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1、精選新概念英語第三冊教案-Lesson1-2新概念英語第三冊 講師:BettyPAGE PAGE - 25 -Lesson01 APumaatlarge 逃遁的美洲獅Part One: New words and expression 生詞和短語1、puma n.美洲獅 a large cat-like animallion, tiger, leopard豹, jaguar美洲虎, cougar美洲豹, cheetah獵豹, lynx大山貓, panther黑豹 2、spot v.看出, 發(fā)現(xiàn)to see or find sth with difficulty不易發(fā)覺= see, pickou

2、t, recognize, catch sightof 強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)果, 區(qū)分出, 看見, 識別, 發(fā)現(xiàn)同意詞:- find:強(qiáng)調(diào)發(fā)現(xiàn)的結(jié)果 / findout:查出事實(shí)真相- discover:做出重大發(fā)現(xiàn) / notice:注意到- observe:觀察 / watch:觀察活動中的人或畫面observe: to see and notice sth(正式) 觀察,觀測discover: to find sth already in existencerecognize: to figure out sth/sb known alreadydetect: to disclose sth hidd

3、en or in disguise 探測explore: to examine sth thoroughly in order to test of find about it Internet ExplorerSpot 點(diǎn),斑點(diǎn) a beauty spot, solar spot, - Thereisawhitespotontheshirt.spotlight, be in the spotlight Tom Cruse is in the spotlight in American film industry.A leopard will not change its spot. 江山易改

4、,本性難移onthespot有兩個(gè)含義:1 立刻, 馬上atonce, immediately- Anyonebreakingtheruleswillbeaskedtoleaveonthespot.2 attheplaceoftheaction 在現(xiàn)場- Whereversheisneeded, sheisquicklyonthespot.3、Evidence n.證據(jù)不可數(shù)名詞Evident adj.明顯的, 顯然的 / evidently adv.明顯地, 顯然Evidence = proof (n.證據(jù))- Whenthepolicearrived, hehadalreadydestro

5、yedtheevidence.inevidence 顯而易見的- Hewasinevidenceattheparty.witness 證人,judge法官,jury陪審團(tuán),court of law法庭self-evident a.不言自明的 The Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, t

6、hat among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 我們認(rèn)為以下事實(shí)是不言自明的:所有的人都是生而平等的,他們天生就被上帝賦予了不可剝奪的權(quán)利,人有生存的權(quán)利,獲得自由的權(quán)利,追求幸福的權(quán)利。4、Accumulate v.積累, 積聚強(qiáng)調(diào)積累的過程- Astheevidenceaccumulates, expertsfromthezoofeltobligedtoinvestigate.Gather vt.聚集, 把某人召集在某處- The teacher gathered his students in the cla

7、ssCollect vt.搜集, 采集 - Do you collect stamps? Yes, I collect stamps as my hobby.n.業(yè)余愛好Assemble v.集合, 集會 / 裝配- A large number of people assemble on the square.Hoard vt.大量的儲存 - hoardup = storeup 儲藏- Thesquirrelhoardsupnutsforthecoldwinter.amass vt.積聚主要用于詩歌和文學(xué)作品- The clouds amassed above the hills5、Obli

8、ge v.使感到必須feelobligedtodosth 感覺有必要做某事- I feel obliged to say no to his demandbeobligedtodosth 被迫做某事- They were obliged to sell their car to pay their debts off.debt n.債務(wù)compel: to make people have a particular feeling or attitude 9-years compulsory educationdrive: to make someone feel or do sth bad

9、or unpleasant drive sb nuts 把人逼瘋了6、hunt v.n.追獵, 尋找 huntfor 搜尋,尋找hunt for a job, job hunter, head hunter, bargain hunter, go hunting forsearch 搜尋某處為了尋找到某人或某物- The police were searching the forest for the missing boy.runafter 強(qiáng)調(diào)追趕, 追求 - look, a dog is running after a cat- what are you run after in you

10、r lifeseek = pursue v.追尋(理想)chase v.追趕 - They are chasing a thief / They are running after a thief7、blackberry n.黑莓 / berry n.漿果8、humanbeing 人類 mankind in the long history of the mankind human race menbe動詞 存在 to be or not to be 是生存呢,還是滅亡?being 1) creature god being, animal being2) existence come int

