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1、小學英語五年級上冊 Unit 2 My Day of the Week小學英語五年級上冊Unit 1 My New Teachers本單元內(nèi)容包括: Let s startLet s chantA : Let learn Lets find out Lets try Lets talk Read and write Pair wor單元簡析B: Lets learn Lets chant Lets try Lets talk Group work Read and write Talk and drawC : Task time Pronunciation Let s checGood to

2、know Let s sintory time教材解讀本單元的中心話題是能夠詢問學校里老師的情況并描述自己老師的體貌特征及性 格特點的語言,如:是 Whos your English teacher? Mr Carter . Hes from Canada. Whats helike? Hes tall and strong .主要單詞是:young funny strong kind old thin tall 等 12 個單詞。 知識目標.理解A、B部分Read and write中的會話,并根據(jù)提示填充句子或回答問題。.聽、說、讀、寫 A、B部分Lets learn和Read and w

3、rite中的四會單詞和句子。單元定位.理解 Lets start、Lets find out、Lets sing、Lets chant 和 Pair work 等部分的內(nèi)容。.了解Pronunciation部分的字母組合在單詞中的發(fā)音,并能熟練讀出例詞。.了解 Task time、Story time、Good to know 等部分的內(nèi)容。單元三維目標能力目標:.能夠簡單描述自己教師的體貌特征及性格特點,如:We have a new English teacher.He s talland strong. He s very funny.能夠詢問并介紹學校里教師的情況,如: Who s y

4、our English teacher? Mr Carter .He s from Canada. What s he like? He s tall and strong.能夠聽懂一些描述人物特征的簡單對話,完成學生用書中的Let s try 部分。.能夠聽懂、會唱歌曲“ My New Teacher ”.能夠靈活替換歌詞中的科目及表示人 物特征的形容詞。情感、策略、文化等有關目標:.引導他們在英語學習過程中更大限度發(fā)揮自主學習能力,積極主動地進行英語 學習,更好地激發(fā)他們英語學習的興趣。.學習過程中注意培養(yǎng)學生合作學習的態(tài)度和方法,培養(yǎng)學生合作學習的意識。. 了解中西方國家在稱呼人名上的不

5、同習慣。教學重點:本單元的教學重點是描述人物體貌特征和個性的語言。教教學難點:本單元的教學難點是 A、B部分Read and write中對話的口頭以及書面表達。時間安排th-T th-T th-T th-T th-T th-T rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 設設設設設設 二三四五六 自自自自自自 簧簧簧簧簧簧Lets start Main scene A Lets learn Lets find out C Lets singA Lets try Lets talk C Good to knowA Read and write Pair work C PronunciationLet

6、s chant B Lets learn Lets chant C Story timeB Lets try Lets talk Group work C Lets check.利用學生身邊真實的老師、同學的體貌性格特征進行教學,給學生真實的情景。.游戲、Chant、TPR等形式調(diào)動學生積極性。3,鼓勵學生積極運用所學語言進行表達與交流,加強合作,共同完成學習任務。B Read and write Talk and draw C Task time教學策略 教學手段 設計與構(gòu)想教具學具準備:.錄音機,本單元的錄音磁帶和本課錄音帶。.本單元的單詞卡片及職業(yè)圖片等。. 一些學生熟知的歌星、明星、卡

7、通人物等的圖片。.多媒體課件。教學機智:突發(fā)事件的處理;對調(diào)皮學生的靈活引導等等。本單元內(nèi)容包括: Let s startLet s chant單元簡析A : Let learn Lets find out Lets try Lets talk Read and write Pair worB: Lets learn Lets chant Lets try Lets talk Group work Read and write Talk and drawC : Task time Pronunciation Let s checGood to know Let s sintory time教材

8、解讀本單元的中心話題是學習有關星期課程安排和周末活動的表達方法。知識目標1、理解AB部分中Read and write的會話,并根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容填充句子。單元定位2、聽、說、讀、寫 AB中Let s learn, Read and write的四會單詞和句子。3、理解 Let s start, Let s find out, Let s chant ,Let s play 的內(nèi)容。4、了解Pronunciation部分的字母組合在單詞中的發(fā)音,并能熟練讀出例詞。單元三維目標5、了解 Task time、Story time、Good to know 等部分的內(nèi)容。能力目標:.能夠簡單描述一周的學習

