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1、HSE TrainingChemical Operation HSE 第1頁,共62頁。2 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyContents of the training培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容MSDS 物質(zhì)安全數(shù)據(jù)表Fire and Explosive Prevention 火災(zāi)和爆炸的預(yù)防Chemical Exposure and Prevention 化學(xué)品接觸和預(yù)防Physical Hazard and Prevention 物理危害和預(yù)防第2頁,共62頁。3 | Presentati

2、on Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyHazards in the workplace工作場所的危害第3頁,共62頁。4 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyHazards in Work Place工作場所的危害Type of Hazard 危險類型 Classification and code for the hazardous and harmful factors in productio

3、n process 生產(chǎn)過程危險和有害因素分類代碼(GB/T 13861-1992)Chemical hazard 化學(xué)危險Physical hazard 物理危險Biological hazard 生物危險Psychologic & physiological hazard 心理、生理性Behaviour hazard 行為性危險Others 其他第4頁,共62頁。5 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyGB Codes of Chemic Management化學(xué)品管理的相關(guān)規(guī)范

4、常用危險化學(xué)品的分類及標(biāo)志(GB13690-92) 危險貨物分類和品名編號(GB694486) 危險貨物品名表(GB12268-90)劇毒物品分級、分類與品名編號(GA57-93) 劇毒物品品名表(GB58-93)危險貨物包裝標(biāo)志(GB190-90)包裝儲運圖示標(biāo)志(GB6944-86)化學(xué)品安全技術(shù)說明書編寫規(guī)定(GB16483-2000) 化學(xué)品安全標(biāo)簽編寫規(guī)定(GB15258-2019)作業(yè)場所化學(xué)品安全標(biāo)簽編寫規(guī)定(GB 報批稿) 工作場所職業(yè)有害因素接觸限值(GBZ 2-2019)常用化學(xué)危險品貯存通則(GB15603-2019)第5頁,共62頁。6 | Presentation T

5、itle | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyChemical in the site化學(xué)品的來源Commercial Substances商業(yè)物質(zhì)Existing Pharma Substances制藥部存在的物質(zhì)Substances procured fromSuppliers供應(yīng)商提供的物質(zhì)Raw materials原料Auxiliary materials輔料Intermediates中間體Existing drug substances and intermediates已存的藥物和中間體Drug substanc

6、es and intermediates in development開發(fā)中的藥物和中間體第6頁,共62頁。7 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyMaterial hazard communication - MSDS物質(zhì)危害信息 - MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet化學(xué)品安全說明書,化學(xué)品安全信息卡,或者物質(zhì)安全數(shù)據(jù)表,簡稱MSDSThe Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a detailed informati

7、on bulletin prepared by the manufacturer or importer of a chemical that describes the material information.MSDS是由生產(chǎn)商和化學(xué)品進口商提供的描述物質(zhì)信息的數(shù)據(jù)表。 Information on an MSDS aids in the selection of safe products and helps prepare employers and employees to respond effectively to daily exposure situations as wel

8、l as to emergency situations. MSDS信息有助于選擇安全的產(chǎn)品和幫助雇主和員工有效應(yīng)對化學(xué)品的接觸以及應(yīng)急響應(yīng)?;瘜W(xué)品安全技術(shù)說明書(CSDS)編寫規(guī)定范圍(GB16483-2000)第7頁,共62頁。8 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyMSDS structureMSDS結(jié)構(gòu)1 化學(xué)品及企業(yè)標(biāo)識(chemical product and company identification) 主要標(biāo)明化學(xué)品名稱、生產(chǎn)企業(yè)名稱、地址、郵編、電話、應(yīng)急電話、傳