11、o being形成,成立 for the time being眼下,目前9、corner v被逼到墻角里,使走投無路, 使陷入困境 作為動詞, 經(jīng)常使用被動語態(tài)- Thethiefwascorneredatlast - Theproblemcorneredme. A cornered beast will do something desperate.corner n.角落 - atthecornerofthestreet - inthecorneroftheroom - onthecornerofthedeskaround the corner: is coming cut corners

12、走捷徑,抄近路10、Trail n.一串, 一系列 a trail of a trail of mud/bloodWherever he went, the playboy left behind him a trail of broken hearts.trail vt. 跟蹤, 追蹤= follow- Thepolicetrailedthecriminaltotheplacewherehewashiding.11、Print n.印痕 paw print, finger print12、Cling v.粘 clung, clung, clinging- Sheisalwaysclingin

13、gtohermother. - Heclungtothehopethathewouldsucceed. 他懷有成功的希望stick v.粘住 - stick the envelopn.信封 stickto堅(jiān)持 - stick to the plan / stick to ones promisen.許諾 sticky adj.粘的 - sticky fingers13、convince v.使信服1convincesb ofsth - I convince him of my honesty.n.老實(shí), 正直 我使他相信我的老實(shí)。2 beconvinced that - I am convin

14、ced that she is honest girl.adj.老實(shí)的, 正直的14、somehow adv.不知怎么搞地, 不知什么原因= bysomemeans, insomeway, forsomereasonunknown- Ill get the book back somehow. 無論如何我要把這本書取回來。- I got lost somehow 不知怎么搞地, 我迷失了。Somewhat adv.稍微, 有點(diǎn), 有些 = alittle- The price is somewhat higher than I expect.high adj.高的15、disturb v.令人

15、不安disturbing adj.令人不安的 / disturbed adj.感到不安的surprising adj.令人驚訝的 / surprised adj.感到驚訝的exciting adj.令人沖動的 / excited adj.感到?jīng)_動的Part Two: Text 課文Listen and answer the question: Where must the puma have come from? Must have happened or must be表推斷或猜想 a probability based on logical reasoningThe puma must h

16、ave escaped from a private collection. 這頭美洲獅肯定是私人豢養(yǎng)的。這個(gè)結(jié)論是在有了很多線索之后作出來的。整篇課文也講述了越來越充實(shí)的證據(jù)accumulating evidence。講述專家從不太當(dāng)真not taken seriously,到不得不去調(diào)查feeling obliged to investigate,到最后完全肯定的一個(gè)過程fully convinced。那么這些證據(jù)究竟有哪些,又是怎樣影響了專家的看法,大家在學(xué)習(xí)過程中要理清這些脈絡(luò)。Now lets look at some language points.下面看一下課文的語言點(diǎn)。Lang

17、uage Points: 1、A puma at large: be atlarge ( a dangerous person or animal having escaped from somewhere and may cause harm) 逃遁的, 沒有被控制的,可能給別人帶來傷害。此處,at large作后置定語。 - The thief is still at largeat large 詳細(xì)地= indetailn.細(xì)節(jié), 詳情 - I need talk to you at large at large 總體來講= asawhole- The students at large

18、 are hungry for English.escape逃跑,flee away跑開,scatter away:四散跑開,evade tax逃稅,desert ones army, cut class 逃課2、Pumasarelarge,cat-likeanimalswhicharefoundinAmerica.cat-like 貓一樣的, 偷偷摸摸的, life-like 栩栩如生的,mother-like, childlike(lovely), childish(immature)be found (there be): 產(chǎn)于,分布3WhenreportscameintoLondonZ

19、oothatawildpumahadbeenspottedforty-fivemilessouthofLondon,theywerenottakenseriously.表示看或看見的短語:spottedto notice something very difficult to see, or find something being looked for看見不易看見的東西,發(fā)現(xiàn)了正在尋找的東西, have seen最常用, observed(書面化)I spotted someone coming out of the building.一般來講定語從句和同位語從句緊隨在被修飾名詞的后面,但為

20、了保持句子平衡,也可把謂語動詞放到從句之前1 定語從句只是對于被修飾詞的補(bǔ)充說明、修飾- 定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞:- 指人:主語who;賓語who, whom;定語whose- 指物:that也可以指人/ which- 時(shí)間狀語:when / 地點(diǎn)狀語:where / 原因狀語:why2 同位語從句那么是講述被修飾名詞的內(nèi)容- 同位語從句的引導(dǎo)詞:- 名詞(做主語、賓語等):關(guān)系詞用that而不是which- 時(shí)間:when;地點(diǎn):where- 定語從句中沒有what這個(gè)關(guān)系詞,但what可以引導(dǎo)同位語從句- Anideacametoherthatshemightdotheexperimentina

