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1、2021-2022高考英語模擬試卷注意事項(xiàng)1考試結(jié)束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交回2答題前,請務(wù)必將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆填寫在試卷及答題卡的規(guī)定位置3請認(rèn)真核對監(jiān)考員在答題卡上所粘貼的條形碼上的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號與本人是否相符4作答選擇題,必須用2B鉛筆將答題卡上對應(yīng)選項(xiàng)的方框涂滿、涂黑;如需改動(dòng),請用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案作答非選擇題,必須用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆在答題卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律無效5如需作圖,須用2B鉛筆繪、寫清楚,線條、符號等須加黑、加粗第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1What is your main re

2、ason for choosing one restaurant another?Aover BofCfrom Dfor2Dont defend him any more. Its obvious that he _ destroyed the fence of the garden even without an apology.Aaccidentally Bcarelessly Cdeliberately Dclumsily3The manager is trying to find a man to recommend how the job .Ais doneBbe doneCshou

3、ld doneDto do4_ the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks.ANot completingBNot completedCNot having completedDHaving not completed5The two birds _ each other in shape and color. In other words, they _ each other in shape and color.Adiffer, are different fromBdiffer from, are differen

4、t toCresemble, are similar toDresemble, are similar with6Ms Alice is considered a lady by us, for she often helps the poor she met with.AselfishBhopefulCmeanDgenerous7Could I ask you a private question? Sure, Apardon me B go ahead Cgood idea D forget it8My son is addicted to computer games. He is ho

5、peless,isnt he?Yes,_he is determined to give up and start all over.AifBunlessCthoughDso9We the top of the mountain but for this awful weatherIt rained all dayAwill reachBwould reachChave reachedDwould have reached10The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front to arrive.Ais expected Bis

6、expectingCexpects Dwill be expected11During each NBA season, basketball fans cheer on their favorite teams to make _ through.Ait BthemCthat Dthose12_ that I wouldnt support myself at that moment.AI was weak enough BI was too weakCSo weak was I DSuch weak was I13The inner strength of the girl allows

7、her _ going when she gets into trouble.Akeep Bkeeping Cto keep Dkept14My neighbour came to ask me why there was so much noise in my house yesterday afternoon. I told her that some children an English song.ApraticedBwould practiceChave practicedDwere practicing15I keep on meeting with difficulties in

8、 the experiment. I can hardly go on.Where there are difficulties, there are ways to get over them. _ASuit yourself.BGood for youCPull yourself together!DWhats the deal?16It is almost five years since Jimmy taught high school students and he _ as an interpreter in a foreign enterprise.Aserved Bhad se

9、rvedCis serving Dwould serve17Mary was pleased to see that the seeds she _ in the garden were growing.Awas planting Bhas planted Cwould plant Dhad planted18The two pens are the same, but the red one cost _ that one.Aas much twice asBtwice as much asCmuch as twice asDas twice much as19Lifting off at

10、sunrise, the hot air balloon goes wherever the wind blow.AmayBmustCneedDshould20A man can fail many times, he is a real failure when he begins to blame someone else.Abut Bor Cand Dso第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。21(6分)The bristlecone pine is the longest-living thing on the earth.

11、These trees, with their strangely-shaped, wind-beaten limbs(枝干), can live up to 5,000 years. But experts worry that a warming climate in some areas may threaten its future.Researchers say warmer weather is permitting a similar kind of tree, the limber pine, to take over good growing places from the

12、ancient bristlecone. They say the tree is being crowded out of mountainous areas where it grows.“The bristlecone pine is the oldest individually growing organism,” researchers say. They grow in high mountain forests in eastern California, Nevada and Utah. In those mountains, the trees face high wind

13、s and extreme temperatures, which leave them with twisted limbs and shapes. “Even in such tough conditions,” Brian Smithers, a researcher at the University of California, said, “the limber pine is taking all the good spots.”The limber pine is the bristlecones distant relative and competitor. It can

14、also live a long timeup to 2,000 years. And it is usually found at lower altitudes, where temperatures are warmer. However, according to a three-year study which centered on trees that have started growing in the last 50 years in Californias White Mountains, most of the trees growing at higher altit

15、udes were limber pines.Scientists compared the competing species to two o1d men in a very slow race up a mountainside. This race between such slow-growing trees takes thousands of years. They say climate change is causing the competition.Smithers said the bristlecone pines are not in danger of disap

