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1、第 PAGE9 頁八年級英語第一單元知識點歸納1. be scared of sb./sth./doing sth. 恐懼某人/某物/做某事2. go up 上升 , 與rise 同義,與go down 或set 相反3. make a noise 發(fā)出聲響,吵鬧4. arrive in 到達,表示到達某一城市、國家等大地方時,用介詞in;表示到達某一村莊、車站等小地方時,用介詞at ;到達的地方用副詞表示時,可不用介詞。5. notuntil直到才6. see sb. doing sth看見某人正在做某事7. go cycling 相當于 go to ride a bike ,意思是去騎車。

2、8. hit sb. on the head 表示“打某人的頭”,表示的“打某人的臉”要用hit sb. in the face 。9. turn around 轉(zhuǎn)身10. fall off 摔下來11. give sb. a push 推某人一下12. help sb. do sth. = help sb. with sth. 幫助某人做某事13. get off 從下來,通常指下火車、巴士、輪船、飛機等。14. think about 思考、想起、想到(某人或某事)15. all day 一整天16. one by one 一個接一個地,類似有year by year 一年又一年;day

3、by day 一天又一天。17. hold on 有兩個意思,一個是“( )不掛斷”;一個是“抓緊”。18. come down 下來19.Whats the weather like =How is the weather天氣怎么樣20.on the radio 通過收音機 21the same as與.一樣。反義短語:be different from22Whats the date today今天幾號?What day is it today今天星期幾Whats the temperature23.maybe(句首)=perhaps(句首)=may be(句中)24.the differ

4、ence between.and兩者之間的不同之處25.thank you for doing sth.感謝做某事26.表示建議:lets do;Shall we do;How/What about doing.;Why not do.,You better do.;Would you please do sth27.Why dont you do sth.=Why not do sth.為什么不做?28.Would you please(not) /do sth請某人做(不要做)某事好嗎?29.Youd better (not) do sth最好做(不要做)某事好嗎?30.on the pl

5、ayground在操場上31.This is the+基數(shù)詞+主語+have/has +p.p這是某人第幾次做32.make a loud noise發(fā)出很大聲響33wake up:醒來;wakeup:叫醒 八年級英語第二單元知識點歸納1. grow into 長成2. pass sb. sh. = pass sth. to sb. 遞給某人某物3. billions of 數(shù)十億的,hundred, thousand, million , billion等詞前面有具體數(shù)字時,其本身用單數(shù)形式,直接修飾名詞;表示一個籠統(tǒng)的概念時,這些詞用復數(shù)形式,而且常與介詞of連用修飾名詞。4. look

6、after = take care of 照顧,照料。Look after.well=take good care of仔細照顧5. be full of 滿,充滿=be filled with 6. be made of/from由制成,be made of 表示在制成的過程中,原材料沒有發(fā)生質(zhì)的變化;be made from 表示在制成的過程中,原材料發(fā)生質(zhì)的變化。be made by 被(某人)制造;be made in 在(某地)制造7. carry away 把搬(移)走8. on the tree=on trees 在樹上,指的是樹上本身的東西,即長在樹上;in the tree=

7、in trees 也表示在樹上,但它所指的是外來的東西,不是樹本身的東西。9. make into 把制成10. half of 中的一半,當of后面是不可數(shù)名詞或單數(shù)時,謂語用單數(shù),如果half of 后邊所接的是可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù),那么謂語用復數(shù)。11. look like 看起來像12. use to do sth.用來做,其中to do sth. 表示目的與用途。13. put outside /on /into把放在的外邊/上面/里面14. turn into 變成;turninto 把變成15.coverwith用覆蓋;be covered with 被覆蓋16.What isfor是

8、做什么用的?17.feedto sb./sth.把.喂給某人/某物;feed sb.on/with sth.用喂養(yǎng)18.in the shade:20.have nothing to do:無事可做八年級英語第三單元知識點歸納1. play with與一起玩;拿來玩2. slow down 慢下來3. come from = be from 來自4. all kinds of 各種各樣的 ; different kinds of 不同種類的; a kind of 一種5. protect sb. /sth. against/ from sth. 保護、保衛(wèi)某人/某事物不受的侵害。6. go e

