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1、2023屆中考英語模擬試卷考生須知:1全卷分選擇題和非選擇題兩部分,全部在答題紙上作答。選擇題必須用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題的答案必須用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆寫在“答題紙”相應(yīng)位置上。2請用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆在“答題紙”上先填寫姓名和準考證號。3保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。. 單項選擇1、You can ring me this evening. I at home.AstayBstayedCwill stayDhave stayed2、What time do you expect me to finish the task?_ two hours.

2、ABeforeBAtCForDIn3、Hi, Bob! I cant find my story book. Have you seen it?Sorry, I havent. Why not ask Jim? Perhaps hes seen it _.AanywhereBeverywhereCnowhereDsomewhere4、Have you seen the movie Forever Young?Yes. I_ the movie with my friend last night.AwatchBwatchedCwatchesDhave watched5、Driving less,

3、walking more is good for our healthSo Id rather _ an hours walk to work than _ driving a carAtake; considerBtake; to considerCto take; to considerDtaking; considering6、Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it by yourself?Aask; writeBto ask; writingCask; writingDasking; write7、Be qui

4、et, please. There a basketball game between our class and Class 8.Ahas Bis going to be Cwill have Dis going to have8、Its said that the TV program Readers was quite popular.Yes. _ my parents _ my little sister likes watching it very much.ANeither; nor BBoth; andCEither; or DNot only; but also9、She is

5、 talking about the school and teachers _ we visited last month.AwhoBwhichCwhereDthat10、All the in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday.Aman teachersBwomen teachersCwoman teacherDman teacher. 完形填空11、One day a young man Jeff asked a wise man why he wasnt able to

6、reach all of his goals. 1 a smile,the wise man listened to Garys story and told him,F(xiàn)irst come to help me boil a kettle(水壺)of water!Gary saw a big kettle 2 next to small stove(火爐),but he didnt find any woodHe 3 up the kettle with water and started a fire. Because the kettle was too 4 , when the wood

7、 burned up, the water did not boil. He ran out for 5 . When he returned, the water had 6 turned cold.“How can I boil the water?”he asked himself. Then he learned his 7 and prepared more wood in advance (提前). This time the water boiled quickly.“If there is not enough wood, 8 would you boil the water?

8、” the wise man asked. Jeff thought for a moment but shook his head. “Well, just pour out some water!” the wise man said. Jeff nodded 9 . “At first, you set too many goals,”said the wise man, “its like the large kettle full of water. You didnt have enough wood, 10 you couldnt boil the water. If you w

9、ant to make the water boil, you will have to either pour some out or prepare more wood!”1Aon Bfor Cwith2Afalling Bstanding Cburning3Atook Bmade Cfilled4AHeavy Blarge Csmall5Amore Bless Cfewer6Aever Bnever Calmost7Alesson Bproblem Cdifficulty8Ahow Bwhat Cwhy9Acarefully Bthankfully Cthoughtfull10Aso B

10、as Cbut. 語法填空12、Do you know the boy in the picture? He is Kuang Heng. Kuang Heng lived in more than 2,000 1 (year) ago in China.From the picture we can see: at that time, he was in worn clothes, and sitting at 2 wooden table with a pile of books on it. A little weak light came 3 through a small hole

11、 in the wall. He was reading carefully.This is the well-known story from the ancient Chinese idiom. Kuang Heng was so poor 4 he couldnt even afford a candle, so he 5(dig) a hole in the wall to steal light from his neighbors house 6 (read) at night. The moral of the story tells us that we should try

12、7 (we) best to learn knowledge, but never be discouraged 8 (easy), no matter how difficult the situation may be.Of course, things 9 (be) quite different today, but we should remember that hard work pays off. We should take pains to improve ourselves through learning and get 10 (prepare) for our futu

13、re. 閱讀理解A13、People with disabilities make up a large part of the population. It is reported that over 35 million Americans have physical, mental, or other disabilities. About half of these disabilities are “developmental, that is to say, they happen before peoples twenty-second birthday, often from

14、born conditions, and are hard enough to affect three or more areas of development, such as movement, communication, occupation, etc. Most other disabilities are considered “adventitious (偶然的), i.e., accidental or caused by outside forces.Before the 20th century, only a small percentage of people wit

15、h disabilities survived for long. Medical treatment for these disabilities was unavailable. Improvements in medicine and social services have created a climate in which people with disabilities can expect to have such basic (基本的) needs as food, shelter, and medical treatment. Unluckily, these basics

16、 are often not available. Human rights such as the right to vote, marry, get an education, and achieve work have traditionally been not agreed on the basis of disability.In recent ten years, the disability rights movement has been organized to fight against these disagreements of human rights. Congr