16、pearing. But he assumes they could be crowded out of some places where they have grown for thousands of years.The researchers say the findings show how climate change can affect the two kinds of trees. The information, they say, can help scientists understand more complex forests.1、Whats the functio

17、n of Paragraph 1?ATo introduce a topic. BTo summarize the whole passage.CTo describe the appearance of a tree. DTo praise the hard work of the experts.2、What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?AThere will be older trees sent out of those mountains.BThere will be more places covered wit

18、h bristlecone pines.CThere will be better limber pines replacing the ancient ones.DThere will be fewer bristlecone pines growing in those areas.3、According to the passage, the reason why limber pines can grow at higher altitudes is_.Athe high winds Bthe difficult conditionsCthe changing climate Dthe

19、 extreme temperatures4、What is the researchers attitude towards the future of the bristlecone pine?APositive. BConcerned.CEnthusiastic. DIndifferent.22(8分) Come and speak a week with us at Green and Gold Camp on the Sacramento Campus! Days are filled with scavenger hunts, river walks, the Challenge

20、Center, water activities, arts and crafts, games and more! Your adventure begins at Sacramento State.Awesome Activities:OrienteeringScavenger huntRopes courseArts and craftsCooking outdoorsCampus museumsFun in the sunRiver walkFun and educational gamesLeave no trace principlesSwimmingCamps Dates and

21、 DetailsWeek 1: 6/1/2017-6/5/2017Week 2: 6/7/2017-6/11/2017Week 2: 6/12/2017-6/16/2017Week 4: 6/19/2017-6/23/2017Week 3: 6/26/2017-6/30/2017Week 6: 7/10/2017-7/14/2017How much does this camp cost?This camp is only $290 for an entire week of memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.A minimu

22、m deposit of 50% per child, per camp is required for all registrations (non-refundable). Full payment is due 14 days prior to camp start.When does the camp begin/end?Drop-off for Green and Gold Camp begins each morning at 8:00 am. Camp activities begin at 8:30 each day and end at 5:00 pm. All childr

23、en must be picked up no later than 5:00 pm. Late pick-ups will result in a $10 fee.What does my child need to bring to the campPeak Adventures will provide a morning and afternoon snack, but your child needs to bring his/her own bag lunch every day. We also do water activities, so be sure to include

24、 a swim suit and a towel each day so they can participate. We suggest packing the following items each day:T-shirtShortsSweatshirtTennis shoesTowelSunscreenDay packWater bottleLunchSunglassesHat/VisorLipSwim-suitWater shoesCamp must have a minimum of six campers for the program to run. No guarantees

25、. You will receive a full refund for any cancelled camps.CALL US AT 916-278-6321 FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO RESERVE YOUR YOUTH CAMP SPOT TODAY.1、What will learn at the camp?AHolding your footprints.BHunting for small animals.CAdventuring in the forest.DPlaying games in the river.2、If you are late t

26、o fetch your kid twice a week, you have to pay _.A$155B$310C$145D$3003、What must you bring to join the camp?AA T-shirt and a sweatshirt.BTennis shoes and water shoes.CA swim suit and a towel.DSunscreen and sunglasses.23(8分)We humans are sweet on sugar. That makes sense. All animals need sugar to liv

27、e. It s the fuel that powers our cells. So it s not surprising that we re born to want the sweet stuff.Sugar stores the sun s energy like a battery. After a meal,your body breaks down foods into their building blocks. It uses some sugars for energy right away. The rest get stored for the body to bre

28、ak down later. It s a myth that sugar makes you extremely excited, but having a sugary snack can give you a quick burst of energy. That s because the sugars in sweet foods are easy for your body to turn into fuel. When you eat other kinds of foods,like vegetables, it takes longer for your body to br

29、eak the sugars down.These days it s easy to find sweet snacks. Sodas, candy, cakes and even foods that seem healthy , such as yogurt,can be packed with sugar. Food makers add sugar,because they know that to humans, sweet makes everything taste better. Americans eat about 3 teaspoons of extra sugar e

30、veryday. That s way more than what is good for us.Eating too much sugar can cause more than a stomach-ache. It can make people overweight, decay the teeth and even cause diabetes. However, experts aren t worried about naturally sweet foods- the problem is added sugar. So go ahead and enjoy a sweet a