21、notherway. - Ihavenoideawhathashappenedtohim。能連接同位語從句的名詞有:belief, information, fact, suggestion, idea, problem, doubt, order, rumor, discover, evidence, opinion, conclusionsouth of 在以南theywerenottakenseriously人稱或指示代詞的替代含義要回到句子的切近局部去尋找它的中心含義。takesth seriously = dealwithsth seriously 認(rèn)真地對待某事- I always

22、 take your suggestions seriously.takesth lightly/slightly 草率地對待某事- Dont take the hot potato lightly.4However,astheevidencebegantoaccumulate,expertsfromtheZoofeltobligedtoinvestigate, forthedescriptionsgivenbypeoplewhoclaimedtohaveseenthepumawereextraordinarilysimilar.However語篇標(biāo)識詞However adv.然而(起轉(zhuǎn)折作用

23、) As 連詞:隨著, 當(dāng).之時(shí) for說明原因,不置于句首。as 不強(qiáng)調(diào)原因的重要性,since既然,弱因果關(guān)系A(chǔ)ccumulate: to gradually increase over a period of time逐漸增加或積累Fell obliged to do sth經(jīng)常做書面語must, have to, have duty to do something because of a law or a rule or situation,必須,有責(zé)任、有義務(wù)做某事 I felt obliged to invite him. claimed to have done動詞不定式完成式

24、,表達(dá)它所表示的動作發(fā)生在謂語動詞之前。be similar to sb in character,bear a resemblance to resemble father 酷似父親 take after father 隨爹口過去分詞做定語:- the descriptions given by people- the story told by the sailor (n.海員, 水手, 船員)5、Thehuntforthepumabeganinasmallvillagewhereawomanpickingblackberriessawalargecatonlyfiveyardsawayf

25、romher.Hunt捕獵,在文中指搜尋go on a deer/fox hunt 獵鹿/獵狐 hunt for second-hand books淘書 job-hunting 找工作Pick 采摘pick cotton, We need to pick someone reliable. 挑選 pick and choose挑挑揀揀 pick nose/ears/teeth挖掏剔Where a woman picking 定語從句- IstillremembertheschoolwhereIstudiedEnglish.6、Itimmediatelyranawaywhenshesawit,a

26、ndexpertsconfirmedthatapumawillnotattackahumanbeingunlessitiscornered.Corner: be forced into a situation that is not easy to escape陷入一個(gè)困境,被逼得走投無路Confirm = besure = becertain (confirm vt.確定)Unless it is cornered = if it is not cornered (unless如果不, 除非)- He will accept the job unless the salary is too

27、low.A:May I have the loan? B: 除非 you offer good security. A. But B. Unless C. Provided如果 D But for要不是. 如果選Unless: If you offer good security, you may not have the loan7、Thesearchproveddifficult,forthepumawasoftenobservedatoneplaceinthemorningandatanotherplacetwentymilesawayintheevening.Prove: turn o

28、ut to be 證明是,原來是不及物動詞The rumor proved false.They proved her innocence.證實(shí)及物動詞。他們證實(shí)了她是無辜的。8、Whereveritwent,itleftbehinditatrailofdeaddeerandsmallanimalslikerabbits.把某物留在后面:leavebehind- Wherever he went, the wound left behind him a trail of blood.9、Pawprintswereseeninanumberofplacesandpumafurwasfoundcl

29、ingingtobushes.Cling-clung-clung, cling to: to stick to sth tightly粘在上His wet shirt clung to his body.She clings to the belief that her husband will come back. 固守,堅(jiān)持她固執(zhí)地相信她的丈夫會回來。beat around the bush拐彎抹角,旁敲側(cè)擊10Severalpeoplecomplainedofcat-likenoisesatnightandabusinessmanonafishingtrip plainaboutthe