9、真和電子郵件地址等信息。 2 成分/組成信息(composition/information on ingredients) 標(biāo)明該化學(xué)品是純化學(xué)品還是混合物。純化學(xué)品,應(yīng)給出其化學(xué)品名稱或商品名和通用名?;旌衔?,應(yīng)給出危害性組分的濃度或濃度范圍。無論是純化學(xué)品還是混合物,如果其中包含有害性組分,則應(yīng)給出化學(xué)文摘索引登記號(CAS號)。 3 危險性概述(hazards summarizing) 簡要概述本化學(xué)品最重要的危害和效應(yīng),主要包括:危害類別、侵入途徑、健康危害、環(huán)境危害、燃爆危險等信息。4 急救措施(first-aid measures) 指作業(yè)人員意外的受到傷害時,所需采取的現(xiàn)場自救

10、或互救的簡要處理方法,包括:眼睛接觸、皮膚接觸、吸入、食入的急救措施。 第8頁,共62頁。9 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyMSDS structureMSDS結(jié)構(gòu)5 消防措施(fire-fighting measures) 主要表示化學(xué)品的物理和化學(xué)特殊危險性,適合滅火介質(zhì),不合適的滅火介質(zhì)以及消防人員個體防護等方面的信息,包括: 危險特性、滅火介質(zhì)和方法,滅火注意事項等。6 泄露應(yīng)急處理(accidental release measures) 指化學(xué)品泄露后現(xiàn)場可采用的簡

11、單有效的應(yīng)急措施、注意事項和消除方法,包括:應(yīng)急行動、應(yīng)急人員防護、環(huán)保措施、消除方法等內(nèi)容。7 操作處置與儲存(handling and storage) 主要是指化學(xué)品操作處置和安全儲存方面的信息資料,包括:操作處置作業(yè)中的安全注意事項、安全儲存條件和注意事項。 8 接觸控制/個體防護(exposure controls/personal protection) 在生產(chǎn)、操作處置、搬運和使用化學(xué)品的作業(yè)過程中,為保護作業(yè)人員免受化學(xué)品危害而采取的防護方法和手段。包括: 最高容許濃度、工程控制、呼吸系統(tǒng)防護、眼睛防護、身體防護、手防護、其他防護要求。 第9頁,共62頁。10 | Presen

12、tation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyMSDS structureMSDS結(jié)構(gòu)9 理化特性(physical and chemical properties) 主要描述化學(xué)品的外觀及理化性質(zhì)等方面的信息,包括: 外觀與性狀、ph值、沸點、熔點、相對密度(水=1)、相對蒸氣密度(空氣=1)、飽和蒸氣壓、燃燒熱、臨界溫度、臨界壓力、辛醇/水分配系數(shù)、閃點、引燃溫度、爆炸極限、溶解性、主要用途和其他一些特殊理化性質(zhì)。 10 穩(wěn)定性和反應(yīng)性(stability and reactivity) 主要敘述化學(xué)品的

13、穩(wěn)定性和反應(yīng)活性方面的信息,包括:穩(wěn)定性、禁配物、應(yīng)避免接觸的條件、聚合危害、分解產(chǎn)物。11 毒理學(xué)資料(toxicological information) 提供化學(xué)品的毒理學(xué)信息,包括:不同接觸方式的急性毒性(LC50、LD50)、刺激性、致敏性、亞急性和慢性毒性,致突變性、致畸性、致癌性等。 12 生態(tài)學(xué)資料(ecological information) 主要陳述化學(xué)品的環(huán)境生態(tài)效應(yīng)、行為和轉(zhuǎn)歸,包括:生物效應(yīng)(如LD50、LD50)、生物降解性、生物富集、環(huán)境遷移及其他有害的環(huán)境影響等。 第10頁,共62頁。11 | Presentation Title | Presenter Na

14、me | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyMSDS structureMSDS結(jié)構(gòu)13 廢棄處置(disposal) 是指對被化學(xué)品污染的包裝和無使用價值的化學(xué)品的安全處理方法,包括廢棄處置方法和注意事項。14 運輸信息(transport information) 主要是指國內(nèi)、國際化學(xué)品包裝、運輸?shù)囊蠹斑\輸規(guī)定的分類和編號,包括:危險貨物編號、包裝類別、包裝標(biāo)志、包裝方法、UN編號及運輸注意事項等。15 法規(guī)信息(regulatory information) 主要是化學(xué)品管理方面的法律條款和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 16 其他信息(other information)

