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1、七年級人教版英語上冊 Unit6Do you like bananas? 學(xué)案m期學(xué)生姓名上課時間課時2教師輔導(dǎo)科目英語學(xué)生年級七年級學(xué)牛簽字教學(xué) 目標(biāo)七年級上 Unit6 Do you like bananas(話題:food)教學(xué)重占 八、1:食物名詞的單復(fù)數(shù)形式;2:詢問某人是否喜歡某物的日常用語。教學(xué)難占 八、詢問某人是否喜歡某物的日常用語學(xué)生活 動要點課堂上專心聽講,課后認(rèn)真復(fù)習(xí)。i殳計1的掌握詢問某人是否喜歡某物的日常用語教學(xué)重占八、:必備短語喜歡某物like sth.早 中 晚飯吃一have sth. for breakfastlunchdinner健 飲食習(xí)慣 eating h

2、abits 生日晚餐 birthday康食品 hea1thy food 考慮 think aboutdinner 下一周 next week 怎么樣 how/what聽起來不錯sounds goodabout讓我們Let s就午餐而言for lunch就早餐而for breakfast育明星 sports star就晚餐而言 for dinner最后一個問題 one last questi on 我不想變胖 I don t want to be fat.二:交際用語1:詢問某人是否喜歡某物的日常用語-Do you like hamburgers?你喜歡漢堡包嗎?-Yes, I do. No,

3、I do nt.是的,我喜歡。不,我不喜歡。2:表達(dá)某人是否喜歡某物的日常用語I like oran ges.我喜歡橘子。He likes ice-cream.他喜歡冰激凌。We dontlike hamburgers.我們不喜歡漢堡包。He does like vegetables.他不喜歡蔬菜。She likes bread, but she doesnlike oran ges.她后歡面包,但她不岳歡橘子。They like pears, but they do like strawberries.他們喜歡梨,但他們不喜歡草莓。二:語言知識精講1. Do you like oranges

4、你喜歡橙子嗎?orange n.橙子”,為可數(shù)名詞,變復(fù)數(shù)直接在詞尾加S。She has two oran ges for lunch她午飯吃兩個橙子。OJ; st 忡”(1)orange n.橙汁”,是不可數(shù)名詞I can have some oran ge. 我可以喝一些橙汁。ora nge n.橙色Do you like orange?你喜歡橙色嗎?ora nge adj.橙色的I like the orange coat.我喜歡這個橙色的外套。Lets think about the food.讓我們來想想吃什么食物吧。think about , 意為 思考;考慮;認(rèn)為;其同義短語為t

5、hink of。What do you thi nk about/of this book? 你認(rèn)為這本書怎么樣?Dont you ever thi nk about other people? 你從來就不考慮考慮別人嗎?Sure. How about burgers vegetable salad and some fruit? 好吧。咱們吃漢堡、蔬菜沙拉 和水果怎么 樣?sure adv.當(dāng)然; 肯定; 一定; 相當(dāng)于 of course/certainly。一Can I use your pen cil?我能用一下你的鉛筆嗎?Sure/Of course/Certai nly!當(dāng)然可以了

6、 !教學(xué)sure還可以作形容詞,意為 肯定的;確定的;有把握的”;常構(gòu)成以下結(jié)構(gòu):重點(1)be sure of sth./doing sth,主語是表示人的詞,意為 有把握;確信”。He is sure of pass ing the test 他 確信能通過考試。be sure to do sth.主語可以是人,也可以是物,表 示主語一定;必然會.”。He is sure to be back soon. 他一定會很快回來。be sure that.,主語是表示人的詞,即:主語感到有把握;確信”。rm sure that he can come. 我確信他會來。箴邕玨How about.