17、ess(國會) replied by passing important laws recognizing(承認) people with disabilities as a protected group under human rights laws.It is reported that more than half of qualified(有資格的) Americans with disabilities dont have work, and a lot of those who do work are out of work. About two-thirds live at o

18、r below the official lowest level.Obvious difficulties, especially in communication and public awareness(意識), prevent disabled people from taking part in society. For example, while no longer stopped by law from marrying, a person unable to communicate is excluded(排斥) from society and social activit

19、ies which might lead to the development of long-term relationships.Only when public attitudes(態(tài)度) advance as far as laws have, disabled people will be fully able to take their rightful place in society.1. A “developmental disability _.Ais caused by forcesBhappens in youth and affects developmentCdev

20、elops very slowly over timeDis getting harder and harder2Most disabled people used to die early because _.Athey were not very well looked afterBdisabilities destroyed body functions terriblyCthey were too poor to get right treatmentDmedical treatment were not available3The sentence “Still today, peo

21、ple with disabilities must fight to live their lives freely.” should be placed at the beginning of Paragraph _.AOne BTwoCThree DFour4Which of the following cannot be inferred(推斷)from the passage ?AThe public tend to(傾向) look down on the disabled people.BMany disabled people may remain single(保持單身) f

22、or their whole life.CThe disabled people feel inferior(不及) to those common people.DDiscriminatory(歧視性) laws prevent the disabled from mixing with others.5The best title for this passage might be _.AThe Causes for DisabilitiesBMedical Treatments for DisabilitiesCThe physical difficulties of the Disab

23、ledDDisadvantages of People with DisabilitiesB14、In the United States and Canada, people enjoy entertaining at home. They often invite friends over for a meal, a party, or just for coffee and conversation. Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite someone to their homes:“Would you lik

24、e to come over for dinner on Saturday night?”“Hey, were having a party on Friday. Can you come?”To reply to an invitation, either say thank you and accept, or say youre sorry and give an excuse: “Thanks, Id love to. What time would you like me to come?” or “Oh, sorry. I have tickets for a film.”Some

25、times, however, people use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not real invitations. For example:“Please come over for a drink sometimes.”“Lets get together for lunch soon.”“Why dont you come over and see us sometime soon.”These are really just polite ways of ending a conversation.

26、 They are not real invitations because they dont talk about a specific time or date. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly. To reply to expressions like these, people just say: “Sure, that would be great!” or “OK, yes, thanks.”So next time you hear what sounds like an invitation, l

27、isten carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?1Which of the following is a real invitation?AWhat can I do for you?BHow about having lunch with me sometime?CWe are having friends over for my birthday on Sunday. Would you and your parents like to come?DWhy dont you join

28、 me for a cup of tea some day?2What would you answer when you really want to accept an invitation?AThat sounds great.BThank you for inviting me. Im sorry I have something important to do.CThank you very much. Id be glad to. What time would you like me to come?DI wish I could, but I have to study har

29、d for the exams.3What would you say when you want to refuse an invitation?AFine. Try and keep an evening free for me next week then.BIts very nice of you to invite me. Id love to.CI would like to have you to go with me for dinner next weekend.DIm sorry. Ive got to go to a meeting.4How can we tell th

30、e difference between a real invitation and an expression that sounds like an invitation? A real invitation _.Ahas a fixed date or time Bhas no exact date or timeChas friendly expressions Dhas rude expressions5“Or say youre sorry and give an excuse” : “excuse” in the sentence is_.Aa verb Ba noun Can

31、interjection Dan adjectiveC15、Advertising means to draw peoples attention to something. It is a central feature of our lives. Sales depend upon it. So does our knowledge of what is available. Read the following adverts and see how much you understand them.Secure: 安全的;牢固的 mowing: 割草1About what they a

32、dvertise, we can safely say that _.AAdverts I and advertise two productsBAdverts and IV advertise servicesCAdverts II and advertise beliefsDAdverts I and IV provide jobs2From the above material we know _of the adverts are trying to be price competitive.A1. B2. C3. D4.3If you want to repair your hous

33、e, you can call_.A4442-37058 B0732-605-041 C232-567 D150-0004Its clear that _.Aa newspaper uses one of them in its own newspaperBall of them advertise for the largest number of customersCall of them list the pricesDall of them have included contact information5From these examples of adverts, we can

34、know that _.Asome adverts are provided by newspapers free of chargeBnewspaper is the most common means of advertisingCadvertising is an expensive businessDadverts should attract customersD16、AInformation about the movie theaters in townPriceHowSeatsThe movie ticket at Zhongshan Cinema is 15 dollars.

