2023屆高考英語作文訓練之景色描寫指導 課件 (11張)_第1頁
2023屆高考英語作文訓練之景色描寫指導 課件 (11張)_第2頁
2023屆高考英語作文訓練之景色描寫指導 課件 (11張)_第3頁
2023屆高考英語作文訓練之景色描寫指導 課件 (11張)_第4頁
2023屆高考英語作文訓練之景色描寫指導 課件 (11張)_第5頁
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1、作文訓練之景色描寫指導 清風徐來,樹枝搖曳(sway), 金色的陽光閃爍(glimmer)變幻,好像一個童話般的世界(fairy tale world)。金色的陽光灑向湖面,波光粼粼。身邊的鳥兒啁啾(chirping birds),像在歡迎我們的到來。樹木灑下一地細碎,走在上面,仿佛在與樹的前世今生對話。我朝下望去,只見溪水潺潺,流經(jīng)樹木,如一曲塵外的絕唱(otherworldly melody)。我被美麗的景色所陶醉(be fascinated/overwhelmed by)。風景描寫- 請翻譯下面這段話 A light breeze blew, swaying the tree branc

2、hes and making the rays glimmer as if there was a fairy tale world. The golden sunlight sparkled on the surface of the lake. The chirping birds around welcomed our coming/arrival. The fallen leaves were tender, on which we appeared to chat with the tree about its destiny. I looked down at the stream

3、 bubbling through the woods like an otherworldly melody. I was fascinated/overwhelmed by the beauty of the landscape.參考譯文翻譯訓練(抄寫中文)翻譯口訣:定主干,搭枝葉1. 如果時間允許,曇華林也是一個不錯的選擇,其間多樣的古代建筑,使其名聲在外。2. 漫步于曇華林,你絕對會被形形色色的古建筑所吸引,讓你完全察覺不到時間的流逝。3. 誠然,我被孩子們玩耍嬉戲的場景所吸引,心想我要是能走路也可以在草地上慢跑。4. 我十分想去接觸美麗的大自然,輕松緩慢地在林中小徑踱步,以及逃離生活

4、中的種種煩心事。紅色標注的為主干部分(主句)1. 如果時間允許,曇華林也是一個不錯的選擇,其間多樣的古代建筑,使其名聲在外。Time permitting, Tan Hua Lin street is also a good alternative/option, whose reputation lies in the various ancient architectures. 2. 漫步于曇華林,你絕對會被形形色色的古建筑所吸引,讓你完全察覺不到時間的流逝。Wandering in the Tan Hua Lin street , you are definitely spellboun

5、d/fascinated/overwhelmed by the diverse ancient buildings, unaware of the passage of time.3. 誠然,我被孩子們玩耍嬉戲的場景所吸引,心想我要是能走路也可以在草地上慢跑。Admittedly, I was fascinated/overwhelmed by the scene of kids play and laugh, thinking that I would go jogging on the grass if I was not lame.4. 我十分想去接觸美麗的大自然,輕松緩慢地在林中小徑踱

6、步,以及逃離生活中的種種煩心事。I had an urge to get close to the beautiful nature, where I couldwander along the forest path at a relaxed and unhurried pace and escape from the disturbing daily affairs as well.應用文寫景推薦地點請向外國友人推薦當?shù)氐囊惶幘包c參考范文 Knowing that you are dying for one-day tour this weekend, I am writing to ex

7、press my sincere apology for Ive signed up for the voluntary work in my school library. As a local resident, I highly recommend the Yellow Crane Tower as your destination. Actually, it is a landmark of Wuhan, from which you can enjoy the fantastic view of Yangtze River Bridge. Additionally, standing rooted in the woods, it has witnessed the ups and downs of Wuhan. Considering there is a long way to go, you might as well wear comfortable and durable sneakers. I do hope my absence will not spoil your joyful weekend. And you can enjoy yourself to the fullest if you would take my propo


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