7、?(提出建議)怎么樣?相當(dāng)于What about. ?用來表示征求意見或詢問消息。about是介詞,其后可接名詞、代詞或動詞的ing形式。How/What about go ing to the park? 去公園怎么樣?How/What about the TV play? 那部電視劇怎么樣?Lets have strawberries and apples the 我 彳門就吃草莓和蘋果吧。粗空have v.吃;飲。語氣弱,但用于社交場合比eat客氣。它后面還可跟 meal和三餐名詞(breakfast早餐;lunch午餐;dinner晚餐),并且三餐名詞前不加冠詞。I have lunc

8、h at home every day . 每天我在家吃午飯。Sports Star Eats Well體育明星吃得健康!空本句是含有主語和謂語結(jié)構(gòu)的簡單句。eat v.吃”,后可跟名詞,也可跟三餐。I eat breakfast well我早餐吃得好。eat v.喝;只表示喝湯”。He likes to eat soup 湯).他喜歡喝湯。徽 eat 和 have二者都有 吃,喝”之意,其后都可以接三餐名詞。He has eggs and apples for lunch. He eats eggs and apples for lune 他午飯吃雞蛋和蘋果。但在實際運用中,還有些不同:ea

9、t多指吃”,是日常用語,使用很普遍,可單獨使用。 eat作喝”講,只 表示喝湯”。My sister eats fast我妹妹吃得快。have既可以指 吃”,也可以指 喝”,語氣較弱,但用于社交場合比eat容氣。一般不單獨使用。I want to have some water 我 想喝點水。well adv.好地,對地”,修飾動詞、形容詞或副詞He can play basketball well.修飾動詞play)他打籃球打得很好。 si伸教學(xué)(1) well int.喔;噢;唔;這個(用來引出一句話,繼續(xù)講述或填補間歇) 重點 Well, we can spell the word 好啦

10、,我們會拼這單詞了。well adj.身體)好的,健康的,相當(dāng)于 fine或0K。The old man is well.這位老人身體很好。甸 3well 和 goodC. nice: goodD. well ; good二者都可作形容詞,但用法不同well“身體)好的,健康的”,常放在系 動詞后作表語。My pare nts are very well. 我父母身體 很健康。good好的”,意義寬泛,可以修飾名詞,作定語;也可用于系動詞后,構(gòu)成 系 表結(jié)構(gòu),充當(dāng)表語。Shes a good girl.定語)她是一個好 女孩。The ball is good.(表語)這個球很好?!纠?1】We

11、 to live(活著),but dont live to A. eat;haveB .have ; eat解析句中兩個 吃”后者口沒有賓語,說明是單獨使用的,故都用 eat。因 為have作吃講時一般不單獨使用。答案C句意我們吃飯是為了活著,但是活著不是為了吃飯。C. eat;eatD.have; have【例 2】Tim is a boy and he studies 學(xué)習(xí)) at school.A. good; wellB. good; fineboy是名詞,其前應(yīng)用形容詞來修飾,D項well雖也可作形容詞,答案但只作表語,意為 身體好的”,與題意不符,故排除;句中 studies是動詞

12、,故需 用副詞well修飾,good與fine都是形容詞,故排 除B、C兩項。故選A項。句意 蒂姆是一個好男孩,在學(xué)校里他學(xué)習(xí)很好教學(xué)重點【例 3】Can you play soccer ?A. goodB. wellC. fineD. nice解析瀏覽各選項可知句意為 你足球踢得好嗎? play是動詞,故 用副詞修飾,而A、C、D二項是形容詞,故排除;B項可 作副 詞,意為好地”,符合題意。故選B項。答案B句意你足球踢得好嗎?【例 4】 His grandparents are both very old but they are very now.B. greatA. goodC. wel

13、l解析空格前是系動詞are,空格處應(yīng)填形容詞。A項意為好的, 合適 的,擅長的;B項意為 偉大的,重大的,好極了 ” ; D項意 為美好的,精致的,可愛的,令人愉快的,合宜的”,三項均為形容詞,但均與題意不符。只有 C項作形容詞時表 示“(體)好的;健康的”符合題意。故選 C項。句意他的祖父母年齡都非常大了,但是他們現(xiàn)在非常健康D. nice6.What do you like for breakfas?早飯你喜歡吃什么?本句是what弓身的特殊疑問句。for breakfast是介詞短語作狀語靶旺1 for prep.對“,供,適合于,可以表示用途、對象、目標(biāo)、愿望等答案She has so