15、 主要提供其他對安全有重要意義的信息,包括:參考文獻、填表時間、填表部門、數(shù)據(jù)審核單位等。 第11頁,共62頁。12 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyExample示例KSO ra/nkso/login.do?init=true第12頁,共62頁。13 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only Fire and Explosive Prevention火災(zāi)和爆炸的預(yù)防第13

16、頁,共62頁。14 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyFormation of explosive atmosphere爆炸氣氛的形成Ignition source第14頁,共62頁。15 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyPrevention of the formation of Explosive Atmosphere防止爆炸氣體形成Substitution of

17、 flammable or combustible substances 替代易燃或可燃物質(zhì)Closed Handling 密閉操作Ventilation 通風(fēng)Evacuation 減壓操作Inerting 惰化第15頁,共62頁。16 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyClassification of Ex Area防爆區(qū)域劃分第16頁,共62頁。17 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Busine

18、ss Use OnlyClassification of Ex Area防爆區(qū)域劃分第17頁,共62頁。18 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyClassification of Ex Area防爆區(qū)域劃分第18頁,共62頁。19 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyIgnition Sources點火源Open Flames 火焰Electrical Equipment

19、 電氣設(shè)備Mechanical Sparks 機械火花Hot Surfaces 高溫表面Static Electricity 靜電Chemical Reactions 化學(xué)反應(yīng)第19頁,共62頁。20 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyStatic electricity靜電Three conditions must be met before an explosion caused by static electricity can take place:1. An explos

20、ive mixture must be present.2. An electric field must have been produced due to the electrostatic charge that had been generated and accumulated in a liquid or solid.3. An electric field must be large enough to cause a spark of sufficient energy to ignite the mixture.第20頁,共62頁。21 | Presentation Titl

21、e | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyCharacterization of different types of static discharges SubtitleSpark Discharge:Brush Discharge:Point DischargeLightninglike Discharge 第21頁,共62頁。22 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyExamples of electrosta

22、tic induction: Subtitlea nonconductive solvent flowing out of a metal pipe. The liquid is charged by a separation effect and excess charges leak to the ground.第22頁,共62頁。23 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyExamples of electrostatic induction: Subtitlepowder po

23、uring out of a plastic bag. The powder and bag are charged by a separation effect and the charges dissipate slowly.第23頁,共62頁。24 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyExamples of electrostatic induction: Subtitle the transfer of non-conductive liquid or powder in g

24、lass or plastic pipe. There is a separation effect in the wall zone, and the pipe, flanges and contents are charged. Charge leakage is slow. If plastic flanges are used, the flanges do not have to be grounded. Metal flanges on lines 2 in. (5 cm) should be grounded. 第24頁,共62頁。25 | Presentation Title

25、| Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyExamples of electrostatic induction: Subtitleliquid being atomized through a metal nozzle. There is a separation effect when the droplets are formed. The liquid droplets and nozzle are charged, and the excess charge on the metal nozzle is dissipat

26、ed by the grounding conductor.第25頁,共62頁。26 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyThe Five Principles for Protection Against Static Hazards Subtitle1. Ground all conductorsa. Equipmentb. Interconnect building structures with conductorsc. Ground isolated metal parts

27、, e.g., flanges, metal sheetingd. Place metal drums on conductive floors or ground2. Ground personnela. Install conductive floor coveringsb. Wear conductive footwear第26頁,共62頁。27 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyThe Five Principles for Protection Against Stati

28、c Hazards Subtitle3. Prevent and reduce charging by using conductive materialsa. If possible, use aqueous or polar solventsb. Avoid highly insulating plastic containersc. Use conductive drive beltsd. Use conductive pipese. Use conductive filter materials for dusts if flammable vapor is likely4. Keep

29、 velocities lowa. Limit velocity of liquids and gases containing dust and liquid particlesb. Avoid turbulence in chargeable liquids第27頁,共62頁。28 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyThe Five Principles for Protection Against Static Hazards Subtitle5. Avoid explosi

