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2、前款罪的,對單位判處罰金,并對其直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,處五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;情節(jié)嚴重的,處五年以上十年以下有期徒刑。二、票據法票據的簽發(fā)、取得和轉讓,應當遵循誠實信用的原則,具有真實的交易關系和債權債務關系。票據的取得,必須給付對價,即應當給付票據雙方當事人認可的相對應的代價。三、中華人民共和國保險法違反本法規(guī)定,擅自設立保險公司或者非法從事商業(yè)保險業(yè)務活動的,依法追究刑事責任,并由金融監(jiān)督管理部門予以取締。情節(jié)輕微,不構成犯罪的,給予行政處罰。四、 國務院行政法規(guī):現金管理暫行條例開戶單位收支和使用現金,必須接受開戶銀行的監(jiān)督。開戶單位只能在一定范圍內使用現金。開戶單位


4、5倍以下的罰款;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:(一) 違法國家規(guī)定,擅自將外匯存放在境外的;(二) 不按照國家規(guī)定將外匯賣給外匯指定銀行的;(三) 違反國家規(guī)定將外匯匯出或者攜帶出境的;(四) 未經外匯管理機關批準,擅自將外幣存款憑證、外幣有價證券攜帶或者郵寄出境的;(五) 其他逃匯行為。有下列非法套匯行為之一的,由外匯管理機關給予警告,強制收兌,并處非法套匯金額30%以上3倍以下的罰款;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:(一)違反國家規(guī)定,以人民幣支付或者以實物償付應當以外匯支付的進口貨款或者其他類似支出的;(二)以人民幣為他人支付在境內的費用,由對方付給外匯的;(三)未經外匯機關批準,境外投資

5、者以人民幣或者境內所購物資在境內進行投資的;(四)以虛假或者無效的憑證、合同、單位等向外匯指定銀行騙購外匯的;(六) 非法套匯的其他行為。私自買賣外匯、變相買賣外匯或者倒賣外匯的,由外匯管理機關給予警告、強制收兌,沒收違法所得,并處違法外匯金額30%以上3倍以下的罰款,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。個人存款帳戶實名制規(guī)定個人在金融機構開立個人存款帳戶時,應當出示本人身份證件,使用真名;代理人人在金融機構開立存款帳戶的,代理人應當出示被代理人和代理人的身份證件。在金融機構開立個人存款帳戶的,金融機構應當要求其出示本人身份證件,進行核對,并登記其身份證件上的姓名和號碼,代理他人在金融機構開立個人存






11、案。對一日一次性地從儲蓄帳戶(含銀行卡戶,下同)提取現金5萬元(不含5萬元)以上的,儲蓄機構柜臺人員應請取款人提供有效身份證件,并經儲蓄機構負責人核實后予以支付。對一日一次性超過5萬元以上的現金支付或一日數次累計超過5萬元以上的現金支付,銀行內部要逐筆登記,妥善保管有關資料,并按月向人民銀行當地分支機構備案。典當行管理暫行辦法典當行不得受理以下財產作當物:(一) 法律、法規(guī)禁止買賣的自然資源或者財物;(二) 依法被查封、扣押或者采取其他保全措施的財產;(三) 易燃易爆物品、已被質押或者作擔保的物品;(四) 工業(yè)用金銀原料、材料、礦產金銀以及一切非法所得金銀;(五) 贓物和來源不明的物品;(六)

12、 不能強制執(zhí)行或者沒有有效文件證明其合法來源的其他物品。典當行辦理國家統(tǒng)收、專營和國家限制流通物品的典當業(yè)務,必須經有關部門批準。商業(yè)匯票辦法簽發(fā)商業(yè)匯票必須以合法的商品交易為基礎。禁止簽發(fā)、承兌和貼現無商品交易的商業(yè)匯票,嚴禁利用商業(yè)匯票拆借資金、抵押貸款和套取銀行貼現資金。One, the provisions of article 191st of criminal law:Knowing is drug-related crimes, organized crimes of the underworld, terrorist crimes, the crime of smuggling

13、 illegal income and the proceeds thereof, in order to hide, conceal the source and nature, one of the following acts, confiscate the illegal income and the implementation of the above crime proceeds, five years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention, and or single money laundering to amoun