9、和生活情況。.能夠簡單介紹學校的課程以及個人的周末安排。.能夠聽懂簡單的聽力問答。.能聽懂會唱歌曲My days of the week ”。情感、策略、文化等有關目標:.通過本單元的學習,使學生進一步懂得珍惜時間的重要性,教育他們既要抓緊校內(nèi)學 習時間,又要合理利用周末,做到有張有弛,勞逸結(jié)合。.學習過程中注意培養(yǎng)學生合作學習的態(tài)度和方法,培養(yǎng)學生合作學習的意識。. 了解英語國家的一些沒有固定日期的節(jié)日。重難點教學重點:學習有關星期課程安排和周末活動的表達方法。教教學難點:A、B部分Read and write中對話的口頭以及書面表達。時間安排th-T th-T th-T th-T th-T

10、 th-T rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 設設設設設設 二三四五六 自自自自自自 簧簧簧簧簧簧Lets start Main scene A Lets learn Lets find out C Lets singA Lets try Lets talk C Good to knowA Read and write Pair work C PronunciationLets chant B Lets learn Lets chant C Story timeB Lets try Lets talk Group work C Lets check.采用靈活多樣的方式巧教、趣教。.游戲、C

11、hant、TPR等形式調(diào)動學生積極性。3,鼓勵學生積極運用所學語言進行表達與交流,加強合作,共同完成學習任務。B Read and write Talk and draw C Task time教學策略 教學手段 設計與構(gòu)想教具學具準備:.錄音機,本單元的錄音磁帶和本課錄音帶。.本單元的單詞卡片及圖片等。.多媒體課件。教學機智:突發(fā)事件的處理;對調(diào)皮學生的靈活引導等等。小學英語五年級上冊 Unit 3What s Your Favourite Food?小學英語五年級上冊 Unit 4 What can you do?單元簡析單元定位單元三維目標時間安排th-T th-T th-T th-T

12、th-T th-T rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 設設設設設設 二三四五六 自自自自自自 簧簧簧簧簧簧教學策略 教學手段 設計與構(gòu)想本單元內(nèi)容包括: Let s startLet s chantA : Let learn Lets find out Lets try Lets talk Read and write Pair worLets learn Lets chant Lets try Lets talk Group work Read and write Talk and drawTask time Pronunciation Let s checGood to know Le

13、t s sintory time教材解讀本單元重點學習圍繞食物展開的單詞及句子。課文中部分四會單詞和句子在前四冊學生用書中有所呈現(xiàn),在教授時可以以舊帶新的方式引導學生學習。本單元A部分的語言點可通過復習四年級上冊第五單元導入。Let s try 部分的內(nèi)容安排在 Let s talk之前,為Let s talk 的教學做鋪墊,同時也讓學生先仄聽覺上熟悉Read and write 中的四會句子。知識目標(1)能夠提問并回答三餐所吃的食物,如:What do you have for lunch today/on Monday?We have tomatoes, tofu and fish .2

14、 2)能夠簡單描樂一些食物的味道,如: The apples are sweet- - .(3)能夠提問并回答最喜歡吃的食物是什么,并說出原因,如:Whats your favourite food?I like apples. They are sweet .(4)能夠聽懂、會唱歌曲 What Do You Have for Lunch?”和本單元的歌謠。能力目標:(1)認讀部分 A、B中Let s learn, Let s talk的單詞和句子,并掌握四會單詞。(2)掌握Read and write 中的四會句子,讀懂對話內(nèi)容,完成句子填空。了解 Let s start 、Group/Pa

15、irwork 、Task time 等部分的內(nèi)容。了解Pronunciation 中字母組合ow, oa, fr, fl的發(fā)音規(guī)則,認讀相關的單詞。了解 Story time, Good to know等部分的內(nèi)容。情感、策略、文化等有關目標:(1)培養(yǎng)學生的合作精神和創(chuàng)新意識,引導學生通過以舊帶新的方式自主學習,同時也 要注重合作學習。了解中國表示美好愿望的方式教學重點: 本單元A、B部分Let s learn, Read and write中四會單詞和句子的發(fā)重 音與書寫,以及語音部分中字母組合ow, oa, fr, fl 的發(fā)音規(guī)律,教師要為學生做出正難確的示范和指導。點 教教學難點:對

