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1、公園景觀設計教學大綱課程代碼074105011課程名稱公園景觀設計英文名稱Landscape Design For Parks課程類別選修課課程性質選修學時總學時:64 理論課學時: 實驗課學時:0 學分4開課學期5開課單位設計學院適用專業(yè)環(huán)境設計專業(yè)授課語言中文授課先修課程設計基礎、計算機輔助設計II課程對畢業(yè)要求的支撐本課程對學生達到如下畢業(yè)要求有如下貢獻:1.設計知識:掌握扎實的基礎知識和專業(yè)技能,能夠將藝術與設計的專業(yè)知識和理論用于解決復雜的設計實踐問題。2.問題分析:能夠應用設計學的專業(yè)知識和理論,并通過文獻研究以識別、表達和分析復雜的設計問題,以獲得有效的設計對策。3.設計/開發(fā)解



4、共綠地。本課程包括公園設計的原理、設計方法和案例的分析,以及結合所學內容進行公園景觀設計實踐的應用。教學內容與學時分配理論教學 (16學時)(1)公共綠地的概念與研究狀況(4學時)A公共綠地的概念與思想背景(1學時)(思政內容) 1學時B公共綠地規(guī)劃設計經典案例剖析(3學時)教學要求:要求掌握公共綠地的概念,思想源流和歷史背景。了解公共綠地規(guī)劃設計的經典案例。重點:公共綠地的概念、思想和歷史難點:優(yōu)秀案例的設計手法(2)公共綠地系統(tǒng)分類及規(guī)劃(4學時)A公共綠地系統(tǒng)的分類(1學時)B公共綠地系統(tǒng)的組成(1學時)C公共綠地系統(tǒng)的功能(1學時)D公共綠地系統(tǒng)規(guī)劃案例(1學時)教學要求:要求掌握公共


6、論,了解中美在國家公園制度上的異同。重點:國家公園的概念、理論和實踐難點:中美國家公園各方面的比較分析具體設計方案指導及方案匯報 (44學時)(1)實地調研(4學時)(2)概念設計草圖畫法及構思表達(8學時)(3)結合學生方案提升設計,同時讓學生在實際設計方案中融入公園設計原理,掌握設計原理與實踐結合的方法,啟發(fā)學生思維(8學時)(4)分階段評圖,使學生掌握設計步驟及深度(8學時)(5)運用模型制作表達設計意圖,加強空間感受(8學時)(6)通過討論,促進學生團體合作意識、設計表達(設計語言及圖紙雙向表達)等能力的提高(8學時)(三)外出調研 (4學時)考察廣州市的經典公園設計作品。實地考察優(yōu)秀

7、公園設計作品的設計思想和手法。(四)課程設計: 課程設計真實或虛擬的項目。要求學生運用公園設計原理及設計方法,注重學生創(chuàng)造性思維的開發(fā),具有解決現代公共景觀設計問題的能力。(1)廣州市優(yōu)秀公園景觀設計調研報告(2)公園景觀設計方案及匯報根據需要,進行12次的外出社會調研實驗教學(包括上機學時、實驗學時、實踐學時)實驗課學時:0 教學方法課程教學以課堂講授、課堂研討、課外作業(yè)、課程設計等共同實施??己朔绞娇己朔绞綖槠綍r作業(yè)和大作業(yè)??己艘詫W生提交設計圖紙,專業(yè)教師評定成績的方式進行??己四繕耍嚎己诉\用公園設計原理和方法,解決場地問題的能力。本課程總評成績比例由以下幾部分組成:大作業(yè)正圖成績占50

8、%,各設計階段調研報告、圖紙、模型平時作業(yè)成績占40%,考勤占10%。教材及參考書現用教材:城市公園景觀規(guī)劃與設計,謝宗添等著,機械工業(yè)出版社,2014年2 城市公園景觀設計,譚輝著,西南師范大學出版社,2011年主要參考資料:1景觀設計、專業(yè)學科與教育,俞孔堅、李迪華著,中國建筑工業(yè)出版社,2016年2公園景觀(當代頂級景觀設計詳解),中國林業(yè)出版社,2014年“Landscape Design For Parks” SyllabusCourse Code074105011Course TitleLandscape Design For ParksCourse CategoryElectiv

9、e CoursesCourse NatureElective CourseClass HoursTotal Curriculum Hours: 64Lab Hours: 0; Practice Hours: 0; Credits4Semester5th SemesterInstituteSchool of DesignProgram OrientedEnvironmental DesignTeaching LanguageChinesePrerequisitesDesign Basis, Computer Assisted DesignStudent Outcomes (Special Tra

10、ining Ability)This course contributes to students meeting the following graduation requirements:1. Design knowledge: master solid basic knowledge and professional skills, and be able to apply the professional knowledge and theory of art and design to solve complex design practice problems.2. Problem

