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1、1.黃浦江游覽是上海旅游觀光中的一個傳統(tǒng)旅游項目,它的特殊之處不僅在于黃浦江是上海的母親河,還在于它融匯了上海景觀。2.從這里你可以看到上海的過去、現(xiàn)在,更可以展望上海輝煌燦爛的明天。3.兩座大橋像兩條巨龍橫臥于江上,中間是東方明珠電視塔,恰好構成了一副“二龍戲珠”的美麗畫卷。4.黃浦江兩岸一棟棟風格迥異、充滿異域風情的建筑與黃浦江東岸一座座拔地而起聳入云間的現(xiàn)代高樓相互輝映,令人嘆為觀止。1.Huangpu River cruise is a traditional tourist item in Shanghais tour. It is significant not only beca

2、use of its being Shanghais mother river but also of the collection of the quintessence of Shanghai scenes.2.Here one can find the expression of Shanghais past, present and the prospects for a brilliant future.3.The two bridges are like two dragons sprawling on the Huangpu River while the Oriental Pe

3、arl Tower between in like “two dragons playing with a pearl”4.On the west bank of the river, rows of magnificent buildings of different architectural styles are in contrast with the modern high-risers on the east bank, presenting an attractive view to visitors.1Touring Jiangsu Known as Jinling in ol

4、d days, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu. Strategically situated on the Yangtze, with a climate, its terrain renders majesty by the mountain in the background. It is also the provinces political, economic, cultural and transportation center. Nanjing today looks new and old-new due to the ongoing mo

5、dernization drive, and old because it is already 2,460 years old. As one of the nations seven ancient capitals, it was the capital city for ten feudal dynasties or regimes. Nanjing is well-known for a wealth of its scenic sites and historical interests. The Qinghuai River is a trunk waterway as well

6、 as a famed scenic belt in Nanjing as it is on both banks with a host of places of historical and cultural interests. One of them is the Confucian Temple2 where the great thinker is worshipped. Night cruise on the river and visiting the night fair at the Confucian Temple are unique tourist programs

7、available for visitors to Nanjing. The mausoleum for Sun Yat-sen, forerunner of Chinese democratic revolution, was built during the 1926-1929 period. The entire layout, covering 80,000 square meters, takes the shape of a giant bell. A famous Buddhist establishment, the Linggu Temple 2 km east of Sun

8、 Yat-sen Mausoleum is known for its 22m-high Wuliang (beamless) Hall, constructed without a single inch of wood of wood, pillar3 or beam. Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum built for Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, is one of the largest ancient imperial tombs in China. The Yangtze River Bridge

9、in Nanjing is very famous and impressive.4Yangzhou, situated at the juncture of the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal, has made a name for itself with a wealth of sites of historical interest and elegant gardens. These include the Lean West Lake (actually a natural waterway feeding mountain runoffs

10、into the Grand Canal), Geyuan Garden( whose forte長處 is artificial rockwork天然巖石群假山), and Lesser Pangu Garden. During their repeated visits to Yangzhou, emperors Kangxi and Qianlong left a succession of historical sites on the land of Yangzhou. This has prompted local travel agencies to invent the “Em

11、peror Qianlong Cruise”, which transports visitors to a string of local attractions. Cruise on the ancient Grand Canal is another popular5tourist program. Other places worth seeing are: Tianning Temple Museum, Daming Temple, Monk Jianzhen Memorial Hall, and Memorial Hall of Eight Yangzhou Eccentrics.

12、6名都南京 導游詞 南京為十朝故都,其風光之美,正如孫中山先生所言,在于“其有高山、有深水、有平原,三種天工,鐘毓一處,在世界之大都市,誠難覓此佳境也。”遠在清代,南京已有“金陵四十八景”聞名于世。而今,人們可游覽之處更加多了。除大江風光帶、雨花臺風景區(qū)、棲霞山風景區(qū)等早已遐邇聞名的名勝古跡以外,還有珍珠泉旅游度假區(qū)、無想寺旅游度假區(qū)等新興起的景點。所有這些去處,以鐘山風景區(qū)最為典型,具有山、水、城、樓、林渾然一體的多層次獨特景觀。7 Nanjing is an ancient capital of ten dynasty in Chinas history. It is beautiful,

13、 as Dr. Sun Yat-sen described,“with three creations by nature-high hills, deep waters, and flat plains, which converge on one city, rarely to be found in other metropolises in the world.”As far back as the Qing Dynasty, Nanjing was already world-famous for the 48 Scenic Spots of Jinling(another name

14、 for Nanjing ).Today, there are much more places for the tourists to visit. Apart from such well-known places of historical interest as the Yangtse Scenic Zone, the Rain Flower Terrace Scenic Area, and the Qixia Hill Scenic Area, you may find many scenic spots that have sprung up in recent years, li

15、ke the Pearl Spring Resort and the Wuxiang Temple Resort. Of all, the Zhongshan Scenic Area is the most appealing, with hills, waters, towers, and woods integrated into a unique multi-level scenery. 8Tour commentary Tongli Ladies and gentlemen, we are arriving at Tongli Town very soon. Tongli was or