31、pple or even a sugar-rich carrot that are also full of vitamins and other good stuff.Even cake is great once in a while , as long as you don t overdo it. After all, no one wants life to be dull. And your body needs its fuel!1、The first two paragraphs are mainly developed by _Acause and effect. Bprob

32、lem and solution.Cgiving examples . Dmaking comparisons.2、People may be tncked into eating too much sugar because .Ano one wants life to be boring.Bwe re born to want the sweet stuff.Cso-called healthy food can be packed with sugar.Dsugar is the fuel for the plants and animals on the Earth.3、What do

33、es the author want to stress in Para. 4?AWe d better say no to sweet foods.BExperts are worried about added sugar.CEating too much sugar is bad for our health.DWe d better consume sugar from natural sources.4、What can be a suitable title for the text?ASugar Is Everywhere. BSugar Brings Happiness.CWh

34、y Does Sugar Taste So good? DWhy Does Sugar Make Us Fat?24(8分)What can be better than a sweet treat with health benefits? As it happens, our favourite February food, chocolate, has a few shinning characteristics. It comes from the Theobroma cacao tree (food for the Gods), from a bean that grows on t

35、hat tropical tree. Chocolate originated in Mexico and Central and South America, but West Africa now produces most of the worlds cocoa. Look for fair trade chocolate that meets environmental and labour standards at natural foods markets in Kitsilano and the West End, at Karmavore in New Westminster

36、and at Natures Fare Markets throughout the province.Dark or semisweet chocolate is typically a vegan(素食) product. Because chocolate contains antioxidants(抗氧化劑) that prevent the oxidation (氧化)of LDL (bad) cholesterol(膽固醇), it has gained a reputation of being beneficial for our heart health. Eaten in

37、an appropriate amount, chocolate may lower blood pressure.Chocolate is also a source of iron a “precious metal” when it comes to human health. As part of red blood cells, iron plays a central role in transporting oxygen to the body and carrying away the waste product carbon dioxide. Each day, we los

38、e tiny amounts of iron in cells that are missing from skin and the inner lining of the intestine(腸壁). If our intake is not enough to replace our losses, a tired feeling and sensitivity to cold may develop. With further consuming, people feel exhausted, chilly and even headaches; the skin may appear

39、pale. Since iron absence is such an obvious condition and easily diagnosed, if you have any doubts about your iron level, have a lab test done.We are good at recycling iron, however, losses must be replaced. Two of the Chocolate Butter Balls in the recipe(食譜) below will provide one quarter of the re

40、commended intake of eight mg iron for the day.1、Which region produces most of the worlds cocoa now?AMexico BCentral AmericaCSouth America DWest Africa2、Why is chocolate beneficial for our heart health?AIt contains antioxidants BIt comes from the cacao tree.CIt originates in Mexico. DIt is a sweet tr

41、eat.3、What does “chilly” in the third paragraph mean?Aeasy to be angry Bhaving a feverCsensitive to cold Dfeeling tired4、From which is the text probably taken?AA biology textbook. BA health magazine.CA research paper. DA travel brochure.25(10分)In the fall of 1988, I visited many Buddhist temples, bu

42、t after a while they all began to fade from my memories. However, there was one temple that left a great impression in my heart.It is called the Temple of the Golden Buddha. After walking around it and taking some photos, I walked over to a glass case, next to which was a typewritten page describing

43、 the history of this magnificent piece of art.Back in 1957 a group of monks from a monastery(修道院) had to relocate a clay Buddha from their temple to a new location. The monastery was to be relocated to make room for the development of a highway. When the crane(吊車)began to lift it, the weight of was

44、so large that it began to crack. Whats more, rain began to fall, The head monk decided to lower the statue back to the ground and cover it with a large oilcloth to protect it from the rain.Later that evening the head monk went to check on the Buddha. He shined his flash- light under the oilcloth to

45、see if the Buddha was staying dry. As the light reached the crack, he noticed a little beam shining back and thought it strange. As he took a closer look at this beam of light, he wondered if there might be something underneath the clay. He went to fetch a chisel and hammer from the monastery and be

46、gan to chip away at the clay. As he knocked off pieces of clay, the little beam grew brighter and bigger. Many hours of labor went by before the monk stood face to face with the extraordinary solid-gold Buddha.Historians believe that several hundred years before the head monks discovery, the army wa