11、 analysis: be able to apply professional knowledge and theories of design and identify, express and analyze complex design problems through literature research, so as to obtain effective design countermeasures.3. Design/development solutions: be able to propose solutions to complex environmental des

12、ign problems, design various space systems, public facilities and art installations that meet specific needs, and reflect innovative consciousness in the design process, considering economic, cultural, environmental protection, safety, technology, aesthetics and other factors.7. Environment and sust

13、ainable development: be able to understand and evaluate the impact of professional design practices on environmental and social sustainability in response to complex issues of environmental design and public art.10. Communication: able to effectively communicate and communicate with industry peers a

14、nd the public on complex environmental design issues, including the production of design text, writing design and creation instructions, presentation, clear expression or response to instructions. With a certain international perspective, I am able to communicate and communicate in a cross-cultural

15、context.12. Lifelong learning: have the consciousness of independent learning and lifelong learning, and have the ability to continuously learn and adapt to development.Course ObjectivesUpon completion of the course, students will be able to:1. Take the landscape design of park green space as the co

16、ntent of teaching. Students are required to understand the principles and methods of park and green space design. 1, 2, 32. Ability to comprehensively apply the theoretical knowledge of park design to the design of public green space 2, 3, 73. Inspire students creative thinking through conceptual sc

17、heme design and conception 3, 7, 94. Combined with practical scheme design, cultivate students practical ability of model making and the ability to use basic skills to solve modern garden landscape functions. 7, 9, 125. Cultivate students ability of making and language expression of program report t

18、hrough discussion class and collective evaluation. 7, 9, 12Course DescriptionPark landscape design is an elective course offered by undergraduates majoring in environmental design, and also an important professional course. Park is for the public to visit, watch, rest, carry out scientific and cultu

19、ral activities and exercise, there are more perfect facilities and good green environment of the public green. This course includes the principles, design methods and case analysis of park design, as well as the practical application of park landscape design combined with the content learned.Teachin

20、g Content and Class Hours Distribution(1) theory teaching (16 credit hours)(1) concept and research status of public green space (4 credit hours)A concept and ideological background of public green space (1 credit hour) (ideological and political content) 1 credit hourB classic case analysis of publ

21、ic green space planning and design (3 credit hours)Teaching requirements: master the concept, ideological origin and historical background of public green space. Understand the classic case of public green space planning and design.Key points: concept, thought and history of public green spaceDiffic

22、ulty: design techniques of excellent cases(2) classification and planning of public green space system (4 credit hours)A classification of public green space system (1 credit hour)B composition of public green space system (1 credit hour)C functions of public green space system (1 credit hour)D publ

23、ic green space system planning case (1 credit hour)Teaching requirements: master the classification, composition and function of public green space system. Understand the characteristics of public green space in guangzhou.Key points: familiar with the classification, composition and function of publ

24、ic green space.Difficulty: analyze the classification, composition and function of public green space in specific cities.(3) park green space planning and design (4 credit hours)A development history of park green space planning and design (1 credit hour)B basic theory of park green space planning a

25、nd design (1 credit hour)C park green space planning and design specifications (1 credit hour)D new thoughts and cases of park green space planning and design (1 credit hour)Teaching requirements: master the history, theories, norms and new ideas of park green space planning and designKey points: ma

26、ster the history, theory, standard and new idea of park green space planning and designDifficulty: the practice of conforming to the design specification(4) planning and design of national parks (4 credit hours)A concept, theory, and practice of national parks in the United States (2 credit hours)B

27、construction of national parks in China (2 credit hours)Teaching requirements: master the concept and related theories of national parks, and understand the similarities and differences between China and the United States in national park system.Key points: concept, theory and practice of national p

28、arksDifficulties: comparative analysis of various aspects of Chinese and American national parks(ii) specific design program guidance and program report (44 credit hours)(1) field research (4 credit hours)(2) concept design sketch drawing and concept expression (8 credit hours)(3) improve the design

29、 by combining the student scheme, and let the students integrate the park design principle into the actual design scheme, master the method of combining the design principle with practice, and inspire the students thinking (8 credit hours)(4) grading drawings in stages to enable students to master t

30、he design steps and depth (8 credit hours)(5) use the model to express the design intention and enhance the spatial experience (8 credit hours)(6) promote students teamwork awareness, design expression (design language and drawing two-way expression) and other abilities through discussion (8 credit

31、hours)(3) out-going research (4 credit hours)Investigate the classic park design works in guangzhou. Field investigation of design ideas and techniques of excellent park design works.(iv) course design:Courses design real or virtual projects. Students are required to apply the principles and methods

32、 of park design, pay attention to the development of students creative thinking, and have the ability to solve modern public landscape design problems.(1) guangzhou excellent park landscape design research report(2) park landscape design plan and reportAccording to the needs, conduct one or two social surveys outside the cityExperimental TeachingExperiment Hours: 0 Teaching MethodThe course teaching


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