14、t to five percent above twenty percent fined; if the circumstances are serious, five years more than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment, and fined five percent money laundering amount above twenty percent: (a) provide funds account; ( two) to assist in the transfer of property into cash or financi

15、al instruments; ( three) by means of a transfer or other clearing the way helping transfer capital; ( four) assisting to remit funds abroad; ( five ) to other methods to hide, conceal crime illegal income and sources of income and property.Units committing the crime mentioned in the preceding paragr

16、aph, the unit is to be fined, and the persons directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible, five years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention; if the circumstances are serious, the agency for more than five years of fixed-term imprisonment of ten years.Two, billNot

17、e issuance, acquisition and transfer, should follow the principle of good faith, with authentic trade relationship and the relationship between creditor and debtor.The bill must be achieved, payment of consideration, that both parties to a negotiable instrument shall be approved by the corresponding

18、 price.Three, the peoples Republic of China Insurance Law.In violation of the provisions of this law, without the establishment of an insurance company or engage in illegal commercial insurance activities, shall be investigated for criminal liability, and the financial supervision and regulation dep

19、artment banned. If the circumstances are minor, does not constitute a crime, shall be given administrative sanctions.In four, the State Council administrative regulations:Provisional Regulations cash managementOpen an account balance of payments and cash, must accept the supervision of the bank.Acco

20、unt unit only within a certain range of the use of cash.The amount of the cash account unit by the bank according to the actual need to be approved.The bank shall be required to report to the peoples Bank of cash management. The peoples Republic of China on the administration of foreign exchangeIndi

21、viduals carrying foreign exchange into or out of the territory, shall make declarations to the customs; carrying foreign exchange, exceeding the limit, shall present to the customs office valid certificate.Held by Chinese citizens residing in China s foreign currency payment vouchers, securities den

22、ominated in foreign currency and other forms of foreign exchange assets, without approval from foreign exchange administrations, shall not be carried or mailed out.Financial institutions engaged in foreign exchange business shall be approved by foreign exchange control agencies, to receive foreign e

23、xchange business operation permit.Without approval from foreign exchange administrations, no unit or individual may engage in foreign exchange business. Approved financial institutions engaged in foreign exchange business, foreign exchange business shall not go beyond their approved scope.Any of the

24、 following acts of foreign exchange evasion of, by foreign exchange administrations shall be ordered to recall the exchange, forced redemptions, and evasion of more than 30% to5 times the fine; constitute a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law:( a ) in violation

25、of national regulations, unauthorized use of foreign exchange deposit abroad;( two) are not in accordance with state regulations will be sold to the designated foreign exchange bank exchange;( three) in violation of state regulations, the foreign exchange remitted or taken abroad;( four) without app

26、roval from foreign exchange administrations, unauthorized foreign exchange deposit certificates,Securities denominated in foreign currency carrying or mailing of exit;( five) other acts of foreign exchange evasion.Any of the following illegal arbitrage acts, given by foreign exchange administrations

27、Warning, forced redemptions, and illegal arbitrage amount 30% more than 3 times the fine; constitute a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law:( a ) in violation of state regulations, paid in Renminbi or repay in kind should be paid in foreign exchange import paymen

28、ts or other similar expenses;( two) take the renminbi as the others pay the expenditure in China, by the other party to pay foreign exchange;( three) without foreign exchange authority, overseas investors in Renminbi or domestic goods and materials purchased in China for investment;( four) in a fals

29、e or invalid certificates, contracts, and other units to purchase foreign exchange by designated foreign exchange banks;( six) other acts of illegal foreign exchange arbitrage.Unauthorized trading exchange, disguised trading or Forex scalping, byForeign exchange control agencies shall give a warning

30、, forced redemptions, confiscate the illegal income, impose illegal foreign exchange value of 30% to less than 3 times the fine, which constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. Personal account real-name provisionsIndividuals in financial institutions t

31、o establish individual account, they shall show their identity documents, using their real names; agent all open deposit accounts in financial institutions, the agent shall show the principal and agent identification.In the financial institutions to open a personal account, the financial institution

32、 shall request him to show his own identity card, checking, and register their identity documents name and number, agents of others in financial institutions to establish individual account, the financial institution shall request the show is the agent and the agent s identity documents, verificatio

33、n, and registration the agent and the agent s identity documents name and number.Financial institutions in violation of the provisions of article seventh, the peoples Bank of China shall be given a warning, can be more than 1000 yuan a fine of 5000 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, shall be or