47、s about to invade the country. The monks, realizing that their country would soon be attacked, covered their precious golden Buddha with an outer covering of clay in order to keep their treasure from being robbed by the enemy.Unfortunately, it appears that the enemy killed all the monks, and the wel

48、l-kept secret of the golden Buddha remained uncovered until the day in 1957.As I flew home I began to think to myself, “We are all like the clay Buddha covered with a shell of hardness created out of fear, and yet underneath each of us is a golden Buddha, agolden Christ, or a golden spirit, which is

49、 our real self. Somewhere along the way, between the ages of two and nine, we begin to cover up our golden spirit, our natural self. Much like the monk with the hammer and the chisel, our task now is to discover our true spirit once again.”1、What made the monks cover the Buddha with a large oilcloth

50、?AHiding it from being stolen.BProtecting it from the rain.CProtecting it from being damaged.DAvoiding being seen.2、Why was the author greatly impressed by the golden Buddha?ABecause he likes it very much.BBecause it differs from others.CBecause of its history.DBecause of the protection of the monk.

51、3、What might be the best title of the passage?AVisiting Buddhist TemplesBThe Golden BuddhaCProtecting Their CountryDRelocating the Buddha4、What advice is given to us according to the passage?ACovering up ourselves.BFinding the truth.CDiscovering our true spirit.DBuilding up our belief.第三部分 語言知識運(yùn)用(共兩

52、節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)26(30分)This morning, I set off very late in my car to office, I was in a 1 to reach my office as my clients were waiting for me there. Unfortunately, I got 2 in a traffic jam. All the vehicles stood up in a long line, and drivers were 3

53、blowing horns to get rid of their 4 . I got down from my car and moved forward in search of the 5 of the traffic jam. At a turning a young man was struggling hard to move forward his car, which might 6 .Everyone there was just 7 the man without coming to offer 8 to him. Meanwhile, they were 9 the ma

54、n for the traffic jam. The number of vehicles was gradually increasing. The man looked 10 as everyone put him to the scorn(奚落)for creating this public 11 Nobody was in the mood of 12 the man for his error.Seeing this, I 13 rushed to help the man, followed by other drivers. We 14 to push the car. Ver

55、y soon it started with a loud sound. The man smiled in 15 the moment his car worked again. Then he thanked us and 16 to everyone there and moved off.After that I went into deep thinking over the human 17 in the times of crisis. Every human on this earth unavoidably makes errors. When other people do

56、 that we blame, but when we are in the same condition, we desire to gain 18 . In the times of crisis we should try to 19 them together instead of blaming others. Forgiving is a 20 choice, as it not only avoids conflicts further, but also spreads universal love.1、Afashion Bhurry Cmess Dway2、Ainjured

57、Bstuck Clost Dremoved.3、Aproperly Bawkwardly Cconsiderately Dconstantly4、Aworry Bconcern Canger Dsadness5、Acause Bevidence Cinfluence Deffect6、Aset off Bturn off Cbreak down Dpull up7、Awatching Bdirecting Ccomforting Dchecking8、Aadmission Bopportunities Ctrust Dassistance9、Aobserving Bblaming Cinspe

58、cting Dpunishing10、Afrustrated Bimpatient Cfrightened Dembarrassed11、Aprogress Bfocus Cpractice Dinconvenience12、Aforgiving Bcriticizing Cannoying Dencouraging13、Aeventually Bsteadily Cpurposely Dimmediately14、Apretended Bcooperated Chesitated Dpromised15、Avain Bsecret Crelief Dprivacy16、Aapologized

59、 Bshouted Cexplained Dcomplained17、Aintelligence Brelationship Cattitude Dpractice18、Asatisfaction Bsympathy Cbenefit Dtrust19、Aneglect Bestimate Csimplify Dovercome20、Awise Bsimilar Cpainful Dcommon第二節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分15分)閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入1個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。27(15分)Driving to the airport in the early morning,

60、 I felt 1(excite) because I would spend the summer in Paris. While looking for more interesting things 2(do) besides sleeping and eating on the plane, I jumped at the chance to study French in this city 3(know) for its art, food and culture.My connecting flight (轉(zhuǎn)機(jī))was in Frankfurt, Germany, 14 hour


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