35、 A ticket for a child is half. Its 14 dollars at Wanda MovieTheater, for children, free. And 13 dollars at Baima Movie world.Wanda Movie Theater is always very crowded. Many people prefer to go to Baima Movie World. But you can always get a ticket at Zhongshan Cinemavery quickly. It has the shortest

36、 waiting time.The seats at Baima Movie World are very comfortable.The seats at Wanda Movie Theater are a little hard.Zhongshan Cinemas seats are very uncomfortable. Youcant bring snacks to any ofthe cinemas.1How much are the tickets for a couple and their two children in Zhongshan Cinema?A37.5 dolla

37、rsB45 dollarsC35 dollarsD30 dollars2You are an adult. You want to see a movie with the least money. Which cinema do you think is the best for you?AZhongshan CinemaBWanda Movie TheaterCBaima Movie WorldDCambridge Theater3Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?ATickets in Zhongshan Cinema ar

38、e the cheapest.BYou can sit most comfortably at Wanda Movie Theater.CYou can take snacks to the movie theaters.DTickets can be got easily in Zhongshan Cinema.E17、 A day is made up of hundreds of small decisions. Ill wear this; Ill buy this; Ill have this for lunch; Ill go there at 3 oclock; Ill repl

39、y to this e-mail.For some people, its not a big deal. For others, however, making decisions isnt easy. They agonize over what to do, changing their minds back and forth. and second guessing themselves even after the decision has been made.Emily was in the restaurant with her husband. After several m

40、inutes of reading the menu , she said , Um , lets see. I dont know what to order. Maybe Ill have the burger; no wait, the pasta seems good. Or, maybe the soup and salad. Don, what are you ordering? OK; that sounds good ; Ill have that too. Don often gets annoyed (惱怒的) .He doesnt understand why she f

41、inds the simplest decisions so difficult. He sometimes makes decisions for the two of them. But Emily gets annoyed with him for being so controlling. But wed never decide anything if I left it up to you, he argues.Good decision-making is a skill that comes easily to some people, not so easily to oth

42、ers. Choices are confusing. Choices can make you anxious. They can cost you peace of mind, even after youve made the decision. The skill of good decision-making has become increasingly important. Why? Because we have a lot of choices, both with the simple and the serious things in life.Decisions for

43、ce us to close the door on other possibilities. Accept that you cant have it all. You cant order every delicious dish on the menu. And there will be paths not taken, things not experienced. Let the past be. Live in the present where what you do today will make a difference.Its often good to think th

44、rough your decisions, but dont overdo it. More thinking is not always better thinking. Too much research may lead to confusion. Sixth sense can help make decisions as good as careful study of endless data(數(shù)據(jù)) , sometimes even better.Some decisions dont work out as expected ; this doesnt mean that yo

45、u made a bad one. You decide to go on a cruise (油輪旅行) . You choose a large and beautiful ship. Everything should work out just right. Only you didnt count on a bug that spread through the ship, making you and your family sick for five clays. You felt terrible for making such a stupid decision. No. Y

46、ou did not make a stupid decision. Its just that sometimes the unexpected happens.Try to make your decision. After all, its your special experience.1The words agonize over in Paragraph 2 probably mean .Athink about a difficult decision carefully and with lots of effortBstick to the big decision that

47、 you have madeClet go of the decision that you have madeDfear to make decision out of uncertainty2The writer mentioned Emily and her husband in Paragraph 3 to .Acriticize Emilys husband for controllingBshow how annoying indecisiveness could beCintroduce how hard it was to decide what to eatDexplain

48、the difficulty Emily had when making a decision3What can we learn from the passage?AWe should think about all the possibilities before making a good decision.BNeither research nor data may help people with decision-making.CSometimes unexpected situation may waste a good decision.DPeople feel terribl

49、e when making decisions.4Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?ADo you have difficulty making decisions?BAre you good at making a difficult decision?CCan you make a right decision easily or not?DWould you like to make decisions for others?F18、 I would almost rather see you d

50、ead, Robert S. Cassatt, a leading banker of Philadelphia, shouted when his twenty-year-old eldest daughter announced that she wanted to become an artist. In the 19th century, playing at drawing or painting on dishes was all right for a young lady, but serious work in art was not. And when the young

51、ladys family ranked (位列) among the best of Philadelphias social families, such an idea could not even be considered.That was how Mary Cassatt, born in 1844, began her struggle as an artist. She did not fear before her father s anger. Instead, she was against him with courage and at last made him cha

52、nge his mind. Mary Cassatt gave up her social position and all thought of a husband and a family, which was unthinkable for a young lady in those times. In the end, after long years of hard work and perseverance( 堅持), she became Americas most important woman artist and the internationally recognized leading woman painter of the time.1What in fact was Mr. Cassatts main reason in opposing his daughters wish?ADrawing and painting was simply unthinkable among ladies in those days.BHe did not believe his daughter wanted to work seriously in art.CLadies of good families simply did not become


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