30、ble mixtures and aerosolsa. Remove gases, vapors and dusts by suction at the sourceb. Work with flammable liquids at least 5C (9F) below their flash pointc. Consider charging flammable liquids to vessels by suction and discharging by blowing out with nitrogen.第28頁,共62頁。29 | Presentation Title | Pres

31、enter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyMitigation of explosion effects降低爆炸效果Explosion pressure resistant construction 防爆建筑Explosion relief venting 泄爆放空Explosion Suppression 抑爆裝置Explosion Isolation 爆炸隔離Safety Compartments 安全分區(qū)Hazard Zones 危險區(qū)域第29頁,共62頁。30 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name

32、 | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlySafety Management安全管理Training and Instruction 培訓(xùn)和指導(dǎo)Marking Ex-Zones 防爆區(qū)域標(biāo)示Preventive Maintenance 預(yù)防性維修Work Permit System 安全作業(yè)許可證制度Surveillance and Audits 巡回及審查Management of Change 變更管理Emergency Management 應(yīng)急管理第30頁,共62頁。31 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | D

33、ate | Subject | Business Use Only Chemical Exposure and Prevention 化學(xué)品的接觸和預(yù)防第31頁,共62頁。32 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only32What are Routes of Chemical Exposure?化學(xué)泄露的危害流程如何?The ways in which a chemical may enter the body.其流程正是化學(xué)物質(zhì)進入人體的過程Chemical Health Hazard

34、s 化學(xué)危害第32頁,共62頁。33 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyRoutes of Toxic Entry 有毒品進入人體路線Inhalation吸入Ingestion 吞攝Absorption吸收Absorption吸收Absorption吸收Absorption吸收Absorption 吸收Injection滲入血管第33頁,共62頁。34 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business

35、 Use OnlyChemical Health Hazards化學(xué)危害Toxicology terms for hazards:毒物性危害:Toxin 毒素Mutagen 誘導(dǎo)有機體突變的物質(zhì)Teratogen 致畸劑Carcinogen 致癌物質(zhì)Sensitizer 感光劑Allergen 過敏原Endocrine disrupter 致內(nèi)分泌紊亂物第34頁,共62頁。35 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyChemical Health Hazards化學(xué)危害Toxicolo

36、gy Terms 毒性條件Exposure 接觸Acute 急性的Chronic 慢性的Dose 吸入劑量LD50 半數(shù)致死量 是藥物、毒物及病原微生物等毒力水平的一個標(biāo)志。它表示能使全部實驗對象死亡半數(shù)的劑量或濃度, 有弳皮、弳口或1小時等幾種類型) LC50 半致死濃度 動物實驗中施用之化學(xué)物質(zhì)能使百分之五十實驗動物族群發(fā)生死亡時所需要之濃度) Systemic 全身組織Target organ 被傷害的組織第35頁,共62頁。36 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyChemi

37、cal Health Hazards化學(xué)危害 Airborne concentrations of chemicals can often be compared to standards established by national, international, or governmental organizations. 空氣中的化學(xué)濃度會被要求嚴(yán)格遵守該國家、國際或政府組織的相關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) Most standards are based upon exposures in the work environment rather than actual doses received by

38、the worker because of difficulties in determining doses. 很多標(biāo)準(zhǔn)以在工作環(huán)境中對化學(xué)品的接觸程度而設(shè)定,而不是建立在工作人員所接收到的劑量的基礎(chǔ)上,畢竟決定劑量比較困難。第36頁,共62頁。37 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only37Chemical Health Hazards化學(xué)危害Many occupational safety and health exposure levels are regulatory (la

39、ws).許多職業(yè)安全及化學(xué)接觸程度均是受到一定制度約束的(法律)They are intended for lifetime exposures for normally healthy, adult workers.某些接觸對于成年工作者來說終其一生也只會維持在一定水平They are not clear boundaries between “safe” and “not safe”.對于“安全”比例的概念并不是絕對的第37頁,共62頁。38 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only

