、ion.IeaCher helps StUdentS to fill in the blanks in job ads With the information in the Chart(設計意圖:課堂活動的重點階段。幫助學生適應從A-B-A的思維,即從招聘廣告中找到相應關鍵信息點,再把關鍵信息點還原到廣告中去。)An additional activity. Fill in the blanks With the missing information. DeSign a job advertisement for UC Cafe?FOr example: A Cafe Called UC
54、Cafe is IOOking for SiX StUdentS aged 16 to 18 as Part-time WaiterS/waitresses. The WaiterS/waitresses ShOUId have good COnlmUniCatiOn SkilIS The telephone number Of the Cafe is 1395718321?OrganiZatiOnPOSitiOnWOrking timeQUalifiCatiOn1?2?TelePhOne(設計意圖:課堂活動的重點階段。從具體招聘廣告中找到相應關鍵信息點,再把關鍵信息點還原到廣告中去,模仿教材
55、中出現(xiàn)的廣告,設計廣告)SteP Three Unit task: PrePare for a job fair (14In)1. YOU and your CIaSSmateS are to hold a job fair. NOW WOrk in group and PrePare the job fair.DeSign a job advertisement With the key SentenCeS in the job a?s. BrainStOrm the positions, SUCh as an EngIiSh teacher, a salesperson, and SO o
56、n. Then Writedown the most POPUlar POSitiOn in your group?. DeCide at IeaSt 3 qualifications qualifications Of application for the POSitiOn. DeSign a job advertisement for this POSitiOn. PrePare at IeaSt 5 interview questions.(設計意圖:課堂活動的難點階段。幫助學生結合廣告關鍵信息點和典型句型,設計出招聘廣告SteP FOUr HOmeWOrk (Im)COPy the
57、new WOrdS and expressionsSUPPOSe you are to hold a job fair. DeSign a job advertisement for your company. Make it imaginative as POSSible?COlIeCt as many job WOrdS as POSSibl?四、板書設計OrganiZatiOnUC CafePOSitiOnwaiters/ WaitreSSeSWOrking timepart-timeQUaIifiCatiOn1 ? aged 16 to 182. have good COmnlUniC
58、atiOn SkilISTelePhOne1395718321We are IOOkmg for .If you are IntereSted,.PleaSe call.at.PleaSe ViSIt .for more InfbnllatIOn-PleaSe SCnd your resume to us.Book2 Unit 3 HaVe you ever done Part-time jobs?(第四課時教學設計)一、教材分析.教學內容本課時系教材英語2 (基礎模塊高教版)第三單元的第四課時,授課內容為課本LangUage in USe & Unit task 部分,具體包括: GraIn
59、nIar focus, VOCabUIary COnSOIidatiOn and PrOnUnCiatiOn PraCtiCec本課時內容是對本單元所學知識的總結和回顧,有助于學生理清思路,對單元知識及英運用情境有清晰的認識。.教學重點、難點教學重點學生總結本單元關于求職應聘的關鍵句型及其運用情境,并能正確理解和運用現(xiàn)在完成時O教學難點理解運用現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的情境并在具體情境中運用現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)。二、教學目標.知識目標學生能理解并掌握現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的意義和構成。學生能進一步鞏固職業(yè)劍稱及描述個人職業(yè)能力和經歷的詞匯和句型。.能力目標學生能用現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)描述職業(yè)或生活經歷。學生掌握正確的詞匯歸類學習策
60、略。.情感目標學生通過討論學校生活,更熱愛學校,珍惜生活。三、教學步驟SteP One Lead-in:現(xiàn)在完成時 (IOmin )IeaCher ShOWS SOlne PiCtUreS in different PlaCeS Of famous resorts Or SCeniC spots, and tells thetravelling experience in the PaSt year.I have been to .I have tasted the famous dishes in., SUCh as.I have Seen a kind Of Strange animal/
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