34、dered to suspend business for rectification, the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible shall be given disciplinary punishment; constitute a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. Illegal financial institutions and il

35、legal financial business activities must be banned.Without the approval of the peoples Bank of China, no unit or individual shall not be established financial institutions or without permission to engage in business activities.On illegal financial institutions and illegal financial business activiti

36、es, the administrative department for Industry and Commerce shall not register.On illegal financial activities, financial institutions shall open accounts, provide settlements and loans.On illegal financial institutions, or in a disguised form of illegal absorbing public deposits absorb public depos

37、its as well as the illegal fund-raising, the peoples Bank of China, once discovered, shall immediately investigated, verified; the preliminary determination, shall timely submit a request to the public security organ for investigation.On illegal financial institutions and illegal financial business

38、activities, the criminal suspect funds and accounts, the public security organ shall take measures, to prevent the escape of suspects and the transfer of funds, property.On illegal financial institutions and illegal financial business activities, the peoples Bank of China Investigation and determina

39、tion, make a banning decision, announced that the financial institution and financial business activity is illegal, it shall be ordered to stop business activities, and make a public announcement.The peoples Bank of China financial institutions for illegal financial institutions or illegal financial

40、 business activities to open an account, provide settlements and loans, the financial institutions shall be ordered to immediately stop the related business activities. No unit or individual shall not spend the money.The establishment of an illegal financial institution or engage in illegal financia

41、l business by the administrative department for Industry and commerce registration, once discovered, the administrative department for Industry and Commerce shall promptly cancel the registration or alteration of registration.The establishment of an illegal financial institution or engage in illegal

42、 financial business activities, which constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; if no crime is constituted, the peoples Bank of China shall confiscate the illegal income, impose illegal income 1to 5 times the amount of illegal income; no more than 10000

43、0 yuan,500000 yuan fine.The establishment of an illegal financial institution without approval or without approval to engage in illegal financial business activities, the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible shall be given administrative punishment; c

44、onstitute a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. The peoples Republic of China Foreign Capital Financial Institutions RegulationsWithout the peoples Bank of China approved the establishment of a foreign-funded financial institution, without authorization or enga

45、ge in illegal financial business activities, the peoples Bank of China shall be banned; in accordance with the criminal law on the crime of unauthorized financial institutions, crime of illegal absorbing public deposits or other crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility; but not serio

46、us enough for criminal punishment, the peoples Bank of China shall confiscate the illegal the1 times the illegal income, impose a fine of less than 5 times the illegal gains or the illegal gains; no less than 100000 yuan,100000yuan and 500000 yuan fine.Five, the peoples Bank of China issued regulati

47、ons Bank account management approachDeposits in open basic deposit account, a general deposit account, the temporary deposit account shall be in accordance with the provisions of any kind of when to the bank issued the relevant documents.Deposit in the bank to open basic deposit account, implemented

48、 by the local branch of the peoples bank account bank issued a permit system; for depositors to open or cancel account, must be to the peoples Bank of China branch declaration.The depositors account for only the depositor itself business activities, shall not lease and transfer accounts.Provisions o

49、n the administration of domestic foreign exchange accountDomestic institutions, agencies generally do not allow foreign currency cash account. Individuals and foreign nationals in China are generally not permitted to open a foreign exchange account for settlement.Open a foreign exchange account, sho

50、uld be used to obtain foreign exchange administration approval.Administration of foreign exchange for domestic institutions and agencies in China s foreign exchange account shall carry out annual inspection. Administration of foreign exchange accountsOverseas by a domestic institution shall open for

51、eign exchange accounts, required documents to apply for foreign exchange, approved before opening.Domestic institutions through overseas foreign exchange account of receipts and payments account, shall comply with the provisions of the country or region where it is located.The domestic institution s

52、hall, in accordance with the foreign exchange administration approved scope of income and expenditure account account, the maximum amount and the term of use of foreign exchange accounts, shall not be leased, lent, string with an overseas foreign exchange account. Large sums of cash payment registration regulationsOpen an account in the extraction of large amounts of cash, to fill out the registration form large amounts of cash; the bank shall make registration, and shall submit them to the peoples Bank of China local branches of the record.On a date from a sav


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