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1、UNIT 1 A New StartSection C Developing ideas,Presenting ideas & Reflection 核心詞匯詞匯一 award (1)n.C獎,獎賞;獎金 (2)vt. 授予;頒發(fā);獎勵,判給【教材原句】win an award 贏得一個獎項【要點必記】(1)get/receive/win an award(for.)因獲獎give sb. an award 給某人頒獎present an award 頒獎(2)award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb.授予某人某種榮譽題組練領(lǐng)悟方法【詞語辨析】 award,reward

2、與 prize (1)award 多指獎勵、獎賞、獎品,都與“獎”有關(guān),作動詞指“授予,頒發(fā)”;(2)reward 含前綴 re-“再、又”,有“返還”之意。是以回報的方式“獎勵、獎 賞”,因此常譯為“回報、報答、酬謝”等;(a)reward for(doing)sth. (做)某事的獎勵(3)prize 指在比賽、競賽中獲得的獎。 first prize 一等獎單句寫作 (1) 他由于出色的表演而獲獎。 He_ _ _ _ his excellent performance. (2) 我們來這里是為他們每個人頒獎的。 We came here to _ _ _ to each of them

3、. (3) 獲勝者被授予了一枚金牌。 The winner was awarded a gold medal. = A gold medal _ _ _ the winner.won the award forpresent an awardwas awarded to辨析填空(award/reward/prize) (4) Mrs. Taylor has an 8-year-old daughter who has a gift for painting_she has won two national . (5) Work gets done more easily when people

4、 do it together,and the_ are higher too.(6) His movie won several _ at the film festival,which was beyond his wildest dream.prizesrewardsawards詞匯二 opportunity n. 機會,時機【要點必記】an opportunity to do sth. 做某事的機會have an/the opportunity 有機會take/seize/use an opportunity 把握住 / 抓 住 / 利用機會miss/lose/waste an opp

5、ortunity 錯 過 / 失 去 / 浪費掉機會單句語法填空(1) He had as yet no opportunity _(relate)the incident to them.(2) Our company provides equal _(opportunity)for women.單句寫作(3) Id like to _(利用這個機會來感謝我的老師)for their support.to relateopportunities take this opportunity to thank my teachers詞匯三 subscribe v. 訂閱(報紙或雜志)【教材原句】

6、Subscribed 3,101 已被訂閱 3 101 次 【要點必記】subscribe to 訂閱(=place an order for);同意,贊成(=approve of) 【學(xué)法點撥】subscribe to中的to是介詞,后面接名詞、代詞或動名詞形式。單句寫作(1) In spite of some shortcomings,I still _ _ _ _ (同意他們的計劃). (2)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)I figure that the books you selected and the magazines you _ _(訂閱)are quite beneficial. subscri

7、be to their plansubscribed to 詞匯四 view (1)n.C(從某處看到的)景色,風(fēng)景;U,單數(shù)視野,視線;C(個人的)看法,觀點,見解,態(tài)度;(一次)觀看(2)vt. 觀看;參觀;看待【教材原句】1,231 views 1 231 次瀏覽【要點必記】(1)on view 在展出 the view from the top of the mountain 從山頂望去的景色 in view 在視線范圍內(nèi) out of view 不在視野中 come into view 進入視野 have a good view of 對一覽無余(2)in ones view=in

8、ones opinion 在某人看來take the view that. 持有的觀點(that 引導(dǎo)同位語從句)in view of 鑒于,考慮到,由于point of view 觀點,看法view on/about. 對的觀點with a view to 為了;指望view.as. 將視為單句寫作 (1) Finally,the famous castle_ _ _(映入眼簾). (2)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)_ _ _(在他看來),dolphins are intelligent animals. (3)_ _ _(鑒于)the fact that the journey would begin at

9、an altitude of more than 5,000 metres,she changed her mind at last.(4) They_ _ _(對有不同的觀點)the mans real identity(身份). (5) One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high building is that you can _ _ _(有好的視野).came into viewIn his view/opinionIn view ofhave different views onget a good view要

10、點串練(用 view 及其短語填寫下面一段話)What do you think of the (6)_ from this house? (7)_,the scenery here is very beautiful. Stand by the window,and you will(8)_ the whole area. Usually,the distant tall tower is (9)_,but in fine weather,it is also (10) _. Look,a red car is (11)_. So,(12)_ these advantages,I have

11、made up my mind to buy this house (13) _ enjoying the scenery here. In a word,I (14) _this place _ a tourist attraction.viewIn my viewhave a good view ofout of viewin viewcoming into viewin view of with a view toviewas要點串練譯文你覺得從這所房子往外看景色怎么樣?在我看來,這里的風(fēng)景非常美。站在窗邊,你將對整片區(qū)域一覽無余。通常,遠(yuǎn)處的高塔是看不見的,但在晴朗天氣里,它也在視野之