14、me books for childre n 她有一些兒童讀物。Lets go for a walk.讓我們?nèi)ド⒉桨?。Good luck for you !祝你好運!電衛(wèi)羽breakfast n .早餐”,和lunch, dinner表示一日三餐,通常其前不加冠詞。但可以用所 有格修飾,當(dāng)三餐前有形容詞修飾時,可以加不定冠詞,表示一頓早沖/晚餐”。We have our breakfast at 7 30.我們七點半吃早餐。He has a quick breakfast.他匆匆吃了早餐。【例 1 】 What do you like lunch?A. forC. atB. to解析句式lik

15、e.fo什某餐 表示 某餐你喜歡吃什么。故 選A 項。答案A句意午飯你喜歡吃什么?D. /【例 2】 We want to have great dinner this evening.A. aB. anC. theD. /解析當(dāng)表示二餐的名詞前有形容詞修飾時,其前需加不定冠詞,排除C、D兩項;又因為great是以輔音音素開頭的 單 詞,故用a,排除B項。故選A項。:答案:A句意今天晚上我們想吃一頓美餐。7.1 think its healthy.我認(rèn)為水果很健康燦事本句是含有賓語從句的復(fù)合句。its healthy作I think的賓語,因為作賓語的是一個句子,故稱賓語從句。think后省略

16、了連詞that。think后面的從句要表示否定意義時,通常作否定轉(zhuǎn)移:把think變?yōu)榉穸ㄐ问?,從句保持肯定不變。原句的否定句為:I dont thi nk its healthy.我認(rèn)為它是不健康的。幀睡1 healthy adj.健康的,強健的”,常作表語和定語。My gran dpare nts are very healthy. 我的祖父母都很健康。(表語)(1)health n.健康 Vegetables are good for health 蔬 菜對健康有好處。un healthy adj.不健康的 Hamburgers are un healthy food. 漢堡是不健康的食

17、品?!纠?1 】I En glish is in teresti ng.教學(xué)重點A. think ; notB. think dont ; notC. dont think ; /D. not think ; /解析:瀏覽各選項可知本句是否定句,think常作否定轉(zhuǎn)移,把think變?yōu)榉穸ㄐ问?,從句保?肯定 不變。排除A項,think沒用否定;排除B項,否定的詞序不對;D項看似正確,但think前不能直 接加not構(gòu)成否定,故也排除。答案:C food every day.B. fun【例 2】We need lots ofA. interestingA啟趣的XB啟趣的XC健康的VD無聊的X

18、句意我們每天需要許多健康的食物。D. boringC. healthydont want to be fat.我可不想變胖。K醫(yī):want v.需要;想要后可直接接名詞作賓語,也可接動詞不定式作賓語。want to do sth 想要做某事 wa nt sb. to do sth 想讓某人做某事 He wan ts some banan as 他 想要 一些香蕉。I want to buy a T-shirt.我想買一件 T恤衫。She wants me to ob some readi ng. 她想讓我讀書。他菱fat adj.肥的;肥胖的 共同義詞是heavy,反義詞是thin?!纠?1

19、】 Does your brother want basketball after school?A. playB. playsC. to playD. playing解析:根據(jù)want to do sth.想要做某事”可知,C項正確。 答案:C【例2】He isA. thin.He weighs 稱重)100 kilograms.B. fatC. tallD. short解析:根據(jù)句意 他重100千克”可知他是胖的。故選 B項 答案:B 交際寫作指導(dǎo)交際用語一J Yes4 I 曲3/jI hkc hamburecrs. Do you like hamburgers?本單元的交際用語主要是談?wù)?/p>