16、iginally named Futu. It is a well-preserved water town with a history of more than 1000 years. The town is located on the eastern shore of Taihu Lake, just 18 km from Suzhou City. Tongli is a small town, only 63 square km in area and has a population of over 33 thousand. It is small ,ut it is popula

17、r for its waterscape. True to its reputation, Tongli is a really wonderful destination where you can enjoy a marvelous holiday or experience traditional C culture.9Here we are. Pls get off the coach one by one! Before we start out journey, I have sth to say about the safety. Tongli is a water town w

18、ith numerous streams, lakes and bridges. Like a water maze, the water system is very complicated. U must be very careful when U walk across small bridges, for the guardrails are very low. When U go boating, U should sit still and not splash water. Dont catch fish in the water! Ull have enough fish w

19、hen U have yr lunch today. Always take care of yr children! If U get lost, dont hesitate to call me. Now were walking across the Taiping Bridge( Bridge of Peace & Tranquility). Its 10small, but very exquisite. The bridge was built during the reign of Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty. In Tongli, Ull see a

20、 lot of bridges in a variety of styles. These bridges are the important links between the different parts of the town. 49 stone bridges has a name and gives U an idea of poetic nature of the inhabitants.Ladies & gentlemen! Were standing in front of the Jili Bridge! It is an arch bridge. Look at the

21、old-aged couplet inscribed on the bridge! They vividly describe the beautiful painting-like views at either end. Tongli is not only popular for its waterscape, but also for its culture. From 11ancient times, it has been teeming(fill,大量出現(xiàn)) with poets, painters, Confucian scholars and govt officials.

22、Dozens of stone tablets from different periods are preserved in Tongli and many of the streets are named after their titles. When U walk through the alleys of this water town, U cannot fail to appreciate its pristine(原始的,古樸的) and intoxicating atmosphere.Here we are at the Tuisi Garden (Retreat and R

23、eflection Garden). It is the most spectacular in Tongli. The ingenious design for the Tuisi Garden conforms to the local landforms and covers about 700 square m. Compact and 12harmonious, the garden is in two parts. The residential area to the west consists of an outer house and inner house includin

24、g the sedan hall, the tea hall, a main reception hall and two buildings forming the actual dwelling. The garden in the east has ponds, marble boats, water pavilions, halls, kiosk(涼亭),veranda(走廊)rockeries and bridges. Together with flouring trees and colorful flowers the garden greets visitors with i

25、ts beauty and charm whatever the season.Ladies & Gentlemen! Have a short rest here! And well go boating in the lake after 30 mins. Have fun!13Zhongshan MountainZhongshan Mountain was called Jinlin Mountain in ancient times, and it got its present name in the Qin Dynasty. It is also called Purple Mou

26、ntain in the Eastern Jin Dynasty because purple clouds were often found hovering over its peaks. The glorious mountain winds like a dragon in the east of Nanjing City. It covers an area of 31 square km and has the highest peak at the elevation of 448m. Zhongshan M boasts rich historic sites and scen

27、ic spots of Nanjing,鐘山古稱金陵山,鐘山之名始于秦代,因山頂常有紫云縈繞,東晉時始稱紫金山。鐘山氣勢磅礴,壯麗雄渾,蜿蜒如盤龍,方圓31平方公里,最高峰海拔448米。鐘山是古都南京名勝古跡芬芳薈萃之地14 such as the stately Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the magnificant Mingxiaoling Tomb, the vividly-shaped sculptures along the Sacred Avenue, the fragrant Plum Blossom Hill, the serene(平靜的,

28、寧靜的) Linggu Temple, the mirror-like Zixia Lake and the recently-completed Baima Stone Sculpture Park. The natural scenery of Zhongshan M looks more attractive. It has become one of the famous tourist resort both in China and in the world. 莊嚴肅穆的中山陵、雄偉壯觀的明孝陵、栩栩如生的神道石雕、香雪似海的梅花山、古樸優(yōu)美的靈谷寺、山間如鏡的紫霞湖,以及新近落成

29、的白馬石刻公園,使這里既有自然天成的山林野趣,又多人工匠心的建筑杰作,形成了馳名中外的游覽勝地。151.周莊鎮(zhèn)位于蘇州城東南38公里,昆山市境內西南33公里,宛如一顆燦爛明珠鑲嵌在淀山湖畔,已有900余年歷史。2.古鎮(zhèn)區(qū)內河道呈井字形,民居依河筑屋,依水成街。鎮(zhèn)上近千戶人家中明清建筑占60%以上。3.河道上橫跨14座建于元、明、清的古橋梁,其中有國內僅存的富安橋和聞名中外的雙橋。1.Zhouzhuang Town is located 38 km southeast of Suzhou City, 33 km southeast of Kunshan City. With a history of more than 900 years, it is just like a pearl set near the bank of Dianshan Lake.2. The river course of the town tak


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