外研版一起點(diǎn)四年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語 Module 2 Unit 2課件_第1頁
外研版一起點(diǎn)四年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語 Module 2 Unit 2課件_第2頁
外研版一起點(diǎn)四年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語 Module 2 Unit 2課件_第3頁
外研版一起點(diǎn)四年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語 Module 2 Unit 2課件_第4頁
外研版一起點(diǎn)四年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語 Module 2 Unit 2課件_第5頁
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1、It costs one hundred and eighteen yuan. Module 2cost花費(fèi),價(jià)錢為形近 lost 丟失聯(lián)想 buy 買例句 How much does it cost? 它的價(jià)錢是多少?單元新詞¥20hundred一百短語 hundreds of 數(shù)以百計(jì)的用法 無論hundred前面的基數(shù)詞是否大于1,hundred都用單數(shù)形式。例句 I have one hundred books. 我有一百本書。單元新詞100Listen, point and say.1Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four.

2、Listen, point and say.1Twenty-five.Oh, no!Listen and say.2I want to buy a pen. Ive got twenty yuan now. This pen is very nice. Wow! Its expensive. It costs one hundred and eighteen yuan. This pen costs nineteen yuan. Its beautiful. And this pen costs one yuan. Its cheap. I can buy these two pens.Lis

3、ten and say.2It costs one hundred and eighteenyuan.它的價(jià)錢為一百一十八元。知識(shí)講解 句型結(jié)構(gòu)主語(第三人稱單數(shù))+costs十基數(shù)詞十貨幣單位. 重點(diǎn)解析這是一個(gè)一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的陳述句,用來描述物品的價(jià)格。cost意為“花費(fèi);價(jià)錢為”。句中的主語it為第三人稱單數(shù), cost使用第三人稱單數(shù)形式costs。此句型中的“基數(shù)詞+貨幣單位”表示價(jià)錢,如ten dollars(十美元),fiveyuan (五元)等。 生活實(shí)例 Amy和Lingling 在文具店購(gòu)物,Amy很喜歡一-把尺子:Amy:I like this ruler. It looks

4、 beautiful.我喜歡這把尺子。它看起來很漂亮。知識(shí)講解Listen,point and say31308533This bag costs one hundred and thirty yuan Its expensive.Listen and say.Then chant4Lets buy a computer!Its time to choose.Which one is good for youto use?Big ones and small ones,beautiful ones, too. Do you like this one?Ill buy it for you.Gu

5、ess, ask and answer.5Is it a pen?Yes, it is.Is it cheap?No, it isnt.Is it expensive?No, it isnt.Its in my schoolbag.Act and say.6Hello, everyone.This is atoy bear from Xiaofang. Its cute. It costs 30 yuan. Who wants to buy it?I want to buy iy.隨堂練習(xí)選出不同類的單詞。 ( )1. A. eighteen B. twenty-five C. number( )2. A. pen B. pencil C. desk( )3. A. buy B. wants C. send( )4. A. cost B. have C. helpful( )5. A. expensive B. hundred C. cheapCABCB隨堂練習(xí)單項(xiàng)選擇。( )1. Amy wants _ a book.A. buy B. to buy C. buys( )2.Ive got 20 yuan. This pen costs 118 yua


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