20、好惡。一 Do you like bananas ?你喜歡香蕉嗎?一Yes, I do./No ,I dont.是的,我喜歡。/不,我不喜歡。本交際用語用來詢問對方是否喜歡某物。一 Do you like salad ?你喜歡沙拉嗎?一Yes, I do.是的,我喜歡/不,她不喜歡.。本交際用語用來詢問他人是否喜歡某物。一 Does she like pears 她喜歡梨嗎? 一Yes, she does./No she does nt. 是的,她喜歡 一 Does he like potatoes ?他喜歡土豆嗎?教學(xué) 一No, he does nt不,他不喜歡 重點3.I like ora

21、nges我喜歡橙子。本句是用于表達(dá)自己喜歡某物的用語。I like chicke n.我喜歡雞肉。She does nt like ice-cream.她不喜歡冰淇淋?!纠?1 】一Does Peter like volleyball?.He thi nks it is bori ng.A. Yes, he isC. Yes, he doesB.解析主語No, he does ntD. No, he isntMary and Kate是復(fù)數(shù)形式,肯定句中動詞需用原形,否 答案定句需用助動詞dont構(gòu)成,瀏覽各選項,只有 C項符合題意,CA. does nt like B .not like根據(jù)

22、答語 他認(rèn)為它很無聊”可知彼得不喜歡排球,所以答案是否答案解析?的,排除A、C兩項;問句是助動詞does引導(dǎo)的一般疑問句, 仍需用does作答,排除D項。故選B項。答語B句意彼得喜歡排球嗎?一不,他不喜歡。他認(rèn)為它很無聊。例 2 Mary and Kate bothice-cream.C. like D. likes故選C項。W瑪麗和凱特都喜歡冰激凌?!纠?3】 My parents like chicken, but my sister it.A. likesB. likeC. is likeD. does nt like析析 解解前半句說父母喜歡雞肉,由轉(zhuǎn)折連詞 but可知前后旬意為轉(zhuǎn) 折

23、關(guān)系,后半句應(yīng)為我妹妹不喜歡。故選 D項。答案D句意我父母喜歡雞肉,但是我妹妹不喜歡。四:語法重點一、實義動詞的一般現(xiàn)在時一般現(xiàn)在時的謂語動詞有兩種形式:be動詞和實義動詞。我們之前學(xué)習(xí)了含系動詞be的肯定、 否定和疑問旬,在第五單元我們也學(xué)習(xí)了實義動詞have的一般現(xiàn)在時句式,本單元我們又學(xué)習(xí)了實義動詞like的一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),現(xiàn)將實義動詞的一般現(xiàn)在時句式結(jié)構(gòu)總結(jié)如下:1主語為非第三人稱單數(shù)時:a.肯定句:王語+動詞原形+其他。b.否定句:王語+助動詞dont+動詞原形+其他。c.一般疑問句及其答語:助動詞Do +主語+動詞原形+其他??辖瘫囟ɑ卮穑篩es,主語+ doo重;否定回答:No,主

24、語+ donto如:八、一I like banan as.我喜歡香蕉。一 Do you like bananas ?你喜歡香蕉嗎?一Yes, I do./No , I dont.是的,我喜歡。不,我不喜歡。2:主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時:a.肯定句:主語+動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式+其他。b.否定句:主語+助動詞does nt+動詞原形+其他。c. 一般疑問句及其答語:助動詞 Does+主語+動詞原形+ 其他。 肯定回答:Yes,主語+ does否定回答:No,主 語 + does nt 如:一She likes pears.她喜歡梨。一 Does she like pears 她喜歡梨嗎?一Yes,

25、she does./No she does nt.是的,她喜歡。/不,她不喜歡?。實義動詞第三人稱單數(shù)變化規(guī)則:a.一般動詞和以不發(fā)音的e結(jié)尾的單詞,直接在詞尾加 so如plays, likes等。b. 以字母 s, x, ch, sh結(jié)尾的動詞,在詞尾力口es。女口 guesses watches 等。c.以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的動詞,先變y為i,再加e&如studies (學(xué)習(xí))等。fz L 王 M蟲 還有一些動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)的變化是不規(guī)則的,需要特別記憶。如have has等。一、名詞表示人或事物名稱的詞叫名詞。(一)專有名詞和普通名詞 名詞按其屬性和特征分為專有名詞和普通名詞。.專有名詞