40、Chemical Exposure Standard (GB)化學(xué)品接觸標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(國標(biāo))第38頁,共62頁。39 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyCategory of Toxic Chemical 劇毒化學(xué)品分類劇毒物品分級、分類與品名編號(GB57-93) Level級別Oral LD50經(jīng)口 LD50 (mg/kg)Dermal LD50經(jīng)皮膚 LD50 (mg/kg)Inhale LC50吸入 LC50 (mg/l)Inhale LC50 for liquid/ vapor

41、吸入劇毒物品液體蒸汽或氣體的 LC50 (ml/m3)A=5=40=0.5V=10LC and LC1000B550402000.52VLC and LC3000 (A級除外)第39頁,共62頁。40 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only中國化學(xué)品接觸標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (GBZ 2-2019)工作場所有害因素職業(yè)接觸限值Occupational Exposure Limit for Hazardous Agents in the WorkplacePC-TWA時間加權(quán)平均容許濃度(8小時)。PC

42、-MAC最高容許濃度,指在一個工作日內(nèi)任何時間都不應(yīng)超過的濃度。PC-STEL短時間接觸容許濃度(15分鐘)。*表1:數(shù)值系根據(jù)“超限系數(shù)”推算;表2:粉塵TWA的接觸上限值。*表1:“其他粉塵”指不含有石棉且游離SiO2含量低于10%,不含有毒物質(zhì),尚未制訂專項衛(wèi)生標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的粉塵。總粉塵指直徑為40mm的濾膜,按標(biāo)準(zhǔn)粉塵測定方法采樣所得的粉塵。呼塵呼吸性粉塵,指按呼吸性粉塵采樣方法所采集的可進入肺泡的粉塵粒子,其空氣動力學(xué)直徑均在7.07以下,空氣動力學(xué)直徑5粉塵粒子的采樣效率為50%。第40頁,共62頁。41 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Da

43、te | Subject | Business Use OnlyOccupational Exposure Limit for Hazardous Agents in the Workplace (GBZ 2-2019)工作場所有害因素職業(yè)接觸限值工作場所空氣中有毒物質(zhì)容許濃度(mg/m3)示例 ExamplesNo中文名(CAS No.)英文名MACTWA*STEL1.安妥(86-88-4)Antu-0.30.9*2.氨(7664-41-7)Ammonia-20303.2-氨基吡啶(皮)(504-29-0)2-Aminopyridine(skin)-25*4.氨基磺酸銨(7773-06-0)

44、Ammonium sulfamate-615*5.氨基氰(420-04-2)Cyanamide-25*6.奧克托今(2691-41-0)Octogen-247.巴豆醛(4170-30-3)Crotonaldehyde12-8.百菌清(1897-45-6)Chlorothalonile1-9.倍硫磷(皮)(55-38-9)Fenthion(skin)-0.20.310.苯(皮)(71-43-2)Benzene(skin)-610第41頁,共62頁。42 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use On

45、ly42What are Engineering Controls?什么是工程控制?Engineering controls are those changes and/or additions to equipment in order to reduce or eliminate exposures to chemical or physical agents.工程控制是對設(shè)備器材的改變或添加附件,從而減少或消除對物理或化學(xué)品的接觸可能Examples of such controls are ventilation systems, barriers, shields, diffuser

46、s, rerouting of piping, relocating of vents, etc.此類控制的典型例子如:通風(fēng)系統(tǒng)、屏障設(shè)置、防護罩、擴散裝置、管道的路線變更、通風(fēng)口的重置等第42頁,共62頁。43 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only43What are Engineering Controls?什么是工程控制?Other engineering controls include changes in process conditions (temperatures,

47、 pressures, catalysts, etc.) or changes in chemicals used.其他工程控制包括運作條件的更改(溫度、壓力、催化劑等)或使用化學(xué)品的更改Engineering control should always be the first method of control used, if cost effective.成本合理的情況下,工程控制應(yīng)始終被作為第一控制方法第43頁,共62頁。44 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only44Wha

48、t are Administrative Controls?什么是管理控制?Administrative controls include limitations upon number of work hours, alterations of work schedules, work/rest cycles, personnel substitutions, etc.管理控制包括工作小時數(shù)的限制,工作進度的變更、工作休息相結(jié)合、工作人員替補等Administrative controls should be considered next if engineering controls a

