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1、2019-2020年高考英語大一輪復(fù)習(xí)Unit4Bodylanguage課時作業(yè)新人教版必修I 閱讀理解xx 河北衡水中學(xué)5月模擬My divorce was final and I needed to find a new home for me and my six-year-old son,Dash.A few days earlier rd seen an ad.l was willing to try anything, so Icontacted the owner,a woman named Camille.When she e-mailed me back I discover

2、edshe was nt ren ti ng a house at all.She was renting the attic (閣樓)apartme nt.l left a message call ing off our meeti ng.But Camille called me back and insisted I e over.So here I was, I pulled thecar to a stop and looked up at the tiny cottage.The house was small as it was.The TOC o 1-5 h z attic

3、win dow looked too ti ny to let much light in.We could nt live in a dark,depress ing place .I could make do with almost anythin g.But Dash n eeds a good home,a place he really feels safe.No sense in wasting her time or mineknocked.The woman who opened the doorwas small and bright-eyed.She was much o

4、lder tha n rd guessed, but I could see shehad the en ergy of some one half her age.She looked so sympathetic that I found myself wanti ng to keep talking to her.“We have to leave our home ,” I explained.“ Mymarriage ended.I only have a few days to find something else, but I want it to beright. ”Cami

5、lle no dded.“ Youre a good mother.You n ever know the miracles that awaityou around the corne r. ” Camille walked me to the door and wished mewell.I got back in the car and snapped out of it.l drove off slowly , hoping to make the feeling last.I turned dow n a side street I did nt recog nize.l gla n

6、eedout of the side win dow.Justup ahead was a cottage with a sign out in front: for rent.I pulled over.I found the owners had just bought the house themselves and were decorating it ,hoping to find the perfect renters.They took me on tour of the house that was like a copy of my list: a big bedroom f

7、or Dash , a backyard with trees ,and a great school n earby.The house was meant for us!Camille was right.Miracles await us,just around the corner.How did the author feel after reading Camilles e-mail?Disappo in ted.B. Excited.C. Anxious.D. Content.Why must the author find a good place?To beg in a ne

8、w life.To give Dash a good education.For her sons sake.For her and her sons safety. What does the underlined part“snapped out of it ” probably mean?Say something in an impatient voice.Stop being unhappy and begin cheering.Make a sharp noise suddenly.Lose control of ones feelings.What message does th

9、e passage mainly convey?Never lose hope.No pains , no gains.Every little bit helps.Well begun is half done.答案:解題導(dǎo)語本文為記敘文。作者通過自己的親身經(jīng)歷告訴讀者,當(dāng)遇到困難時, 不要灰心。奇跡等待著我們。A 解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段I left a message calling off our meeting. ”可知當(dāng)作者收到 Camille的電子郵件后感到很失望,故答案為A項。 C 解析:事實細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)第二段最后一句But Dash needs a good home a

10、 placehe really feels safe.”可知作者之所以必須找到一個好地方是因為她的兒子,故答案為C項。B 解析:猜測詞義題。根據(jù)下句 “ I drove off slowly , hoping to make the feelinglast. ”可知作者想將沮喪擺脫掉,故答案為B項。 A 解析:主旨大意題。通讀全文尤其是文章最后一段可知文章想傳遞的信息是,永遠(yuǎn)不要失去希望,故答案為A項。n .閱讀填空xx 陜西大學(xué)附中質(zhì)檢What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person agen

11、ius , like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool ? Are peopleborn intelligentor stupid , or is intelligenee the result of where and how you live ?1We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not eno ugh .In some ways, the mi nd is like a leg or an arm muscle._2_Men

12、tal (do ne with the mi nd) exercise is particularly importa nt for young childre n.Many child psychologists think thatpare nts should play with their childre n more ofte n and give them problems to thi nk about._3_If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothingto do , they a

13、re more likely to bee dull and unintelligent._4_According to some psychologists , if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely to keep doing sillyand foolishthings.So it is probably better for parents to say very positive (helpful)things t

14、o their children, such as “That was a very clever thing you did.” ora l ”_5_A healthy body con tributes to on es in tellige nee.Parents should also be careful with what they say to young children.What people want to express is like this.The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelli

15、gent.These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.It needs exercise.You are such a smart child.答案:解題導(dǎo)語本文是一篇說明文。文章主要講述不是每個孩子都天生聰明,都需要后天的培養(yǎng),作為父母,要多對孩子說積極鼓勵的話,鼓勵孩子積極向上。 E 解析:本段前三句提出了三個問題,只有E項These are very old questions.與之呼應(yīng),符合邏輯。故選E項。 F解析:本段第一句提到,天生聰明是不夠的;設(shè)空處后提出腦力訓(xùn)練對孩子尤其重要。

16、由此可知,智力也需要鍛煉。故選F項。 D 解析:根據(jù)下文 If , on the other ha nd, .they are more likely to bee dull and unin tellige nt.可知,此處是兩種方式的對比,意思和句式基本一致,含義相反。故選D項。 B解析:根據(jù)空格后內(nèi)容可知,如果父母總是對孩子說他是傻子或笨蛋,那么孩子真的更有可能一直做愚蠢的事。也就是說父母要特別注意自己對孩子所說的話。故選B項。G解析:本段主題是父母要特別注意自己對孩子所說的話。根據(jù)空格前內(nèi)容可知,G項與 That was父母應(yīng)對孩子說一些積極的話,連詞or連接相同的并列內(nèi)容,選項中只有

17、a very clever thing you did.一致。故選 G項。川.語法填空xx 河北石家莊模擬The best way to deal with sports injuries is to keep them from happening in thefirst place .Knowing the rules of the game youre play ing and using the right(equip) can go a long way toward preventinginjuries.If you think youvebeen injured , pull 2

18、.(you) out of the game or stop 3.(do)youractivity or workout.Let a coach or parent know what happened in case you need toseea doctor.Seriousheadand neck injurieshappen most often toathletes4._play contactsportslike football.Keepthe injuredperson stillwith hisorher head 5._(hold)straight whilesomeone

19、calls foremergency6._(medicine) help.If the person 7.(lie) on the grounddo not tryto move him or her.Your first questionaftera sports injury will8.(probable)be,“ Whencan I play again ?” This depends on the injuryand what your doctor tells you.Evenif you cant return to your sport right away, a doctor

20、 might have suggestions andadvice 9.what you can do to stay fit.Always check with your doctor10.trying any activity following an injury.答案: 解題導(dǎo)語 本文為說明文。講述了在運動中受傷以后具體的做法。要停止運動, 看是否需要就醫(yī),并且遵循醫(yī)生的建議。1equipment 解析:考查詞性轉(zhuǎn)換。 分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知, 此處指合適的器材, equipment 表示“設(shè)備,器材”,是不可數(shù)名詞。2yourself解析:考查代詞。 這是一個祈使句, 由前面的 you 可

21、知,該處用 yourself 。3 doing 解析:考查非謂語動詞。由“ youve been injured ”可知,受傷了就要停 止活動, stop doing sth. “停止做某事”,故用 doing 。4 who/that 解析:考查定語從句。空處引導(dǎo)定語從句,先行詞為 athletes ,指人, 故用 who 或 that 。5 held 解析:考查 with 結(jié)構(gòu)。動詞 hold 與 his or her head 是動賓關(guān)系,故用過 去分詞作賓語補足語。6 medical 解析:考查詞性轉(zhuǎn)換。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,此處是形容詞修飾名詞 help , 故用 medical 。7.

22、lies/is lying 解析:考查時態(tài)。此處表示“如果這個人躺在 / 正躺在地上”,故 應(yīng)用一般現(xiàn)在時或現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時。8 probably 解析:考查副詞。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,這里應(yīng)用副詞修飾動詞。9 about/on 解析:考查介詞。分析句意可知,這里指的是“做什么來保持健康的建 議”,故用 about/on 表示“關(guān)于”。10 before 解析:考查介詞。分析句意可知,在嘗試任何活動之前先咨詢一下醫(yī)生, 故用 before 。IV.短文改錯Mike was one of my fathers younger brother.He has been died of cancer for t

23、woyears.When I was a teenager , he taught us how to hunt inthe woods duringthehoursbefore dawn.We usually left home at three oclock in themorning , stayedinalocalrestaura nt for breakfast , and the n travel on to his hun ting dest in ati on.J ustafterdawn, he would find the right spot in the woods.H

24、e would show methat how to avoidmake a sound or a movement.Though I ever hunted an animal successfully, I learnedto be brave and patiently through the experience.I miss my uncle all time.答案:Mikw was one of my fathers younger brother. He hasbrothersbeen died of cancer for two years. When I was a teen