26、:是指某些人、地方、機構(gòu)等專有的名稱的名詞。如 Shanghai, Tom等。.普通名詞,又可以分為以下四類:a.個體名詞:表示某類人或物體中的某一個體的名 詞。如pen, hamburger 等。b.集體名詞:表示若干個體組成的集合體的名詞。如class, family等。c.物質(zhì)名詞:表示無法分為個體的 物 質(zhì)的名詞。如water, milk等。d.抽象名詞:表示動作、狀態(tài)、品質(zhì)、感情的名詞。如 nice, sadness等。(二)可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞 名詞按其所表示的事物的性質(zhì)分為可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞。.可數(shù)名詞:可以用數(shù)量計數(shù)的名詞。它又可以分為單數(shù)和復(fù)數(shù)兩種形式??蓴?shù)名詞作主語時,謂

27、語動詞與主語單復(fù)數(shù)保持一致; 可以被不定冠詞、基數(shù)詞、形容詞(如 few, a few, many, some, any , a lot of, lots of 等)修飾。2.不可數(shù)名詞所表示的事物一般不能用數(shù)來計算,沒有 詞形變化。女口: snow (雪),rain(雨),water (水),coffee (咖啡),tea (茶),meat (肉) milk(牛奶),rice (米飯),bread (面包),orange (桔汁)3.有些名詞既可數(shù)又不可數(shù),女口: ice-cream(不可數(shù):表示“冰激凌”這種物質(zhì),可數(shù):表示分?jǐn)?shù), tow ice-cream兩份冰激凌。);chicken(

28、不可數(shù):表示“肌肉”,可數(shù):表示“雞”, tow chickens兩只雞。);fish同chicken等。 可數(shù)名詞由單 數(shù)變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)有以下兩種情況:(1)規(guī)則變化,又可分為以下幾種形式:a.一般在名詞詞尾加 s。女口 apple - applesb.以 s, x, ch, sh 結(jié)尾的名詞加 es 女口 watch - watchesc. 以 ce, se, ze ,(d) ge 等結(jié)尾的詞力口 s。女口 orange orangesd.以。結(jié)尾的詞,力口 s或e&女口 photo - photos tomato - tomatoe (有生命的加 es,無生命的 力口 s。) e.以輔音字母加

29、y結(jié)尾的名詞,把y變?yōu)閕,再加e&女口 dictionary dictionarje而以元音字 母加y結(jié)尾 教學(xué) 的名詞,直接在詞尾加 so如boy boys 重點f.以f或fe結(jié)尾的名詞變復(fù)數(shù)時:.加s,如:belief信念,信條 chief首領(lǐng)serf農(nóng)奴gulf海灣 cliff懸崖,峭壁roof房頂proof證據(jù)safe保險機 巧記法:It was the belief that encouraged the chief of the serfs from the gulf to jump from the cliff onto the roof to search for the pr

30、oof in the safe.(是信念鼓舞了海灣的農(nóng)奴首領(lǐng)從峭壁跳到房頂上,到保險機中去找證據(jù)。).變f,fe加v再加es,如:elf精靈shelf (書)架子 sheaf 一)捆 half 一半loaf長面包knife刀leaf葉子 calf小牛 wolf狼self自己wife妻子life生活,生命thief賊 巧記法:Tom and his pretty wife like an elf lived a hard life. One day they were putt ing on to the shelf a half loaf and a sheaf of leaves for t

31、he calf when a thief with a knife broke in like a wolf. Tom protected his wife without thi nking of self.(湯姆和他的精靈般美貌的妻子,生活平困。一天,正當(dāng)他們 把半個面包和一捆喂小牛的葉子往架子上方時,突然一個賊人手里拿刀像惡狼一樣沖了進(jìn)來,湯姆不顧自己的安慰去保護(hù)妻子。)(2)不規(guī)則變化:a. 少數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式是不規(guī)則的。女口 mar men, woman women , childchildrenfoot - feettooth teetl 等;b.單復(fù)數(shù)形式相同的名詞。sheep綿