12、內(nèi)???,一輛紅色的汽車正映入眼簾。所以,鑒于這些優(yōu)點,我決定買下這所房子,為的是欣賞這里的風(fēng)景??傊?,我認(rèn)為這個地方是一個很好的旅游景點。詞匯五 former (1)adj. 從前的(2)n. 前者【教材原句】Today Im joined by a former student of our school,Lisa Osborne. 今天和我一起主持節(jié)目的是我們學(xué)校的一位往屆生麗莎奧斯本?!菊`區(qū)警示】(1)former 作形容詞時只作定語;former 作名詞時常與定冠詞 the 連用。(2)the former 前者the latter 后者(形近詞:later)單句寫作(1) 我對以前的

13、老板很滿意。I am very satisfied with my_ _. (2) 淚水和汗水很相似,但前者只能換來同情,而后者能為你贏得成功。Tears and sweat are similar,but _ _ is only in exchange for the sympathy,while_ _ can win success for you. former bossthe formerthe latter詞匯六 graduate (1)vi. & vt. 畢業(yè);授予學(xué)位 (2)n. 畢業(yè)生【教材原句】Lisa graduated from our school last June

14、and is about to go to college in New York. 麗莎最近六月份從我們學(xué)校畢業(yè),即將在紐約上大學(xué)?!疽c必記】(1)graduate from 畢業(yè)于某學(xué)校 graduate in 畢業(yè)于某專業(yè) graduate in law from Oxford University 畢業(yè)于牛津大學(xué)法學(xué)專業(yè)(2)graduation n. 畢業(yè)【誤區(qū)警示】graduate 是非延續(xù)性動詞,不與段時間連用。He has graduated from college for 3 years.()He graduated from college 3 years ago.()

15、It is 3 years since he graduated from college.()單句語法填空(1) Sarah graduated _ physics_Cambridge University.(2) By the time Jack returned home from England,his son _(graduate)from college.(3) They are the _(graduate)who graduated from Peking University and are now playing an important part in our compa

16、ny.(4) After_(graduate)she reached a point in her career where she needed to decide what to do.單句寫作(5) 自從大學(xué)畢業(yè)后我們一直沒有面對面交流的機會。We havent got a chance _.infromhad graduatedgraduationto talk face to face ever since we graduated from universitygraduates詞匯七 as if 似乎;好像;仿佛(=as though)【教材原句】I feel as if hig

17、h school was only yesterday! 我覺得高中就像在昨天一樣!【要點必記】(1)look/seem/feel+ as if 表語從句(2)as if 引導(dǎo)方式狀語從句as if 從句可用陳述語氣。但更常用的是as if 引導(dǎo)的從句用虛擬語氣,表示所述的情況與事實不符,as if 從句謂語動詞如下:【誤區(qū)警示】as if + 分詞 / 不定式 / 形容詞 / 介詞短語as if 引導(dǎo)的從句有時可用省略形式。She stood at the door as if waiting for someone. 她站在門口,好像在等人。與現(xiàn)在事實不符與過去事實不符 had+ 過去分詞

18、與過去事實不符 had+ 過去分詞與將來事實不符 would/could/might+ 動詞原形單句寫作 (1) _ _ _ _(看起來好像)he didnt care about everything around him.(2) He _ _ _(看上去好像)he was about to burst into tears.單句語法填空(3) He talks as if he _(know)everything in the world.(4) Dont handle the vase as if it _(be)made of steel.(5) Eliza remembers eve

19、rything exactly as if it _(happen)yesterday.(6) He described the characters in the novel as if he_(meet)them face to face.(7) He kept working as if nothing _( happen).It seemed as iflooked as ifknewwerehappenedhad methad happened詞匯八 take part in 參加【教材原句】Just keep an open mind and take part in as muc

20、h as possible. 只要保持開放的心態(tài),盡可能多地參與其中?!疽c必記】take part 參加(無賓語時,不用 in)take an active part in 積極參加(當(dāng) part前有形容詞修飾時,形容詞前要用不定冠詞)【詞語辨析】take part in,join in,join 與 attend(1)take part in 指參加群體性活動,并發(fā)揮一定的作用;(2)join in 指參加小規(guī)模的活動,??膳ctake part in 換用;(3)join:join the army/the Party 參軍 / 入黨; join us in the game 加入我們一起

21、做游戲(4)attend:attend a meeting/ceremony/lecture 參加會議 / 參加典禮 / 聽講座。 attend class/college 上課 / 上大學(xué)單句寫作 (1) Many athletes are dreaming of _ _ _ (參加)the Olympic Games. (2)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)They organised a debate,but I _ _ _ (沒有參加). (3) Nowadays women are _(正積極參加)social activities.taking part indidnt take parttaking a

