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1、Module Five Unit OneGetting along with othersGrammar and UsageI. 翻譯寫出下列短語勸說某人什么事勸說某人做 / 不做某事 他這個(gè)人容易被說服我盡力勸說她戒酒,但最后徒勞小心做某事 照顧 ; 照料 ;喜歡 ;愛好 關(guān)心 ; 惦念 ;在意 阻止某人做某事 鼓勵(lì)某人做某事 請告訴我一切 你在學(xué)校怎么樣我迫不急待地想見到你 我天天在網(wǎng)上聊天假裝做某事最好做了某事II. 翻譯下列句子 TOC o 1-5 h z 他的個(gè)性使他在班上很難與人相處.說實(shí)在的 ,我寧愿在家看電視,也不愿去打籃球, 因?yàn)樘鞖馓珶崃四阕詈貌灰尯⒆油砩蠁为?dú)出門那天晚上

2、我什么也沒有做,只是在家復(fù)習(xí)功課.我們期盼已久的一天終于來到了 .她不喜歡當(dāng)眾被別人作弄.當(dāng)心別喝多了 .他因作弊而被老師處罰了.他說他明天早上六點(diǎn)起床,但他是絕對(duì)不會(huì)做到的昨晚我走進(jìn)他房間時(shí), 他假裝在看書 .說到旅游 , 你到過香港嗎 ?由于有這樣一個(gè)好的機(jī)會(huì) ,他非常激動(dòng) .語法練習(xí)What is the way Lao Wang thought of enough money to buy the house?A. to get B. getting C. having got D. being gotWithout fact, we can t form a correct opin

3、ion, for we need to have actual knowledge our thinking.A. which to be based onB. which to base onC. on which to baseD. which to baseTom pretended it but in fact, he knew it very well.A. not listen toB. not to hear fromC. not to have heard aboutD. not to be listening toThe man we followed suddenly st

4、opped and looked as if whether hewas going in the right direction.A. seeingB. having seen C. to see D. to have seenHearing his words, I couldn t decide or remain.A. whether to go abroadB. if I go abroadC. if to go abroadD. to go abroadLily s mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never again.

5、A. to find B. to be found C. finding D. being found- Tomorrow is a holiday. Why are you doing your homework?- I m doing this exercise now so that I won t have on Sunday.A. forB. themC. it D. toI did nothing all day but to my friend who I haven t seen for almost ayear.A. writeB. to write C. wrote D.

6、writingWould you please leave the door open?sIt too cold here.A. notB. not to C. to not D. don t-I hear that you and your parents are going to spend your summer vocation in Beijing.- Yes, we re planning .A. toB. to beC. it D. to do itI don t think it wise the hard work that they have refused to do.A

7、. for you to take onB. of you to take onC. for you taking onD. of you taking onMy father promised to give some money and anything I want to.A. to allow me to buyB. allow me to buyC. promised to allow me to buyD. that I would ask them to buyHe spoke English slowly and clearly in class becausethey are

8、 allfreshmen.A. so as to be understoodB. to be understoodC. so as to understandD. to understandthe truth, he is not an honest man we can believe in.A. I am to tell B. ToldC. Telling D. To tella long story short, he wanted to marry her and get a lot of money.A. MakeB. To make C. Jack had made D Makin

9、g- Have you found out the telephone number I need?- Yes, but , I have sat here for nearly a half hour.A. for finding it outB. to find it outC. for finding out itD. to find it outThough it is polluted a little, yet this city with a long history is still a good placeA. in which to live B. to live in C

10、. to live D. all the above are rightWe didn t expect the plan we had made very carefully for them so coldly.A. refusedB. to refuse C. to be refused D. refusinginto the college, he had to work hard at all the subjects, some of whichhe didn t like.A. In order to admitB. In order to be admittedC. So as

11、 to admitD. So as to be admittedShe works hard catch up with the top students.A. so; as to B. very; as to C. so; to D. as; as toIt was undeliverable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just a look at the sports stars.A. hadB. havingC. to have D. havemore about university courses, ca