32、羊),fish , Chinese, Japanese 等;c.復(fù)合名詞,除以man, woman作定語修飾名詞的兩個名詞都變復(fù)數(shù)外,其他的只變最后一個為復(fù)數(shù)。女口 a man teacher -men teachers a woman worker women workers , a pencil box pen cil boxes 等?!纠?1 】 My sister tomatoes but I carrots.A. like ; likes B. likes ; like C. likes ; likes D. like ; like 【例 3】 Tom carrots every d

33、ay?教學(xué)重點A.Do;eats B ._Dpes ;_eats C ._Do; eatD._Does ;主語Tom是第三人稱單數(shù),故一般疑問句需用助動詞does解析 開頭,排除A、C兩項;一般疑問句中實義動詞應(yīng)用原形,排除B項。故選D項W湯姆每天吃胡蘿卜嗎?答案D【例 6】Do you like andA . tomatos ; chickensB . tomatoes ;chickentom;chtometo是可數(shù)名詞,.由mtoeschickens數(shù)形式前加a, C答案項是單數(shù),但沒有a,排除;tomato的復(fù)數(shù)形式為tomatoes,排除 解析 A項;chickens雖然可作 小雞”的

34、復(fù)數(shù)形式,但在此句中與句意不符,在題目中,chicken應(yīng)意為 雞肉”,為不可數(shù) 名詞,故 排除D項,選B項。句意你喜歡西紅柿和雞肉嗎?前半句主語my sister是第三人稱單數(shù),故謂語動詞需用第三人稱單答案解析 數(shù)形式likes,排除A、D兩項;后半句主語1是第一人稱單數(shù),故動詞應(yīng)用原形,排除C項。故選B項。B 而一我妹妹喜歡西紅柿,但是我喜歡胡蘿卜?!拔鲋髡Zhis little brother是第三人稱單數(shù),謂語動詞應(yīng)用第三人 稱單 數(shù)形式,排除B項;watch的第三人稱單數(shù)形式直接在詞尾加es,排除C、D兩項。故選A項。答案A旬意他的小弟弟每天看電視。【例 2】His little br

35、other TV every day.A. watches B . watch C . watchs D . watching卜斤由后一句的主語they可知前面應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù)形式,故選 A 項。答案A句意 我不喜歡吃1苗子,它們是酸的?!纠?4】I dont like eating .Theyre sour 酸的) A. oranges B . an orange C . the orange D . orange【例 5】 Look! Some meat in the bag. Some vegetables in the bask? 子)解析meat (肉)是小可數(shù)名詞,謂語動詞應(yīng)用單數(shù)形式is

36、,排除A、C兩項;此處vegetables是可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式,謂語動詞應(yīng)用 are,排除D項。故選B項。答案B句后、看! 一些肉在包里,一些蔬菜在籃子里。A . are; is B . is; are C . are ; are D . is; is(單項選擇(10分)1.you like ice cream?A. AreB. Am)2.play table tennis.A. LetB. Lets)3.does your father haveA. What; for B. What; /)4. Oran ges are a kind ofA. vegetables B. vegetable

37、)5. WhatTom likeA. does; eat B. is; eat)6. - Do you like ice cream forA. aB. the)7. - Does your frie nd like salad?C. DoesD. DoC. LetD. It Slun ch? Chicke n and tomatoesC. How; for D. How; / .C. fruitsD. fruitfor breakfast?C. does; to eat D. is; to eat dessert?C. /D. anA. Yes, she like. B. No, she d

38、oes. C. Yes, she doesn D. No, she doesnt.( It likes fish. It eatsevery day.A. a lotB. manyC. Lots ofD. much()9. - Does your En glish teacher sing very?)8. I have a cat.-Yes, She does.A. goodB. nice()10. -Letbaseball.-OK. Let.A. play; go B. plays; goC. greatD. wellC. play; to goD. play; goes2、每天4、a r