22、n active part in 辨析填空(take part in/join in/join/attend) (4) My sister _ the League last month and she has decided to _the activities to help the aged in town as a volunteer. (5) Ten strong young Chinese students are required to _ the boat race.(6) I shall _ an important conference next week. (7) All

23、 my family _ me _ wishing you a quick recovery. joinedtake part intake part in/join in attendjoinin詞匯九 frightened adj. 受驚的,害怕的【教材原句】I was frightened at the sight of the test paper. 我一看到試卷就感到害怕了?!疽c必記】(1)be frightened of(doing)sth. 害怕(做)某事be frightened to do sth. 不敢做某事a frightened child 一個受了驚嚇的孩子a fr

24、ightening experience 一次可怕的經(jīng)歷(2)frightening adj. 令人害怕的 fright n. 驚駭;驚恐 frighten vt. 使驚恐;驚嚇【一言助記】The tiger was so frightening that it frightened the children,and the children were frightened by the tiger. 老虎太可怕了,嚇著孩子了,孩子們被老虎嚇壞了?!緦W(xué)法點撥】-ing 形容詞通常用來描述人或事物本身具有的特征,意為“令人的”;-ed 形容詞通常用來描述人的感覺,意為“感到的”,還可以描述人的聲

25、音、表情等。如:a frightened girl 一個受了驚嚇的女孩a frightened look/expression 害怕的表情【歸納拓展】frighten sb. into doing sth. 嚇得某人做某事frighten sb. out of doing sth. 嚇得某人不敢做某事frighten away/off 嚇走,嚇跑frighten sb. to death 把某人嚇得要死單句語法填空 (1) With no one to turn to in such a _( frighten)situation,she felt very helpless.(2) At m

26、idnight,a _(frighten)robber ordered a _(frighten)woman to give him all her money. (3) On seeing the _(frighten)scene,the little girl was so _(frighten)that she burst out crying.frighteningfrighteningfrightenedfrighteningfrightened 單句寫作(4) We _ _ _(把鳥兒嚇走)by waving our hands.(5) In fact,he_ _ _ _(不敢出去

27、)alone at midnight.(6)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)The awful noise _ (嚇得他放棄了他的計劃)of exploring the abandoned(廢棄的)house.(7) The little boy _ _ _(害怕)talking with his teacher face to face.frightened the birds awayis frightened to go outfrightened him out of his planwas frightened of (8) He tried to _ _ _(嚇得人們做)what he wanted.(9

28、) 那條消息是令人恐懼的,他們都嚇壞了。_ (10) 那條可怕的消息把他們都嚇得要死。 _frighten people into doingThe news was frightening and they were all frightened. The frightening news frightened all of them to death. 詞匯十 sight n. 看見;視力范圍;視野【教材原句】I was frightened at the sight of the test paper. 我一看到試卷就感到害怕了?!疽c必記】at the sight of 看到,一看到a

29、t first sight 乍一看,初看時;初次見到catch sight of 看見,瞥見come into sight 進入視野,出現(xiàn)in sight 看得見,在視野內(nèi)lose sight of 看不見out of sight 看不見,不在視野之內(nèi)單句寫作(1)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)The little girl felt frightened _(一看見)the dinosaur toys. (2) Tom met Mary at a party,and they fell in love _ _ _(初次見到). (3) At the railway station,the mother waved

30、 goodbye to her daughter until the train was _ _ _(看不見). (4) Soon the truck _ _ _(出現(xiàn))around a bend.at the sight ofat first sight out of sightcame into sight詞匯十一 figure (1)v. 認(rèn)為,以為;相信;計算(2)n.C身材;人影;人物;要人(=animportant person);圖形;插圖;數(shù)字(常用復(fù)數(shù))【教材原句】But then I figured Id better just go all out and see wha

31、t happens. 但后來我想我最好還是全力以赴,看看結(jié)果會怎樣?!疽c必記】(1)figure out 弄懂;計算出 figure that. 認(rèn)為(2)keep/lose ones figure 保持 / 破壞身材 a tall figure in black 一個黑衣高個子人影a leading figure in the music industry 音樂界一位主要人物a political figure 政治人物a five-sided figure 五邊形the latest trade/sales figures 最新的貿(mào)易 / 銷售數(shù)字詞義猜測 (1)2017北京卷If yo

32、u dont understand something,you may research,study,and talk to other people until you figure it out. _(2) She was the leading figure in British politics in the 1980s. _(3) Youll lose your slim figure if you dont pay attention to your diet. _(4)北京卷Its important for the figures to be updated(更新)regula

