2021人教版初中英語 7年級上冊 unit 2 重點單詞短語 練習(xí)習(xí)題【含答案】_第1頁
2021人教版初中英語 7年級上冊 unit 2 重點單詞短語 練習(xí)習(xí)題【含答案】_第2頁
2021人教版初中英語 7年級上冊 unit 2 重點單詞短語 練習(xí)習(xí)題【含答案】_第3頁
2021人教版初中英語 7年級上冊 unit 2 重點單詞短語 練習(xí)習(xí)題【含答案】_第4頁
2021人教版初中英語 7年級上冊 unit 2 重點單詞短語 練習(xí)習(xí)題【含答案】_第5頁




1、7年級上冊 unit 2 重點單詞短語 練習(xí)習(xí)題重點單詞短語默寫;詞形變換Section An._n._n._n._3.父親;爸爸n._4.父(母)親n._5.兄;弟n._6.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥n._7.(外)祖父;爺爺;外公;姥爺n._8.祖父(母);外祖父(母)n._9.家;家庭n._10.那些 pron._11.誰;什么人 pron._12.這些 pron._13.他(她、它)們 pron._14.嗯;好吧 interj._15.經(jīng)受;經(jīng)歷v._16.一天;一日;白天n._17.再見 interj._1.sister n.姐;妹 n.(對應(yīng)詞)兄;弟_2.mother n.母親

2、;媽媽n.(對應(yīng)詞)父親;爸爸_3.parent n.父(母)親n.(復(fù)數(shù))父母_4.family n.家;家庭n.(復(fù)數(shù))_5.those pron.那些 pron.(單數(shù))那個_6.these pron.這些pron.(單數(shù))這個_7.those pron.那些pron.(對應(yīng)詞)這些_Section B1.兒子n._2.堂兄(弟、姊、妹);表兄(弟、姊、妹)n._3.(外)祖父;爺爺;外公;姥爺n._4.媽媽n._5.姑母;姨母;伯母;嬸母;舅母n._6.(外)祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥n._7.爸爸n._8.舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父n._9.女兒n._10.(用以介紹某人或某物)這就是

3、;在這里adv._11.照片n._12.屬于(某人或某物);關(guān)于(某人或某物)prep._13.下一個(的);接下來(的)adj.&n._14.照片;圖畫n._15.女孩n._16.狗n._1.兩張我的全家福_2.在第一張照片中_3.在下一張照片里_4.在我的家庭里_5.的名字_1.son n.兒子n.(對應(yīng)詞)女兒_ n.(同音詞)太陽_2.aunt n.阿姨 n.(對應(yīng)詞)叔叔_3.here adv.(用以介紹某人或某物)這就是;在這里adv.(對應(yīng)詞)那里_4.photo n.照片(復(fù)數(shù))_5.girl n.女孩 n.(對應(yīng)詞)男孩_用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。Hello, Jane

4、. _ (this) are my friends,Mike and Frank.Li Juans grandparents _(be) in Hangzhou.3. -Are _ (that) your rulers?No,they arent.4. This is my family. They are my _ (sister).5. Look at the girl. _ (her) is Alans sister.6. _ (that) jackets are blue.7. Who _ (be) the boys?8. Those are my _ (orange).9.Mary

5、has(有)two _(sister).10. Are your _ (grandparent) in China?11. Who _(be) they?12. What _(be) this in English?13. This is Harrys pen and _ (this) are Lilys books.14. They are his _(cousin).15. These are _ (I) brothers.16. My friends _ (be) in the photo.17. Mary and Peter are my _ (parent).18. These _(

6、girl) are my friends.19. Here is a photo of my _(family).20. What can you see in the _ (one) picture?III.根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填寫單詞。1.My two _(姐姐)are in China.2.This is a big(大的)_(家庭)3.Her three _(哥哥)are at the same middle school.4. His_(父母)are Mr. Green and Mrs.Green.5. _(誰)is your good friend?6._(他們)are Tom an

7、d Tim.7.I _(經(jīng)歷)a good day.8.Jenny is my good _(朋友)9. -_(誰)is she?She is my sister, Linda.10.My fathers mother is my _(祖母)11.My _(祖父)is my fathers father. He is 70.12.Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown have two children(孩子),a son and a _ (女兒).13.This lady(女士)is my_(姨媽),my mothers sister.14. These boys arent my

8、 brothers. Theyre my _(堂兄弟).15. Bob and I are good _(朋友).16.Look! Your cup is _(在這里)17.Mary is the _(下一個)18.These are _(照片) of Jack and his friends.19. Is this _(女孩)your sister?20.My grandma has two _(狗)VI.句子翻譯。1.他是誰?_he?2.這些是李磊的三個兄弟。_ Li Leis three _.3.那些是你的祖父母嗎?_ your grandparents?4.那兩個男孩不是我的弟弟。Th

9、e two boys_.5.過得愉快!_good day!6.你的全家福真漂亮。Your_ is very nice.7.下一張圖片是什么?Whats in_?8.她們是你的兩個女兒嗎?_your two daughters?9.第一張照片里的男孩是誰?Whos the boy _?10.她的堂妹叫什么名字?Whats the_her cousin?V.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,用方框中所給詞的正確形式填空,使短文完整、正確。(每個詞只能用一次)a sister his is and of I family too nameCome and meet the family. This 1._a picture 2._ my family. The man is my father. 3._is a policeman. The woman is 4._ mother. She is 5._English teacher. They have a son 6._ a daughter. The son is me. My 7._ is Lin Tao.Im eleven. Im a student. The girl in


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