16、于句型部分的教學,教師應引導學生舉一反三,靈活替換,不應只要求學生背出該對話,關鍵是要學會運用。Let s start Main scene Lets chant A Let s learn Group work:A Let s try Let s talk Talk and match C Good to know:A Read and write Group work C Let s singB Let s learn Let s chant C Story time:B Let s try Let s talk Pair work C Task time:B Read and write

17、 Group work C Pronunciation Let s check.用字母卡片,小黑板,幫助指導學生正確學習新知,拼讀練習。.維持學生良好的課堂秩序,利用 Lets play 激發(fā)學生興趣。.多利用電教設備,更有些的組織教學。4,鼓勵學生積極運用所學語言進行表達與交流,加強合作,共同完成學習任務。教具學具準備:.錄音機,本單元的錄音磁帶和本課錄音帶。.本單元的單詞卡片及圖片等。.多媒體課件。教學機智:突發(fā)事件的處理;對調(diào)皮學生的靈活引導等等。小學英語五年級上冊Unit 6小學英語五年級上冊 Unit 5 My new room單元簡析單元三維目標 單元定位重難點設計與構(gòu)想時間安排

18、教學策略 教學手段本單元內(nèi)容包括: Let s startLet s chantA : Let learn Lets find out Lets try Lets talk Read and write Pair worLets learn Lets chant Lets try Lets talk Group work Read and write Talk and drawTask time Pronunciation Let s checGood to know Let s sintory time 教材解讀 本單元的教學內(nèi)容與日常生活聯(lián)系密切。主要句型是: What can you d

19、o ? I can sweep the floor. Can you set the table? Yes, I can .No , I cant.主要單詞是有關家務勞動的動詞短語。知識目標.掌握A、B部分Lets learn ,Read and write中的四會單詞和句子。.能夠聽說認讀 A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的白體單詞和句子。.能夠了解Pronunciation部分字母組合or,all, pl,pr的發(fā)音規(guī)律。.能夠了解Story time ,Good to know等部分的可容。能力目標:.能夠簡單介紹自己會做哪些家務活動。.能夠詢問別人會做什么家務活動。

20、.能夠聽懂會唱歌曲I Can Help.情感、策略、文化等有關目標:.培養(yǎng)學生養(yǎng)成講衛(wèi)生,愛勞動的好習慣。.注重小組學習,培養(yǎng)相互溝通和交流的能力。. 了解一些有關安全和環(huán)保的生活常識。教學重點:有關家務勞動的表述方法,主要句型是: What can you do ? I can sweep thefloor. Can you set the table? Yes, I can .No , I cant .教教學難點:A、B部分的Lets talk和要求四會掌握的動詞詞組。第一課時:Lets start A Lets learn Lets play Lets chant第二課時:A Lets

21、try Lets talk Group work C Lets sing第三課時: A Read and write Lets play C Pronunciation Story time第四課時:B Lets learn Lets chant C Good to know第五課時:B Lets try Lets talk C Task time第六課時:B Read and write Group work C Lets check.用字母卡片,小黑板,幫助指導學生正確學習新知,拼讀練習。.游戲、Chant、TPR等形式調(diào)動學生積極性。3,鼓勵學生積極運用所學語言進行表達與交流,加強合作,

22、共同完成學習任務。教具學具準備:.錄音機,本單元的錄音磁帶和本課錄音帶。.本單元的單詞卡片及圖片等。.多媒體課件。教學機智:突發(fā)事件的處理;對調(diào)皮學生的靈活引導等等。本單元內(nèi)容包括: Let s startLet s chant單元簡析A : Let learn Lets find out Lets try Lets talk Read and write Pair worLets learn Lets chant Lets try Lets talk Group work Read and write Talk and drawTask time Pronunciation Let s ch

