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1、初中英語詞匯教學(xué)策略付友花初中英語工作室付友花QQ群 2314613562014國培、全員及信息技術(shù)能力提升YY遠(yuǎn)程講座一、為什么要進(jìn)行詞匯教學(xué)?英語語言學(xué)家威爾金斯在語言學(xué)與語言教學(xué)中說:“Withoutgrammarverylittlecanbeconveyed;withoutvocabularynothingcanbeconveyed.”“沒有語法,人們不能很好地表達(dá),而沒有詞匯,人們則無法表達(dá)任何東西。” 詞匯量是制約英語學(xué)習(xí)效率的重要因素。二、詞匯學(xué)習(xí)的策略學(xué)習(xí)效果=50%學(xué)習(xí)策略+40%努力程度+10%智商??梢娫谟绊憣W(xué)習(xí)效果的三個因素中,智商和努力程度固然重要,但學(xué)習(xí)策略尤其重要

2、。所以,教師要教會學(xué)生記憶單詞的方法策略,提高課堂效率,這有助于他們形成自主學(xué)習(xí)的能力,激發(fā)他們學(xué)習(xí)英語單詞的興趣,為他們的終身學(xué)習(xí)奠定基礎(chǔ)。下面是一些詞匯學(xué)習(xí)的策略: 1直觀法 2演示法 3表演法 4語境法5聯(lián)想法6圖解法7游戲法8. 全身反應(yīng)法9. 自主探究法10. 歸類記憶法猜詞法 英文解釋法 構(gòu)詞法 翻譯法 詞典法1、直觀法1、運用實物2、運用照片和圖片3、運用簡筆畫4.利用多媒體課件 dinosaur2、演示法例1:教學(xué) How do you make a banana milk shake?這一單元的生詞時,教師準(zhǔn)備了香蕉、牛奶、水果刀、榨汁機(jī)等,邊說邊演示。First, Peel

3、 3 bananas.Then, cut them up.Next, put them into the blender.Next, pour the yogurt into the blender.Next, turn on the blender.Finally, drink it. A.peel the bananaB.Cut up the bananasC.Pour the milk into the blenderD.Turn on the blenderE. the milk shakeE.Drink3表演法 open, close, run, Jump, eat, sleep h

4、appy, sad, surprised get on well with each otherget on badly with each other4.語境法free1 Are you free(空閑的) tonight? I want to invite you to have a dinner with me.2 Today, every drink is free(免費的). You can drink any one you like.3 Now, you are free(自由的).5聯(lián)想法(1)歸類聯(lián)想交通類:traffic, bus, car 水果類:peach, pear,

5、 cherry, apple 食品類:noodle, beef, porridge, meat飲品類:Soda, ice cream, juice文具類:stationery, eraser, ruler, pencil餐名類:meal, breakfast, lunch, supper, dinnerexpensivedear cheap easydifficultwarmcool sunnycloudy(2)近義、反義聯(lián)想(3)上下義聯(lián)想(4)詞綴聯(lián)想carecareful, careless, carefullyhappyhappily, unhappy, happiness(5)拆字聯(lián)

6、想storybook:story/book blackboard: black/board(6)語音聯(lián)想清濁音聯(lián)想:close kl ous關(guān)閉的,緊密的 kl ouz長短音聯(lián)想:lead li:d led鉛同音聯(lián)想:won, one擬音聯(lián)想:bar, 吧, lemon, 檸檬(7)語義聯(lián)想desert camel, sand, strong wind, sandstorm, hot, dry, little rain, few plants, vast land, wasteland, small population, beautiful, dangerous, get lost Ligh

7、t,“電燈”,電燈會發(fā)光,所以有“光線”的意思,有了光線就明亮了,從而還有“明亮”的意思。 Change ,嫦娥奔月,改變了她的命運 。Business ,公共汽車?yán)锩嬉恢基Z和兩條蛇正在談生意 。Earth ,地球上的人用耳朵聽話。 Island ,島嶼是大海中的一片陸地。 (八)趣味聯(lián)想6、圖解法on the case under the casenext to the case behind the case in the case (1)倒金字塔幫你排憂解難表示數(shù)量的形容詞、名詞和代詞連用圖解(2)表示可能性程度的形容詞圖示法(3)圖解頻度副詞的百分比 always usually of

8、ten sometimes seldom never 100% 90% 60% 30% 1% 0%(4)at ( in, on) the corner等四組詞圖解at the corner, in the corner, on the corner(5)a girl/a bird in the tree, an apple on the tree(6)代詞教學(xué) one another the other some others one the other one another some the others 7游戲法 實例教學(xué)一游戲名稱:記單詞競賽教學(xué)目的:鞏固復(fù)習(xí)近階段學(xué)過的單詞,培養(yǎng)形象