30、weather 抱怨天氣不好complainof a headache 報(bào)告、訴說某種情形on+名詞:強(qiáng)調(diào)動作正在進(jìn)行- ontherise 在上升 / ontheincrease 在增加- onthewatch 在觀看 / onthematch 在比賽中- onthefishingtrip 在釣魚的途中 / onholiday 在度假10、Theexpertswerenowfullyconvincedthattheanimalwasapuma,butwherehaditcomefrom?Fullyadv.充分地, 完全地= completely = entirely 11Asnopumash

31、adbeenreportedmissingfromanyzoointhecountry,thisonemusthavebeeninthepossessionofaprivatecollectorandsomehowmanagedtoescape.sth be inthepossessionofsb = sth be insbspossession 某物歸某人所有(主語是物)- Thebeautifulcarisinmypossession.= The beautiful car is inthepossessionofme.Sb be inpossessionofsth 某人擁有某物(主語是人

32、)- Iaminpossessionofthebeautifulcar.in possession of 做表語- Thepersoninpossessionofthebighouseisexcited. in possession of 做定語in the authority of 由管轄 in the care of 由照看 in the charge of 由負(fù)責(zé)takepossessionof 擁有11、Thehuntwentonforseveralweeks,butthepumawasnotcaught.Went on = lasted last vi.繼續(xù), 持續(xù)12、Itisdi

33、sturbingtothinkthatadangerouswildanimalisstillatlargeinthequietcountryside.Disturb: 打攪interrupt, Sorry to disturb you. Do not disturb.本文指worry 令人不安,令人擔(dān)憂 Itisdisturbingtothinkthat. 一想到就心理不安wildtame馴服 wild cat 大型貓科動物 stray dogs野狗 domestic animals 家養(yǎng)動物 domestic violence 家庭暴力Part Three: I. Key Structure

34、s簡單句、并列句、復(fù)合句本文主要由復(fù)雜句構(gòu)成:要理解一復(fù)雜句最重要的是搞清句子的結(jié)構(gòu),然后通過連接詞,分清主句和從句的關(guān)系。就是說,要把握主句和從句的位置,而主句和從句的關(guān)系是由連接詞來判斷的。However, as伴隨主句同時(shí)發(fā)生 the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for表示原因 the descriptions given起到定語從句的作用which have been given by people who claimed to have seen the

35、 puma were extraordinarily similar.So please review the complex sentences in the text and see how the link works work in those sentences.II. 英文中表達(dá)事實(shí)客觀性時(shí),往往使用被動語態(tài)。下面來看看被動語態(tài)在課文中的使用。When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken

36、 seriously.The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.Pawprintswereseeninanumberofplacesandpumafurwasfoundclingingtobushes. 主補(bǔ)As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this on

37、e must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. 主補(bǔ)Part Four: To sum upTopic: 在今天的中國養(yǎng)寵物也成了流行的事情,在英文中把養(yǎng)寵物的人叫做a pet person。如果你問Do you have a family? 他會告訴你:Yes, we have a daughter, a son and two dogs.在西方寵物的概念比我們所了解的更寬泛,可能會有些野生動物。西方環(huán)保主義者反對把動物關(guān)在籠子里 Environmentalist

38、s dont think that wild animals should be kept in cages. 于是,西方國家中會有專門的game park或game preserve 專門的野生動物園,比方美國的Jersey Zoo,還有各種保護(hù)瀕臨滅絕動物的組織,organizations to protect animal from extinction. Idioms:Only when you experience the pain of pain, can you enjoy the happiness of happiness. 吃得苦中苦,方為人上人Go with what y

39、ou are. 勇往直前Part Five: Homework P17 Exercises 5,7,10,12Supplementary exercises1. The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made .火災(zāi)新聞之后是來自現(xiàn)場的詳細(xì)報(bào)道。a. on the spot在現(xiàn)場 b. on the site在某個(gè)場所 3. on the location在某個(gè)地點(diǎn) d. on the ground在地上Summary writing: The reports received by London Zoo t

40、hat a puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London were similar in nature. A woman picing blackberries saw it first, but the puma moved from place to place, leaving a trail of dead deer and small animals. Paw prints and puma fur were found as well. Cat-like noises were heard at night and t

41、he animal was seen up a tree. Now experts were convinced that the animal really was a puma. Lesson02 Thirteenequalsone 十三等于一Part One: New words and expression 生詞和短語1、equal v/adj. 等于,與相等beequalto +名詞equal adj.不相上下的- MaryisquiteequaltoJohninbrains.瑪麗可以和約翰在腦力上相匹敵。-Wealth is not equal to happiness. beeq