12、ll (910) 746- 5789 .A. To find out B. Finding out C. Find out D. Having found outAll these gifts must be mailed immediately in time for Christmas.A. in order to have receivedB. in order to receiveC. so as to be receivedD. so as to be receiving-Manager, do you have something at this moment?- No, than

13、ks. Ill call you if any.A. to be typed B. to type C. typing D. typedMark when he spoke ill of him.A. happened to be passedB. happened to be passing byC. happened passing byD. happened to passWhom are you going to have this letter for you?A. type B. typed C. to type D. been typingAlice stared angrily

14、 at the assistant and turned away, as though out of theshop.A. goneB. went C. would go D. to gowhether they will come or not.A. No one knowB. They can t knowC. There is no tellingD. There is not tellingMr. White are determined to devote all he had to some Hope Schoolsfor the poor children in mountai

15、ns.A. set up B. setting up C. having set up D. have set up 30.made all of us happy.A. Mary s married JackB. Mary has been married JackC. Mary marrying JackD. Mary s marrying Jack-Why were you late for work today again?-to the office was very slow this morning due to the traffic.A. To drive B. A driv

16、e C. I have been driving D. DrivingHe was lucky to escape to prison.A. being sent B. sendingC. to be sentD. sentJohn was caught his neighbos apples the other day.A. to steal B. stealing C. having stolen D. to have stolenThere is no point to play the piano, unless you practice every day.A. to learn B

17、. by learning C. in learning D. having learnedI really appreciate to help me , but Im sure that I can manage bymyself.A. you to offer B. which you offer C. that you are offered D. your offering IV.完形填空An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his 36 to leave the house buildin

18、g 37 and live a more leisurely life with his wife, _38 time with his extended family. He would 39 the pay, but he needed to retire. They could 40 .The employer was 41 to see such a good worker leave and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal 42 . The carpenter said yes, but in tim

19、e it was43to see that his heart was not in his work. He built the house 44 and used poormaterials. It was an 45 way to end his career.When the carpenter 46 his work, the employer handed the front-door key to the carpenter.This is your house: he said, “my 47 to you.” .What a shock! What a 48 ! If he

20、had only known he was building his 49 house, he would have done it all so 50 . Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.51 it is with us. We build our 52 in a distracted (心不在焉的)way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best. At 53 points we do not give the jo

21、b our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have 54 and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had 55 that, we would have done it differently.36. A. retirementB. problemC. purposesD. plans37. A. businessB. siteC. teamsD. workers38. A. spendingB. dividingC.

22、 enjoyingD. sparing39. A. considerB. missC. raiseD. save40. A. get byB. get alongC. get backD. get around41. A. ashamedB. anxiousC. frightenedD. sorry42. A. favorB. bargainC. presentD. reply43. A. frankB. probableC. easyD. content44. A. sadlyB. carelesslyC. slowlyD. proudly45. A. unfairB.unhappyC. u

23、nfortunateD. unlucky46. A. checkedB. discoveredC. preparedD. finished47. A. giftB. salaryC. memoryD. punishment48. A. qualityB. prizeC. shameD. surprise49. A. finalB. bestC. everlastingD. own50. A. differentlyB. quicklyC. hardD. happily51. A. ThenB. SoC. ButD. Whatever52. A. housesB. bodiesC. glorie

24、sD. lives53. A. difficultB. mainC. strongD. important54. A. createdB. facedC. improvedD. avoided55. A. recognizedB. knownC. realizedD. previewedGrammar and UsageI. 翻譯寫出下列短語1. persuade sb. to do 2. persuade sb. into doing / not to do / out of doingHe is easily persuaded.I tried to persuade her to giv

25、e up drinking , but in vain.take care to do sth.care forcare aboutdiscourage sb. from doing sth.encourage sb. to do sth.please tell me allhow are you doing at school?I can t wait to see you.I chat on the line daily.pretend to do / to be doing / to have donehad better have done sth.II. 翻譯下列句子His personality mad


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