25、ager. hedeadtaught us how to hunt m the woods during the hours beforemedawn, We usually left home at three oclock m the morningsstayed in a local restaurant for breakfastand then trg*亡travel (.1) edon io his hunting desrinarion. Just after dawn* he would findbeforethe right spot in th亡 woods. Hu wou

26、ld show mehow toavoid make a sound or a movement. Though I ever huntedmakingneveran animal successfully- I learned to be brave and patientlypatientthrough the experience. I miss my uncle all A tirn巳the2019-2020年高考英語大一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit4Bodylanguage課時作業(yè)新人教版必修I.單項填空1Was the proposal passed at yesterdays meeti n

27、g?Yes, but some members at the mittee expressed.A. associationsB. authorityC. corporationsD. reservations解析考查名詞詞義辨析。association 社團;聯(lián)盟;authority 權(quán)力;權(quán)威;corporation公司;法人;reservation( 保留)意見;異議。答案 DAt the class meeting, some top students introduced severalto the studyof En glish.A approachesB meansC meth

28、odsD ways解析 考查名詞與介詞的搭配。approach to sth/doing sth做某事的方法; by meansof/by this means/by that means通過某種方式;with the method of.用的方法; way to do./of doing答案 A做的方式或方法。s not c lean.3 I can the house being untidyA e up withC turn to, but I hate it if it B put up with D stick to解析考查動詞短語辨析。句意:我可以忍受房間亂點兒,但我討厭它不干凈。

29、A.提出,想出; B. 忍受; C. 求助于,轉(zhuǎn)向; D. 堅持,忠于。由句意可知此處應(yīng)填“忍受”,故 答案為 B 項。答案 B4 When the headmaster spoke out his plan , theof the students in theclassagainst it.A majority; wereB most; wereC most; didD majority; did解析 考查固定搭配和主謂一致。 the majority of“大多數(shù)的”,修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)作主語時,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)。故選A。答案 A5 , I can see that those terrib

30、le events shaped me into the person I amtoday.A Having looked backB Looking backC Being looking backD To be looking back解析 考查非謂語動詞用法。分詞的一般式作狀語,表時間。look back 與句子的謂語動詞 see 同時發(fā)生,故應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在looking back 相當(dāng)于 when I look back 。6 These children had no idea答案 Bthey should go, so they had to stop to ask theway.Aho

31、wB thatC whatD where解析 考查名詞性從句。 where 引導(dǎo)同位語從句,可根據(jù)后面的 so they had to stop to ask the way 判斷。答案 D7 A lot of countries have gained excellentachievements in space technology , China ,A such asB for exampleC namelyD and so on解析 句意:許多國家在太空技術(shù)方面取得了杰出的成就,比如說,中國。 such as 列 舉同類中的幾個例子; for example 可列舉一例; namely

32、 把內(nèi)容全部列舉出來; and so on 表示“等等”。答案 B8 Don t be tooabout things you are not supposed to know.A strangeB amusingC curiousD conscious解析 be curious about 對感到好奇”。strange 奇怪 (特)的”;amusing 好笑的,有趣的”; conscious “注意到的,意識到的”。句意:別對你不該知道的事情過于 好奇。答案 C9in the queue for half an hour ,the old man suddenly realized he h

33、ad leftthe cheque in the car.A WaitingB To waitC Having waitedD To have waited解析 考查非謂語動詞的用法。根據(jù) the old man 與 wait 之間的關(guān)系,應(yīng)該選擇 -ing 形式, 再根據(jù)句意可知“他”是在主句謂語動詞“ realized ”前就“等了 (wait) 半個小 時了”,有明顯的先后關(guān)系,故要用 -ing 形式的完成式。答案 C10Running a pany is nota matter of hiring peoplethey also need to betrained.A s i mply

34、B partlyCseriouslyDequally解析 句意:經(jīng)營一家公司不僅僅就是雇人的事情他們還需要被培訓(xùn)。A 項 simply表示“僅僅,只不過”,符合句意。答案 A11 At the meeting they discussed three differentto the study of mathematics.AapproachesB meansCmethodsD ways解析 句意: 在會議上, 他們討論了三種不同的學(xué)習(xí)數(shù)學(xué)的方法。 approach 指從事某事的特別方法、途徑,譯作(待人接物或思考問題的)方式、方法、態(tài)度”。approach與介詞to搭配,其余三個詞與介詞of