42、ualto doing:有能力, 有力量來做某事to是介詞- I am equal to running the company.EEOC: Equal Employment Opportunities Commission中國學(xué)生容易犯的錯(cuò)誤 vt. equal A等于B AequalsBEqual vt.與.相匹敵 - Noneofuscanequalher, eitherinbeautyorasa dancer.2、vicar n.牧師,英國教區(qū)的小牧師, rector某個(gè)教區(qū)的神父小牧師,priest神父羅馬天主教教堂,pastor (基督教神父)curate副牧師curates eg

43、g 有好有壞 The book is something of a curates egg.bishop主教也指國際象棋中的“象,archbishop 紅衣大主教,Pope羅馬教皇,clergyman神職人員Is the Pope a catholic? (a humorous way to say sth is clearly true and certain) Do you think theyll win? Is the =sure3、raise v.募集,籌款raise kids養(yǎng)育小孩,raise money 募集資金,raise the roof怒發(fā)沖冠rise vi. The S

44、un Also Rises (written by Ernest Hemingway) A Farewell to Arms/ Concubine永別了 武器/霸王別姬提高 - raise the price 提高物價(jià),飼養(yǎng)、供養(yǎng) - raise a horse飼養(yǎng)一匹馬,種植 - raise wheat種植小麥召集、招募 - raise an army招募一支軍隊(duì),提出、發(fā)出 - raise a cheer 發(fā)出歡呼聲 cheer n.愉快, 歡呼4、torch n. 手電筒 carry a torch for sb 暗戀 Do you know Ive carried a torch fo

45、r you long? Why not carry on?Part Two: Text 課文Listen and answer the question: Wasthevicarpleasedthattheclockwasstriking?Why?Yes, he was quitely pleased because the clock was working again. Striking a long hour is better than not striking at all. 故事中這個(gè)人幫了倒忙,夜深人靜時(shí)響起了鐘聲。但是,這個(gè)小店主辛辛苦苦地連夜修鐘,雖然后果不太理想,但是他的舉

46、動也讓人不忍心責(zé)備。何況修的是教堂的鐘,于是牧師也只好在13與1中劃一個(gè)等號,算是撫慰這個(gè)好心人。So from the grocers intension, striking thirteen times was as good as striking one time. In this term, thirteen equals one.Language Points:Thirteen equals one. Equal: v. Two plus two equals four. Adj. All men are created equal. Equal pay for equal wor

47、kn. Our boss treated us all as equals. (平等的人)Ourvicarisalwaysraisingmoneyforonecauseoranother,buthehasnevermanagedtogetenoughmoneytohavethechurchclockrepaired.be always doing sth (not satisfied) 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)和always等頻度副詞搭配時(shí):表示說話人帶有某種的情感色彩 Tomisalwaysdoinghomework. 湯姆總是做家庭作業(yè),怎么也做不完。Tomalwaysdoeshishomework.

48、湯姆總是做家庭作業(yè),不拖欠作業(yè)。Heisalwaysmakingnoises. 他總是吵吵鬧鬧,真煩人。be forever doing 不厭其煩 Peter is forever talking about his girl friend.cause n.1原因,緣故cause and effect 2) sth you support 支持的事業(yè),事項(xiàng)its for a good cause.做善事oneoranother:表示這樣或那樣- for one reason or another 出于這樣或那樣的原因- at one time or another 在這樣或那樣的時(shí)間- in

49、one way or another 用這樣或那樣的方法getenoughmoneyto do sth 募集足夠的資金做某事- Ihavetogetenoughmoneytohavemyhouserepaired.I have enough of it!=I hate it so much! cant /can never do sth enough I cannot thank you enough.感謝不盡havesomethingdone 被動叫做,1找某人來做某事- havethechurchclockrepaired- havetheplanerepaired/ - havehair

50、cut2某人所遭受到的意外某種情況主語必須是發(fā)出動作的人- Hiswalletwasstolen. Hehadhiswalletstolen. have sb do 讓做主補(bǔ)have sth to do 有要做后置定語I have another fish to fry.(I have to go), take a French leave不辭而別Thebigclockwhichusedtostrikethehoursdayandnightwasdamagedmanyyearsagoandhasbeensilenteversince.usedto:(did a lot in the past