33、rly. _(5)福建卷Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? _(6)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)I figure that you may give me some hints on how to operate this engine._弄明白人物身材數(shù)字計算認(rèn)為詞匯十二 go all out 全力以赴,竭盡全力【要點必記】go all out for sth. 竭力獲取某物go all out to do sth. 全力以赴做某事;鼓足干勁做某事單句寫作(1) We are sure to win the match so long as we

34、_ _ _(全力以赴). (2) He and his teammates _ _ (正在為全力以赴)the game at the gym. go all outare going all out for詞匯十三 select v. 挑選,選擇【教材原句】. I wasnt selected for the end-of-year competition . 我沒有入選年終比賽?!疽c必記】(1)select sb. for sth. 為了某事挑選某人 select sb. to do sth. 挑選某人做某事 select.as. 挑選作為 select.from. 從中選出(2)sele

35、ction n. 挑選;選拔 selective adj. 有選擇的【詞語辨析】select,choose,elect 與 pick(1)select 指“精心挑選”;(2)choose 指一般意義的“選擇”;(3)elect 指“投票選舉”;(4)pick 指隨意或慎重地“選擇”。單句語法填空(1)_(select)a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology is changing so rapidly. (2) The players _(select)from the whole country a

36、re expected to bring us honor in this summer game. (3) He hasnt been selected _ the team.(4) We ran out of wood and I was selected _(go)and find more. (5) New York was selected _ the site for the research centre. Selectingselectedforto goas詞匯十四 in particular 尤其,特別【教材原句】Is there anything else in part

37、icular that youd like to share with us? 你還有什么特別想和我們分享的嗎?【要點必記】(1)be particular about 講究;對挑剔(2)particularly adv. 特別;尤其單句語法填空 (1)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)After the wind and rain,the rainbow is _ particular awesome. (2) It was a good concertI enjoyed the last song _ particular. (3) Be _(particular)careful when driving at n

38、ight.單句寫作(4) The girl spends too much money on her clothes,for she _ _ _(對挑剔)her clothes.ininparticularly isparticular about詞匯十五 refer to 提到,談到【教材原句】Refer to the interview for ideas. 參考采訪來獲得一些想法?!疽c必記】(1)refer sth. to sb. 把提交;把歸功于;把稱作refer to sb. as. 稱某人是;認(rèn)為某人是(2)reference n. 參考;推薦for future referen

39、ce 供日后參考單句語法填空 (1) Who do you think the teacher is referring _? (2) The scientist referred to the discovery_ the most exciting new development in this field.(3) Write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _(refer). toasreference詞匯十六 struggle (1)vi. 奮斗,拼搏;努力 (2)n.C難事;斗爭;努力【教材原句】The teac

40、her found I was struggling with note-taking and told me to stop and just listen . 老師發(fā)現(xiàn)我記筆記很困難,就叫我停下來專心聽講?!疽c必記】動詞搭配: for 為而斗爭 sturggle with/against 與作斗爭 to do sth. 努力做某事單句寫作 (1) It was _ _(難事)for the poor family to earn a living on the little farm.(2) Man_ _ _ _(一直與作斗爭)nature.(3) The country is_ _(為

41、而斗爭)peace.a strugglehas been struggling with/againststruggling for詞匯十七 look forward to 期待,盼望【教材原句】Im looking forward to it! 我正期待著這件事!【學(xué)法點撥】(1)look forward to 中 to 是介詞,后接名詞、代詞或動名詞。常見的含有介詞to 的短語還有 pay attention to(注意),be used to(習(xí)慣于),refer to(指的是),lead to(導(dǎo)致)等。(2)look forward to 用在定語從句中時,應(yīng)注意其后主句的謂語動詞形

42、式。做 此 類 題 時 一 定 要 克 服 思 維 定 式。單句語法填空(1) Were really looking forward to _(visit)the city again.(2) My daughter is looking forward to _(invite)to the party. (3)The party we had been looking forward to _(come)at last. How excited we were!單句寫作(4)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)Our school will organize an exchange of students with

43、a foreign school. Were _(期待著這次機會).visitingbeing invitedcamelooking forward to this opportunity詞匯十八 improve v. 改善,改進【教材原句】Think about the changes you would suggest to the head teacher to improve your school. 想想你會向班主任提出的改進學(xué)校的建議?!疽c必記】improve conditions 改善條件improve ones English提高某人的英語水平improve living s

44、tandard 提高生活水平improve in health 健康狀況有所改善improve completely 徹底改進improve a lot 有很大改進詞語積累improve vt. & vi. improvement n.make improvements 進行提升單句語法填空(1) If he can give up smoking for a month or two his health _(improve). (2) Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _(improve)in a short period. (3) There is room for further _(improve)in the amateur(業(yè)余的)painters painting.單句寫作(4) He attended evening classes wishing to


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