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1、第PAGE 頁碼7頁/總NUMPAGES 總頁數10頁【小升初】外研版(三起)2022-2023學年英語六年級下冊秋季開學分班考沖刺特訓卷(三)一、單選題1She is _ her glasses. But she cant _ them. ()Alooking for; findBfinding; look forClooking at; findDlooking; find2Ive _ this dictionary _ a year. Its still new now. ()Abought, forBhad, forCbought, sinceDhad, since3Lingling

2、is _, because a dog is behind her. ()AsleepingBsingingCrunning4She _ to school every day. ()Aby busBtakes a busCdriveDin the bus5Why are you _ so happily? ()AlaughBlaughedClaughing6Im writing an email to my friends _ the earth. ()AtoBfromCinto7The little girl _ by the drug-pusher to carry drugs into

3、 the country. ()Awas made useBwas made usedCwas made use ofDwas made used of8Why did the girl go into ce? ()Because she wanted _ a star.Ato beBbeCto9_ are you going? ()Im going to the hospital to see my grandma.AWhereBWhatCWhy10My books are on the ground. Can you _ for me? ()Apick up themBpick them

4、upCpick upDpick it up二、用單詞正確形式填空11If it _ (be) fine, we may go and play in the park.12Stamps _ (use) to send letters.13His mother _ (have) a lot of work to do tomorrow.14Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.15Last week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm.三、排序題16讀課文,按課文內容將下列句子排序。( )Daming is maki

5、ng a card for his father. ( )Can you read it?( )Today is Fathers Day. ( )Hes writing a message to his father, too.( )Hes drawing books and birds. ( )These are his fathers favourite things.四、選內容補全對話/短文17選擇合適的句子補全對話。Wang Lei: We are going to middle school. _Li Ming: I am going to Park Middle School. W

6、hat about you?Wang Lei: _Li Ming: Oh. _Wang Lei: Im going to study English and History. Are you going to study History?Li Ming: _ I am going to study Physics and Chemistry. _Wang Lei: No. I can walk to school every day.Li Ming: Good.AIs the school far from your house?BWhat are you going to study?CWh

7、ich school are you going to?DI am going to Yucai Middle School.E. No, Im not.五、改寫句子18Amy said, “I have to work very hard.”Amy said _ _ to work very hard.19There is _ air on the moon. (改為否定句)20There was only one problem. (按要求改句子)_ (否定句)_ (一般疑問句)_ (對劃線部分提問)21The children had a good time in the park. (

8、改為反意疑問句)The children had a good time in the park, _ _?22Lily likes reading, _? (改為反義疑問句)六、漢譯英:整句23漢譯英。 6.濕的_7.停止_8.生氣的_9.饑餓的_10.落下_24我過了一個忙碌但卻刺激的周末。I _ _ _ _ exciting weekend.25漢譯英。1.學習_2.互相,彼此_ 3.中學_4.保持_5.同時_七、英譯漢:整句26英譯漢。1. hot dog _2. twenty-five cents_3. Can I help you?_4. food and drinks_27英譯漢

9、:It was Damings birthday yesterday. _28英譯漢:I want a hamburger and two eggs._八、完形填空選擇正確的單詞補全短文。Helen Killer was _ in American in 1880. She couldnt see _ hear. She _ to read, write and speak. It was _. But she tried_. She is a model for blind people, also for you and me.29AbornBborned30AandBor31Alearn

10、Blearnt32AdifficultBeasy33AhardBhardly九、閱讀選擇閱讀對話,選擇正確的答案。(In the restaurant)Waiter: Good morning. Can I help you?Lingling: Good morning. I want some dumplings.Waiter: Sorry. We dont have any dumplings.Lingling: I want a hamburger, please. What do you want, Daming?Daming: I want a hot dog, please.Wai

11、ter: What do you want to drink?Daming: Orange juice, please!Lingling: Milk, please!Waiter: OK.Lingling: How much is it?Waiter: Its ten dollars and ten cents.Lingling: Here you are.Waiter: Thank you!34Where are Daming and Lingling? ()AIn the hospital.BIn the restaurant.CIn the library.35What does Lin

12、gling want to eat? ()AA hot dog.BA hamburger.CA sandwich.36What does Daming want to drink? ()AA colaBSome milk.COrange juice.37What does Lingling want to drink? ()AMilk.BWater.CSoup.38How much is it? ()ATen dollars.BTen cents.CTen dollars and ten cents.閱讀理解。Mrs. Smith was having a lot of trouble wit

13、h her skin(皮膚), so she went to her doctor about it. He could not find anything wrong about her, so he sent her to the hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the result of the tests to Mrs. Smiths doctor. The next morning he telephoned her to give her a list(名單)of things that he thoug

14、ht she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.Mrs. Smith carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper. She then left it beside the telephone and went out to a party. When she got back home two hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a big

15、basket full of things beside him, and when he saw her, he said, “Hello, dear. I have done all your shopping for you.”“Done all my shopping?” she asked in surprise. “But how did you know what I wanted?”“Well, when I got home, I found you shopping list beside the telephone,” answered her husband, “so

16、I went down the shops and bought everything you had written down.”39Mrs. Smith was sent to the hospital for some tests because _. ()Aher doctor decided to give her upBher doctor couldnt do anything about her illnessCher doctor thought she was badly illDher doctor wanted to know more about her physic

17、al condition(身體情況)40The next morning Mrs. Smiths doctor made a telephone call and _. ()Atold her to eat lessBtold her to eat the things on the piece of paperCtold her what she should not eatDtold her not to eat anything41Mrs. Smith carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper because _. (

18、)Ashe was going to ask her husband to do the shopping for herBshe was going to do the shoppingCshe didnt want to buy or eat them by mistakeDshe was going to attend a party42When Mrs. Smith heard what her husband said, _. ()Ashe was surprisedBshe was angryCshe was very pleasedDshe was excited43Which of the following is true to the story? _ ()AMrs. Smith had skin trouble because she ate too much.BThe doctors medical care was to tell her the name


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