9、xtinct 滅絕7. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事(在主動語態(tài)中from可以省略,在被動語態(tài)中from不可以省略)8. make friends with 與交朋友9. take photos of 給某人照相10. wake up 醒來11. have a good day 玩的愉快12. play a joke on 開某人的玩笑,戲弄某人;have a joke with sb. 與某人一起以某事取笑;make a joke about/of sb./sth. 拿某人(某事)開玩笑13. stand still 一動不動地站著14. get out

10、of 除外走動;get out of sth./doing sth.逃避(責任或義務),不做份內(nèi)的事,(使某人)放棄、停止或戒除(習慣等)15. be famous / well-known for 以著名,以聞名; be famous as 著名的16. get/be married 結(jié)婚,get/be married to sb.與某人結(jié)婚二、詞語辨析1. through ,across穿過 through 指“從里面(中心)穿過”,其含義與in有關,尤指森林、人群等。 across 指“從表面通過”,其含義與on有關2. nearly , almost 幾乎,差不多 almost 表達的

11、程度比nearly更接近一些。 nearly不能用于修飾否定詞,但可被not修飾。3. above , over 在上方 above 是介詞,表“在上方”,“比還高”,與below相反。 over 也有“在上方”的意思,但是它著重指正上方,或蓋在上面的意思,而above 并不強調(diào)在正八年級英語第四單元知識點歸納1. look into 研究,調(diào)查2. do an experiment 做一個試驗3. fill/cover with用把裝滿/蓋住;fill in 填上4. upside down 向下翻轉(zhuǎn)過來5. right side up 正面朝上6. turn over 使翻轉(zhuǎn)7. in f

12、ront of 在前面(在范圍外);in the front of 在前面(在范圍內(nèi))8. on top of 在頂端9. take sth. off sth. 使某物離開或脫離(一表面或邊緣);take off (指飛機等)起飛,匆忙離去;take sth. off (從身上)除掉、脫下(衣物等)10. be ready for 準備11. take away 取走12. be surprised (at)使驚奇 to ones surprise令某人驚奇的是, in surprise13. a spoonful of 一匙14. dissolve in 溶化,溶解15. half full

13、 of 一半16. use up 用光,用完17. adj+enough to do sth. 足夠做某事二、辨析1. find , look for , hunt 找 find 強調(diào)找的結(jié)果,意為“找到” look for 強調(diào)動作過程,“尋找” hunt, hunt for sb. sth. 意思尋找,尋找某人某物,與look for 同義。八年級英語第五單元知識點歸納go to.on foot=walk to.:步行去.Of course.=Sure.=Certainly:當然!take a ship:坐輪船a new type of :一種新型的.high-speed trains:高

14、速列車in large numbers:大量的had better+動詞原形:最好. 否定:had better not+動原in a hurry:匆忙與hurry to do sthmake presentation:發(fā)言;演講glue sth onto.:把某物粘到.上at the front of:在.前面(強調(diào)平面空間) in the front of強調(diào)立體空間。get+形容詞=be+形容詞:變得.in the future:在將來send sb from one place to another place:把某人從一個地方送到另一個地方learn about:學習關于. thin

15、k about:思考;考慮present sth to:向.展示某物八年級英語第六單元知識點歸納connect to:連接到.hear from sb=get/receive/have a letter from sb.收到某人的來信,hear of 聽說in small groups:在小群體中in a short time:在短時間內(nèi)thousands of:數(shù)以千計的 hundreds of:數(shù)以百計的answer the phone:接 right now=at once:立刻;馬上;現(xiàn)在take a message for sb:給某人留口信wait a moment:等一下chat

16、 on the Internet:網(wǎng)上聊天millions of:成千上萬的get/buy sth for sb:為某人買某物fail to do sth:,(未能做某事)fail in dong sth, 做某事失敗succeed in doing sth,做某事成功feel like doing sth.=want to do sth:=would like to do sth.想要做某事八年級英語第七單元知識點歸納1.be abroad:在國外 go abroad:出國2.pen pal:筆友3.travel around the world:環(huán)游世界4.four main oceans:四大洋5.give a report:作報告6.at the end=finally:最后7.keep doing sth:一直做某事8.look up:查找八年級英語第八單元知識點歸納pick up:撿起clean


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