廣東粵人開心版五年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Review 1課件_第1頁
廣東粵人開心版五年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Review 1課件_第2頁
廣東粵人開心版五年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Review 1課件_第3頁
廣東粵人開心版五年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Review 1課件_第4頁
廣東粵人開心版五年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Review 1課件_第5頁
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1、ActivitiesReading and wrtingTask: Make a class calendar Review 11Listen, read and circle.AIn summer, its January. windy. hot and sunny.BMarch is after July. before April. cloudy.CMy birthday is November 14th. in spring. February 7th.Activities1Listen, read and circle.DWhats the date today? the weath

2、er like? winter holiday?EIts June. rainy today. December 2nd today.ActivitiesActivities2Listen, look and circle.Activities3Read and write.I like November. Fall is my favourite season. Its windy, but its sunny and cool. Also, my birthday is in November 19th. Hey, do you know what day is it today? Tha

3、ts right. Its my birthday! Im 12 years old today.3Whats the girls favourite season?_Fall.Whats the weather like in fall? _Its windy, but its sunny and cool.12Read and write.Activities3Whats the date today?_Its November 19th.How old is the girl? _She is 12 years old.34Read and write.Activities4Listen

4、, read and circle.Awindy body fly rainy day myBMay city sunny say cloudy playCpen ten green rainy friend manActivitiesReading and writing1Look, listen, and read.China is a very big country. There are many different kinds of weather. Some places are very hot and some are very cold.Reading and writing

5、1Look, listen, and read.Hainan is very hot. There are lots of beaches. They are so nice. You can swim there.Reading and writing1Look, listen, and read.Tulufan is in Xinjiang. Its very dry. Its near the Gobi Desert.Reading and writing1Look, listen, and read.Huangshan is a famous mountain in Anhui. It

6、s very cloudy there. Its very beautiful, too.Reading and writing1Look, listen, and read.Its often wet in Guangdong. There are typhoons. When theres a typhoon, theres thunder, lighting, wind, and rain. Its safe to be inside.2It rains a lot in Tulufan._It rains a lot in Guangdong.You can swim in Huang

7、shan._12Change the underlined words to make correct sentences.You can swim in Hainan.Reading and writing2Its very wet in the desert._Its very dry in the desert.A typhoon has rain, lighting, desert, and wind._34Change the underlined words to make correct sentences.A typhoon has rain, lighting, thunde

8、r, and wind.Reading and writingReading and writingLook at the pictures and describe the places.2cold dry wet windy1Its_dry.Reading and writingLook at the pictures and describe the places.2cold dry wet windy2_Its wet.Reading and writingLook at the pictures and describe the places.2cold dry wet windy3

9、_Its cold.Reading and writingLook at the pictures and describe the places.2cold dry wet windy4_Its windy.Task1Get into groups and talk about birthdays.Whens your birthday?My birthday is October 19th.Task1Get into groups and talk about birthdays.Now write here.NameBirthdayTask2Ask your teacher.Whens

10、winter holiday?Its in January or February.Task2Ask your teacher.Now write here.Monthswinter holidayspring termsummer holidayfall termJanuary, FebruaryTask3Talk about the weather in each season.Whats the weather like in winter?Its cold.Its dry.Task3Talk about the weather in each season.Now write here

11、.WeatherSeasonwinter springsummerfallTask4Choose a month and make a chart. Draw pictures to give information about the month.TaskPut 12 months charts together and make a Class Calender.5. 隨堂練習(xí)選擇最佳答案。( )1. Whats the weather like in Australia in June? Its _. A. hot B. cold C. cool( )2. Wheres the New Years Day? Its January _. A. 1st B. 2nd C. 3rdBA選擇最佳答案。( )3. Is _ after _? Yes, it is. A. spring; summ


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