23、ecGood to know Let s sintory time教材解讀本單元的教學內(nèi)容與學生日常生活聯(lián)系密切。主要學習家具陳設等物品的名稱、 表示位置的介詞和There be句型的用法。知識目標s learn Read and Write中的四會單詞,做到聽、說、讀、寫。(2)能夠聽、說、認讀 LIet s learn部分的三會單詞和 Let talk 中的句型。(3)能夠了解字母組合ir , ur , th的發(fā)音規(guī)律并讀出例詞。(4)能夠了解 Story time , Good to know 等部分的內(nèi)容。單 能力目標:元 (1)能夠簡單描述家具陳設的名稱、數(shù)量及位置,如: There

24、 are two end tables near the三 closet.維 (2)能夠運用句型:Is this your bedroom?where s the trash bin? 等詢問,并能簡單目 表達感情,如:It s cool!標(3)能夠按要求用簡單的英語較好的完成Iet s play.Talk and draw等活動。(4)能夠聽懂、會唱歌曲 My Small Bedroom ”。情感、策略、文化等有關目標:(1)情感態(tài)度:有興趣用英語表達,能積極參與活動。(2)學習策略:注重觀察、比較,積極與他人合作,共同完成學習任務。(3)文化目標:了解幾種住宅的英語名稱及差異。卡 教學重

25、點:學習家具陳設等物品的名稱、表示位置的介詞和There be句型的用法。1 教教學難點:能使學生正確使用 There be句式的單、復數(shù)形式及其長句的表達法。第一課時:A Let s learn Let s find out C Let s sing第二課時:A Let s try Let s talk Pair work C pronuciation 第三課時:A Read and write Group work C Story time第四課時:B Let s learn Pair work C Good to know第五課時:B Let s try Let s talk C Let

26、 s check第六課時:B Read and write Pair work C Task time.結(jié)合實際,區(qū)分幾種住宅的英語名稱及其差異。.游戲、Chant、TPR等形式調(diào)動學生積極性。3,鼓勵學生積極運用所學語言進行表達與交流,加強合作,共同完成學習任務。教具學具準備:.錄音機,本單元的錄音磁帶和本課錄音帶。.本單元的單詞卡片及圖片等。.多媒體課件。教學機智:突發(fā)事件的處理;對調(diào)皮學生的靈活引導等等。本單元內(nèi)容包括: Let s startLet s chantA : Let learn Lets find out Lets try Lets talk Read and write

27、Pair wor單元簡析Lets learn Lets chant Lets try Lets talk Group work Read and write Talk and drawTask time Pronunciation Let s checGood to know Let s sintory time教材解讀本單元重點學習用 There be句式的一般疑問句詢問并應答,要求學生在掌握四會 單詞和句子的基礎上能對周圍的自然景觀進行簡單的描述、詢問并作答;能對給風景圖 片進行簡單的討論并看圖寫話等。知識目標單元定位a.能夠聽、說、讀、寫 A、B部分Let s learn中的四會單詞和

28、Read and Write中的四會 單詞和句子。b.能夠了解字母組合 er、or、wh的發(fā)音規(guī)律及例詞的讀音。單元三維目標c.能夠聽、說、認讀 Let s learn中的三會單詞及 Let s talk中的句子。d.能夠了解 Story time、Good to know、Task time 等部分的內(nèi)容。能力目標:a.能夠簡單描述自然公園和村莊,如: There is a forest in the nature park. There are many small houses in my village.b.能夠用一般疑問句詢問自然公園及村莊的基本情況并作答,如: Is there a

29、 mountain?Yes, there is. Are there any rivers in your village? No, there aren t.c.能夠聽懂、會唱歌曲The Panda.情感、策略、文化等有關目標:a.情感態(tài)度:培養(yǎng)學生熱愛大自然的美好情感,增強學生的環(huán)境保護意識。b.文化目標:了解生態(tài)環(huán)境的相關知識及熊貓的生活習性。重難點教學重點:學習用There be句式的一般疑問句詢問并應答。 教教學又t點:There be句式一般疑問句中 any的用法。第一課時:Main scene Let s start A Let s learn Letsfindout C Let