9、思考能力、反應(yīng)能力和觀察力。游戲說明:老師將要考查的單詞卡放在講臺上,并將全班分成AB組,每組每次各選派代表到前臺抽取一張單詞卡。學(xué)生代表認(rèn)出單詞后,可以用圖畫、手勢、表情等各種方法來表現(xiàn)一個單詞的形象或一個單詞的含義,本組學(xué)生通過看和聽,同時讀出該單詞,正確者累計得分。實例教學(xué)二詞匯學(xué)習(xí):數(shù)詞教學(xué)目的:鞏固數(shù)詞的學(xué)習(xí),訓(xùn)練對數(shù)詞的表達(dá)和反應(yīng)能力游戲說明:將全班分成八組,要老師用紙條寫出八組數(shù)字,每組派代表到前面抽取一張,不看,交給老師,老師小聲讀出數(shù)字,學(xué)生默記在心,然后小聲用英語讀給本組的下一個學(xué)生聽,最后一名學(xué)生聽后,馬上跑到黑板上寫出那組數(shù)字,看誰寫得又快又對,累計得分 全身反應(yīng)法(T

10、otal Physical Response簡稱TPR)。是美國加州圣約瑟大學(xué)心理學(xué)教授詹姆士.阿歇爾(James Asher)于20世紀(jì)60年代提出的。這種方法倡導(dǎo)把語言和行為聯(lián)系在一起,通過身體動作教授外語。 把它運用到詞匯教學(xué)中,就是讓學(xué)生在學(xué)單詞或者復(fù)習(xí)單詞時,全身都動起來。8、全身反應(yīng)法案例一: 在初一剛開學(xué)復(fù)習(xí)26個字母時,我們可以運用全身反應(yīng)法讓學(xué)生動起來。即增強(qiáng)課堂趣味性,又讓學(xué)生印象深刻,不容易忘記。 具體做法: 教師教字母A時,用身體擺出A的造型。后面的字母也以同樣的方式教。還可以讓學(xué)生來擺,有些字母甚至要多人合作,都可以請學(xué)生幫忙,調(diào)動學(xué)生的積極性。這種方法就是有些小學(xué)英

11、語老師會教的字母操。案例二:在學(xué)習(xí)身體部分的詞匯時,由于詞匯量多,不但難記而且容易混淆。這時我們就可以讓學(xué)生站起來,跟著老師的指示動起來:“Stand up and follow me. Touch your ears, close your eyes, shake your hands, kick your legs”9、自主探究法(1)自主學(xué)習(xí)詞匯(2)開展詞匯的探究性學(xué)習(xí) (3)開展詞匯的合作學(xué)習(xí) S1:graduateS2:Alice graduated from Beijing university 3 years ago.S3:What did he do after he gra

12、duated?S4:As a graduate, she often helped some children with their studies.10、歸類記憶法常用詞組歸類 動詞詞組 take a rest have a resttake exercise have breakfasttake photos have sportstake a bus take me to .take medicine 介詞詞組: in front of, across from, at home, at school 習(xí)慣表達(dá): Here you are. Have a good trip. Can I

13、 help you 名詞詞組:a pair of, a bottle of, a cup of同義詞 pencil box-pencil case , cab-taxi, bike-bicycle , mittens-mitts, telephone-phone softly-quietly.反義詞 clean-dirty , wet-dry, first-last, go-come , put on take off , loud-quiet, hard-soft ,slow- fast主題歸類A.運用頭腦風(fēng)暴farmhousestreesfarmersanimalsplantshillsr

14、iversFarm toolsapple treescowssheepchickensdogsvegetableswheatricetractorsB.意義歸類 1.adventuredangerous rough astonishingtiringwild risky excitinguncomfortable 意義歸類(2.die)He has passed away.He is no more.He is no longer with us .His time has come.He is resting in peace.He is sleeping with his fathers.

15、He has gone west.He has none out of this world.He has gone to the better world.11、猜詞法通過因果關(guān)系猜詞You shouldnt have blamed(責(zé)備) him for that, for it wasnt his fault All his attempts to unlock the door was futile(徒勞的,無效的), because he was using the wrong key. 通過同義詞和反義詞的關(guān)系猜詞.He is so homely(平凡的), not at all

16、as handsome as his brother. In the ancient city of Rome , we visited every mansion(大廈) , church, battle site, theatre and other public halls.Twelve-year-old Sally was an active girl. But her sister was quite sedate(安靜的). 通過構(gòu)詞法猜詞 dis-im-un-表否定ful-less-ous-是形容詞后綴等。 要求學(xué)生掌握一些常用的詞根、前綴、后綴等語法知識。如dis- im- u

17、n- 表否定;-ful less ous是形容詞后綴等。 He has renamed the restaurant “Paradise初中英語詞匯教學(xué)策略付友花初中英語工作室付友花QQ群 2314613562014國培、全員及信息技術(shù)能力提升YY遠(yuǎn)程講座通過定義或釋義關(guān)系來推測詞義定義或釋義常用is, or, that is, in other words, be called,或破折號等來表示。 A calendar is a list of the days ,weeks, months of a particular year.The herdsman , who looks afte

18、r sheep, earns about 650yuan a year.通過上下文來推測詞義 Chicken becomes rotten very quickly. It can go bad in a refrigerator if left there for more than a week. 通過描述猜詞 Its very big and heavy. It has a long nose and big ears. What is it? 12、英文解釋法A.同義詞、近義詞或反義詞解釋詞dumbIf you are dumb, you cannot speak. prettybeautiful,


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