



1、人教版五年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)綜合試卷 聽(tīng)力部分( 30 分) 一,聽(tīng)音,選擇(共 5 題,每道題 1 分) ( ) 1, A. wash clothes B. watch TV C . what colour ( ) 2, A. write a letter B. write an e-mail C. write a report ( ) 3, B. Oct. 20 ( ) 4, A. Shes running to us . B. Hes running to us . C. They are running to us . ( ) 5, A. Two tigers come . B. Here c

2、ome two tigers . C. Here are two tigers . 二,聽(tīng)音,判定對(duì)錯(cuò)(共 5 題,每道題 1 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三,聽(tīng)問(wèn)題,選答句(共 5 小題,每道題 1 分) ( ) 1, A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I can. ( ) 2, A. It s warm. B. It s hot. C. It s cool.( ) 3, A. Hes readingabook . B. I m writingane-mail . C. Shes writinga letter . ( ) 4, A. Happy

3、 birthday to you. B. Yes, thank you. C. Thank you. ( ) 5, A. It s swimming . B. It s flying. C. Its climbing.第 1 頁(yè),共 3 頁(yè)四,聽(tīng)音,填詞(共 5 題,每空 1 分) 1,I often get up at . it I likefall best. 2,Whats yourseason.3,Why do you like fall. s always cool. 4,When is your birthday. It s in. 5. Sarah is insects . 五,

4、聽(tīng)一段對(duì)話 , 判定以下五個(gè)句子的對(duì)錯(cuò); ( 10 分) ( ) 1, It is usually very hot. ( ) 2, I get up early on my birthday. ( ) 3, After school, I go home and play computer games. ( ) 4, I take candy to my class. ( ) 5, We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream. 筆試部分( 70 分) 一,找出下面單詞中意思不同類的一個(gè),把它的序號(hào)寫(xiě)到前面的括號(hào)里 5

5、分 ( )1, B. swimming C. swing D. run ( )2, B. spring D. fall ( )3,B. noon C. sun D. evening( )4, A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( )5, B. ant 二, .選擇,并將序號(hào)寫(xiě)在括號(hào)里; 20 分 1, Do you like sweet food. A , Yes , she does. B, Yes, I do. C,Yes, I am. 2, Are you flying kites. A , Yes , she does. B, Yes, I do. C,Ye

6、s, I am. 3, What John doing. 4, B, am C,are A, is Is he a report. 第 2 頁(yè),共 3 頁(yè)A, writeing B, write C,writing 5, Chen Jie is catching butterflies, Amy is catching butterflies , . A. too B. yes. C. not 6, Where are they. A ,Yes , they are. B,They arein the woods.C,Theyrepickingupleaves.7, It s time go

7、to school. A, to B, for C,on 8, Are you eating lunch. A. Yes , you are. B. Yes, I am . C. No , we aren t. 9, We are doing an experiment. s interesting. B. OK. C. Thank you. 10, Is she counting insects. . A. No,he isn t. B. No, she is. C. No, she isn t. 三,選出正確的答句,把序號(hào)填到問(wèn)句前的括號(hào)里; 8 分 ( ) are you doing.

8、) 2. Whats the date.A. It s running. o,sheisnt. ( ( ) is Zhang Peng . C.He is in the woods.s playing chess. ( ) they reading a book. ( ) is John doing. ( ) ts yourfavourite fruit. E. I like apple . They are sweet . ) she writing a report. F. I am talking to you. ( ) is it doing. ( G .Yes,they are. H. It s May 1st. 四,選擇合適的句子,補(bǔ)全對(duì)話 ,寫(xiě)字母編號(hào);(共 5 小題,每道題 2 分) (A. What day is it today . B. Why do you like fall. C. What s the date.D.Which season do you like best . E. Why do you like summer . F. Is your birthday in fall ,too. G. Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear).A: .B:There are four s


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