30、 s sing時間安排 教學策略 教學手段第二課時:ALets try Let s talk Pair work C Pronunciation第三課時:A Read and write Group work C Story time第四課時:BLets learn Pair work C Good toknow第五課時:BLets try Let s talk Let s play C Lets check第六課時:B Read and write Pair work C Task time設計與構(gòu)想.盡量用多種直觀的教學方法呈現(xiàn)單詞,提供簡單的風景圖片,讓學生用所學知識進行描述或問答。.游

31、戲、Chant、TPR等形式調(diào)動學生積極性。3,鼓勵學生積極運用所學語言進行表達與交流,加強合作,共同完成學習任務。教具學具準備:.錄音機,本單元的錄音磁帶和本課錄音帶。.本單元的單詞卡片及風景圖片等。.多媒體課件。教學機智:突發(fā)事件的處理;對調(diào)皮學生的靈活引導等等。一、翻譯下列單詞。(12分)1. brother 2.Australia 3. subway6. homework( 8 分)你在晚餐前干了什么?他們在廚房里做飯。為什么你不乘地鐵呢?他們來自美國。三、將下列單詞或詞組分為四類。bedroombasketballsoccer China subway bathroom swimAu

32、stralia( 32 分)Canada kitchen busbike tennisliving roomAmerica car(2)Last name: (2)Last name: “first name” 和 “ last name”.Peter Pan (1)First name:Li Beibei (1)First name:五、選擇。)1. What ysour last name?A.Myname is Tom. B.My nameis Ming. C.Myname()2. Where are you from?A. I mAmerican. B. I mfrom China.C

33、. I mfromis Taylor.Chinese.to school?)3. How long does it takes to goA. I go to school by bike.I take it about 20 minutes.It takes about 20 minutes.()4. How do they go to school?A. We go to school by bike. B. They don t go to school.C. They walk to school.()5. What time do you go to school?A. On tim

34、e.B. After play.C. At nine o clock.()6. Who sin the bathroom?A. It s me, Sandy.B. It s no one.C. I in thebathroom.school?B. I went to the library.()7. What did you do afterA. I mgo to the library.C. I goes to the library.()8. Did you see Sandy after school?C. No, I didn t.A. Yes, I didn t. B. No, I

35、don t六、圈出錯誤的單詞,寫出正確的句子。 ( 8 分)Are you America? What syour lest name? Do you take the subway, too?It takes about 20 minute.七、根據(jù)你的實際情況回答問題。(16分)What,&our first name?What &our last name?Where are you from?What time do you go to school? How do you go to school? Howlongdoes ittaketo goto school?What is y

36、our mother doing now?Whatdidyou doafterdinneryesterday?I翻譯下列單詞或短語。(單詞和短語都不大寫)洗一洗(2)快點兒紫色博物館澳大利亞(6)整理床鋪昂貴的 8)扣子(復)9)別著急(10)一件長袖襯衫II判斷下列畫線部分的讀音是否相同。相同寫S,不同寫Do也irdteeth() time sixth( ) first skirt( )(4) morning short( ) which brush!)m用所給單詞完成下列各句。(每空一詞,句子開頭字母要大寫)better too one small bigger biggest-Which

37、 do you like, the blue hat or the gray hat?I like the blue better.This hat is for me.Do you have a one?Sure! This is the one.livedWherenew Isn tWe have a friend here. This is Jenny Browndid you live in Canada?I in Ottawa.Ottawa in the west?No, it in the east.IV按要求完成下列各題。A.把下列基數(shù)詞改寫成序數(shù)詞。(1) one two th

38、ree fiveB.寫出下列單詞的過去式。 win are take go make have buy comeC.寫出下列形容詞的比較級和最高級(1) long(比較級)easy(高級)good(比較級)big(最高級)small(比較級)expensive(比較級)V選擇正確答案填在括號里。()1 This skirtis too longme.()2 Why were you late? my watch stopped.()3 This isone.A.bigest B.the biggest C.biggest D.the bigestVI英漢互譯。 I wanted to buy

39、a shirt, but it was too expensive. What did you buy a present? I want a jacket without pockets. 比利的生日是二月 2 號。 你過得怎么樣? 即閱讀對話,把句子補充完整。Mom: Which do you like better, the yellow sweater or the blue sweater?Qiaoqiao: I like the blue sweater better.Mom: Howabout Xiaoxiao?Xiaoxiao: Ilike the yellow one bet