35、搭配。答案A12. Do you know Ann as teleph one nu mber?.As a matter of fact , I dont know any Anna, either.A. I think soB. rm afraid notC. I hope soD. Id rather not解析根據(jù)下文“,I dont kn ow any Ann a, either. ”可判斷出應(yīng)該選B, Im afraidnot我恐怕不知道。答案 B13. Students are warned of not being tooabout things they are not sup

36、posedto know.A. strangeB. curiousC. consciousD . amusing解析考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:學(xué)生們被警告不要對不應(yīng)知道的事追根問底。becurious about 對好奇,符合句意。strange陌生的;conscious 有知覺的,有意識的;amusing有樂趣的,好笑的。均不合句意。答案 B14. As Ithe house,I noticed a light on upstairs.A. entered into.attachedC. appealed.approached解析 句意:當(dāng)我接近房子時,我注意到樓上亮著燈。enter后不必加

37、into ,而attach表示粘上, appeal表示吸引、呼吁,均不合題意。答案D15 . He man aged toat the last mome nt.You mea n he has a n arrow escape?B. turn upA. turn awayC. turn outD. turn in解析 考查短語辨析。句意:一一他在最后一刻設(shè)法避開了。一一你是說他九死一生?turn away 避開;解雇;不準(zhǔn)入內(nèi);走開;轉(zhuǎn)過臉;turn up 出現(xiàn);開大;出現(xiàn);turn out 生產(chǎn);結(jié)果是;turn in 交上;歸還。答案 An .閱讀理解In white shirt , b

38、lue pants , black cloth shoes and twopigtails( 辮子),Jingqiu gives off an air of great“purebeauty ”in Zhang Yimous new movieUnder the HawthornTree.The film tells the story of the sad romance of Jingqiuand a handsome young man named Laosan.Set at theend of the “ cultural revolution (19661976) , the pai

39、r managed to fall in lovealthough they came from different political environments.Before it was released , moviegoers speculated( 推測)on just what this“purebeauty”could be.Director Zhang plained of how long it had taken him to find the right girl for the part of Jingqiu a character so innocent that s

40、he believed simply lying on the same bed with a man would make her pregnant.It was 18-year-old Zhou Dongyu who stood out from the crowd.According toZhang, Zhou had“eyes that are clear like a fountain ona mountainside ” Bornof an ordinary workers family,the Shijiazhuang girl was in her final year ofh

41、igh school and working hard for a place in an art college.While some teenagers consider such “pure beauty ”illusory( 虛幻的 ),others believe that it speaks of something soulful.Purity is all about the innocence that shines through from within,thinks16-year-old Tan Mengxi of Nanjing.“Being pure can be s

42、imple , not having plicated thoughts and being inexperienced.However ,it doesnt mean an ignorant or naive(天真的 )person.So ,a person is pure in his or her nature if he or she is always enthusiastic and able to deal with difficult matters independently.This purity doesnt pass with time ,”she said.【語篇解讀

43、】 本文介紹了電影山楂樹之戀引發(fā)的“純美”大討論。1What image does Jingqiu give to audiencesin the movieUnder theHawthorn Tree?AA simple girlBA pure girlCA romantic girlDA silent girl解析 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段“CC| Jingiugives off an airof great pure beautyin Zhang Yimous new movieUnder theHawthorn Tree. ”可知。答案 B2What kind of girl looks

44、 pure according to the passage?AA girl in white shirt,blue pants ,black cloth shoes and two pigtails.BA girl has eyes that are clear like a fountain on a mountainside.CA girl who was born into an ordinary workers family.to see whether I would really read the story.When it came back , the pages still

45、D A girl wear s accessories and make-up.解析 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。第三段中講到導(dǎo)演張藝謀抱怨很難找到這么純的女孩,第四段中說 周冬雨脫穎而出,從張對周冬雨的描述可知 B 答案正確。答案 B3 Whats the opinion of Tan Mengxi about purity?A It is of whether someone is ignorant or naive.BBeing pure can be simple ,not having plicated thoughts and being inexperienced.C It is of whet

46、her someone is always enthusiastic.D Purity is a matter of internal quality and doesnt pass with time.解析 推理判斷題。從最后兩段可知此答案, A、B、 C 是這種內(nèi)在品質(zhì)的外在表現(xiàn)。核 心內(nèi)容是“ purity is all about the innocence that shines through from within”以及“ This purity doesnt pass with time.”故選 D 項。答案 D4 Which do you think is the best title for the passage?A What makes a pure girl?B A debate on the movi


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