51、but has been given up now)過去常常做,而現(xiàn)在不再發(fā)生的事情。be/get used to doing 習(xí)慣于 be used to do sth被用來strike, struck struck/stricken strike hours/matches/sb to strike twelve=to twelve strikeStrike while the iron is hot.趁熱打鐵 strike sb as odd 給某人留下奇怪的印象His death strikes us as odd. be struck by her beauty 被吸引day and

52、 night=night and day 知識點(diǎn):反義詞詞組表示對照,通過相反的概念而強(qiáng)調(diào)整體。up and down, back and forth, black and whiteever since引起完成時(shí),自此damage:事物被損害,injure 人身體上受傷害hurt人心靈上受傷害silent: soundless, still: no motion, quiet氣氛上的安詳: a silent film. The letter “h I “hour is silent.Onenight,however,ourvicarwokeupwithastart:theclockwasst

53、rikingthehours!However - 在口語中, 主要用于句首;在作文中, 最好用在句中、句尾。要用逗號分隔開來。However = Nevertheless (adv. conj.) = Nonetheless (adv.)wake up with a start Start n.vt.驚跳, 驚起- The noise made him started. (suddenly or slightly surprised)surprised (general saying), astounded (very surprised), astonished (very surprise

54、d), amazed (extremely surprised)Youre amazing. 你真是太不可思議了褒義。 stunned (程度最深)Looking athiswatch,hesawthatitwasoneoclock,butthebellstruckthirteentimesbeforeitstopped.before:直到才;足足才- Nearly a week passed before she could explain what had happened to her.before you know it 口=sth will happen soon Armedwith

55、atorch,thevicarwentupintotheclocktowertoseewhatwasgoingon.Armedwithatorch表狀態(tài)的形容詞,過去分詞。分詞做狀語/定語的時(shí)候,一定要注意它和邏輯主語要照應(yīng)一致Whats going on? Whats up? What gives? Nothing much. Not much. armed to the teeth She came to the meeting armed with all the facts and figures.Inthetorchlight,hecaughtsightofafigurewhomhe

56、immediatelyrecognizedasBillWilkins,hetorchlight借著手電筒的光 in the moonlight 在月光下in the sunshine 在太陽光下in the candlelight 在燭光下May I use your bathroom?借用衛(wèi)生間。非正式用語中whom可以省略掉recognizedsomebodyas 認(rèn)出某人是regardsomebodyas 認(rèn)為某人是 / thinkofsomebodyas 認(rèn)為某人是treatsomebodyas 把某人對待為 / haveonsomebodyas 把

57、某人尊敬為catch sight of 一下子看見了lose sight of 看不見了in sight 看見了 The victory is in sight.勝利在望。fall in love at the first sight=Hit it right off.local government 當(dāng)?shù)卣甽ocal time 本地時(shí)間WhateverareyoudoinguphereBill?askedthevicarinsurprise.Whatever中的ever用來加強(qiáng)語氣 Whatever it is?管它呢,不管怎樣。 and whatever 等等What on earth/

58、 What the hell are you doing up here?Imtryingtorepairthebell,answeredBill.Ivebeencomingupherenightafternightforweeksnow. Yousee,Iwashopingtogiveyouasurprise.Have a try!=Have a go! 試試看。nightafternight 一夜連著一夜 dayafterday 一天又一天 =day in day out,yearafteryear一年又一年weekafterweek 一周又一周 busafterbus一輛車接著一輛車Yo

59、ucertainlydidgivemeasurprise!saidthevicar. You certainly did. 肯定句中常用do, did, does加強(qiáng)語氣和情感色彩一定要位于動詞原形之前- You do like nice today. 你今天看上去確實(shí)很不錯(cuò)。- I do like you. Youveprobablywokenupeveryoneinthevillageaswell.aswell用在句尾相當(dāng)于too, 主要用于肯定句中, 但比too所表達(dá)的語意更優(yōu)秀。- You looked nice yesterday and you look beautiful as

60、well today.Still,Imgladthebellisworkingagain.still用于句首, 用逗號分隔開來, 表達(dá)一個(gè)轉(zhuǎn)折的關(guān)系:雖然如此, 但是 =all the same=just the sameThatsthetrouble,vicar,answeredBill.Itsworkingallright,butImafraidthatatoneoclockitwillstrikethirteentimesandtheresnothingIcandoaboutit.There is nothing I can do about it = I am at a lose wh


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