40、ter. What do they want to buy?They want to buy a. Which does Qiaoqiao like better, the yellow one or the blue one?He likes thebetter. Which does Xiaoxiao like better, the yellow one or the blue one?He likes thebetter.川寫作。寫一篇小短文,描述一下你上周末做的事情。注意:要求語句通順、條理清晰,不少于30 個單詞,要用動詞過去式。一、根據(jù)真實情況回答。Where are you f

41、rom ? What syour first name? How do you go to school? What time do you get up? What are you doing? How was your day? 7. Didyou do your homework yesterday? 8. What did 二、選擇。you do after school? ) 1. What time is it, Mum? It shalfA. toB. pastC. of) 2. It tsime lunch.A. forB. toC. innine.) 3. It lsate.

42、 IA. withwant to take some breadB. toC. atme._ a quarterC. aboutC. ofto four.) 4. There sa football gameA. atB. past) 5. Helen comes America.A. inB. from() 6. What does he usually do Sunday?A. inB. onC. at() 7. Are you ready breakfast?A. forB. ofC. in() 8. What s the matter him?A. toB. onC. with() 9

43、. There sa bird a tree.A. inB. onC. at五、找出錯誤并改正。1. Wang Bing wantsto play table tennisfor Gao Shan.2. Jim goes to the school every day.3. I like travel. Ilike to go to around China.4. Are you from different country?5. This is Mr. White. He is from American.六、寫出下列特殊名詞的復數(shù)形式。city _womanknifedeertoothmo

44、usechild panda photo glass 七、選詞填空。(一)A: What B: It a A: ShallFriday hobby roofbrush tomatomansheep _ patatos thequarter we_, please?nine.basketball?B: OK. WhereA: He_ David? theclassroom.B: LetA:(二)A. beautifullyE. fastanask him right, let go. s B. carefully F. loudlyto playC. highG. wellwithus.D. q

45、uietly1. walk2. speak3. play4. dance5. jump6.sit7. write8. swim9.run10. stand八、閱讀理解并翻譯,判斷對錯。Li Zhi is a student. far from his home. He always gets up at six oHe s twelve years old. usually goes to schoolHisbyschoolbus.isHeclockHe often washes his face beforebreakfast. He goes to school at seven o cl

46、ock.He learns English and Math, Chinese and other subjects(科目) at school. He has six English lessons every week. He likes it very much. He often reads English books in his room before he goes to bed. 翻譯: TOC o 1-5 h z Li Zhi lives near his school.()He goes to school by bike.()He gets up at 7 o clock

47、.()He likes English very much.()He reads English books everyday.()寫出單詞的正確拼寫。(18分)1、美國A2、雙胞胎t 3、地鐵4、圖書館l晚餐d二、選詞填空。(15分)take live near5、穿衣月艮g dfarride6、I the car to school.I in China.Her home is our school.I live a little from school.Sometimes I a bike to school.三、對話匹配。(12分)A. I walk to the library.()

48、1. Do you live far from school?()2. How do you go to the library? B. No, I dont. I live near school.()3. How long does it take to go to the library? C. That s a good idea!()4. Why don t you ride a bike?D. Yes, I do.E. It takes about 20 minutes.F. I saw a movie with Mike()5. Did you brush your teeth?

49、()6. What did you do after school?四、連詞成句。(15分)is / name / what / last / your / ?am / Canada / I / from / .by / to / school / she / bus / goes / .what / do / up / get/ time / you / ? your / was / how / day / ?五、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(30分)She is from the U. S. A.(對戈ij 線部分提問)I go to school by subway.(改 為同 義句)Sam went t

50、o the library yesterday.(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?(變一般過去時)(對劃線部分提問)(做否定回答)We play basketball after school.My mom is reading newspapers.Did you brudh your teeth?六、閱讀理解并翻譯,根據(jù)短文描述的時間順序為句子排序。(10分)Ann gets up at seven o clock in the morning. She has an English class at nine fifteen. In the afternoon, she goes to the park with her dad and mom atfour thirty, They come home at five forty-five. She goes to bed a


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