高中英語外研版必修4 writing 記敘文 活動介紹類部優(yōu)課件_第1頁
高中英語外研版必修4 writing 記敘文 活動介紹類部優(yōu)課件_第2頁
高中英語外研版必修4 writing 記敘文 活動介紹類部優(yōu)課件_第3頁
高中英語外研版必修4 writing 記敘文 活動介紹類部優(yōu)課件_第4頁
高中英語外研版必修4 writing 記敘文 活動介紹類部優(yōu)課件_第5頁
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1、Narrative Writing-The Arrangement of Activities Revision Senior 3 by WuYan2022/8/22Lets read!Dear Lucy, Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly in our culture. Well go and make dumplings and ca

2、kes with the elderly people there. Well also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 oclock in the afternoon. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and well wait for you at the school gate at 9:00 i

3、n the morning. Looking forward to your reply. Yours,Li Hua2022/8/222015全國卷 假定你是李華,計劃同學(xué)去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人們過重陽節(jié)(the Double Ninth Festival)。請給外教露西寫封郵件,邀她一同前往,內(nèi)容包括: 1出發(fā)及返回時間;2活動:包餃子、表演節(jié)目等。Lets read!Dear Lucy, Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for th

4、e Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly in our culture. Well go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. Well also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 oclock in the afternoon

5、. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and well wait for you at the school gate at 9:00 in the morning. Looking forward to your reply. Yours,Li Hua2022/8/22OutlinePart1: The writing purpose and background.Id like to invite you to join us.It is the day for the elderly.Part2: Key points

6、The starting and returning time.The arrangement of activities.Well go and make dumplings and cakes.Well spend.singing, dancing and playing games Part3: My hope and my invitation again.If you are able to come with us, please let us know.Lets begin! 2022/8/22Narrative Writing(I)-The Arrangement of Act

7、ivities (記敘文寫作之活動安排類)Who01When02Where03Why04What05How to Write Narrative? How06Thinking & Guessing Examine the topic!Steps:writing type: narrative(talk about activities)persons: the 1st person/the 3rd persontenses: the simple future(plan,arrangement.)the simple past(story,dairy,report.)What should w

8、e do before writing? Warming up & Speaking2022/8/22The 3rd monthly examination has just finished. Lets go somewhere relaxing and have a rest this weekend.Speaking & Discussion01Who will you go with?02When will you go?03Where will you go?04Why will you go there?05What will you do there?06How do you l

9、ike the activity?I with my classmates/ my parentsthis weekend/ this Sunday2022/8/22Speaking & Practicego to the beachgo to the countrysidego to the librarystay at homeWhere will you go?1234Why will you go there?What will you do?outdoorsindoorsWarming up & Speaking2022/8/22Speaking & Discussion01Who

10、will you go with?02When will you go?03Where will you go?04Why will you go there?05What will you do there?06How do you like the activities?This Sunday, I with my classmates will go to the beach.to enrich our school life to relax ourselvesto get close to natureto promote the friendship.This Sunday, in

11、 order to enrich our school life and get close to nature, I with my classmates will go to the beach.First, go swimmingBesides, fly a kite Whats more, have a picnic Meanwhile, take photos. Activities家庭活動周末活動學(xué)?;顒由钜?guī)律室內(nèi)活動家務(wù)勞動戶外活動文化勞動與家人、朋友共度時光體育活動、班會歡送會、社團(tuán)活動競賽、校規(guī) clean the room, read books, listen to m

12、usic, have a picnic,visit a museum, stay at homego to the club,take part in the sports meeting Discussion & SpeakingWork in Groups Four students per group.Have a discussion with each other about where you will go and what you will do during the coming weekend. Then give a report.2022/8/22Speaking &

13、Discussion2022/8/22Where will you go? What will you do?1.go to the beach2. go to the library 3.stay at homeActivitiesgo swimmingfly a kite have a picnic take photos.read books and magazineswatch videosmake friends.clean the bedroomlisten to musicdo the disheswalk the dog.1.野餐2.呼吸新鮮空氣3.游泳和沖浪4.洗碗5.聽音樂

14、6.放風(fēng)箏7.和村民聊天8.照相9.讀書10.摘菜和水果11.爬山12.喂雞和騎馬13.遛狗have a picnicbreathe fresh airgo swimming and surfingdo the disheslisten to musicfly a kitechat with villagerstake photosdo some readingpick vegetables and fruitsclimb the mountainsfeed chickens and ride horseswalk the dogWords & Phrases2022/8/22Reading

15、& DiscussionHow do you like this activity/trip?1. It can calm me down and build up my confidence.2. It can make me relaxed and happy.3. It can bring me into a different world.4. It can broaden my eyes as well as enrich my spare life.5. It can enlarge my knowledge.6. It will make us have a deep under

16、standing of Chinese cultures.7. It is a meaningful and challenging thing.click“小試牛刀”,and lets begin our writing!小試牛刀2022/8/22Writing & Practice 1.假如你是李華,你準(zhǔn)備和你的父母周末去附近的村莊游玩。請你給恰逢來你校交流學(xué)習(xí)的David寫一封郵件,邀請他一同前往。請根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的提示完成短文。Its writing type: _The person: _The tense: _key points: who:_when:_where:_ why:_ w

17、hat:_ how:_an invitation letterthe 1st personthe simple future (will do)Linked words:In the morning, .Then,.In the afternoon,.After that,.In the evening,. 1.假如你是李華,你準(zhǔn)備和你的父母周末去附近的村莊游玩。請你給恰逢來你校交流學(xué)習(xí)的David寫一封郵件,邀請他一同前往。請根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的提示完成短文。Dear David,How are you recently? _(when), _(who) are going to _(where).

18、 Would you like to go with us?In the morning, _(我們可以喂雞,騎馬). Then, _(我們打算在地里采摘水果蔬菜). In the afternoon, we will watch the villagers make tea,_(你的感受和體會). After that, _(我們將學(xué)習(xí)做飯). In the evening, _(我們會和那里的人們一起做游戲和聊天). If you come with us, I am sure that we will have a good time. Im looking forward to you

19、r reply.Yours, LiHuawe can feed chickens and ride horseswe plan to pick fruit and vegetables in the fieldwhich will make us have a deep understanding of Chinese cultures.we will learn to cook mealswe can play games or talk with the people thereThis weekend,my parents and Ia nearby villageDear David,

20、 How are you recently? This weekend, my parents and I are going to a nearby village. Would you like to go with us? In the morning, we can feed chickens and ride horses. Then, we plan to pick fruit and vegetables in the field. In the afternoon, we will watch the villagers make tea, which will make us have


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