39、unning star二、英漢互譯(5分)1.吃晚飯3、a list of food 5. healthy food TOC o 1-5 h z 二、根據(jù)句意和首子母元成單詞(10分)I have hamburgers for b.Here are some tomatoes. Do you like tI like French f.I have an ice c.Childre n should ( 應(yīng)當(dāng))eat lots of vWhat do you have for d?Zhou Jielu n is a singing s.She eats hfood every day.How

40、mapples do you have?Im going on a pic nic with a group of f練習(xí) 四、完形填空 (10分)Tony: Dinner.Mrs Jones: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I do 2 we need it most.Tony: Is lunch the meal we want most?Mrs Jones: No, 3 is the meal we need most. But why?Kate: It is a long time from ni ght to morning. We h

41、ave no 4_ Mrs Jones: Right! If we don have breakfast, we dont feel 5. But what makes a good breakfast?James: I thi nk we can 6 milk, bread, no odles or porridge. 7 are good for breakfast.Mrs Jones: Thats right. We can eat some vegetables and fruits 8 the morning, too. They make us healthy.David: I 9

42、coca cola a lot. Can I have that in the morning?10Mrs Jon es: Youd better not. Water is good for you.Danny: Mum says we can not eat too much things afterMrs Jon es: Great, Danny .It may make you sick. After sports you n eed water and a rest first, not lots of food.練習(xí)( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ()1. A. fruits)

43、2. A. like)3. A. breakfast)4. A. water)5. A. good)6. A. take)7. A. You)8. A. for)9. A. eat)10. A. schoolB. foodB. knowB. lu nchB. foodB. greatB. makeB. TheyB. i nB. bringlu nchdinnerC. thi nkC. dinnerC. vegetablesC. wellC. haveC. WeC. onC. likeC. sports1.用所給詞的正確形式填空-Do you like banan as?-No, I don t

44、 like(5分)(it) at all.2.5.Peter likesHis mother(play) basketball.(not) like French fries.I like strawberry ice cream, but I don t likeThey like按要求改寫句子.(strawber(eat) hamburgers and carrots for lun ch.(10 分)Linda and Tom like French fries.(改成否定句)TheyFrench fries.Does Tom like eggs for breakfast? (否定回答

45、)J?She does have lunch.(變肯定句)She lun ch.My teacher plays basketball.(改一般疑問句) your teacher basketball?We play volleyball.(變成由Let開頭的祈使句)not healthy to eat chicke n every day明天)C. Carrots and fishC. broccoliC. vegetablesC. We dont know.C. broccoli and chickevolleyball.七、閱讀理解(10分)ATom: Good eve ning. Mu

46、m.Mum: Good eve ning, Tom.Tom: Do we eat chicke n for dinner, Mum?Mum: No, we eat fish and carrots, dear.Tom: Mum, I don like carrots. I like chicke n.Mum: But we n eed more vegetables, not only meat. I Tom: OK. But dad likes chicken, too.Mum: Well, let seat chicken and broccoli tomorrow.Tom: That s

47、ounds great!()1. What do they eat for dinner?A. chicke nB. Carrots()2. what does Tom want to eat for dinner?A. fishB. chicke n練習(xí)()3. What do they n eed to eat more?A. chicke nB. meat()4. Does Toms father like chicke n?A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he does.()5. what will they eat tomorrow?A. fish and carr

48、ots B. chicke n and fish八、任務(wù)型閱讀 根據(jù)材料,請找出Jim Green為家人準(zhǔn)備的晚餐,并填寫表格。(10分)Today is my birthday. I want to thank my family for their love. So I cook the dinner for them. I know my mother likes hamburgers and broccoli. But my father likes chicke n and tomato soup. I have a brother. He likes hamburgers, too. But he doeAtrlike broccoli. He likes c


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