49、re impractical.管理控制應(yīng)被視作工程控制不可行情況下的第二選擇第44頁,共62頁。45 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only45What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?什么是個人防護設(shè)備(PPE)? PPE are all the items worn by the individual, usually as a barrier, to protect from chemical or physical exposure

50、 by blocking a route of exposure.個人防護設(shè)備是個人佩穿的所有防護配置,作為一種屏障來防止化學(xué)品或物理反應(yīng)對人體的傷害。第45頁,共62頁。46 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only46What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?什么是個人防護設(shè)備(簡稱PPE)?PPE includes coveralls or lab coats, chemically-resistant gloves, respirat

51、ors, safety shoes, safety eye wear, barrier shielding, hearing protection, etc.PPE包括連褲工作服或?qū)嶒灧?、防化學(xué)手套、呼吸器、安全鞋、安全眼罩、屏障防護服、耳部保護等等PPE should only be used if engineering or administrative controls are not possible or practical; and then only as a temporary measure.PPE只應(yīng)在工程控制或管理控制不能完全保證的情況下使用,并且只應(yīng)作為臨時性措施第4

52、6頁,共62頁。47 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only47Example of PPEPPE的范例Coveralls連褲防護服Boots 防護靴Gloves 手套 Airline Respirator空氣管路呼吸器 Full faceshield全面面屏罩Earplugs 耳塞Hard hat not requireddue to work location是否需要安全帽取決于不同的場所的要求第47頁,共62頁。48 | Presentation Title | Presente

53、r Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyCriteria for categorization of commercially available substance商業(yè)物質(zhì)分類標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Category 1: Non Hazardous or slightly Hazardous Substances 沒有危害或低危害物質(zhì)Category 2: Moderately Hazardous Substance 中等危害物質(zhì)Category 3: Highly Hazardous Substances 高度危害物質(zhì)Category 4: Very Highl

54、y Hazardous Substance 極度危害物質(zhì)第48頁,共62頁。49 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyCriteria for categorization of commercially available substance商業(yè)物質(zhì)分類標(biāo)準(zhǔn)第49頁,共62頁。50 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyGeneral Scheme “Assignment

55、of Protection Measures”制定防護措施的一般方案General Protection Measures一般保護措施Plant technology工廠技術(shù)Ventilation通風(fēng)Procedures工藝Training培訓(xùn)Cleaning清潔PPESpecific protection measures相應(yīng)的防護措施based on workplacehealth risk assessment基于工作場所的風(fēng)險評估Hazard Category危害種類第50頁,共62頁。51 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date |

56、Subject | Business Use OnlyProtection Measures for Category 1針對1類物質(zhì)的保護措施Rules regarding personal hygieneAmbient air monitoring for dusty or volatile substancesGood general ventilationLEV for open handling of dusty or volatile substancesPPE/special PPE第51頁,共62頁。52 | Presentation Title | Presenter Nam

57、e | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyProtection Measures for Category 2針對2類物質(zhì)的保護措施Decontamination of polluted PPEPartial recirculation of room air not permitted unless suitable filter is used and contaminant levels below exposure limitsLEV and PPE/special PPE for open handlingDouble wardrobe for pe

58、rsonnel第52頁,共62頁。53 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use OnlyProtection Measures for Category 3針對3類物質(zhì)的保護措施Closed material transfers and process containment, avoid open handling.Open handling limited to small quantities, and LEV be appliedOperations of generating airb

59、orne dust or vapors may be segregated through physical barriers and separate ventilation system.The treatment of contaminated air (HEPA filtration etc)Full PPE required where containment is not technically feasible.第53頁,共62頁。54 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use On

60、lyProtection Measures for Category 4針對4類物質(zhì)的保護措施Total containment requiredFull air supplied suit or equivalent is to be worn, and ambient air monitoring for open handling or operation with potential exposure risks.Negative air pressure condition for working area (air lock/ double air lock)High effici


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